Featured & New Tasting Notes
I’m very pleased to present a multi-morning review of No. 49 Assam FTGFOP1 from Steven Smith Teamaker, Western style without sweeteners, milk, or cream.
Intro: I confidently ordered this tea based on LiberTEAS excellent recommendations 2 years ago:
- http://steepster.com/LiberTEAS/posts/104708
- http://steepster.com/LiberTEAS/posts/135003
After placing my order, I saw that boychik cautioned 7 months ago that the recent batch of this tea maybe on the bitter side: http://steepster.com/boychik/posts/211831#comments. I then began to wonder … Does this Assam have a consistent taste profile from year to year? … Should I have blindly ordered 4 oz.?
Per: http://www.smithtea.com/shop/black/assam
For best flavor, bring freshly drawn filtered water to a boil. Steep five minutes. A good time to practice the sitar.”
Note: The incomplete instructions do NOT specify how much tea or water. Is one supposed to assume 1 tsp. (level, rounded, heaping?) and a 6 oz. teacup, an 8 oz. cup, or something larger?
Given boychik’s warning and the incomplete brewing instructions, I was now less certain how much I would enjoy this Assam.
Leaf: Thin twisted dark chocolate-brown leaves 1.5 cm long or less with many golden tips.
Fragrance: Rich high-quality pipe tobacco
Liquor: Clear brilliant copper
Aroma: Malt, caramel & sweet potato – ah!
Flavor: Malt, caramel, honey
1 tsp. (2.6 g) / 8 oz. / 212F / 5 min:
Aroma: Robust and malty.
This is a smooth, rich, malty and satisfying Assam. However, the malty flavor overshadowed any hint of caramel and there was woodiness at the end of the sip.
Having not yet achieved the same results as LiberTeas, I then looked at previous tasting notes for this Assam and tried the following brewing recommendations:
Scribbles: 1 tsp. (2.6g) / 8 oz. / “just off boiling” (I used 208F) / 5 min:
To my taste buds, the bold malty Assam still overshadows the caramel. Near the bottom of the cool cup, the sweet caramel was more obvious. There was a dry finish with some astringency near the front of my tongue. Fortunately, the woodiness was no longer present with the lower temperature.
6 & 7-min. – not yet. 8-min – ? 10-min. produced a light-bodied cup with a similar flavor profile.
Nicole: 1.5 tsp. (3.5 g) / 10 oz. / 205F / 2.5 min:
Aroma: Malt with hints of both caramel & sweet potato – ah!
This preparation provided a bold, rich, and malty with a definite caramel sweetness and a dry finish. The cup was very invigorating.
Terri HarpLady: 1 tsp. (2.6g) / 8 oz. / 212F / 3-4 min:
3 min. produced a rich, smooth, full-bodied malty Assam with a yummy caramel sweetness. There was no hint of bitterness and minimal astringency. As the cup cools there is a honey-like sweetness. Very satisfying! Now we’re talking!! Terri’s experience reviewing this tea 12 times truly paid off!
Resteep: Not recommended.
Impression: I’m very pleased to have finally found exactly what LiberTEAS so accurately described in her tasting note. No. 49 is apparently consistent and definitely Carmalicious!
Thanks to all who contributed detailed brewing tips in their tasting notes or the comments of the No. 49 Assam FTGFOP1 thread. Your guidance was very helpful for this tea especially given the incomplete brewing instructions.
Recommendation Not having to discover the optimum brewing parameters through “trial & error” would be very helpful and greatly appreciated. Having to do so is very inefficient, wastes valuable tea, and IMHO impairs the progress and joy of tea exploration. In retrospect, it’s a very good thing that I ordered 4 ounces!
My favorite tea suppliers evaluate each crop / batch of tea every year to determine the optimum brewing parameters. This insures the best possible first impression of their tea, greatly increases customer satisfaction, and thus increases word-of-mouth advertising – the best form of advertising that money can’t buy. You never have a 2nd chance to make an Outstanding First Impression.
RO water re-mineralized with an Aptera filter http://steepster.com/teas/teaware/39532-puregen-aptera-alkamag-water-filter
Brewed western-style conveniently in a tea mug with a brew basket http://steepster.com/teaware/royal-albert/45581-old-country-roses-afternoontea-mugs
http://steepster.com/teaware/teavana/39312-perfect-preset-tea-timer (for 212F brewing)
Flavors: Caramel, Honey, Malt
I made two gallons of this iced a few days ago to keep in the refrigerator. I put it in the Pottery Barn dispenser. Guys, if you buy a dispenser, get one with a real metal spigot and not a plastic one. You will pay more but it will last years longer. Just ask Pioneer Woman. It is worth it not to have to clean up from those leaks all the time, and I love having enough on hand for guests.
Anyway, yesterday a neighbor was walking by with her wee dog and stopped a moment to chat. We have been neighbors for over twenty years but hardly know each other. I asked if she wanted to see my chickens and we called them to the gate. She said she wanted chickens, for a long time, badly!!! And now she swore she would get some. She lives four houses away but didn’t realize I had chickens before.
Today I got a text that someone was giving away five laying hens. I walked to her house to ask if she wanted them. Yes! Yes! She and her hubby came over to see my coop so they could build theirs, and….they had tea. Her husband said this was the best iced tea he had ever had in his life. His wife promised to come learn how to make it if he would get the coop built! We also gave them blueberry muffins and kefir.
The wife was very interested in my tea wall and wants to try puerh, so we are going to schedule a tea tasting soon. She said it smelled horsey but she could tell it would taste sweet and creamy.
I also found out that she has tried making kefir several times and was never successful. Thanks to Mercuryhime , I am now a kefir maker myself! So she is also going to learn to make kefir and when my grains make enough babies I am going to share them with her.
Tea makes friends. Friends make tea.
You know, I have a neighbour who says he likes tea, and recommended a store to me that did British High Tea. I’ve given him cuttings from our front yard, and should make a visit sometime to give him the seedheads from our poppies.
Maybe I should invite him over for tea as well!
