Yogi Tea

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Random Teabag Sipdown!

I was really surprised how much I enjoyed this since most apple teas don’t appeal to me. I find that they taste like the caramel sour apple suckers I loved when I was a kid.

I definitely was able to taste all of the flavors in the name. The caramel was slightly sweet and appealed to my sweet tooth. The apple was slightly tart and a little artificial tasting, but certainly not the worst apple flavoring I’ve tried. The balance of spices was perfect to offset the sweet and tart flavors of the caramel and apple. I was really glad they didn’t overpower the tea, they were merely present and very enjoyable.

This is one of those teas that I would definitely drink again if it were offered to me, but it isn’t something I would pick up on my own.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Random Teabag Sipdown!

I like lavender and I like honey, so in theory I should have liked this tea, but I didn’t. I didn’t taste any of the flavors the name mentioned, what I did taste was sage. I hate sage in my tea. It was followed up by the barest hint of peppermint and those were the only two flavors I got from the tea.

This is definitely not my cup of tea, so I’m glad that I only had two bags of it.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I also don’t taste lavender (much) or honey (at all) in the flavor. I agree about that! I do like the tea, but yeah, those flavors aren’t balanced the way you’d expect from the name.

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drank Pure Green by Yogi Tea
46 tasting notes

I really like this green tea! It’s just green. But not so strong that it’s yucky green. Sweet green. I normally choose green with another flavour added, but this I can handle as a plain green tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This is a delicious bedtime tea for when there’s not enough time for a loose leaf. The lavender is fairly subtle, mostly coming out in the aroma. I predominantly tasted a nice minty menthol flavor along with noticeable sweetness. The full body and lack of astringency make this a tasty and comforting tea.

Boiling 8 min or more

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This is exactly as advertised and well blended. The honey and lavender mesh together nicely. The mint comes out as a nice tangy aftertaste. Very relaxing and very pleasant. Also a lot fewer ingredients than most Yogi teas. This is a nice change of pace from my usual bedtime teas.



Would you say it’s very floral in flavour? Would somebody who doesn’t much care for floral scented teas be able to drink this, do you think?


I don’t mind florals, so it’s hard for me to say. The lavender flavor is prominent here and lavender is a flower. The ingredients also include passion flower extract. I don’t taste that as a distinct flavor, but I imagine that its purpose is to supplement/amplify the lavender flavor. In short – I don’t know. I guess it depends on whether your dislike for floral teas is uniform or flower-specific.


You can try out a sample here: http://www.yogiproducts.com/ecard (it’s the “Rest” well-wish).


Those are US addresses only. I’ll have to see if I can find it in a shop here abouts. I don’t even know if that’s possible yet. I was just attracted to the honey. :)

I’m not sure about floral though. Sometimes I find it tolerable and sometimes it’s impossible to drink. I know I don’t like jasmine, but I don’t have enough experience with other flowers to know for certain. Rose seems to be generally okay for me and orange blossoms. But I don’t know if it’s a question of not disliking those particular flowers or just having had them in more balanced blends in general. It could just be a floral strength issue.

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drank Calming by Yogi Tea
541 tasting notes

I was looking for an alternative grocery store tea that I could pick up because the kava wouldn’t go well with my migraine pills I’ve been taking. This one is still not quite what I was looking for (wanted St. John’s Wort) but it’ll work. I picked this over one of their other “calming” teas because I really love cardamom and fennel. I don’t know if I’m really going to taste it once the tea is brewed, but they’re in there!
The bag smells very medicinal to me. Or like some kind of odd forest floor type smell. Brewed I can tell they must have added a sweetener or something as that is the first thing I can smell. Brewed it smells almost just like my friend’s home from childhood. They were Chinese and always had something interesting brewing. This was one of those don’t ask, just drink/eat situations; but it was always something wonderful in the end.
The flavor is..interesting? It tastes like an oriental market to me. I don’t really know how to explain that? Sweet, but also like herbal medicine. Maybe almost minty? This tastes like a grab bag to me. I just hope sipping might calm down the anxiety a bit. We’ll just have to wait and see!
edit I have to comment to say that it might just be the being home and not doing my homework, but I do feel significantly better. No more headache, but my ears are still hurting. So at least the anxiety has gone down a bit. I’ll try it again next time I feel blah and see if I get similar results.

