Yogi Tea

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drank Green Tea Energy by Yogi Tea
149 tasting notes

Really not very good. I just had a cup on a sip down and decided I am going to throw away the rest of the tea bags. I had purchased this awhile ago and stopped drinking it just because of time constraints, being on the road etc. Now that I no longer drink coffee my sense of taste has improved dramatically (I gave up all pop/soda about 37 years ago too). Now I can say that this doesn’t have a very good flavor and what it does is not good. Buh bye!

Flavors: Musty

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Life is too short to drink bad tea!

Cameron B.

Agreed, I am in full support of the trashdown ha ha!

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I am genuinely baffled by the love for this in the other tasting notes and wondering if I did something horribly wrong to my particular bag.

The smell is lovely! It’s exactly what I would expect from a tangerine tea or candy. It seems like it’s going to be mostly tart, a touch sweet – very much like the fruit.

I took an excited sip and was horrified. How is this both terribly bitter and awfully sweet?! I assumed licorice root must be involved, but despite the giant ingredient list with plenty of other roots, that one wasn’t listed. I may have been able to get past the unnamed earthy herb taste if not for the horrendous artificially sweet flavor that hit immediately after. Ah, stevia is here – this is clearly a problem ingredient for me.

I wanted to try for a more descriptive review and sipped it a couple more times, but I could not take it.

I kind of feel like I should go adjust all the other 1s I’ve ever given a tea because I actually gagged on this one.

sipsby bagged advent, day 12

Flavors: Artificial, Dirt, Herbs, Stevia, Sweet


I agree with you, there’s too much stevia in this blend. At least you didn’t buy a whole box of this like I did, I think I ended up brewing this with some black tea to cut the stevia taste. It is such a memorable tea I won’t be buying again!


Oh no! I can absolutely imagine buying a whole box of this based on appearances; I’m glad you were at least able to make it tolerable!

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drank Pumpkin Spice by Yogi Tea
1307 tasting notes

Day 10 of my Steepster homemade advent calendar from Kelmishka! Yogi teas are really hit-or-miss for me. This one doesn’t really ring the “pumpkin spice” bell for me. It’s more “generic winter spice blend,” with mostly cinnamon, clove, and chicory overwhelming the other flavors. Which is drinkable enough to finish the cup, because I like those flavors, but it’s also not quite the “pumpkin spice” vibe. Looking at the ingredients list, they’ve got the right list of ingredients, but maybe the ratio is off? Glad to have tried it, because I am extremely basic in this way and really enjoy pumpkin spice drinks done right, but don’t feel the need to ever have it again.

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drank Pumpkin Spice by Yogi Tea
40 tasting notes

Honestly, this didn’t have much of a flavor at all. I guess maybe nutmeg or cardamom, but very underwhelming…

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Flavors: Chamomile, Honey, Lavender

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drank Peach DeTox by Yogi Tea
1967 tasting notes


I really dislike ‘detox’ blends. It’s just…not a thing and I hate brands that try to sell any kind of detox to consumers.

Despite my annoyance at the name, decided to give it a try, as the combination of peach, cinnamon, and clove sounded interesting.

Alas, this is just cinnamon and clove- maybe a touch of ginger? Meh, it’s a spiced herbal, not something I need to have again.


Agree with you on the detox teas. We seem to have accumulated quite a few though because James loves those kinds of blends. Not because they are detox but because he likes the way they taste. Still haven’t figured that out.

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drank Licorice by Yogi Tea
127 tasting notes

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drank Licorice by Yogi Tea
127 tasting notes

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drank Licorice by Yogi Tea
127 tasting notes

Am I biassed? Absolutely. Liquorice tea is a massive comfort drink for me, and this is a nice take on that. For a liquorice tea, it’s not particularly liquorice forward, but has a nice warm flavour packing it all together. To give a comparison that’s probably very specific to my part of the world, it is like eating speculaas while there is still leftover zwartwit in your mouth, it almost has that salmiak note to it.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Licorice Root, Nutmeg, Spices

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Peach DeTox by Yogi Tea
1307 tasting notes

Not always a fan of Yogi teas, but I quite like this one! It’s a peach ginger blend, but the other ingredients really make it stand out. The cinnamon early in the sip highlights the sweetness of the peach while the dandelion root gives it depth. Sampled this out of the TTB but would happily drink it again in the future!