I loved reading this…it really made my day! :) (and I read in your bio that you’re a homeschooling mom, which is awesome, because I, too, have my three kiddos at home. Man, I’d love to be your neighbor. lol)
Christina: do invite him! I invite a lot of people. Some don’t accept, some do. The ones who do have never regretted it, and come back for more. Most of them get addicted to tea. I had never met the man who gave me my Marans until he brought them but he is now addicted to puerh and just got another Mandala order in. LOL! He is placing a Teavivre order next!
DeliriumsFrogs: Mercuryhime and I were just talking about how we need a Steepster village, with all our pets and a wildlife sanctuary, and lots of tea, and our own gardens. Think of all the tea children frolicking in our yards, learning about the whole world from all of our wonderful tea neighbors. Have fun with your kiddos! I homeschooled all four but three have graduated and I am on my last two years with the youngest!
Well, if we can’t have a Steepster village, I would settle for a nice cabinet to store all my tea. Either that, or to secretly become ashmanra’s neighbour. :)
Cwyn: I will be there in eight weeks. Shall I pick up a jar for you?
Christina: Lots of houses in the area for sale! Come on over when you get yours! :)
Mercuryhime: I have to keep my living room relatively clean because I teach music lessons in there, and I have a small dining table in there with a sideboard, but naturally guests want to wander into the kitchen. So far no one has fainted! LOL! My house is pretty clean, but very cluttered sometimes because of all the things we get interested in. There are soooo many musical instruments and lots of craft supplies, dishes, wheat buckets and and the grinder…Clutter! And more clutter! We won’t talk about all the books…
Books are furniture. Enough said. My mom always advised that one should choose friends you’re comfortable inviting in no matter how the house looks. She was a pretty wise woman.
She was wise indeed. One friend has a much larger house that is always clean, at least when I am there. I always tried to keep her in the living room and then a couple of times she went in my kitchen (which is large because originally it was a kitchen/den combination and it has a fireplace) and each time she exclaimed that she felt so AT HOME in that room and just loved it, and it reminded her of an old timey general store. I realized that it really made her feel totally accepted and “IN” the circle to be invited into the messy but warm and lived in kitchen.
A friend of mine just came back from Peru and visited me this afternoon. He’s not really a tea drinker, but he loves when I prepare it for him. He likes the set ups, the teaware, and thinks I’m some king of tea prodigy, haha!
He doesn’t always like the tea though…especially when I try so desperately to make him like pu’erh, telling him it tastes like forest and chocolate. It always ends up tasting like “pu poo” to him. Oops. Sorry friend. I get over enthusiastic sometimes.
Today, I took it easy on him and prepared my favourite high mountain green oolong. To me, this tea is better than any Ali Shan or Tie Guan Yin I’ve had.
It’s beautifully crafted, and the leaves unfurl to perfection, looking like seaweeds.
The taste is ethereal. Floral, but not in a flower bomb mouth kind of way. It has a buttery creaminess to it that creates a sweet and silky mouthfeel. Perfectly balanced.
The minerals are intensified by the clay pot. It’s just such a lovely tea.
It’s spicy and minty at the same time. Nutmeg and spearmint.
He loved it, yay, victory!
Before leaving, he presented a gift to me. Said he was sorry not to have searched for tea to bring back for me. Instead, he brought a very special present that symbolizes friendship. A Peruvian sterling silver ring. It took my breath away. I will wear that ring with so much pride. Friendship is so precious…
Pics of the tea session…(and the ring)
Stopping by briefly to say I miss you guys!
I’ve been so busy this week, I can’t think, so here is a list of some of the teas I’ve been drinking:
Jinggu Golden Strand Pure Bud – YS
Organic Superfine Keemun Fragrant Black Tea – Teavivre
Master Han’s Wild picked Yunnan Black – Verdant
Fengqing Dragon Pearl Black – Teavivre
Zhu Rong – Verdant
Shiva’s Breakfast – Butiki
Premium Taiwanese Assam – Butiki
Imperial Moijiang Golden Bud Yunnan Black – YS
Bolder Breakfast – the Tea Spot
Yunnan Purple Beauty Black tea – YS
And probably some other ones, but that’s the teas I remember.
I’ve written actual reviews on all of these before, so that’s all I got!
I’ve had this sample hanging around for a while, I believe it was from TeaTiff originally. I’ve put off trying it because I’ve found in the past that I don’t really enjoy milk oolongs as much as other people seem to. But then again, I don’t seem to enjoy green oolongs in general, so that makes sense. I figured I’d at least give this one the benefit of the doubt and try it before I just automatically put it into the rehoming box. I was too lazy to look up parameters for steeping this, so I just did 190 degrees (the oolong button on my kettle, lol) for 3 minutes.
And honestly, this isn’t bad. The floral is fairly mellow and it’s quite creamy in texture. Something about it reminds me of buttered popcorn, hah. And the aftertaste is lovely peaches which goes amazingly with the cream. However, I find I just don’t love it. The overall flavor is too light for me, and I find myself wishing for more peaches and more cream. Ah well, I gave it a try! I only have one serving left of this, but I’ll still put it into the box since I’m sure someone will love it much more than me.
Flavors: Butter, Cream, Floral, Peach, Vegetal
I loved this tea. I did lots of short infusions. Early infusions were really creamy and later infusions were really buttered popcorny. So Good.
There are definitely a lot of people who love milk oolong. I tried one of my other samples (Mandala’s maybe?) gong fu and I didn’t love it any more than this one. I guess it’s just not for me! :)
So, if you don’t want to hear about Tre’s sorta sex life, skip to the bolded line!
I think I’ll end my night’s tasting notes with this one, and pick up the back log of notes maybe tomorrow night? I want to watch more Gossip Girl this evening, and I still need to stream tonight’s episode of Big Brother so that I can compare thoughts with Tre. Although, he’s actually in Regina right now – he left yesterday afternoon. He’s spending the next three days with a girl named Brooke (a former classmate of mine; and a sort of perpetual “crush” of his for the last year or so). He basically got booty called or whatever you call it when it’s a three day stretch of… Well, you know.
