Ruby Pie

Tea type
Black Tea
Bunny Grahams (Vegan), Chocolate Chip, Hibiscus, Khongea Golden Tippy Assam, Organic Cinnamon Chips, Organic Natural Flavors (Vegan), Safflower
Berry, Strawberry, Tangy, Tart, Custard, Rhubarb, Berries, Drying, Graham Cracker, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by Tea Pet
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 13 oz / 385 ml

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156 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Awe yeah! So this was my “something to look forward to tea” today since the custom blend arrived yesterday from Stacy. In retrospect i probably should have just tried it last night since i made...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ok, confession time! I’ve always enjoyed this tea, but it’s never been a knock me off my socks sorta tea. You know what I mean, right? But I wanted to really like it because I like Sil and...” Read full tasting note
  • “My Butiki order arrived yesterday! I’ve basically been getting packages in the mail all week, and well I know you know how awesome that feels. This was one of the teas I ordered a lot of, because I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! 779. I keep craving this one, and lucky for me, based on the facts that a) it (was) stored in a plastic baggie, b) there was only one cup’s worth left in said baggie, and c) I chanced...” Read full tasting note

From Butiki Teas

This tea was created by the winner of our Custom Blend Contest. In October of 2012, we held a contest to send in ideas for a custom blend. A panel of judges chose the 10 best ideas and we created a poll on our site. The concept for this tea won the most votes, so we worked with the winner, Sarah, to create her dream blend. This version has only been slightly modified from the batch of tea that she won. Ruby Pie is designed to taste similar to strawberry rhubarb pie. The pie crust notes are immediately noticeable followed by rhubarb and lingering fresh strawberry and vanilla notes. Hibiscus adds a hint of tartness to supplement the rhubarb notes but does not overwhelm the tea. Adding some sugar will intensify the strawberry and rhubarb notes while still maintaining the pie crust notes. For a short interview on the process of making this tea, please check out:

Ingredients: Khongea Golden Tippy Assam (Black Indian Tea), Chocolate Chip Bunny Grahams (Vegan), Organic Cinnamon Chips, Freeze-Dried Strawberries, Hibiscus, Safflower, Organic Natural Flavors (Vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes
Recommended Amount: 1 teaspoon of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 212 F (boiling)

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156 Tasting Notes

15555 tasting notes

Awe yeah! So this was my “something to look forward to tea” today since the custom blend arrived yesterday from Stacy. In retrospect i probably should have just tried it last night since i made it this morning and it’s sat in my travel mug all morning because i got busy.

I’ll give it another go over the next few days as well to give stacy some feedback but overall this is pretty darn tasty :) I much prefer it over frank’s honeybush strawberry rhubarb (since i get no rhubarb taste in his, just less cinnamon than strawberry pie).

I’m glad we went with a little bit of hibiscus in this one since it brings just a little tartness to the party, which is evident in all strawberry rhubarb pie!

Holding off on all my final thoughts on this though (as well as rating it) since i don’t think my travel mug does it justice and i’m super swamped at work and therefore not half as focused as i want to be.

Really happy this is finally in my hands :)


This sounds super yummy! I love my grandmother’s strawberry rhubarb pie and it’s such a unique taste. In a tea?! Sounds heavenly!



I want this!


Posts like this make me wish I wasn’t allergic to honeybush


Strawberry Rhubarb pie is my fav, next to Pumpkin!!


it’s not honeybush hun :) this has a black base


52 teas was a honeybush and it made me sad. Though i DO need more non caffeinated teas…this is all black tea!

Emily M

I love that Stacy does custom teas. That’s AWESOME! =)
This one sounds yummy.


Really, black tea. This may cause my first order from Butiki. Does it have much cinnamon in it?


