Featured & New Tasting Notes


This sample came from Mandy. This tea seems to get quite a bit of love around these parts, so I was rather excited to try it. Jasmine is one of the few florals that I can stand, assuming it’s not overly powerful. The green tea leaves are dark blue/grey/green and quite thin, and they’re curled up slightly. There are also very thin pine needles mixed in. I used 1.5 teaspoons of leaf and steeped at 175 degrees for 1.5 minutes.

The brewed aroma is very sweet with jasmine and just a little bit of pine scent. Hmm… Brewed this way, this tea is a bit too light for me. Perhaps next time I’ll try a longer brew time. The jasmine is at the forefront, but it’s not too strong. The green tea is quite mild and buttery with a sweet edge. The pine mostly manifests as a nice cooling sensation near the end, but I can also taste hints of it throughout the sip. Overall, I can see this one being nice and comforting and relaxing, but I think I would either brew it with more tea or for longer.

Flavors: Butter, Jasmine, Pine, Smooth, Sweet

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I’m not going to go into a long review, since steepster is on the fritz anyway, but I wanted to acknowledge this beautiful tea, which has a rich flavor of melon, asparagus, pumpkin seed, & the color yellow. I originally tried it as part of the green tea sampler sent to me by the wonderful Angel, & although I rarely purchase green teas, I did buy some of this one.

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drank Lime Gelato by DAVIDsTEA
2816 tasting notes

Steepster! Are you back? Behaving yourself? Can anyone see this note? — it didn’t show up in my dashboard.

Normally I’m not a big fan of David’s Tea, I find a lot of their flavored teas are way too artificial tasting. This is nice though, I had it in their store as an iced tea, then I bought an ounce and old brewed it yesterday. It’s really refreshing, has a nice tart lime flavor and then a creamy sweetness that accounts for the “gelatoness”. I haven’t had this hot yet, but I imagine it would be really good as a dessert tea with some soymilk and sugar. I’ll be trying it that way soon. This is tasty. The combination of lime and green tea is a winner!

Iced 8 min or more

Aug26, 6pm EST i see your note.


i can see it! Aug26, 6:48pm EST (boychik i like ur style!)


Thanks for letting me know!

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After a few misses in the form of bland or super fake chemical tasting tea concoctions from other companies, I didn’t think I would ever enjoy a cupcake tea.

Leave it to Butiki!

I could acutely taste all of the flavours in this one, chocolate, strawberry, espresso…yum.

It’s one I would consider ordering at some point!

My only complaint is I found it a little thin, but I had intended to add some milk to hopefully make it a bit thicker/add a creamy note, but the baby kept me busy and I missed my chance.

Another time!

Thanks so much to Courtney for sending a sample my way!!


yum. love it!

Butiki Teas

If you would like to thicken it up, I think using 1 1/2 teaspoons would work great, especially if you plan on using milk. :)

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drank Shikuwasa Oolong by Lupicia
2201 tasting notes

I’m marking this as a sipdown even though I have a tiny bit left, because what I have left is mostly crumbs and will just be used up in a different cold brew. I’ve been cold brewing this one and it has been AMAZING. Really, really delicious and refreshing. Just lightly citrusy, and really a perfect iced tea. Would definitely buy more of this for cold brewing in the future.

Iced 3 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

Interesting…is it really greeeen tasting?


The base tea is basically the same as their Ripe Mango Oolong, I think. You’ve had that one, right? It’s the longer, pouchong-like green oolong leaves instead of the rolled ones. Not sure what makes it greeeeen tasting (:D)… I guess it’s not really very vegetal or very floral?