He was very elated and took some time off work to go. So, I guess I’m happy for him and, err, “little him”? Even if I don’t exactly like Brooke that much (for a variety of reasons), and if I think that he’s maybe being used to scratch some, uhh, itches? I mean, at least he’s pretty aware he’s being used?
People are weird. Sometimes sex is weird. And, I feel like I know more about his sex life than is normal for friends/roommates. I mean, I know the rather intimate details of his, uhh, first time. Is that a normal thing roommates share, ‘cause if it is I missed that memo and I definitely don’t plant to reciprocate on the sharing of details.
In other, non Tre related, news: I had to close the store with my manager a few nights ago and that was awkward as hell. It was very weird because it sorta felt like I had to hold her hand through the process: she does not normally close (in fact; she NEVER works in the evenings unless it’s a cleaning shift) so she was very out of practice with how everything was done.
It was honestly like I was closing by myself but under some weird sort of supervision, because I had to do my half of closing and then reteach her how to do her half. It’s a good thing I’m awesome (and not at all modest) though, because I was able to carry us both through closing and still get us out of the store on time and on schedule. I think I earned some major brownie points!
But enough of that!
We’re ending the night on this tasting note (and off colour rant) because it’s tasting note 1771 and that feels like a fun enough number to end up. I don’t think I can count it as a monumental number; but yeah, it’s fun.
Thanks to whatshesaid for the sample of this! I likely would not have picked it out for myself, but turns out I would have been very wrong in doing that! Why? Because this was pretty fucking spectacular. Honestly, I don’t think it’d be much of a stretch to call this the best (or at least close to) chocolate tea I’ve had – and I am not really a chocolate tea person. Rather, I’m pretty impartial to chocolate in my tea.
But this was deeply satisfying and indulgent in the most surprising of ways, with very thick, rich dark chocolate notes that reminded me of fancy truffles! And then combine that with almost equally rich notes of caramel and honey with an insanely smooth black base and an undertone of earth notes from the Pu’Erh and you have a really well formulated breakfast (or really anytime) blend that’ll have me enchanted for days.
Seriously; this should be called something more interesting than “Bolder Breakfast”. How about Seduction Tea? ‘Cause, you know, that’s much more on point. I have (well, “had” – the sipdown note for this is in my queue) one more cup of this and I definitely cannot put off having it. I need this one again! Mmm!
And so yeah, we’re gonna end the night on that semi uncomfortable and weird tasting note. Sometimes I feel like I share too much on Steepster; but at least I gave you all a heads up. Besides, this is sorta like a mostly tea focused diary for me; so I want to write about what’s relevant to my life in addition to tea. I don’t want to feel guilty about that…
Flavors: Caramel, Dark Chocolate, Earth, Honey
:D I guess it depends on how close you are as friends with your roommate! I’ve had a roommate/friend share stuff like that before, when my BFF doesn’t even share details. I don’t really care either way, as long as I don’t have to provide information I’m not comfortable sharing!
I had a roommate angrily yell at me the very, very intimate details of her first time so don’t worry, it’s not that strange. Mostly I think it depends on the person because some people like to share and others don’t. It could be worse though as my roommates and I used to hear a roommates sex life…every…single…night.
Holy cow. I’m so damn happy!!!
Method: 6 g, 6 oz, 200 degrees, rinse-15-15, sheng yixing
Aroma: This smells like a beautiful spring day on a tea farm. There is a stream, and amazing trees. The farm has happy animals, and no one eats them. You can smell their hay in the barn! Everything smells fresh and clean and there’s a sweetness in the air.
Flavor: Nom nom nom. I’m really excited about this one. It’s amazeballs!
Oh, a farm where no one eats the animals makes me happy :-) and I’m glad you liked this one, I thought my sample was amazeballs too!!!
Happy animal farm! Of Happiness! I’m HOME where ALL he good tea is and I got a Mandala box and a Whispering Pines box and my day just got a whole lot better. There is a big fat cake of 2009 Mengku Jade Dew Raw 400g in there too – so WOOT!
I missed my other two teaplets. If I can scrounge up ANY energy at all – I’m gonna sheng.
If I ever begin a tea farm with animals, I will be calling it the Happy Animal and Tea Farm. Of Happiness!
So glad you made it home and that you had some lovely surprises waiting! Missed you!!!!
How much do you love this Jade Dew?? I <3 it hard. My Happy Animals are going batshit because mama’s home!
I knew what ya meant. And I love this so very much. It’s deeeelish! And I was all happy sniffing and drinking it!
I love the way Mandala cares for these babies too Cwyn. It is a bigass cake too. Will make me happy for a long time
I think 4 cakes. I bought some more Wild Mountain Green too but I love that one so very much. And some kinds I haven’t tried before. You will be getting some of those too in your box.
Tea of the morning. First, I have to say that the dry leaves are beautiful. They’re golden and fluffy, and they smell like grain and cocoa. Really nice. I did a two and a half minute steep, and the results were glorious. The tea taste of good bread, honey, and cocoa. This is a seriously nice way to wake up! There is also an incredible smoothness to the tea which lends a buttery feel and a thickness that just takes this tea over the top. As the tea cools the flavors blend a bit more, and I find myself in the sip-sigh-smile-repeat mode of tea drinking. It’s a good place to be.
Thank you Cameron B. for gifting me this tea in the Pass the Stash 2.0 box. I love it! This one’s going on my shopping list.
Today was a grey day with no rain…I much prefer rain.
I went in the woods to get bad vibes out of my system. I saw all kinds of beauty, and it filled my head with positive energy.
Never underestimate the power of nature.
I promised myself I would try some of my new high end dark oolong from Toa Tea Leaf.
Tonight, I chose this “almond” Phoenix Dancong. Another miracle of nature.
How does a tea get so naturally floral and nutty is beyond comprehension.
I would say this has pretty much the same profile as honey orchid oolong, except it is not as sweet, and more nutty. Roasted nuts, with an orchid opening and a light astringent finish.
