Featured & New Tasting Notes
sweet potatoes and bread and..honey? Thanks for sending this one my way dexter While it’s a lovely tea, I prefer the way the eldergrove blend tastes. This was one that i would have picked up, so i’m happy to be able to cross it off my list, though it IS tasty. Keep up the great work brendan! :)
This…Tea…Is…Awesome! I know I tend to love just about everything I try. But really almost everything I have tried of late has been really good. Admitting that – This one may well hold the record for the most malt I have ever smelled in a sample pouch. The leaf is gorgeous. I think it is better looking than the picture. Less orange, more tan, than Teavivre’s Golden Tips but every bit as beautiful. It tastes like liquid malted milk balls. I can’t decide if I am really tasting the chocolate coating or if the mental image is just too hard to shake. The first cup is super smooth with zero bitterness and zero astringency. The second cup is far less malt. It has a slight edge with a mineral note and a fruitiness in the aftertaste.
Thanks once again for another brilliant review Kevin. Thanks for the order donkeytiara, I’ll be sure to include some free samples of black tea.
donkeytiara – Pretty sure this wasn’t that expensive ;)
What-Cha – my wife who seldom tastes tea (because of caffeine) took a sip of this and went, “Whoa!”
Stephanie – I’ll try and set a little back. Just don’t bank on it ;)
Wow, great to hear it induced such a reaction from your wife who isn’t a tea drinker. Although I don’t like to play favourites with my tea, I have to admit that it really is my favourite black.
Never mind, I found it: http://theeverdayteablog.blogspot.com/2014/08/what-cha-nepal-2nd-flush-2014-golden.html
I don’t live a cup-half-empty life. My cup is always full (of tea!!!)
Method: I was in a rush b/c of problems with my dogs this AM, so this was something like 1/2 tbsp per 8 oz, 1 and 2.5 minute steeps. 200 degrees. French press.
And this is soothing my nerves in the most lovely way. It’s a little fruity and quite refreshing. I’m glad made a giant thermos for work! It has a nice astringency on the finish that is pleasant along with a mild sweetness. Yum!
I’d like to thank Angel & Teavivre for sharing a generous sample of this tea, as well as the white tea cake I sampled earlier today. This is a really delicate looking tea, & I poured the entire sample into my glass test tube steeper, giving it 1 min at 194, with a few resteeps. The original steeping was really very nice, & I’m guessing that the reason this is called peony is because of the floral taste of it. It is floral, and more flavorful that I recall white teas being, so either I’m sampling better more flavorful white teas, or I’m getting the proper parameters down, or maybe I’m actually developing a taste for white tea? Either way, I enjoyed the initial cup, & the resteeps were also ok, although they gradually took on a little bitterness.
dexter sent me this one as i really want to place an order with WP but when i built my cart it was several hundred $ lol Soooo dexter helped me out with a few samples from her cupboard of WP teas that were on my “want to try” list. I love this tea. I enjoyed multiple steepings of the sample dexter sent me and loved it. Oak, cocoa, vanilla..and a truly delicious base. I think my only “complaint” about this tea is the price :( It would for sure be a birthday sort of splurge tea for me – to be enjoyed. Thank you so much for sharing this with me dexter! delicious!
I agree on the price. I always want to try the new “vanilla dreams” teas, but they’re just too expensive for me.
don’t get me wrong, i can appreciate that quality sometimes costs more, but i’m not sure i can personally justify it, at least not as often as i’d want too :(
Absolutely. I just feel that I would rather buy multiple teas or more of a tea I love for the same price. :)
Im HOPING to be able to make my more expensive teas available as 1/2oz in the next few weeks or so. It’s ridiculously laborious to blend the teas that contain Tahitian Vanilla…takes about 30 minutes per ounce. :/
Does the multiple steep make up for price? I hardly ever re-steep “flavored” teas (I understand this is blended not flavored). If you can multiple steep it, does that help offset cost. (I haven’t tried this one yet…) Happy that you like it. :))
Dexter….so yes and no hahaha my dilemma is that sometimes, I don’t WANT 36+oz of the same tea
Brendan – totally understand, and this one is lovely…I can appreciate the time and effort that crafting a tea can require.
