This is a rock tea from the Wuyi Mountains. Expect greatness from a good quality Da Hong Pao.
And this one is nothing short of greatness.
It’s expensive but totally worth it. I was very lucky to have gotten it during Tao Tea Leaf 50% off sale. Bought 150g cause I knew an award winning Big Red Robe could only mean good news. Now I wish I had bought double!
Using 5g in small yixing clay pot.
The leaf is as dark as night.
The brew has this lovely orangey amber colour.
The scent is very fragrant. The taste is like burnt toasts with honey and molasses. Thick mouthfeel, full bodied. Very rich and tasty.
Someone very knowledgable with rock tea pointed out that I should find bitterness in a good Da Hong Pao.
I don’t get bitterness at all, but I realized that what he referred to as “bitter” is probably the burnt and charred taste I get, my own interpretation of it anyways.
You can actually taste the minerals, it’s even a little salty.
It’s a beautiful tea, worth devoting time to.
I like it so much, I will use it to season a very small 70ml yixing pot I just got.
Pic of the session:
Flavors: Burnt, Char, Honey, Mineral, Molasses, Toast