This type of oolong has to be brewed with very short steeps, otherwise, it turns bitter.
The wet leaf smells like a luxuriant garden of lilac and orchids. That fragrance is just intoxicating.
Needless to say, I love it. Is it for every one? Maybe not. First, it is quite expensive and I’m not sure this flavour profile would suit you if you’ve never really experiment with oolongs. I would try with something more “friendly” like Tie Guan Yin first.
All in all, a very good tea that I’m enjoying a lot tonight.
Pic for those who are interested:
I got 5g sample of this to try. dont really like flowery oolongs but who knows. maybe I will. love the setup as usual ;)
Well, I can’t wait to see what you think! I feel I have a flower bomb in my mouth, wonder if it’s my tastebuds playing tricks on me! I was expecting a lot more toasted notes. The leaves are really beautiful.
Tomorrow, I’m trying their award winning Big Red Robe! Can’t wait.
did you get Bei Dou Oolong? Amazing. pure pot, i swear(never tried in my life, but smell is unmistakable)
Of that one yes, cause I wasn’t sure. More of the others. 100g BRR, 50g Honey Orchid.
Did you try some of their other oolongs?
No sale, but not too expensive to try, ship only $5 and pretty fast. apt recommended me. Im impressed
this sounds wonderful! since it’s on the greenish side, would you say it’s anything like a Pouchong?
Remember i told you i was secretly hoping to hate those teas. i really didnt want to brunch into new types. i like 25g option. you cannot really decided if its good or bad with 5g. what if you mess up(like i did today with Arbor Mist)
Pyarkaaloo, It’s hard to answer cause this is NOT supposed to taste green! I’d say it’s a lot bolder than pouchong. It’s missing the buttery taste and it’s astringent, and pouchong is clearly not. But to me, it does taste almost as floral as baozhong pouchong. Lol, don’t know if what I just said helps, but that’s the best I could come up with :-)
Yes boychik, that’s why I never order under 25g!! I want a second chance :-)
Lol, yes, who needs more tea addiction, right?
thanku, TeaFairy! what you said makes perfect sense to me :) i’m familiar with the various oolongs & their characteristics but you are by far the expert!
The Pouchong i had was indeed light, buttery, gently floral & had a wonderful rice pudding note. could have been the coconut flavoring!
Apt, I’m sure JTS is in my future :-) (sooner than later, sigh…)
Pyarkaaloo, FYI, this is the best baozhong pouchong I have ever had and the only one I keep in permanent stash:
Thank you Marzi, I think tea is one of the best subject for photography…
Cameron, this was not supposed to be such a floral though….will have to try it afain, I was very surprised myself.
Mmm. This sample is my after lunch tea (giant arugula salad).
I like genmaicha but I can’t say it’s one of those things I really adore. This blend could change my mind about that! It’s mixed with one of Obubu’s sweet, light senchas. The combination of that and the nutty, somewhat salty toasted brown rice is really delightful. It leaves a wonderful aftertaste in your mouth that seems to linger. This is one of the nicest genmais I’ve ever had… if I order more teas from Obubu someday I will definitely need to add this, or maybe I will need to become a customer of Yunomi.us ;)
Now it’s back to finishing off my paper before tomorrow’s class (fingers crossed!)
What a unique and delicious young sheng!
It reminds me of sencha, oddly enough. It is very sweet and sort of vegetal. It has a pleasant and delicate huigan, and is light on the cha qi scale. This might be good for people who are unsure about puerh but really love green tea!
I’m glad I got to try it :)
It’s that sort of aftertaste that some shengs leave in the back of your throat/tongue http://articles.bannacha.com/index.php?article23/describing-pu-erh-tea
returning sweetness. I get huigan from good Taiwanese Oolongs, especially the slightly more processed ones.
I just get sweetness from start to finish with Dancongs. Where have you gotten Dancongs from in the past?
I like the Dancong from Jing Tea Shop, especially Mi Lan. I also need to try Tea Habitat, that’s essentially all they do, Dancong.
Did you steep the whole packet or part of it? I can’t find instructions on how much to use anywhere. I’m doing the whole thing with a shorter steep, so I hope I have not killed my sample.
Yay, last tea of the evening here. The bag itself smells strongly of celery salt and garlic, which I didn’t expect. I brewed it for 10 minutes in boiling water, as per the package directions.
Brewed, it smells like broccoli, celery salt, and onion salt. Like a nice vegetable broth! :) The flavor is quite good too. The broccoli is definitely the base of this tea, and the cilantro pops out and says halloo! It has a nice little herbaceous, spicy kick. I can definitely taste the celery and onion salt as well in here, especially near the end. This one would probably be quite good with a bit of salt added, but I’m enjoying it plain right now. A lovely bedtime tea!
Daily Summary: 4 sipdowns, 146 teas remaining in cupboard
That sounds like it would be soothing. I like spice as well and that comment made me think Of the conversation I had with one of the chefs when I was in isolation on the cruise ship. My manager kept on forgetting to order me food ( which was supposed to be her responsibility while one of her team was sick) so the nurse would direct me to call room service. The first day I asked for consommé and the chef kept on trying to talk me out of it because he couldn’t imagine wanting spicy food when sick. When I’m sick that’s all I crave.
Actually customer service told me that there’s no added salt (: I guess just powdered onion and powdered celery. But yes, it’s great with a dash of salt. This one is my favorite, and the one I get from amazon subscribe ad save since I used it in cooking so much.
Apt: yeah you could just eat broccoli but what broccoli can you store in the cabinet for a month? And most broth has a whole crap ton of sodium, especially instant kinds.
Mandy, I think I like the Carrot Curry best so far. :D But I still have three more to try!
yyz, it’s mostly the celery and onion powder but this one also has garlic and pepper in it. :D
Very rarely do I post teas out of order from when I’ve had them – but tonight I really want to make an exception because there’s something I feel like I really need to talk about. For those on Steepster who don’t know, the amazing comedian Robin Williams died today; apparently he took his own life.