Cameron – if/when Brendan has the half ounce option, I suggest trying it at the very least as a little splurge :) it’s quite lovely with the vanilla… This is more what I was hoping for with the verdant blends this month a la vanilla style
Sil, I will definitely consider trying this one and Cocoa Amore if there’s a half ounce option. :)
And those stupid Verdant blends angered me! The vanilla was such an afterthought in all of them except maybe the tieguanyin…
I understand that Sil – I agree don’t always want 4 big cups of the same tea. To save leaf/cost, should we be making 4 steeps of small cups. Make four 4oz cups rather than four 8oz cups? Do we need to change our habits to save money and make these more affordable?
Dex….probably…but I find unless I’m doing gongfu…I want my big delicious mugs of steaming tea….or else it cools too fast for me lol
What?? Those are two of my WP faves! I might have to splurge on this (and Cocoa Amore, naturally) in October for a birthday present to me…from me….I just won’t think about it too hard ;)
Yay for October birthdays. This blend sounds good for that season too. (I rather liked the Ailaoshan Black, almost as much as Fujian S’mores… I mean Black Tea.)
Interesting discussion here…my own personal reflexion on it, is that for me, each buck is well spent only because those vanilla dreams teas make me happy beyond what they cost me. And I’m at a point where I like to drink less of everything, and more of my favourites. So in the end, again for my own personal situation, it’s not more expensive cause I have stopped ordering from many other companies and stick to the very few I want to drink tea from like forever!! Having said that, I understand that they do not fit every budget. But I will happily cut somewhere else, before I cut on my WP orders :-)
I’ve always wanted to sample the WP teas too but since most are black I doubt I would stock them on a regular basis.
TeaFairy, I know what you mean about drinking more of your favs. I’ve been reaching for lots of my favs lately too.
Ubacat, you can order a sample pack for $5. Not all of the teas are available as samples, but a lot of them are :)
Teafairy – totally understand that, and i’m pretty sure that’s where i’ll end up once my life isn’t so hectic. For right now, i hate to waste money on teas that are a “luxury” if i know i’ll struggle to find time to actually have time to myself to sit and enjoy them, instead of the teas i drink while at work to make work more enjoyable with happy tea moments. Work tea sometimes gets forgotten, and i wouldn’t want to do that to my special teas :)
I’m with you, Sil. I need to have a stock of teas that are great in travel mugs or if left to cool, plus some teas I adore that I can just sit and sip on when I get home from work or have a lazy morning. :)
I went to bed at midnight, slept like a vampire at dawn, although I vaguely remember a zombie walk to the bathroom at 6 or so, Ms Theresa trying to convince us to get up & “get things done”. Little Terri flipped her off, somebody set an alarm for 10 am, & we returned to deep sleep & weird dreams, finally waking up at 9.
Shower, pick baskets full of produce from my neglected garden, (photos sometime later today on FB, for those interested), breakfast, & this tea.
I love this tea. I need this tea. A nice long relaxed gongfu session, loaded with serious chaki, as if I were drinking a good sheng. This tea is savory, like Master’s Han’s Wild picked, but fruitier, like concord grapes, & juicy. There’s much more to it, & I’ve reviewed it before, & now I have a student warming up, so I’m gonna go teach. I’ll be multitasking all day: Seasoning yixings, washing laundry, roasting tomatoes, making food for tomorrow, hopefully knitting on my newest pair of socks, playing my harp a bit, & then sleeping like a vampire again. I’ll be drinking tea throughout (except for the sleeping part, LOL)
“Purple Black”…interesting.
Do share a link for the photos, when they are up!
Best wishes for today’s lessons.
stop on by :)
Sipdown! (126)
I’m trying the other half of my sample Western-style this morning. The lovely Stephanie was nice enough to answer my questions regarding water volume, steep time, et cetera. Thanks Steph!
It’s pretty delicious this way, but I’m sad to say that I prefer the gong fu preparation. Aww, I wanted the lazy way to be better! Lol. Either way, this is one super delicious shou from Mandala and I will definitely be ordering some once I’m off hiatus! :D
Edit: I just wanted to throw this out there – this is basically the shou version of Golden Orchid. So lovers of that tea should definitely try this one. Just saying! ;)
Shenging with The Monk 2012 again tonight.