I honestly can’t recall if we ultimately decided to add cinnamon to it (it’s been a long process) but if there is, it’s very subtle. It’s not up on the website yet as Stacy was waiting for it to get to me so that i could taste it etc.. but it will be :) I highly recommend her teas! If it’s going to be a while, i can always send you a small sample star :)


A sample would be great, though I do have enough tea that I can definitely wait for it to be put up on the website. Trying before I buy might be preferable, I don’t remember if butiki does samples.


Stacy does samples with orders…rather than samples as orders if that makes sense. Though you can often order just a 1/2 ounce which is nice.


omg I want to try this one SO badly!!


Well there’s a giant bag at my place waiting for the end of the month :)


Sil… one of many reasons I’m looking forward to that weekend!! :D


Have I said yet how jealous I am that you guys are all down south? :( now I wanna go pout


March 23. Come on over!

Butiki Teas

Totally missed this note. Doh! Glad you are digging the tea! I’m so happy we went with the hibiscus too. Not too much, just enough to give it that rhubarb taste. Let me know your final notes and if you think any other adjustments are needed and I will be sending you those questions.


I’m going to try and have more on Sunday so that I can focus on it. I HAVE however, dolled out samples here and there that will be sent to a few people in the near future. haha

Butiki Teas

Great! What, you’re not saving all 168 cups worth? :P


weeellllll i figured 160 would tie me over. grin


This is really yummy!
I LOVE Strawberry Rhubarb pie and this is the Uber Perfect tea version :-)


glad you love it celebriTEA :)

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1598 tasting notes

Ok, confession time! I’ve always enjoyed this tea, but it’s never been a knock me off my socks sorta tea. You know what I mean, right? But I wanted to really like it because I like Sil and ButikiTeas.

Anywyas,this has gone from a 78 to an 88. I figured out what I needed – a longer steep time. Maybe 5 minutes? I want MORE flavour and this is just great now. Lovely rhubarb, slightly tart, slightly sweet and a bit of graham in there to weigh it down. YES. FINALLY I GET IT NOW.

5 min, 30 sec

I’ve heard so much about this tea – wish I could try it!


If you ever place an order with Butiki, she will throw in a few samples and you can request which ones. Her teas rarely disappoint.


That’s so funny-a longer steep time pretty much ruined this tea for me yesterday! Although I’m guessing it was steeping for more than five minutes, but still. Funny what works.

Terri HarpLady

It’s been awhile since I drank this one. I picked up an oz with my last butiki order, just for fun. :)


haha a 78 is a perfectly reasonable score for a tea :)


:) Well 78 means I like it, but not that it’s completely irreplacable. :P Anything over 85 means I need to buy at least 2oz of it when I order.


Keychange – yeah there’s probably a very narrow margin where oversteeping makes the flavours better before it makes it infinitely worse. I didn’t mean to steep it so long but my cat wanted some attention before I left the house.


Oh yeah, cats can do that to your tea anyday!

Terri HarpLady

and they do it on purpose!


NIce, maybe that was the “problem” I had with this tea too. I was afraid of steeping it too long because I thought the base would only get stronger and cover up the other flavours even more.

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513 tasting notes

My Butiki order arrived yesterday! I’ve basically been getting packages in the mail all week, and well I know you know how awesome that feels.

This was one of the teas I ordered a lot of, because I fell in love with it the first time I tried it and actually managed to brew fairly consistent cups afterwards. As soon as I opened the bag, the intensely strong scent of a strawberry rhubarb pie assailed my nostrils, and I basically wanted to start eating the tea itself, complete with licking the packaging. Instead, I brewed up a cup and had it the civilized way.

You know how when you’re given a fresh piece of strawberry rhubarb pie right out of the oven? And there it is, sitting all nice and triangle-shaped on your plate, and there you are with your fork or spoon or whatever, and then you take your first bite and the whole pie explodes? and the strawberries just come bursting out, dripping and oozing sticky strawberry juice all over the place? and you think screw it, and start savagely going at it with your hands? That’s how this tastes. Mmm.


