I brewed a strong pot of this after a day of culinary adventures. I didn’t actually purchase this tea as a fasting support, I looked at the label and it contains several herbs I’ve been meaning to add to my vitamin regimen. Dandelion root, licorice, and fennel, among others.
It should be noted that this isn’t a tea to drink in large quantities if you have certain health concerns – always read the label to know exactly what you’re drinking.
Licorice is the primary aroma and flavor. There’s a sweet mid-note and aftertaste. You can smell and taste the fennel on the initial part of the sip.
This is a great tea to help train your palate if you were looking for that experience. The sweets and savories are clear and appear in different stages and parts of the mouth.
The black licorice flavor is well-balanced, it stays mellow and lets the other ingredients play through. A nice end-of-day relaxing cup even if you’re not fasting.
Not a tea for people who prefer simple, uncomplicated blends.