I’ve written many reviews, so please see previous notes if you want to know how it tastes like. Tonight, I just want to share some thoughts.
Just love how it makes me feel. L-o-v-e-i-t. It embodies all the reasons why I love sheng.
I covet it. Cause 2012 is no longer available. And the fact that I sit on two cakes doesn’t make me feel any better. The day I run out will be a sad day. Hopefully, I’ll be sitting on a few 2014 cakes by then, and life will be good again :-)
I want to take this opportunity to thank Garret and Mandala for the outstanding quality of their product, but mostly, for the exceptional customer service I receive on every purchase.
It means a lot to me, and they have earned my loyalty. They are at the top with very few other sellers for me. And I don’t say this lightly.
So Garret, if you read this: thank you.
I drink your tea every day, and my life is better because of it.
Pic of the session:
oh golly… my face hurts from smiling and from being bright red right now. I want you each to know that I find you amazing. This thing I call a tea business would not be possible without each of you being a part of the Mandala. Truly. Your words, your kindnesses, your business too, all keep me going in this. No kidding.
I am so grateful.
Congrats Garret! With so many satisfied customers, the future of Mandala Tea looks very bright – another American entrepreneurial success story!
I picked up 50g of this on the Anniversary Sale. I wish I had taken a gamble and ordered more than that, because this is really good!!!
I find the jasmine scent and taste nice and strong, and the sheng sweet and clear. I am interested to see how the re-steeps will taste. I am impressed though, I love jasmine green tea and sheng makes total sense to add jasmine to. Recommended!
Like I really need the tea you’ve just sent, let alone any more.
I’m drowning in tea
Absolutely drowning in tea
No where to put it all
I don’t more tea
I got this tea in the latest round of TeaVivre samples. I believe I was supposed to get their Chamomile Rose Silver Needle, but since I don’t like floral teas, Angel was nice enough to send me this one instead. This tea isn’t currently listed on their website. The buds look very similar to the non-organic version that I tried yesterday – they’re very fluffy and puffy with little silver hairs coating them. Dry scent is very hay-like and sweet with a distinct oat or grainy note. I noticed that the packet recommends a lower brewing temperature of around 170 degrees, but I wanted to brew these in the same way as the non-organic version so I did 185 degrees for 3 minutes.
Mm, I’m finding that I love silver needles teas. The brewed aroma conjures up visions of honey-drizzled pastries with oats and almonds. The first thing I wrote for the taste was “creamy fantastic”. And it’s totally true, too. Creamy oats and light grains with a bit of honey – I am definitely reminded of soy milk. The nice pastry and almond notes from the aroma are present here as well. There’s also something very marshmallow-like about this, even though it’s not that sweet. I can almost taste vanilla here in a very mild sense. Yums! I don’t really get the fresh melon or cucumber notes from the other silver needle, but the depth of creamy lovely flavor is fantastic. :D
Thanks TeaVivre!
Flavors: Almond, Creamy, Grain, Hay, Honey, Marshmallow, Oats, Pastries, Smooth, Vanilla
Tea of the morning… yum! I must live in one of the only places in the US where it’s cold in the middle of August. Our summer usually comes around September – October and I am definitely looking forward to that!
Looking for a job is scary, but I have a new motto as of this morning: Fear is only a feeling!
So there…
Anyway this is a great morning tea, assams are one of my absolute favorites for waking up. This morning I’m getting some notes of sweet potato and light tobacco. This is good with a bit of coconut sugar. Now off I go to make a phone call I got about my resume :)
its usually cold some of the summer here, just not this summer. I am trying to sipdown my various bits of assam so I can get a new favorite one for fall, I just don’t know which that will be!
I’ve written rapturous notes about this tea before. It was my first “OMG this is so freaking good I must have so much of it that I never ever run out” (or just OMG for short) tea. I’ve neglected it as of late because I have MANY of those OMG teas now: Special Dark, Golden Orchid, Cocoa Amore, Bailin Gongfu, Wild Monk, etc. And I have a staggering amount of this. I’m so glad.