Haha that helps lol :)

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drank Troika by Kusmi Tea
4330 tasting notes

Sipdown! (106)

Hooray, another old one down! I generally add soy milk to earl grey blends, but I’m having this last cup without it out of respect for this tea. Wow, that sounded weird… :P

Lovely mandarin and orange flavor that blends perfectly with the bergamot, which is not overly powerful. Yum! I would keep this one around if I weren’t already keeping two of the Russian Blends. Goodbye, old friend!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Muscat by Lupicia
1324 tasting notes

Had a wonderful time on my first Lupicia store visit. Received a tea sachet of this while my purchase. It smells so good. Every time I smell it it takes me to Hawai’i. Does anyone else get a scent of coffee? It’s weird but I also get a slight smell of coffee. I like the smell of coffee but I don’t like the taste… Anyway, I’ve let mine over steep a bit. Should really just time my tea from now on cause I have a terrible sense of time and I get distracted by my cute baby easily. So the muscat is covered up a bit more by the black tea but it is still a good cup. I’m looking forward to trying this cold too!

4 min, 0 sec

Sounds interesting.

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Now that I can fully express my love of shous, I decided to brew this one up.

Method: rinse 10-10-10-15-20 and dump. Steep 20-25-30 and drink. 5 g, 4 oz, 200 degrees

I think I finally found a shou method that works for me!!!! SO EXCITED! I am seasoning my TeaVivre pot in this tea, so I decided to drink some also. I’m feeling all relaxed and mellow. Had a nice lunch with friends downtown. I have a pot of shou simmering with my yixing on the stovetop. All my pups are happy and spry today. Life is good!!!!!

This tastes like honey and caramel. I may not even needed quite so many rinses, but I was making some for the seasoning, and it all worked out. So happy!!!!

5 g 4 OZ / 118 ML
Whispering Pines Tea Company

Wait, your love of shou’s?! When did this happen?! :D


Like yesterday, Brenden. Keep up, will ya! :p


Paging Dr. Sheng…


I’ve been told it’s okay to love both sheng and shou.

Whispering Pines Tea Company

^This is the truth. ;-)

Whispering Pines Tea Company

But don’t tell sheng that! :D


A mix between the two is easy to do. A little sheng and toss in some shou will make for a happy you. What can I do as it is always true. A sheng a shou it’s all some puuuu….A small Haiku…..for you…

Lariel of Lórien

I like shou, but mostly by default.


Lol, this thread was very funnney! And yay for shou love and happiness sarsy <3


My name is Dr. Sheng. Please make a note of it, Fairycakes :p

Me? Love Sheng AND Shou? It just seems so… wrong! LOL

Really, mrmo? Do you mix them for real? I love your poem. :)


You name is Dr Sheng? My gastroenterologist name is Dr Shou, but when asked he didn’t know anything about the health benefits of Shou puerh. True story.


No way, Allan!!!! Shouldn’t a gastroenterologist know all about shou???? Especially one NAMED Dr. Shou?


Apparently not. But that is really his name.


So I’m trying Temple Stairs for the first time, and I think I agree with your method, Sarsonator. I dumped the first two, and started with the third, and dumped that about a third of the way through. The fourth was much better for me. Lesson learned.


I think it just depends on the shou, Cheri. Some do great with one rinse and some seem to have more of a fermentation flavor (as AllanK calls it) to get past. Glad it worked out for you :)

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drank Fujian Beauty by Tealux
3294 tasting notes

Tony & I are in full couch potato mode, watching the “Rise of an Empire”, which is a sequel to the 300. I’m having trouble following the storyline, to be honest. I guess it’s not really a sequel, but a storyline that takes place concurrently with what went on in the 300. So I have to be honest, I get kind of bored with movies that rely too heavily on CGI effects. Just sayin’

I’m also really tired of auto spellcheck constantly changing yixing to mixing, etc…
So, as the movie ends, I’m going to disable my spell checker. Look forward to misspelled words, but at least they will be the actual words I wanted to use, instead of some of the crazy substitutes that I’ve been getting lately.

Meanwhile, yet another sip down from the TeaFairy Collection. This really was an awesome trade!

Christina / BooksandTea

Do you just use the keyboard that came bundled in with your phone? I replaced my auto keyboard with Swiftkey, and so far I’m really happy with its ability to learn what words I tend to use.