Terri HarpLady

I enjoy Yogi teas, although I haven’t been drinking them that much lately. Most of them contain some Licorice root. which I absolutely love, & which gives it a naturally sweet taste.


Ah! I bet that’s where the sweetness came from in this one. A lot of their teas have stevia too, but this one only had that licorice. I enjoy most of the ones that I’ve had, but I don’t really care for paying for the bags when I can get way more loose tea. I only purchased this one because it was on sale ($4), but the regular price is $6-$6.50 per box.

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Huh. This is tastier than I was expecting. Despite the ridiculous number of ingredients, this really just tastes like blueberry and green tea. There’s a tad of hibiscus contributing nicely to the blueberry flavor without being overwhelming. I can’t taste the stevia, thankfully – I really don’t like stevia anything in my tea.

Overall, this is pretty tasty. As is often the case with Yogi teas, the list of ingredients is fairly lengthy and makes me nervous. This isn’t a tea that I would go out of my way to stock. However, I wouldn’t turn it down if offered.

Thanks to moraiwe for the sample! Another sipdown.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Peach DeTox by Yogi Tea
2 tasting notes

I bought this on sale and decided to try it. Very different! It also seems to calm my appetite.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 45 sec

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drank Healthy Fasting by Yogi Tea
67 tasting notes

A few months ago,I drank this tea for the first time.I was not into licorice so much ,yet they appeared quite strong and sweet and a little medicine-like,so I could’t manage the whole cup at last. Then I came across Stash ,an amazing tea company that really takes great advantage of licorice,since their usage of a little amount of licorice to add flavor&sweetness to fruit blends is impressive and subtle,meanwhile creating a satisfying sweet aftertaste.
Since I love licorice better now, I gave this another try .Hmm,sweet with the same kind of aftertaste I enjoy,this one could be definitely regarded as a yummy choice :3

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drank Women's Tea by Yogi Tea
1353 tasting notes

Another one of Yogi’s that I was lured into. The lime mint went so well, so I felt brave. I’ve been eyeing this at the shop for a while because I wondered if it might offer a little bit of help with Certain Female Issues, henceforth referred to as TMI.

I’m giving it a go. It’s not like there are a hundred bags in the box, so I should get through it quickly enough if I stick at it, and I have to stick at it, otherwise I can’t tell if it’s working, can I? Well, I’ve experimented somewhat with it now and discovered that I can drink a small cup but not a whole mug.

This stuff has ginger in it. Ridiculous amounts of ginger. One cup of this and my mouth feels like someone made a fire in there. I have also discovered that it needs drinking fast, because the more it cools the stronger the ginger tastes and the more difficult it gets to drink it. So a weak-ish brew in a small cup and drunk fast.

Good thing I didn’t buy this because I thought it would taste awesome, isn’t it?

As for how it worked with TMI, well, it… sort of did and didn’t. Okay, I don’t know if that was the tea or not, but the point of it all is that I had the same issues, only some of them behaved a little differently. Mostly they seemed a tiny bit milder. Or at least easier to shift with paracetamol. Or rather, possible to shift. That might not be the wonder cure I was hoping for but it was enough that I’m willing to try this out a little further. I need more time to see if there was a difference here or not.

But this stuff will never ever be a comfort drink. Bleh.I realise that this was probably not the exact right blend for this particular experiment, but it was what was available and so as close as I could come. Given the right foulness of the ginger in this, I might in the future see if I can find something closer to the mark in one of the health food shops that are available to me. I’m thinking either the moon cycle one or some raspberry leaf. (I know I can definitely get the latter, as I have seen it before, but I’ve heard that’s right foul tasting as well. When it comes to TMI, we just can’t win, can we?)