I read Dexter’s note on this when I woke up far too early this morning and craved the thick honey sweet malty bready slightly spicy flavor that is this cup of love. Usually when I’m this groggy and half-awake, I do something simple: make water hot, dump tea, drink tea.
It’s been too long for this tea, so I got out my beautiful pink flowered pot and its matching cup. I pre-heated the pot and the cup and overleafed the pot and brewed up 16 ounces of pure golden delight: http://instagram.com/p/r1cWGsQx61/?modal=true
I’m sitting here sipping and mmmm-ing. Blissful! And this is playing in my head as I sip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EgB__YratE
Thank you Dexter for reminding me how much I love this.
Updated to note that I went through those 16 ounces of love so quickly and loved it so much I’m making another pot.
@Cheri I love that song too and it was just playing in my head as I drank this
Dexter – I’m so glad yuo had this and wrote that note. I may have it for breakfast again tomorrow
Stephanie – isn’t it pretty?? I love on it all the time
Well, I don’t think I’ll be drinking any more of it, so I’ll toss it in with your next order in exchange for the Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong :)
It’s been hot here for the last couple of weeks and I haven’t been drinking much hot tea. It was significantly cooler today, and I drank a BUNCH of hot teas.
I feel like I’ve been writing negative or just ok tasting notes all day. Wanted to end the day with something GOOD.
This is beyond good – this is a great tea. It’s beautiful to look at and it’s beautiful to drink. There are tons of tasting notes about it, so I’m not going to go into long boring details. It’s just a great sweet potato, grainy style black tea.
This makes me happy tonight. :))
My Teavivre order finally arrived on Friday! That same day, I got an email from Mary at Teavivre checking to make sure that everything arrived in good condition, which was really nice. Good customer service for sure!
I was excited to try this tea as it’s so highly regarded here on steepster. The leaves are small, dark, and twisted and smell malty, yeasty, and somewhat like cocoa. They yield a very bold sienna brew. The sip is dominated by a very strong sourdough bread note, much like I get from Verdant’s Laoshan Black. The taste is grainy up front, morphing into sourdough with subtle hints of honey and cocoa. The finish, though, was quite tannic to me, which was a slight minus in my book.
Flavors: Bread, Cocoa, Grain, Honey, Tannic
I love that they email to make sure everything is there and okay. I feel like if something wasn’t okay, they’d replace it immediately. They have good customer service.
Lewis and Clarke TTB
So excited to finally get to try this.
First steep is light and sweet, honey, nectar, bread, and caramel, silky smooth mouth feel.
The second steep starts to get a bit darker. Honey, bread, caramel, but now there’s also raisins and a touch of cocoa hiding at the edges. I accidentally forgot this one and left it steeping for 10 minutes with no bitterness or astringency.
Wow honey. The third steep is like pure honey and nectar. I’m at my dad’s and using his microwave to heat the water so it’s probably only ~185F. But it’s still delicious.
One of things I’m most looking forward to when I receive the box is getting a change to try Whispering Pines teas.
KiwiDelight, is there something from them you’re really looking for? I am sending a package out to you already. I could include some of those that I have….
Oh no Cameron and Cheri, you guys don’t have to do that. I’m more than ok with what’ll be in the box ^^;
Kiwi, well I assume we’re supposed to replace the tea we drink anyway, so I might as well add something that you’ll like to try. :D
That would be great! :D Whispering Pines is on my “must buy from” list and my hiatus is such a painnnnnnnn
Kiwi-The only WP in the box is this one. But I think between Cheri Cameron and I we should be able to contribute a nice selection for you (:
Cheri, I wouldn’t mind trying Cocoa Amore, but it’s a pretty expensive tea so I understand if you don’t want to spare it. :P
I was at my cousin’s last night for dinner and drank some red wine which is something I hardly ever do. Sure enough, I woke up this morning with a headache and didn’t sleep so well last night. I don’t know what it is about red wine that bothers me, maybe the histamines? So I guess today will be a pretty mellow day unless I manage to go back to sleep!