Terri HarpLady

I use all apple products: a desk top, a lap top, an ipad, & an iphone.
Currently I’m on the laptop, but this issue is on all of them. I think my desktop is a little more intuitive, but I’ll probably disable spell checker on all platforms, because I usually proof-read things before I post anyways, & I’m pretty good at spelling. :)


Apple LOVES to change yixing to mixing.


gongfu to gong flu:)


@boychik LOL!

carol who

matchas to matches

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There was an earthquake last night, or shall I say, really early this morning. My husband and I woke up to our bed moving side to side like we were in a rowboat! And it lasted so long! Really freaky, considering I haven’t felt one like that in probably two decades. Turns out the epicenter was between American Canyon and Napa…not very far from us and the magnitude was 6.0! Our house is fine, but our kitties completely disappeared! Poor kitties! There is a bunch of damage in Napa though.

So, after all that, I enjoyed a cup of this tea this morning. Figured I should have something comforting and this hit the spot! The last time I had this one, I made it with microwaved water at work and loved it. Trouble is, I have no idea what the temperature of the water was. Someone on here was remarking that the recommended steeping temperature was too low, and I think I might agree. I steeped this one at 176 degrees for 2 minutes. It still tastes great, but I think the microwaved cup hot more flavor, and I’m assuming that cup was hotter than 176 degrees. So, maybe some trials at 185 and 195 might be in my future to really see which temperature brings out the most flavor. This time, I got more of the smokiness, and less of the cocoa. Still a great cup and it was gone way too fast!


I felt it too! It was really confusing at first, I didn’t know what had happened, but after I figured out nothing was going to fall on me, I relaxed a little. I hope your kitties are alright.


I’m glad that you are OK.


Ya, the kitties are fine. They showed up for breakfast right on time! What part of the Bay Area are you in?


Thanks, NofarS!


I’d glad that you and kitties are okay. They probably have some clever kitty shelter for such occasions. :)


Oh my…so scary. Glad you are ok!


I’m actually in the valley, so the earthquake is just a shaking, not the full on feeling of a quake. Still, if you can feel it here, you can tell its a big one. Glad the kitties came back. Breakfast is a powerful pull.

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(Backlog review from last night)

Having Second Breakfast at midnight. That’s right, I live dangerously.

What…Is there a warning somewhere that stipulates this tea should be drank only in the morning?

There, didn’t think so.

Nice fruity and malty cup, mmmmm! So good!

Crusty bread, salty caramel and cocoa notes. Sweet and mellow, but not lacking in the taste department, au contraire.

I know I’m having it at night, but I will have it in the morning eventually and it will be very kind to me.

Some breakfast teas are like a slap in the face, waking you abruptly like a loud beeping alarm clock, screaming at you «Wake up, sleepyhead!!!»

This will take a more gentle route. It will just rub your shoulder softly and whisper in your ear «wake up sweetie, today will be a lovely day…»

It’s that kind of tea. It knows how to treat you right.

Took out the big mug tonight…just needed the right gear for it:



SB in the tentacle mug is full of win! <3

Whispering Pines Tea Company

I think you are the cutest.


No, I think she is the cutest :p


Missy, it is right??

And NO!!!! Y’ALL are the cutest!!!!! <3


<3 review


I felt soothed reading this review!

Terri HarpLady

More tentacle teawares!


Another WP on the wishlist! :)


Boychik, you are sweet <3


Cwyn, you so deserve soothing… :-)

Terri, tentacles make badass teaware!!!

Inranger, it’s nom, you need this!


“Second Breakfast at Midnight”—that would be such a righteous name for a tea!

Lariel of Lórien

“Second Breakfast at the Green Dragon”.

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The tasting note from KS reminded me that this is almost a sipdown…so I decided to brew up a giant mug of it. Ahhh, bliss.

I didn’t appreciate this tea enough while I had 50 g’s of it, and was kind of looking forward to it being gone. Now that I have enough for only 1 more cup, I feel a little bit panicky. Perhaps a Teavivre order is looming sooner than I anticipated.

I don’t think I have had this. I need to put it on my next order.


It is a good one.


Ditto – it’s a good one. :))


When I first tried it, I was in love. Then somewhere along the line, I became sort of ‘meh’ about it. But now that it’s almost done, my appreciation and love has been renewed.