I found out today while at work; they announced it over the radio and immediately my heart sank and I felt a huge pit in my stomach. I had to take a moment and stop what I was doing; celebrity deaths (and of course death in general) are sad but this is the first one in my life time that has really hit home. Robin Williams was a huge part of my childhood growing up and, while I know it’s not my generation alone who will mourn him, I feel like this one hits especially close for my generation. Jumanji, Aladdin, Mrs. Doubtfire, Dead Poets Society, and of course many of his other brilliant works have been such an integral part of growing up for me.
And I think the fact that he was such an amazing comedian who brought so much laughter to so many people is a huge part of why this is so hard to stomach for me; but it’s an important reminder that even the happiest seeming people can be going through so much deep inside; something I think I know all too well about myself.
So tonight even though my matcha milkshake/smoothie should taste sweet and tropical (raspberries, pineapple matcha, milk, vanilla ice cream) everything is bitter sweet and sad instead. Even Tre, who normally has so much to say, is being quiet tonight while we both mourn the loss of such a beloved man.
Tonight to honour Robin we’ll be watching Dead Poets Society; Tre’s never seen it, but it was a really important movie for me in high school and probably my favourite Robin William’s movie other than Aladdin.
And of course who can forget his amazing guest appearance on Whose Line, which is undeniably one of my favourite shows ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35YHvoNXxAA
RIP Oh Captain, my Captain!
His passing hit me hard too :( so many movies from my childhood that he starred in! We started watching Jumanji last night in commemoration. Such sad news :(
Thank you for this. I don’t think I ever saw that clip before. I laughed heartily out very loud at my desk at work.
The funny thing is, Earl Grey is what got me into a different level of tea (post teabag). I realized when I picked this up out of the sample bowl that I haven’t had one in months.
I liked it, although I’m not sure I like EG as much as I used to. I didn’t dislike it, but it didn’t elicit any MMMMM feelings from me. It was more of a utilitarian cup. And I don’t think it’s the tea, I think it’s me and my changing tastes. Interesting!
So yesterday we went to another board game thing. It’s an every Sunday afternoon thing, and we have met some nice people there. The people who run it are a married couple and very likable. Not the weird unwashed gamer stereotype. But, there is this other couple that is just weird. At our first interaction, the guy sat down and burped super loudly, and then he spent the whole game making inappropriate noises and doing gross things. Fine to see a couple of hours a week, but not really our preferred game partners at these events.
Yesterday we had 9 people, and had to split up into 4 and 5, and we ended up playing with the weird couple. Turns out the girl isn’t that weird. But the guy was sitting next to me and my skin was just crawling the whole time. ESPECIALLY when he took his fingernail, scratched inside of his ear (the ear next to me), and then scraped that nail off on one of his lower teeth. I. Just. About. Died. So there you go.
It is interesting how our tastes change. It’s also a-okay to break up with Earl Grey if he’s not floating your boat anymore.
And UGH! Creepy weird guy sounds awful. My skin would be crawling, too, and I’ve hung out with a lot of those weird creepy people and have a high tolerance for it.
EEEEEEEEK! That made me shudder… And I know exactly what you mean by the “weird unwashed gamer stereotype”, ick. I used to work at a used game store and that was definitely part of our customer base.
I had a bergamot tea for the first time in a couple months on Saturday, and it made me remember that I do actually like some bergamot teas. I guess I just got a little overloaded on bergamot after I ordered the Kusmi Russian Blends pack. :P
I have nothing against gamers, don’t get me wrong – my husband and I met due to a video game. But this guy is really lacking in even basic social skills.
Oh man, yeah that sort of behavior is pretty hard to stomach. Ugh. Also I agree with you on EG…kinda bores me nowadays. Was this at the place on 1st Avenue?
I shared a mini gongfu session of this with my husband over the weekend. It was reaaaallly tasty. My husband liked it so much I actually let him drink most of it, haha!
All I can tell you for now is the list of flavors that people have noted on this tea is pretty accurate. Good times :D
This morning I jumped on Steepster and was so moved by Cwyn’s review of 2012 White2tea Giant Steps that I did the unthinkable. I reached way in the back of my tea cabinet and pulled out my beloved Golden Tips that I was saving. It has a 3 year shelf life and I have a number of boxes of samples yet to be reviewed. Getting through all of them will take a long time. I don’t care. I am going to drink that which was too valuable to open.
As I opened the bag it was heaven – cocoa, sweet potato, malt. I used a healthy pinch of leaf, then reached in and got more. No scrimping. No saving. Not today. I am going to enjoy my tea. I used my clear glass teapot. I’ve never used it before with a black tea. I was rewarded with one of the most spectacular ballets I have had the pleasure of watching in ages.
When I went to pour, things took a nasty turn. I wasn’t paying attention. The lid slipped off the pot (normally I have a finger on it) and smacked the spout knocking it cleanly off. As upset as I am that my favorite teapot is broke, I am more concerned about the cup I was about to enjoy and the leaf that is in the bottom of the pot that would resteep the rest of the day. But you know what, I have more and I’m not afraid to use it!
I am now looking for a replacement clear glass teapot. I had this one http://www.enjoyingtea.com/caseafiglte.html Previously I accidentally bumped it while cleaning and it had a hairline crack along the top of the spout. Today’s mishap broke cleanly across the spout in the other direction, so the two are unrelated. Much as I loved this one I am thinking I might try one with more of a kettle spout.
Now go grab something you are saving and drink it! Just keep your finger on the lid.
That was a beautiful pot. I love the shape…it has such classic lines. This is an awesome tea and I am very low, I must order more.
Just when I thought I was getting all organized, I found a big flaw in my system. If you are going to put tea in baggies and then into tins, not only do you need to label the tins, but you also have to label the bags. I grabbed a bag out of a tin on my way to work today, and then didn’t know what I had grabbed. I had a bag of tea at work, and I knew it was a Teavivre black, but I didn’t know which one it was. Anyway, came home, found the empty tin and it was this one.