Haha! That sounds scrumptious! You are making my mouth water. :-)


It made my mouth water! :)


I’m totally eating my next piece of strawberry rhubarb pie with my hands… Yup. I totally am. :)
I’ve got a bit of this in my tea drawer from a swap with Marzipan, and I think it’s time I gave my full attention to this tea.
This note was fantastic.


I’m really glad you liked it! Also, eating pretty much anything with your hands will make it taste better. Promise!

Hesper June

I always eat pie savagely. But, Rhubarb Strawberry pie I take and hide in a dark corner and mutter “my precious” to it.
Rhubarb Strawberry Pie is my Kryptonite.
I need to place an order with Butiki, I believe.

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 779.

I keep craving this one, and lucky for me, based on the facts that a) it (was) stored in a plastic baggie, b) there was only one cup’s worth left in said baggie, and c) I chanced across it tonight while migrating baggied samples downstairs and airtight packages upstairs to encourage sample drinking, I get to finally satisfy that craving! Wooooo!

If you like flavoured black teas… this tea would be an excellent purchase. Just saying.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

I’m going to have to try it :)


did i not send you some?

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1113 tasting notes

I made this into tea syrup the other night- I brewed 1 cup of tea triple strength, and then simmered the tea with 1/2 cup of sugar and let it cool. Now I’ve been adding a few spoonfuls of it to club soda…HOLY CRAP SO GOOD!

It tastes like strawberry rhubarb cream soda with a hint of tea. dies

Everyone should try this!!!

However- when I was putting the dry leaf in the steeper, I came across a particularly large piece of bunny graham…and made the mistake of nibbling it. DON’T TRY THIS AT HOME! bleh! I had to rinse off my tongue LOL


Yay! Tea soda for everyone!


:D :D :D

Roswell Strange

I guess I’m adding this on my list of things to make into tea sodas (along with DAVIDsTEA’s Coconut Grove, Butiki’s Root Beer Float, and 52Teas’ Very Big Hill Dew Honeybush).


so happy people like this blend heh


Will definitely have to try this… I’ve been thinking about tea sodas recently!


wow, I should try this!


Brilliant! I need to try this.


Awesome idea!


This sounds so good!!

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3294 tasting notes

This is Sil’s signature blend, so I’m drinking this to honor my dear Steepster Sister!! No real reason, just cuz she’s awesome! I’m also copying Cavo, cuz she drank it earlier today :)

This is interesting to drink once in awhile. It always starts out tasty, & for a strawberry & cookie (teddy grahams?) tea (I have no idea what rhubarb tastes like),the base is pleasantly bold, but I think the tartness & slight bitter edge grows as it cools, & the tart hibiscus mouth lingers…& lingers… :)


You haven’t tasted rhubarb?


You’re truly missing out on the rhubarb awesomeness.


oh man.. raw rhubarb dipped in sugar was my staple growing up…fresh from the garden…


Me too, Sil!

Terri HarpLady

Seems like I thought you weren’t suppose to eat rhubarb raw, like it was toxic if it wasn’t cooked…


It may be the rhubarb leaves you are thinking of..

Terri HarpLady

I’ve never grown it either

Butiki Teas

Terri-Nope, not teddy grahams, those are bunny grahams!

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1395 tasting notes

A couple months ago I made the ill-considered decision to eat one of the animal crackers from my dry tea leaves. Obviously, it wasn’t just the animal cracker, but also residue from the actual tea. Well, this tea in dry form was not my friend. A part of me feared I would never love this tea again, but this morning I took the bold step of brewing this up, and yes I am enjoying as I once did.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Haha yay!


Haha this is why I LOVE their company!!


that’s awesome… I’m so tempted to just say the hell with it and order through amazon even if i’ll likely be there soon haha


Well, as I have no plans to go to Miami anytime soon, I couldn’t help myself. :P I’m happy to send anything I got your way Sil.


