drank Muscat by Lupicia
1324 tasting notes

Had a wonderful time on my first Lupicia store visit. Received a tea sachet of this while my purchase. It smells so good. Every time I smell it it takes me to Hawai’i. Does anyone else get a scent of coffee? It’s weird but I also get a slight smell of coffee. I like the smell of coffee but I don’t like the taste… Anyway, I’ve let mine over steep a bit. Should really just time my tea from now on cause I have a terrible sense of time and I get distracted by my cute baby easily. So the muscat is covered up a bit more by the black tea but it is still a good cup. I’m looking forward to trying this cold too!

4 min, 0 sec

Sounds interesting.

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Sounds interesting.

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Cupboard updated: 7/27/2023

Tea Profile:
Allergies: Almonds and Dairy.

I’m a purist but I will try a flavored as long as it doesn’t have artificial flavors.

I will drink any type and love to taste whatever I can get my hands on.

(Purple is not a type of tea it is a cultivar known as TRFK 306/1)



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