Nom, nom, nom.


Oui…tres delish (on mobile…no accent)…


Hehe! You’re doing great, c’est parfait :-)


Merci belle dame (no accent: pretty lady, correct translation?) :) please advise is grammar wrong…


Oh! Merci :-) A+ on translation!!


Merci…again…you are far too kind re poor en francais/en englais…I see why you are so adored…very patient/understanding/loving


Awww…now I blush…please, YOU are way too kind scribbles!! <3


Nooo!!! No blushing!!! :)
You kind and thoughtful. You bring out good qualities in people. I am grateful for people like you…very rare.

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The last couple weeks have been so hectic and stressful. Been at the doctor’s office more than we have been home. My wife has been in severe pain with acid reflux. They eliminated everything else before treating her. Thankful, but that was crazy. Then we have the building projects underway. Reroofing the mobile home should be done Monday then they start the porch on my house.

Point is, neither of us have been sleeping well. Last night we each had a mug of this at bed time. The next thing we know the puppy is fussing to be let out at 7:00 AM. Yeah Sleep!


I hope your wife is feeling better. My husband went through something similar several years ago, and it was no fun.

Is the Valerian root in this blend strong? I’d like to try it, but I can’t get past the smell of Valerian root.


Acid reflux is just awful. I’m sorry it took them so long to eliminate everything else before treating that, but I’m glad she’s starting to feel better.


K S , I had acid reflux terribly until I started drinking a cup of shou 30 mins before bedtime. It was so bad I used to wake up in the middle of the night with the reflux that would have me gasping for breath and unable to breathe for a few seconds. Have her try it for 2 weeks and see if it can help her.

Terri HarpLady

I also used to suffer with reflux, until I removed all the grains from my diet.
Regarding valerian, the aroma used to overwhelm me, but now I love it. Best sleep aid ever :)
Sending good vibes for both of you.


I’ve had it too. Lots of culprits, coffee, chocolate, alcohol, garlic etc. Hope she gets some relief soon.


I really wish my wife could drink shou for a number of reasons – most health related. Sadly, she can’t tolerate caffeine. She tries to watch everything she eats because of the reflux, high blood sugar, and high cholesterol. She avoids chocolate. Her only vice left is one cup of coffee a day. Glad I’m not in her shoes.

Terri, I’ve wondered if gluten free would help her. The sad truth is the good green leafy food she needs also attacks her. It isn’t fun to be allergic to everything.

Veronica – I have never been able to single out valerian in this or the Sleepytime Extra. This one is fruity with a (very light) touch of fennel. The Sleepytime is mostly spearmint. They are both good. This one seems more effective.

Terri HarpLady

I know about the being allergic to everything bit, I hate it. Here’s a page about problems with FODMAPS (veggies that commonly cause digestion issues)


Thanks. I’ll give it a read.

Terri HarpLady

Might or might not be helpful, but you know, spread the love, right? :)


K S – Thanks for the info! I’m going to pick this one up with my next Amazon order.

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Got a sample of this tea from the awesome Sarsonator!
Been wanting to try it for a while but whenever I order it seems to be out of stock. :S
I love the look of this tea-it’s so different. It’s curly and soft. I never imagined I’d be so amused by how certain teas looked and felt. But different textures of teas are so unique and awesome-it just makes me smile. :P
I thought this tea was going to taste a lot like the Golden Snail, but it smells and tastes a lot more like bread than sweet potatoes.
It’s smooth with hints of honey and cocoa. But they aren’t too strong in this cup at least. Maybe in a few steeps those flavors will come out more.
Noticed that a lot of people taste malt in this tea, but I’m not really getting any malt for some reason.
So, my conclusion: A lot more bready than the Golden Snails, which I actually really like. Think I will have to get more of this myself! :O Another win by Whispering Pines! :D

Flavors: Bread, Cocoa, Honey, Smooth


You can have the rest of mine. I’m so glad you like it!


Sounds really delicious.