I’m having a pot of this ceylon this morning along with a bowl of steel cut oats. This is one of the best ceylons I’ve ever had, it puts the others to shame that are still languishing in my cupboard. Such wonderful richness with cherry flavor and evergreen sort of notes. It’s very distinctive and I’m sure I will want more once this package is gone!
I have zero experience with Ceylon teas but I’ll definitely add this one to my wishlist. Sounds delicious! :D
Hah, that’s okay, I’m not taking in any tea right now anyway. Must get to 100! :P
I’ll be sure to ask you for other recommendations from Single Origin when I do end up ordering from them. :)
I don’t know if it is Single Origin or the estate, but both of their offerings from the Amba estate are the best Ceylons I’ve ever had.
I’ve had some really nice ones lately too. My current favourite is from Lumbini estate. It’s all cherries and chocolate.
I wish we could take credit for this tea! Amba is an amazing tea estate, Beverly (the estate manager) goes to such extreme lengths to ensure a high quality product. She even sends me her own tasting notes for each batch of tea so I can do a comparison (along with weather info on the estate as well as news).
Amba is the reason that I created Single Origin Teas because there were no providers in the United States (now there are about 3-4). Amba creates micro batches of tea and really allows for the maximum amount of transparency about what goes on in the estate.
To a few of my wholesale clients I even sell Amba Coffee!
Like pretty much every Sunday mornings, I’m drinking GO in bed, “giant mug style”.
That’s right….Sunday mornings are not for tiny Vanilla Dreams pot. No. On Sunday, big is better.
Cause I just can’t get enough of this liquid chocolate tea. Yes, gooey fudgy vanilla tea of my dreams. GIMME MORE!!
Miaow cup for a miaow tea :
I enjoyed sharing morning GO with you. I’m seasoning another VD pot RIGHT NOW and I’m also adding my big fat vanilla bean.
Mj, that’s the “fairy way” :-)
Haha! Marzi, that WAS funny!!
Tealizzy, thank you :-)
Brenden, I always wondered if french cats wore a beret… now I know!!!
Cute mug. I can’t wait to try this tea. It’ll happen one of these days.
MzPriss, I love that you’re adding a vanilla bean for seasoning your pot. Great idea!
Missy…I ALWAYS enjoy sharing with you…and ALWAYS will <3
Which other pot did you end up choosing for it?
French cats are apparently also existential: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q34z5dCmC4M
I’m going to use my slightly bigger one with an awesome pour. It’s in one of the pics on my flickr or tumbler or one of those things. It’s the same Eternal Beauty shape but it’s the darkest, biggest one.
@Cheri – that was Brenden’s idea (like a lot of the good ideas are). It’s gonna be amazing. Cheri, didn’t I offer to send you something? I’m packing boxes now so remind me what it was?
Aawww poor kitty – no one loves the poor French kitty… I think that’s how Max feels most of the time…
This is what it’s like to be married to someone with a different mother tongue than you. You spend lots of time lazing around going, “What do you call Tigger? What do cows say? What do you call Canada?” (Tigger is “Tiger Animal”)
Thanks MzPriss. It might have been GO. I can’t remember for sure anymore. Hahhaha! But you’re right about Brenden and his good ideas. I look forward to hearing how the pot turns out.
ahhhh…nothing like a cup of deliciousness & the time to enjoy it.
I made one of my awesome breakfasts, & drank a couple of steeps of this one, with it’s rich malty & sweet taste, nice thick & kind of shiny mouth, hint of florals & tantalizing bitter edge. I’m sure it would be even better gongfu, but we do what we can.
The 2 yixings I ordered came this week. I started seasoning one of them for smokey zheng shan xiao zhong types, & my plans for the other one was for either yunnan or fujian, but I’m having a hard time making up my mind which.
Now I’m having 2nd thoughts about the smokey tea, & thinking I might reboil that one & start over…or maybe I’ll order another tiny teapot…LOL
Heading out to my youngest Grandchild’s birthday party (he’s 8 now), but I plan to spend the rest of the weekend in my PJs, sipping teas & getting caught up on all my favorite steepster friend’s reviews (there are so many of you!)
