There was an earthquake last night, or shall I say, really early this morning. My husband and I woke up to our bed moving side to side like we were in a rowboat! And it lasted so long! Really freaky, considering I haven’t felt one like that in probably two decades. Turns out the epicenter was between American Canyon and Napa…not very far from us and the magnitude was 6.0! Our house is fine, but our kitties completely disappeared! Poor kitties! There is a bunch of damage in Napa though.
So, after all that, I enjoyed a cup of this tea this morning. Figured I should have something comforting and this hit the spot! The last time I had this one, I made it with microwaved water at work and loved it. Trouble is, I have no idea what the temperature of the water was. Someone on here was remarking that the recommended steeping temperature was too low, and I think I might agree. I steeped this one at 176 degrees for 2 minutes. It still tastes great, but I think the microwaved cup hot more flavor, and I’m assuming that cup was hotter than 176 degrees. So, maybe some trials at 185 and 195 might be in my future to really see which temperature brings out the most flavor. This time, I got more of the smokiness, and less of the cocoa. Still a great cup and it was gone way too fast!
I felt it too! It was really confusing at first, I didn’t know what had happened, but after I figured out nothing was going to fall on me, I relaxed a little. I hope your kitties are alright.
Ya, the kitties are fine. They showed up for breakfast right on time! What part of the Bay Area are you in?
I’d glad that you and kitties are okay. They probably have some clever kitty shelter for such occasions. :)
I felt it too! It was really confusing at first, I didn’t know what had happened, but after I figured out nothing was going to fall on me, I relaxed a little. I hope your kitties are alright.
I’m glad that you are OK.
Ya, the kitties are fine. They showed up for breakfast right on time! What part of the Bay Area are you in?
Thanks, NofarS!
I’d glad that you and kitties are okay. They probably have some clever kitty shelter for such occasions. :)
Oh my…so scary. Glad you are ok!
I’m actually in the valley, so the earthquake is just a shaking, not the full on feeling of a quake. Still, if you can feel it here, you can tell its a big one. Glad the kitties came back. Breakfast is a powerful pull.