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drank Kava Stress Relief by Yogi Tea
2585 tasting notes

This tastes strongly of licorice root. The flavor lingers after each sip. On top of that, I might taste a little bit of cinnamon or some other spice. It doesn’t really stand out from other bagged teas, but it’s okay. It’s easy to drink and enjoyable warm or cold. I ended up with a few bags of this from a TTB, and I finished them off really quickly.

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This showed up in my tea caddy last week – I’m not one for herbal teas and, to me, Yogi = Herbal. But I looked at the ingredients list and saw Assam black tea. Hmm, Ok. Bunch of other herbal stuff that I had to Google later. Two items of note – stevia leaf and monk fruit extract are included. If, like me, sugar substitutes put you off, be forewarned. Green Tea extract was also included, which I think are code words for extra caffeine. On the “lesser ingredients” list were the things that made me want to try it – orange flavor, tangerine flavor, orange peel oil, and tangerine oil. I’m a sucker for a good citrus flavored tea.
First impression is, to borrow another reviewer’s words, warm orange juice. Specifically warm, watered-down orange juice. But not warm Tang. There is enough Assam to color the brew, but not enough to speak black tea to me. I’m not giving up on it. I am thinking that combining it with one of my more robust black teas might be good. Its more of an “add citrus to one of my black teas” than the reverse.
What can I say at this point? Its not bad, I didn’t throw it out, and I might have a way to better enjoy it, so it gets further exploration. Note: the “sweeteners” were present, noted/notable, but not overpowering. 70mg caffeine/cup

Flavors: Citrus Fruits, Stevia

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I just polished off the very last tea bag from the previous iteration of this tea, “Refreshing Mint Vital Energy.” It’s ok; not terribly offensive but not wowing anybody. An inexpensive black tea with mint.

Flavors: Dirt, Mint, Spearmint

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank Throat Comfort by Yogi Tea
1650 tasting notes

The overwhelming taste is licorice root-fennel seed. Very sweet. Also taste cherry bark. All the other typical chai spices are mostly in the background but not hidden. Licorice root definitely gives some body. The tea seems to get thicker at the bottom of the cup, when I notice the mouthfeel and coating nature of slippery elm.

This is actually not terrible tasting but I’d rather go for Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat. They’re both functional herbal teas that will provide a little relief in the moment.

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Single tea bag from a TTB. This blueberry flavor is surprisingly fresh and realistic. The green tea doesn’t come through very much. If this were herbal, I’d totally buy a box. As it is, I very much enjoyed my single cold mug of this.

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This one didn’t taste like much. I mostly just tasted green tea and maybe a hint of fruitiness. Maybe the green tea leaned toward more of a matcha-like flavor, but it wasn’t too special. I’ll always try a Yogi tea from a TTB though!

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Sipdown! Xmas gift from my friend Caleb.
This was a tea that tasted healthy. Not something I would buy for myself, but I’m pretty sure it was good for me LOL

Flavors: Chamomile, Grass, Hay, Licorice Root, Medicinal, Oatmeal, Pollen, Sweet, Wheat

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Single bag from a tea box. It’s a little naturally sweet from the licorice. I also get a light cinnamon and mint. All the herbs combine pleasantly, so it tastes generically herbal, but good.

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Tried this because I had neither energy nor focus and needed both. I was pleasantly surprised to notice an actual perk-up effect after one cup.

As a rule, I don’t like Yogi teas because of their huge and obnoxious love affair with licorice. In this blend, however, it was about halfway down the ingredient ladder and while still too noticeable for my druthers, I could actually drink it without wincing. Vanilla and cinnamon were the taste leaders; couldn’t pull out any individual characteristics of the Assam or rooibos that appear in the ingredient list.