Oh my word, really, Sarsonator? :O I’ll totally take it off your hands-wouldn’t let it go to waste! That would be awesome. Thanks!!!


Lucky you :))!! Very jelly!! Enjoy :)


Yep. I will do that for you. You know I am slow with packages, but it WILL get done :)


Yahhh!! That’s totally okay-I can wait. Ahh So excited! I really love this tea! Thanks, you’re the best!!

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Sipdown! (108)

This tea really grew on me as worked my way through the sample packets. The balance of strawberry and oolong is just perfect, and it’s a very inoffensive green oolong with no floral grossness. I will definitely be repurchasing this one with my next TeaVivre order, whenever that is. Yum!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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First, yay, for this new official Whispering Pines Great Lakes Label Shu Pu-erh, what a creative idea!!! It fits so well with WP brand name, great job Brenden :-)

I received this generous sample in my last order, thank you Brenden.

Does pu’erh still scare some of you? Like, it’s been on your mind, but you are still hesitant about it?

The descriptors “fishy, barn, leather, pond water, seaweed” revolt you?

Then give this a try. This is as smooth as can be.

The pu’erh for the non believers.

Cause it is silky and creamy beyond belief.

The dry leaf is quite unusual, all golden, just stunning .

It produces a dark warm copper brew.

First sip and I think, wow…this is so what I need right now.

Silky and velvety, coats my entire mouth with mellow and sweet.

Everything is subtle but far from being boring. I get notes of cereals, like toasted bran.

It’s also a bit fruity, dried fruits, like raisins with a soft cocoa feel.

Yum, chocolate covered raisins. It’s a little earthy and woodsy, but nothing like most shou pu’erh.

The later steeps bring a nice minty finish, that fresh mouthfeel I like so much.

This tea brings me to a tranquil and beautiful place. It warms my heart and fills my head with happy.

And yes…I will need more of this.

Thanks again Brenden for this wonderful offering…And congratulations for the launch of the Great Lakes collection!

Pics of the session:




Sounds yummy. But I am suspicious. LOL Maybe I will start busting out my shous and give them another try!


I should say that I need to get over my general fear of shous.


Well this one is taylor made for you then!


I just saw the announcement on FB. Such a great idea! Now if only September would get here so I can place my order…. :)


Hmmm… maybe. I’m certainly willing to try!


You can do it Sars. A couple of months ago you were hesitant about sheng and now you play with the shengaling on an almost daily basis. ;p

Lariel of Lórien

Okay, you talked me into it, I want some now.


Well when you put it THAT way, mrmopar. I did try a wet stored sheng tonight. Not a fan. I am also drinking a White2 shou right now. I don’t HATE it, but…

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Sarsonator, is it the earth that gets you?


Lariel, how do you feel about shou pu’erh in general?

Lariel of Lórien

I like shou… it is the puer I’ve had most.

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drank Lemon French Macaron by Butiki Teas
2816 tasting notes

I wanted to try this as a cold brew and I’m so glad I did!

It’s been in the fridge for 12+ hours and I tried it this morning, very lemony, sweet and the pastry notes even come out. It’s insanely refreshing and tasty, doesn’t need sugar at all due to the natural sweetness of the white tea. I might be drinking this cold from now on. Yum yum!

Iced 8 min or more 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML



sounds really good. I need to try it that way.


Cheri, yes you do! :)


I’ll try to do it this weekend.

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drank Irish Afternoon by Bewley's
3496 tasting notes

I ran out of my mystery Keemun so I am now making our iced tea with this. I make two gallons at a time and put it in a Pottery Barn glass dispenser in the fridge. It makes a really good iced tea, as the sugar really requires a little more heft in the leaf so you don’t lose the tea flavor and just taste syrup. I am using about five tablespoons of leaf and thee cups of sugar for two gallons. My mother made her iced tea with three cups of sugar PER GALLON, so…I’ve come a long way, baby. Actually, I drink a lot of my iced tea sans additions but this batch is for family and friends and unsweetened just won’t fly.