Here’s to leisurely Saturdays with children. (My mom used to say, “Kids spell love T-I-M-E.” She was a pretty smart cookie.)
apt…I was also sort of thinking that :)
Priss – yes! it came yesterday, & it’s beautiful, AND they included 2 yixing cups as well!
Oh Squeal!!!!! I’m all jealous and stuff. Have you decided which tea it’s gonna be for? I feel like I have this unnatural interest in your teapot. I’m like yixing voyeur girl.
LOL, why are you jealous? Didn’t you just get a new yixing too recently? :)
Anyway, I haven’t christened it yet, but I’m thinking lovely golden Dian hong types
All these years of drinking this tea and I only this week figured out that a cooler temperature (195 F) would take the heavy bite right out of the Ceylon base – not to be confused with the Cylon base as I first typed it. That bite is probably harder to get rid of – anyway I digress. I have always enjoyed the bite but now that it is gone, I’ve decided I like this smoother cup better.
My package I’ve been tracking from China has left Florida but evading current tracking. It has officially spent more time travelling the US than it did getting here. Go figure. Any one else find tracking great entertainment?
I looked for this tea at Marshall’s a couple of days ago. They didn’t have any. I was going to get you a tin!
I can be quite terrible about stalking my packages, I understand the tracking thing,
Hey, you tried, and thanks for thinking of me. Our Marshall’s never has fun stuff. I used to have to order off Amazon. Now a local world food market regularly carries a good selection of Ahmad teas.
will that work with other ceylons? I have some Dilmah that just sits and mocks me because I struggle with the bite….
Definitely try a lower temp donkeytiera. I regularly brew mine between 90-95°C (194-203°F).
KS ironically even though I don’t really care if a parcel has tracking I do watch the ones that are regularly. It sometimes is fun to see bizarrre misdirections. I did have one that was frustrating because it was lost in the system for about a month and a half. It was probably in customs for two weeks and then was lost by Canada Post somewhere.
donkeytiara agree with yyz, it can’t hurt and it just might help.
yyz, it is just bizarre to watch. From China to Chicago? Why not closer to the coast? Then to Florida before coming back to the midwest (hopefully…. soon). It doesn’t get here quicker watching, in fact in probably makes it seem slower, I don’t even need it at the moment but just can’t help but watch.
That really is bizarre. I live near Toronto and there is no consistency as to whether the parcel comes directly here or enters Canada in BC. I’ve had us parcels leaving the US in Chicago and being sent to Montreal and rather too frequently, the sorting plant decides to send my parcel to TO causing a 3 or 4 day delay. Some of the Chinese sellers have used mail services from other countries so I have to stay on top of their notes as the tracking numbers change! That’s a bizarre route for your parcel.
I’m doing a little bit of package stalking myself. Teavivre sent me a set of free samples to review, and while other people on Steepster have gotten their teas, mine is still not here. The tracking number just says that it left China on July 30th… which is so not helpful.
Christina, I’m in Mississauga and I bought during the greens and white, and the black sales. The first package is in Richmond as of yesterday so hopefully yours will be too!
Try this site http://www.17track.net/index_en.shtml. it often gives me info before the postal service sites.
Second tea of the morning. Enjoying with the LTF.
I love how reliably comforting and delicious this tea is. Sweet and malty and cuddly.
I am so very glad I got a shitload during the recent Teavivre sale. I never want to run out of this.
I don’t really get that from it, I get a lot of malt and sweet potatoey taste though. This makes me happy.
First, I’d like to thank Eco-Cha for giving me the opportunity to be one of the 10 lucky people to get a free yixing clay pot on their recent giveaway. I got my order today with such a lovely little pot! Came in a nice box, all wrapped in a pretty asian style red towel.
I am already brewing one of their tea in it tonight.
I did not know what to expect from this award winning Dong Ding. If anything, award winning won’t necessarily make me like a tea.
I do a quick rinse. This is heavily roasted so I’m expecting some big char notes, and this is pretty much what I get on steep one. Nothing special, just very roasted.