This is a nice Yunnan black, it was pretty much what I would expect from a Yunnan black, but I’m not sure it was really anything special. Nice, pleasant, fine for work – nothing really to complain about, but nothing really to get excited about. I have a lot of this one, really need to be working it into my rotation more often.
I need to start drinking mine regularly too. So hard when I have a bunch of blacks that I like better! >.<
Yep – but I should be taking the “like don’t love” blacks to work because I don’t really appreciate them at work, and drink the LOVE ones at home when I have tine to really focus on them.
It depends on what you like. I quite often cold steep Yunnan black with a some fruit tisane to make my own cherry black, or blueberry black (etc) iced tea. I don’t like the ones that are REALLY chocolaty cold steeped – but this one would be ok for my tastes and purposes.
Dexter, I think I may adopt your system. I don’t really appreciate the teas I drink at work either. I can’t savor them like I do at home.
Did you ever decide if you are going to make a trip to Minneapolis? Just curious :)
So… this is a sipdown, running me out of Teavivre teas before my order arrives. :) I didn’t replace these but that doesn’t mean they were bad. I had mixed results with this tea but overall I liked it more than I didn’t like it.
Sweetish, caramely, thick, malty. For me, this tea was very water and temperature dependent. Too much temp without the right water and way too much smoke came to the forefront. Maybe it isn’t smoke I get from these teas where no one else gets it, maybe it’s burned tea from my improper prep! :)
These cups today were done with Hinckley Spring Water at about 205F and I used 10 balls for 16 ounces, steeped for about 3 minutes.
I was never really impressed with this tea for some reason. It’s good, but not something that I would order compared to some of their other black teas. :P
LOL… I got the Superfine Tan Yang & the Golden Monkey. A sample of the Jasmine Bi Luo Chun & the Bailin Gong Fu – I need to compare that to Shang’s Bailin to see if I prefer one over the other. :) So I didn’t go nuts or anything. Just enough to keep some in my cupboard!
I liked the taste of this tea a lot, but it had a weird powdering texture. I know, powdery liquid? Makes no sense but that’s what it felt like. I still would have ordered some, but it was sold out :(
That is a good way to describe it. I noticed that in a few of my steeps as well but couldn’t come up with the right description.
Those two Bai Lins seemed quite similar to me, but I didn’t drink them at the same time, so it’s hard to say. And hooray Tan Yang! <3
I know what you mean by powdery! I love it, though. I use it to pair with rich sweets so the tea can “cut” the sweetness of the food and you still taste the tea. I think it reminds me of what cocoa powder would feel like on your tongue.,,kind of scrape-y. Recently we settled on the feel of a wooden spoon with those little ice cream containers. :)
This is not going to be my best review ever b/c I am not quite awake yet.
Method: The usual. 10 and 15 sec steeps
Aroma: Gooooooooood
Flavor: I’m feeling very relaxed. The tea tastes nice. It’s scratching the itch at the back of my throat fo sho. Either pu’erh is kind of magic, or people are putting magic things into pu’erh. I think it’s the former. I’m spacy again. Ground Control to Major Sars.
All sheng…need a good meal in me first. For all the tea I drink in a day, I am still a coffee and milk gal in the morning. Need the milk in my tummy!
That’s interesting to me. I have heard people say that sheng is a bit much for them on an empty stomach. I wonder what they are experiencing though. Does it really give an upset stomach?
I have a stomach of steel, so I sheng all day and all night. I’m just curious about the effects on other people.
Yes, some people have ruined their stomachs on sheng and other too-green tea (meaning not roasted), but it is the young sheng that is the issue, not aged sheng. The tea blogger Hster is somebody whose stomach is now wrecked even though she adores sheng and continues to collect. If you read her blog, even a thimbleful of sheng will give her pain. She apparently can still drink some heavily roasted oolong. More recently, her blog posts are about the tea room her husband is building for her. I do hope she gets her stomach health back, she seems to have quite a decent stash.
I don’t have stomach issues but I do take various medications so I’m just trying to take a cautious approach. Prevention. Keep in mind I am also probably a quarter century older. Young sheng can upset the stomach qi, so I balance a session by taking shou afterward, and the following day or two after a young sheng I focus on enjoying my roasted tea collection, blacks, and oolongs. One symptom for me is cold feet following a tea, then I know not enough roasting or age is present in the tea. A bit of shou and the warmth flows back into my body. But I don’t get the problem from a single cup of sheng, I steep them out, 10+ cups, that is a lot.
I am back!
That’s really crazy, Cwyn. So I wonder what causes that, really? I will have to try to learn more. I mean, I won’t slow down on the sheng, but I do think it’s good to know the possible unpleasant effects.
That way I can go: “oooh, consequences.” And then do it anyway. And I’m not poking fun. It’s just my personality type. I’m often amazed I’ve made it as far as I have.
But in seriousness, you are taking the smart route with the moderation. So you do a young sheng, then follow with a shou, then hit your roasted teas? Dammit, I wish I could like shous more! I will practice with drinking a sheng, then a shou. It’s just so hard because once I had a few good shengs, it was all over for me. I do enjoy some other teas, but actually I wake up some days thinking about sheng.
Oh, and what do you consider to be “young”? Less than 5 years? 10 years?
Depends on storage, a very dry storage will not age the tea much even if years have passed. At this point I really prefer more aged tea, 10 years and beyond. Doesn’t mean I don’t drink young tea at all, to the contrary. Most of my tasting is on young tea and samples, but for drinking I buy aged. Reading tea blogs, most bloggers will talk about puerh headache or sour stomach once in awhile. Here is an article about the too-green trend with tea in general. http://themandarinstea.blogspot.com/2013/02/asyou-may-know-i-started-this-blog-as.html
Oh and you know what does upset my stomach every time… coffee. I have never had an adverse reaction to tea, but coffee makes me queasy. Weird maybe?
I think that anyone who is having pain that seems to come from Sheng should check the other parts of their diet for Fodmaps, they cause stomach pain and it can be extreme.
I know I can’t expect blissful happiness everyday, but I can expect blissful tea every time I drink Wild Monk 2012.