I keep the tea from getting cloudy by adding about 1/4 tsp. of baking soda per gallon or two. You don’t taste it, and your tea stays clear even after days of being cold in the fridge.

I decided to try to drink it as a hot tea, sans additions. The first sip or two with breakfast was okay, but then I noticed that burn in my stomach I get when I drink Assams and Darjeelings. If I added milk, there would be no problem, but I would rather get a tea that requires no additions for me to enjoy it than to add milk, so this is staying an iced tea blend for me. Those who love their brekkie teas with milk and sugar would probably enjoy it, as would I if I simply put those additions on the table and used them!


i really need to try making iced tea from a straight black lol. I have generally just been using fruit teas since i like the juice factor…but i love a good solid black iced tea


I liked this one straight and hot the first time I had it, but sometimes my stomach is just dicey with certain teas. It really is great iced, though, as a sweet southern style tea!

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My tea of the morning for the first morning of my much needed vacation. This chocolate-cherry cup of delicious is the perfect way to start my day and is brought to be my well-seasoned Vanilla Dreams yixing pot. The extra vanilla bean seasoning day was a brilliant idea Tea Hobbit.



OMG! I am drinking this too! LOL


This surprises me not at all x


another one on my list… sigh


Sil you need this one.


i need a bunch…trying to get through some of the samples i have, so that i can figure out what to place as an order when september hits and sleeping bear is back. Just wish i had them NAAAO


This tea is dreamy.


Cherry bomb :-)

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I purchased this from a stash sale quite a few weeks ago (I don’t remember whose sale it was). Not sure what I was thinking, since I haven’t really liked milk oolong or green oolong in general in the past. So it’s been sitting around, taking up one of my tins for some time now. I decided I might as well try it before I automatically move it to the rehoming box. The leaves are tightly rolled and in a variety of sizes, and the color is somewhere in the green/yellow/brown spectrum. Dry scent is grassy and vegetal with sweetened condensed milk and peaches. I brewed about 1.5 teaspoons of leaf for 3 minutes at 200 degrees.

The brewed aroma is pretty much what I’d expect from this type of oolong – buttery vegetal green with cream and some peach notes. And the taste is pretty much along those lines, too. I do appreciate that there’s not really much floral here, even in the aftertaste. It is definitely too light in flavor for my tastes. I will say that this tea tastes creamier and more milky than any other milk oolong I’ve tried, so that’s nice. But it’s still a “no” for me. :)

Flavors: Butter, Cream, Floral, Peach, Vegetal

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Whispering Pines Tea Company

Woww, this is an old tea! Haha :P


Do you have any left?

Whispering Pines Tea Company

Nope, I haven’t sold this in probably ~6-8 months.

Cameron B.

I have some more, Blodeuyn.


I’ll swap something with you for it, even if it is old.


What Cheri said. ;)

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Strawberry espresso cake?! OH MAN THIS IS AMAZING.
There is a campino candy element there as well, but the espresso balances things out perfectly. Another thing I like about it is the light texture. Given the nature of coffee, it could have been made into a thicker brew, and that may have been overwhelming for me.
It has been a very long time since I felt so moved by a tea… so I am definitely a happy sipper right now! This is my first steep though. I’m already looking forward to the second one :)
Ahhh sadness. Now that it’s cooling down a bit, I find the coffee a tad too strong. Next time I shall try adding a dollop of brown sugar as suggested!


I second that Stephanie! :D:D


This sounds so lovely!


TeaBrat, it seriously is! I’m floored, to be honest. Did not expect to adore a coffee blend haha


it’s not really a coffee blend imo… not like your typical blend that tosses in beans and goes..voila!


Sil, nope. Stacy would never do that to us hahaha. The only other “coffee” blend I’ve tried was awful. Coffee puerh from David’s

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drank Organic Green Tea Powder by Teavivre
1719 tasting notes

I am wondering if Teavivre found a new supplier for this. This is a brighter green and has a lighter flavor than my last batch. I like this better.

Today the hammers and saws are supposed to start on my property. Reroofing our mobile home next door first, then I finally get my porch. May get loud around here for a while so I am enjoying the quiet peaceful morning with green tea powder and milk.