Then…vavavoom! Whoa, fruit! I get a mango mouthful. Yes I know, it’s not really supposed to be there, but that’s what I get! And it’s not subtle, I get that even from the wet leaf.
But that’s not it, this tea is kind sweet and savoury. It’s paired with creamy butternut squash…and roasted root vegetables.
Wow, it is so fragrant, every time I open the pot, I get tropical mango wafts.
As expected, it produced many steeps, but of course, I never count when I get caught up in the moment.
This tea was expensive, but totally worth the bucks.
My first Eco-Cha experience, and I am quite impressed. Quality in every possible way, with an impeccable presentation.
Thank you!
Pics of the order and session:
Flavors: Butternut Squash, Mango, Roasted
There, there
Wow I will look for mango in my next cup :-). I think the tea is soooo worth the money. Enjoy your baby teapot!
Oh, the Hatter came up with a good one here….
Being one who likes to make their premium teas last as long as possible, I made my cup with the full tablespoon of leaves, but also a run through with just over a teaspoon. Both ways made an absolutely magical cup of tea (I didn’t even have to fall down the rabbit hole…. although, on most days, I feel as if I already have…).
Brown sugar, bread crust (that really crusty French kind…), cocoa, and the light notes of stonefruit… it’s all there!
With both amounts of leaves, I steeped at least 3 times and loved every bit of it.
While I’m sure the flavours really popped with the full tablespoon, for me, it’s good to know that I can tone back the leaf if I want to make it stretch.
Utterly delightful in every way. :)
I’ll set some aside for you! I hope your Summer is going great—I keep thinking about how beautiful it must be at your summer home!
It’s nice, a little chilly. It’s 61F and low 50’s at night. Heavy comforter and pj. And lots of hot chocolate for kids. Tea for me;)
I’m weird, and actually like the cooler weather, so comfy blankets, hot chocolate, and tea sound so inviting. :)
I like cooler weather over HOT weather all the time. I can put on more blankies. When it gets too hot, there hits a point when I can’t take anything more off.
Cheri, I am totally with you. You can fix being cold, you know, unless you’re stranded out in the snow somewhere… but you can only cool down so much when it’s hot.
It felt like Fall here the other day, and I knew I was about the only person around here who actually liked it.
Humid weather makes me melt…. and then I can’t drink tea! lol
I’m dreading the time I have to come back. It’s hot and humid in Brooklyn. I like cooler weather, but common I would prefer 70 in August, not 58.
Method: The first time, I made this exactly as the instructions stated. The tea had an amazing aroma, but the flavor was just too subtle for me. So today –
3/4 tbsp, 8 oz, 190 degrees, 3 minutes, brew in mug strainer, constellation cup
Aroma: This smells like some kind of sweet dessert. It has a very familiar aroma, but I can’t quite place it, which is driving me nuts!
Flavor: Sweet and fruity, again like a dessert. I want more. MORE!!!!! It’s lovely, but I definitely think I will do 1 full TBSP next time, and see how that tastes. I may increase the time also. I think this is lovely, but I could personally use a stronger flavor. In. Yo. Face.
I agree about the cup! This tea sounds so delicious to me from Brenden’s description. And now this makes it sound even better.
Thanks, all! I do adore this cup. It is called a Four Seasons cup and it has constellations representing each season. I had to have it!
I am going to go add a bit more leaf and try a re-steep on this one. :)
Everyone is like totally mackin’ on my cup. Here you go, my dearest. They have other designs, too. Mine is the four seasons.
Make sure you give them your email to get 5% off
And it shipped pretty fast, considering the distance
I am acting a little like an idiot in Steepster chat this morning, because I have to keep myself from making every other thing I type how good this tea is….er, was. It’s gone now and I must get more.
Teavivre is quickly becoming one of my favorite companies. Really there is nothing I don’t love about them. Their staff is great, and very much in touch with the tea community. The products are superb and I even love their packaging.
I took a leap of faith and ordered 100g of four different black teas from there. Today as I have my first cup, I am feeling pretty smug and proud of myself. I also pulled out a bunch of teas from my cupboard that I am going to get rid of because really, when I can be drinking THIS, why drink THAT?