Ooohoh oh oh!! what’d you get? what’d you get? (can’t see your pic for obvious reasons lol)


keychange I placed a Nina’s order yesterday for 4 teas and they emailed me this morning saying they were throwing in an extra 1.6oz. of 4 fruits rouges as a gift for me and my Steepster friends. :)


oh wow, how very kind of them!

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1445 tasting notes

The bunny graham is whole!!! (Every time I use more than one exclamation mark I think of Terry Pratchett’s Reaper Man, but I’m good since I’m still under five).

This tea is the sweet taste of spring, although drinking this is not bound to that season. It’s a big cup of delicious vanilla pastry and red berry goodness.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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6444 tasting notes

Thank you Courtney for helping me get a couple more cups of this delicious, delicious tea. I really loved the sample Roswell Strange sent and having it again tonight, I am still very impressed with it (Good job Sil!). It makes me really, REALLY happy that I have more on the way in my group Butiki order.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Yay! I sent you the rest of mine, but I’m getting ready for a Butiki order soon. :)


I gave in and added some to my Butiki order so if you are in need, I can send some your way :).


Haha thanks! I think I’ll survive. I have so many teas to get through as it is, and more on the way.


Says the girl with only 47 teas in her cupboard to the one with 122 :P


Hahaha! But I have a tiny wee cupboard! Half my Tealux and HI orders are “hidden” in my swap box so J doesn’t suspect cupboard “spillage” haha! You’re doing so well with your sipdowns though. :)


…says the girl with 122 teas in her cupboard where the girl with 150+ can hear…


haha. Courtney, I like how you are hiding teas. Luckily my roommate does not mind but I imagine when I move back home I will have to do the same.

And Sil, remember back when I hit 200 and said I was aiming for 150 and you suggested 175 :P. Go big or go home! Though, I got new teas today so I thought you would be happy.


ya ya you’re so awesome..blah blah kidding :) I’m just happy that i made my goal of 150 this month…since anytihng i’m bringing back from florida is “march” leaves me with quite the jump to get to 140 for the end of march, but i can do it!


I probably shouldn’t say anything or tea might just appear as it does to you :P. And you almost always hit your goal so I am sure you will get to 140 by the end of March.

Roswell Strange

*Cough*200+*Cough* I win. And by win, I mean lose. But also win.

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16916 tasting notes

Sipdown (170/174)!

In an effort to finish this guy off tonight I doubled up on the recommended leaf and used a slightly larger mug; I also added some milk. This is very good and hitting all the right notes tonight with the potent strawberry flavour and lovely black base.

I can’t believe my first experience with this one was so negative! Or rather I should say the circumstances surrounding when I drank the tea were really negative. I remember it being right around Christmas time and I had made myself this massive “breakfast at night” kind of meal with this huge plate of scrambled eggs and a mug of this. And then just minutes after finishing the eggs and this tea I got violently sick and threw everything up…

I thought that I would never not associate this tea with that circumstance; but thankfully even though that was a really unpleasant memory I’ve been able to enjoy pretty much every single cup of this since! Right now I’m all “Ruby Pie”ed out though so I’m glad this is a sipdown and I can spend some time apart from this blend. I know I’ll come back to it eventually though! It’s too good not to ;)


That can totally ruin something for you. I made the mistake of eating one of the animal crackers from the dry tea one time. The dry flavouring on the tea turned my stomach so much I avoided this one for months. Thank goodness I got over it. And yay for you enjoying it now too!


Glad I’m not the only weirdo who picks things out of the steeped tea blends to eat….haha. Like the pecans out of maple pecan oolong

This ruby pie is on my must try list! Next time, Butiki, next time


I ate one of the bunny grahams, too, just out of curiosity. It had much the same effect on me, and I haven’t enjoyed any of my cups quite so much since! I guess I’ll come back to it eventually :)


Ohh wait, I’m the weirdo who eats things out of the wet tea leaves, you guys are smart enough to do it ahead of time, haha.

Though I won’t be eating those cookie bits anytime soon I guess!

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