Now some time later, I’ve given up on this. There is just TOO MUCH ginger in it. I found I could drink maybe half a cup if it had only just had two or three dips of the bag in it and wasn’t allowed to cool off in any significant way. Obviously that’s not the way its meant to be drunk and other herbs and things in it couldn’t come to their right when I was trying to temper the ginger. I just couldn’t get that much ginger through my throat! Blech! As for TMI, well, we’ll just try something else. Or live with how it usually is. I’ve managed that for 20 years already, I’m sure I can manage it for 35 more.

Husband gave it a shot and as he is more tolerant of ginger than I am, is making a valiant attempt at it. Therefore this is now only referred to as Manly Man Tea of Manliness! He too is having doubts as to whether he can finish it of, though. I’ve told him to just bin it if he doesn’t want to drink it.


I don’t mind the taste of raspberry leaf, actually. I don’t love it by itself, so I either drink it in blends or add it into something else. I used a rose black tea, but I would imagine it would work with any type of fruity black. And it does seem to help with, well, you know.


Raspberry leaf has been pretty effective for You Know in my experience. Throw in a little peppermint and it is not unpleasant.


I found that Get A Grip tea from Republic of Tea did seem to help a little with the desire to strangle someone…


Thank you ladies, I’ll definitely get hold of some raspberry leaf and try that. Most people I’ve seen mention it before seemed to have found it unpleasant, so I feel encouraged that this is not a universal experience.

Ashmanra, I can’t get Republic of Tea things here. Do you know some of what’s in it? Perhaps I can find or reconstruct something similar. I don’t get much of that particular symptom, though. Sometimes, but mostly it’s just aches and pains in various places for me.


Here is the ingredient list! And I think it as pretty good for taking the edge off of a lot of symptoms – backache, bloat, etc.

Organic Rooibos (leaf) Licorice (root), Eleuthero (root), Parsley (leaf), Black Cohosh (root), Chaste Berry (fruit), Chaste Berry (fruit) Extract, Dong Quai (root) Extract. Other Ingredients: Birch (bark), Roasted Chicory (root), Natural Honey & Coconut Flavor


I had a sample of something with eleuthero in it once that was supposed to be a good stress tamer. I don’t remember it tasting notably awful…


Hm. I haven’t got the first clue what some of those things are, so maybe not reconstructing after all… I have heard birch bark is good for aches and pains. In the clan of the cavebear books they drink tisanes of the stuff constantly, and I’ve just been reading another book where they used it similarly.


Birch bark has compounds like salicylin (related to aspirin), so it’s good for general aches, lowering blood pressure, and stomach maladies. I think there are other Yogi teas that have eleuthero — I remember having one (something like Green Tea Energy?), and it tasted distinctly like oat straw (which is good for depression, supposedly?). Yogi teas usually are hit or miss when it comes to taste, though…

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drank Lime Mint by Yogi Tea
1353 tasting notes

I bought this mostly because I needed an easy and convenient bedtime tea for when I don’t feel like messing about with rooibos. Lately I’ve been using peppermint bags, cheap brand, but I actually bought those for those occasions when one needs something medicinals. Husband seems to enjoy his chamomile at bedtime though, so I’m trying to follow his lead here.

So, I’ve been eyeing the brand for a while, but never bought any before. The ingredients list is soooo long, and that scares me a bit. Plus it contains confirmed dislikes such as ginger.

This one seemed the most inoffensive of the choices on the day in question, so I decided to give it a go.

To my relief, it’s not actually that bad. It’s very lemon-y and lime-y, and although the ingredients list is as long as my arm (nearly), I can’t really taste any of the other things in it. Peculiarly, Husband, who normally enjoys almost anything that just smells remotely of lemon and is also fond of mojito, didn’t care for this one at all. Me, I find it okay. It’s hardly a revelation in a cup, but it’s quite tolerable.

Terri HarpLady

For bagged teas, I tend to enjoy this brand, although I LOVE ginger :)

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So, at 3 am last night, I decided to put the herbal content of this tea to the test. I needed to get some sleep but had been restless all night.

I took 3 bags of this stuff and steeped it in about five ounces of water for 10 minutes. When it was done, I threw in some sweetener and ice and drank it all at once. Even with the ice, the brew was dark. Strangely, it wasn’t too strong. I guess it tastes a little bit more like caramel once you triple the leaf.