I would love to have a nice porch. My dream dream house has a wrap around porch.


Mine, too, Cheri! Down here in the South EVERY house ought to have one, but not many do. What a dream that would be, a nice, deep wraparound porch!


I agree about the wraparound, nice dream. Doesn’t fit our house or my wallet but I’d like to have it. When we lived in the mobile home we had a 10′ × 20′ porch built. I lived on it. The house is getting a 10′ × 38′ – the width of the house. Can hardly wait. I’ve always loved sitting on a porch when it storms.


The cottage I spent all of my summers at had a screened in porch. It was perfect for watching storms from (unless it was really blowing) or sleeping on. One just had to be careful for drips. (This cottage was literally a tiny log cabin, and everything leaked.)


Cheri, sounds like heaven… except for the drips.


We sit on the porch also during the storms.


That’s the one thing I miss from our Shabby House summer—the deep front porch with a rocking chair and the way it sounded in the rain.

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This is a rock tea from the Wuyi Mountains. Expect greatness from a good quality Da Hong Pao.

And this one is nothing short of greatness.

It’s expensive but totally worth it. I was very lucky to have gotten it during Tao Tea Leaf 50% off sale. Bought 150g cause I knew an award winning Big Red Robe could only mean good news. Now I wish I had bought double!

Using 5g in small yixing clay pot.

The leaf is as dark as night.

The brew has this lovely orangey amber colour.

The scent is very fragrant. The taste is like burnt toasts with honey and molasses. Thick mouthfeel, full bodied. Very rich and tasty.

Someone very knowledgable with rock tea pointed out that I should find bitterness in a good Da Hong Pao.

I don’t get bitterness at all, but I realized that what he referred to as “bitter” is probably the burnt and charred taste I get, my own interpretation of it anyways.

You can actually taste the minerals, it’s even a little salty.

It’s a beautiful tea, worth devoting time to.

I like it so much, I will use it to season a very small 70ml yixing pot I just got.

Pic of the session:


Flavors: Burnt, Char, Honey, Mineral, Molasses, Toast


Mmmmm sounds great. I’m adding this to my wish list.


Is that the Eco-Cha yixing? Sounds like it’s already having fun :]


I love mineral and slightly salty in a tea. <3


I was so stupid to get only 25g of this tea :(
But hey I never tried it
I think I like Bei Do even more;)


Love the set up as usual!


Ubacat, it is totally worth having!

Kiwidelight, it is the eco-cha! I will keep it for darker oolong such as Dancong, but my mini-me pot will by for rock tea :-)


Boychik, don’t feel stupid…we say we want ALL the tea but we can’t really do that you know? Lol, at least you got some…and how much of the Bei Dou did you get? See, now I was stupid, cause I got none of it!!!


Same. 25g. I’ll save some for you to try;)


Thank boychik <3

Hi shutao :-)

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drank Ruby Pie by Butiki Teas
2291 tasting notes

Oh yeah this is a favourite. I gave my BFF her teas tonight, and made us a pot of this to share while she cleaned the frogs and I dealt with whatever it was I was doing.

I’m drinking the second steep right now, actually.

We both really REALLY like this tea. I highly recommend it. I love the slight tartness, the strawberry, the custard. Yum.

(3 min for first steep, 4 min for the second)

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 18 OZ / 532 ML

… cleaned the frogs?


I am reluctantly taking care of frogs for someone right now. Reluctantly because they are so noisy.


Memily, I thought the same question. :) I wondered if it was slang for something or if maybe I’m just really ignorant about frog care.


And really it’s their habitat that gets cleaned. We don’t give the frogs tiny showers. ;)


i wanna see you give frogs tiny showers…


Maybe I should do a kickstarter. “I will make a video of me giving frogs tiny showers.”

Butiki Teas

Would totally donate to that :D


I might have to get crafting, then. They’ll need little shower stalls, scrubbies, and wee shower caps. ;) Maybe I could make as much as the Potato Salad Guy!

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