I recently bought a beautiful yixing clay pot from Mandela and of course, I had to season it with Wild Monk today.
It’s late in the night, and I decided to drink just that. Cause why shouldn’t I?
This tea puts me in a meditation state every time. It invades all my senses, and gives me the inner peace I seek so desperately. The fragrance is made of dreams and wishes…
Smokey campfire scent that mixes with fresh morning dew, humid grass and moss.
Sugarcane sweet, earthy and musky notes, fresh menthol with just enough smoke to remind me how wood could taste like…nature’s “ingredients”.
This tea makes me see bright colours. Tonight, it’s a warm yellow.
Thank you Mandala, I cherish this tea.
Concisely described with poetic clarity! With exceptional tea inspiration “is included at no extra charge.”
Kirkoneill1988 you should check out our puerh thread on the discussions page. Lots of good stuff about puerh.
Here ya go, kirk
Sigh… So I’m feeling pretty cheated by the Blends club this month… I was so excited for the premise of vanilla-centric blends. They reeled me in! And then they gave me a licorice tea and a floral tea. The third tea sounds like it’ll be good, but vanilla is not the main flavor there either. Ugh!
So I figured I’d get this one out of the way already, since I hate licorice root. Honestly, the dry scent isn’t horrible, but there’s quite a bit of ginger and I can definitely smell the licorice. And it actually smells really nice when brewed – like apple cinnamon oatmeal! Yum.
Unfortunately, it’s very licorice. I can’t stand that weird sweet aftertaste that licorice gives, it makes me want to gag. The other flavors in this tea aren’t bad, and I might actually enjoy it if it hadn’t been ruined by the evil emperor himself. I’m not going to rate this considering there is a large amount of bias in play here.
So, straight into the rehoming box it goes. If anyone is interested in trying this, just let me know, I have an ounce of it.
Daily Summary: 4 sipdowns, 155 teas remaining in cupboard
Flavors: Cinnamon, Ginger, Lemon, Licorice, Oats, Vanilla
I’m thinking about selling everything I own and starting a tea forest.
Method: 6g, 6 oz, 205 degrees, rinse-10-20, sheng yixing
Aroma: I was a little nervous because this smelled a bit menthol. That’s probably not even exactly right, but it’s close.
Flavor: Oh hello, mild gorgeous thing.
Zoned out.
And I’m back. I keep sipping this and staring off into the distance, picturing myself in a forest of wild tea trees, napping by a stream.
Am I looking dewy? Is this the sheng sweat that mrmopar was talking about?
I have no idea, but I am having a very pleasant reaction to this tea. My heart feels all fluttery and I think my ears may be ringing, ever so slightly.
This one is a winner! It’s going to the top of my White2Tea full cake wishlist.
<3 !!! I just had some Teavivre gold bud thingie out of my newly seasoned pot and it’s deeeeelicious! I’m not excited about the way my pruple pot starts off pouring though. Maybe I’m doing it Rong?
I was telling you I just had some Teavivre’s gold bud-thingie out of my newky seasoned purple pot and it’s so so good.
I tilt the cup to meet the teapot a little. Usually works. If it’s still being funky, maybe post on the forum? Someone may have a suggestion.
LOL @ this thread. Want to live in Sarasonator’s tea forest a la Swiss Family Robinson: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_gSvAoHjnktM/TKxjXlna9OI/AAAAAAAABW8/FF0q0qnaLTk/s1600/Tobago+Swiss+Tree+1960.jpg
Cuz I don’t rough it
:p Cwyn
OMG mj!!!! That’s perfect!!!!
I am already shenging this AM, Foxy. We will see where I end up today :)
The Chairman ha sent his approval of your tasting notes. He was read this since he can’t personally read and sent a 2 meow response.
Here’s my Chairman. Mrmopar has his own Chairman :)
Oh and mrmopar… I tried to get my Chairman Meow to pick my tea the other day. He gave me a stare that said, “whatever human. Bow down to your kitty overlord and get me some treats”
So it didn’t work out well…
That is a corporate executive cat! He definitely has some personality, had to laugh at the lion pose he has got there.
I’m enjoying this one in bed, first cup of the day. Nothing fancy, but a good yunnan black, & I’m a sucker for novel shapes, as long as the tea tastes good.
It feels good to just relax a bit, as I’ve been on the go all week, & starting Monday life as I have known it for the last several years (we’re talking laid back pajama wearing tea drinking gardening cooking eating harp playing & teaching bliss) will suddenly change.
I’ve done it before…I can do this…a little extra $$$ will be nice!
The hardest part will be leaving the house at 6:00am.
I’ll need tea
Lots of tea!
One of my favorite things about snail teas is that they’re so easy to measure!
I wish you luck with getting up early, that’s always hard for me. >.<
Look at the photo….I call it Wee Snaily Yums – it is ambrosial
Carol, Bi Luo Chun translates to something like spring snail, describing the rolled up shape of the leaf. Here’s the link to the one I drank this morning:
Here’s the link to the one I like even more, so beautiful & delicious:
After a 14 hour work day and far too little sleep, I’m propped up in my comfy comfy bed with my dogs and my laptop and a big fat cup of this. By the time I finish it and snuggle my dogs for a while I think I might be almost human: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYUR3ec9Pqs
I’m a tough little broad – but it seemed like that day was never gonna end. My boss kept texting me “go home” and I’m all, “um remember we promised to get this out TODAY?” I went and got sandwiches for my staff (because WTF one of them doesn’t eat PIZZA!!) and LOL I made everyone tea. They had big ole cups of Full-Steam (we were taming tigers dammit!) and I shenged with my little work sheng set up. I had a nice YS sheng which I need to write about on the pu page. I am so behind with all of that. How are you this morning sweetest?
Oh, I just finished boiling two of my yixings – my two favorite yixings SO FAR (I have a feeling that carved leafy one may rise quickly to the top once it gets here): my adorable purple YS one and the so cute Tranquil Heart Mandala one. Then I have to make decisions about what to seasons them with and I keep changing my mind.