The resulting sleepiness I got from the tea reminds me a lot of melotonin or Neuro Sleep. A strange heaviness and sort of comfortable feeling. I fell asleep hard and had some detailed, if somewhat stressful dreams until my alarm went off. I was still feeling the effects throughout my first shift of the day. It was very slow to wear off, leaving me really sleepy at work. So, the medicinal content works, no doubt.

Boiling 8 min or more

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Ok. Lost my post 2 times now. Starting to go crazy. Here’s the gist:

I wandered into the grocery store looking for Tazo’s Rest, but couldn’t find it, so I settled for this despite previous negative experiences with Yogi teas. When selecting bedtime teas, I usually go with blends that contain valerian root, which this doesn’t have. Plus, I don’t even like rooibos, but here I am, tempted by the promise of caramel.

I gave it the full 10 minutes, as the packaging says to steep for 5-10. The tea brewed up to a dark ambery brown, like black tea, and reeked of chamomile. To be short, it doesn’t taste like vanilla or caramel. The main flavors I detect are chamomile, rooibos, nutmeg, and cinnamon. This is followed by that general “Yogi” herbal taste that I’ve noticed in everything I’ve tried by this particular brand.

As far as herbal effects go, I do feel a bit of a sleepy, comfortable feeling. I can’t tell if it’s the placebo effect or not, but I do feel more relaxed and ready to fall asleep. It’s not as strong as Yogi’s Bedtime (which contains valerian), but it still has an effect. Maybe I’ll steep two bags at once next time and see what happens.

Boiling 8 min or more

No licorice-y taste? (That’s what pretty much turned me off with Yogi blends altogether.)


Have you tried Stash’s Mellow Moments? It doesn’t have valerian but for some reason it just knocks me out and it has a nice minty flavor which seems unusual in the help-you-sleep herbals I’ve seen. I haven’t tried Tazo’s Rest, but I’m with gmathis on the Yogi stuff – they like licorice too much!


No licorice in this one, but it still tastes pretty unpleasant. And no, Auggy, I haven’t tried that one yet. I like mint, so maybe I’ll give it a try! My grocery store carries a lot of Stash’s teas, so maybe they’ll have it.

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drank Egyptian Licorice Mint by Yogi Tea
358 tasting notes

This is a tea that I enjoy every once and awhile, which was initially a surprise since I’m not too keen on licorice. The mint is the first thing to stand out, and the sweetness of the licorice doesn’t really surface until you take a breath between sips, though I do find that the closer I get to finishing a cup (or the longer I let it steep) the more prominent that flavor becomes. All in all, a pleasant blend to enjoy from time to time. I should try preparing it to the specifications and see how much the taste differs.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Skin DeTox by Yogi Tea
1120 tasting notes

I truly wish I got the floral taste that other people are reporting, but to me, this tastes like a medley of terrible yet unidentifiable herbs. I think this is one of those teas for people who are willing to consume disgusting things if they believe it will make them healthier. As for me, I’m sure I can find something else that doesn’t make me want to gag.


awww sure I won’t taste this one !

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This is the only tea Ive been unwilling to drink because of taste. Very fennel-y, im guessing. Tastes like celery seed.

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This is has been my go to tea for the last 3 months. Its delicious, not boring so I can drink it day after day, not sweet. Just a nice herbal cuppa tea.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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drank Chai Rooibos by Yogi Tea
6 tasting notes

This is OK, a mild chai. I like it because it has no caffeine, but its not strong enough to stand up to the addition of some honey and milk.

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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drank Mayan Cocoa Spice by Yogi Tea
4 tasting notes

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drank Egyptian Licorice by Yogi Tea
1 tasting notes

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drank Choco - Aztec Spice by Yogi Tea
2 tasting notes

This has to be one of the most abnosome tea I’ve seen yet. It’s sweet and quirky. The taste is a bit watery if you expect it to be like hot chocolate. You can make it into chai with milk though and that’ll make the taste smoother.

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