Michelle, thanks!


I haven’t gotten tired of the flavor or pick-me-up from this tea. My go to for travel and jet lag, an easy brew cup with a pithy note attached to the string :)

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drank Pure Green Decaf by Yogi Tea
174 tasting notes

Pretty average run-of-the-mill green tea, nothing to write home about but good for sipping at home in the evening hours.

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Very nice and not too sweet unless you over-steep it in my opinion! It’s orangey without being overpowering and the black tea still comes through well. One of my favorites.

Flavors: Fruit Tree Flowers, Orange, Sweet

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Sweet Chili by Yogi Tea
2063 tasting notes

Evening caffeine-free cup. I have received it from postcrossing apparently. Quote on tag: I am beautiful, I am bountiful. I am blissful.

So, honestly I have no idea what is in and I am not a fan of chili at all. Or any spicy food. So drinking this is quite… uncommon for me.

It smells after cocoa. With licorice. It is true to name. It is sweet chili with cocoa? Certainly, there is the licorice. There is some warmth beneath, not sure if true chili, or some herbs causing it. Unique flavour profile for sure though. Sometimes it smells like gingerbread. Probably caused by the spices in.

Not sure if I like it honestly. So unique, but I can’t imagine drinking it on daily basis. Now and then, maybe. I can imagine it with bold black tea base. The herbals… aren’t great.

Song pairing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pgum6OT_VH8 — found accidentaly and found out I have heard it before for sure. Well, sometimes I want to be on the board of that ship. “Far away from the memories; Of the people who care if I live or die.”

Flavors: Cocoa, Ginger, Herbaceous, Licorice, Spices, Spicy

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

I’ll hold you in my arms, Martin. hugs Have you heard much of Muse’s music before?

Martin Bednář

I am pretty sure I have heard them before, derk. But not that much as I am listening to them that often. Same with Placebo. I am finding new for me (though old), music bands. Hah.


They have some great songs that helped me put feelings to and get through some trying times in my 20s. Same with Placebo. They were both amazing live performances.


Just spent an hour listening to some of my old favorites from 2005-2006. I’d heard this one before, but I didn’t know the name of the band. From the YouTube comments, it seems like a lot of people really relate to this song.

The blend sounds very interesting. It almost reminds me of Mexican chocolate with the chili and spices. Yogi teas are usually hit or miss for me, especially because they do tend to add licorice to everything (which I do not often like). It does sound like it would be a good one with a bold black tea base as you mention. At least the quote can be a bit of inspiration for you today, I hope. <3


I played it for Ashman, and was shocked he had not heard of Muse or Placebo, especially since I played Running Up That Hill to death back in the day. (Guess I was always wearing earbuds.) He was really into metal and rock in the 80’s and was bass guitarist in a band,:then switched gears completely to Classical guitar. He still has his Gibson Ripper and his Kohno classical.

Martin Bednář

derk: Oh zeah, I am sure they are amazing live! And I think it is pretty much common for people in their 20s (where I am right in the middle) understanding lyrics of of Placebo and Muse. Sometimes the lyrics are saysing exactly how I feel. Like this one.
Shae: It’s exactly that. Listening to old favourites. I do that way too often recently. Probably hoping I could return to that time full of good mood and time I don’t had to care. Oh well. Blend is truly interesting. The licorice was mediocre in this one — sometimes too much present, but sometimes well mixed with the spices. The quote is truly a bit of inspiration indeed.
ashmanra: Oh well, truly surprsing. Running Up That Hill is as well powerful song. I am a bit puzzled when it comes to music. I sometimes listen to rock, but then I switch my mood to something else like Springsteen. At least I have a variety here :)

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drank Chai Rooibos by Yogi Tea
135 tasting notes

A nice herbal chai. However, I prefer some of this company’s other herbal chais. I can definitely taste the rooibos here, so if I’m in the mood for that, it’s a good choice.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Ginger, Rooibos, Spices

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 g 13 OZ / 384 ML

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