Perfect song! Perfect tea…
Who doesn’t eat pizza in this world???
Missy, I’m so happy you love your pots, I love mind too, they’re lime little babies, are they not?
TTF – I love you, but for realz? You can’t get good pizza around HERE without cheese. At home, I make a bangin’ vegan pizza, but at the pizza shop… well… let’s just say that veggies and sauce just doesn’t cut it :p
I like to use a tofu peanut sauce for an asian veggie pizza or sometimes I use vegan cheese, but ONLY in case of emergency. Vegan cheese isn’t so good LOL
I don’t eat pizza’s either. lol Can’t eat the crust or the cheese. Leaves only sauce, meat & veggies. Believe me, there are loads of people out there that have food allergies or sensitivities. So nice you got sandwiches instead for them.
OK perhaps I should mention that I live in Austin where you can literally get ANYTHING, including pizza: vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free and any other -free you can imagine
I’m with Ubacat, I can’t have the crust or the cheese, so I usually layer veggies & meat sauce in a bowl, which is the same thing I have when others are having pasta. Once in awhile I feel left out, so I make Meatsa, yeah, you heard me: mash out seasoned ground meat in the shape of a small crust, bake it until it firms up & starts to brown, top it with sauce & veggies, & bake it a little longer. Slice & enjoy :)
There’s also a crust you can make in the dehydrator from thinly sliced onions & ground flax seed. It tastes like onion rings
Cauliflower pizza crust:
you’re welcome
I don’t know how I’ve never done a cauliflower pizza crust. I’m generally satisfied with just pepperoni and cheese in the microwave for low carb pizza alternatives.
Another easy crust is low-carb tortillas, though those use a small amount of gluten in them, which I don’t personally mind but others will.
Hahah! Ok, that was a cute one, guess I’ll try to embrace my typos from now on ;-) and yo, margarita = awesome!!
I’m glad you have managed to achieve satisfactory results with this tea. I really love Steven Smith’s teas. I realize that I’m not at all precise with my eyeballing of the parameters … I guess after having brewed tea for as long as I have, I just … sort of get a feel for it, and that’s where I work from. I’m not good with timers, scales, measurements or anything like that. That said, I am happy that you found some satisfaction from this tea because it’s a good one!
Wow, outstanding review!
Great review! My grocery store sells the bagged version of this tea, but I think I want to give the loose leaf version a try.
LiberTEAS, Agreed, SST No. 49 Assam FTGFOP1 is a good one! Thanks for your recommendation!
I would be curious to know how many tsp. or Tbsp = one bamboo tea scoop?
Since you use a Breville One Touch, it provides the brewing temperature and time. Per the owner’s manual, the “glass jug” has markings for 500ml / 2 cups, 750ml / 3 cups, 1000ml / 4 cups, & 1200ml / 5 cups and a max of 41 oz. of tea.
Adding any of the known brewing parameters to your reviews would helpful. Thanks again!
Thanks Nightshifter!
Thanks Veronica! The SST bagged and loose tea should be identical. However, the bagged version probably more $/oz. for the convenience. Also, with bags you can’t fine tune the amount of tea per cup unless you cut the bag open.
Great analysis!
Thanks Doug F!
I didn’t like it. I don’t think Assam should be so complicated to find best parameters. I didn’t find mine. it was either too bitter or too weak. I had 2oz, maybe 1 or 2 tsp left
“I don’t think Assam should be so complicated to find best parameters.” Agreed! That’s why I’m a big fan of companies like TeaVivre that provide complete brewing instructions which are optimized for each crop year.
I was annoyed when I called them up to ask what am I doing wrong, the lady was keep telling me same thing over and over 5 min 212F. I love Lord Bergamot and Fez, but I’d rather buy my Assam fr Harney. Mike Harney is very helpful
I agree, there’s no substitute for great customer service.
@looseTman – I don’t think I had the breville back when I had this tea. I could be wrong, in which case, I would say that for an Assam I probably used 205°F water and 500ml for approximately 2 bamboo scoops of tea. I would estimate that the bamboo scoop equals approximately 2 tsp. So yeah, I probably use more tea than I need … but then it’s always been my own personal preference to want a tea strong and as fully flavored as possible.
@boychik – I’m sorry that you encountered poor service from Smith Teamakers. I usually shop in their Portland tea shop, and I’ve always encountered very good service. But, yeah, it can be frustrating when you encounter poor service and I don’t blame you at all for your frustration.
Thanks LiberTEAS! I too like strong full-flavored black teas. I’ll give your brewing parameters a try.
Oh … and with an Assam in the Breville … I always brew for 2 minutes. The reason is that the Breville does keep the water warmer than the process of pouring hot water into the tea pot does, even if you temper your tea pot and cover the tea pot with a cozy to keep it warm. This is something that I did learn from Trial and Error because my Assams would always come out bitter after steeping for 2 1/2 minutes, I realized that it’s because the Breville temp doesn’t drop the way that steeping in my tea pot did.
After making tea just now, I took a step to measure how much tea fit into my bamboo scoop. I would say it’s closer to a generously heaped teaspoon than 2 teaspoons. Of course, this also depends greatly on the leaf itself. Which is why I suppose the most accurate way to get the right amount of tea is a scale. Unfortunately, my stubbornness won’t allow me to get all accurate when it comes to tea measurement. Tea should be simple. No scales.
Excellent review! I’ll have to try Terri’s parameters next time.
LiberTEAS, It’s always good to know what was learned from someone else’s Trial and Error experience. Why reinvent the wheel?
OK, 1 one bamboo tea scoop = 1 generously heaped teaspoon. does this = 1.25, 1.5, or 1.75 tsp.?
Any thoughts on this one? http://www.theteamerchant.net/teaware/accessories/tea-scoop/tea-scoop-and-tong/. How does it compare to yours?
Thanks again!
Thanks Nicole! Yes, Terri’s parameters were a big help! Steepster is a definitely wealth of info!
@looseTman – my bamboo scoop is very much like that one.
I think it would probably be closer to 1.5 tsp.