Yogi Tea
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After trying a few samplers of Yogi,I think this one is my preference as a much lighter choice.Blueberry with green tea makes the tea base like indian spices (Yogi Teas almost share the same kind of spice base ,though there is some little adjustments between each one in my opinion ……)much more lovely and softer and juicier.
This is an interesting one for me. I don’t typically drink herbal teas, so this is unusual for me. It has a lovely cinnamon aroma and a pale yellow green brew. The taste is obviously very herbal, but dominated by the cinnamon with a touch of spiciness and almost menthol like notes. I like it for every once in a while, but I don’t love it.
Thanks, Jackie T, for sending me a variety of individual yogi tea bags! I was curious about them and this beats buying whole boxes of tea bags any day. Some of them weren’t bad either, although this one.. I think the level of of spices and ginger assume that you’re pretty plugged up already if you’re drinking this. It can be sharp and zingy, but it has its niche.
Licorice, peppermint, and eucalyptus really stick out to me here, with the ginger and spices creeping in at the end. There is a fresh-sweet aftertaste. This gets huge points for being refreshing.
I was pleasantly surprised by this brand. Even though I typically have a strong dislike for licorice, I enjoyed it a lot when it popped up in the yogi blends.
I decided to get this tea recently when I ordered some stuff from amazon.com. They ended up shipping it in a box all by itself – I can’t believe that makes sense but maybe it comes from a different warehouse than the rest of my order.
Anyway, I tend to like apple flavored teas and I thought this might make a good dessert tea. It’s a mix of assam, rooibos and spices. I’m really glad this blend doesn’t have stevia in it. It reminds me a bit of an apple pie which is nice and the ingredients are all natural which is good. This is an easy one to sip on plain as well. I get a lot of cinnamon apple flavor. It’s pretty tasty considering the price I paid for it which wasn’t much.
Indian food may be my biggest vice. The way I eat curry you’d think there was some sort of famine on the Northwest coast, or something. I’m angry at myself..
Which is why I chose to make this as my first “tea” of the day. I was expecting it to not be pleasant. I’ve had dextox drinks before and while I can’t attest to their life changing cleaning powers I do know they can taste pretty awful. This one is actually nice, like a spiced and more delicate chamomile herbal. The ingredients do not list chamomile so it may be the dandelion? The sarsaparilla root definitely makes me think of rootbeer, which is another thing I appreciate.
I steeped the bag in a cup for ten minutes in boiling water but the result is a very mild, spiced floral concoction that I’d actually be happy to drink often. I don’t know what a Forsythia Fruit or half of the other ingredients are but I guess that’s what Google is for.
The only thing that would’ve made this herbal brew better is magic. Magic to forget about the huge container of veggie korma sitting in the fridge. Magic to ignore the fact that the whole house smells like delicious food. Curry, why are you like this? I should get out of the house for a bit and mail Cavocorax’s matcha parcel.
Thank you Jackie T for this sample!
Question for an Indian food expert from an Indian food "no"bie (that’s like a newbie, but even less experienced!) Is there a particular brand of commercial Indian food fixins’ that you might recommend? We have no local restaurant options, but would like to give curry, butter chicken, etc. a quick try.
I’m probably the wrong person to ask and have been spoiled on having too many commercial Indian restaurants close by. I don’t have much experience with the ready- made curry pastes, except for Pataks brand tikka masala which was far from amazing. I’ve made curry from scratch a few times but it always comes out a little different. I loosely follow various online recipes and will tweak the spices and “fat content” based on how rich and spicy I want it. Butter chicken recipes tend not to make the healthiest dishes and you have play around with the parameters.
http://allrecipes.com/recipe/easy-indian-butter-chicken/ (I’m sure there are healthier ways to make butter chicken)
http://jeenaskitchen.blogspot.ca/2010/01/butter-chicken-recipe-murgh-makhani.html (I haven’t tried this one yet)
Hopefully other people on here will have more useful advice and experience with butter chicken and curry! I’m still learning how to cook. :)
I haven’t really tried any packaged curries or even pre-made spice mixes as I pretty well always make my own and even then I don’t have a fixed recipe. So I can’t really help you with a recommendation. I mostly ate as a vegetarian in India, though I did have some mutton curry, some fish and some tandori chicken at parties. I have tried some recipes from this website before and they were decent, http://www.khanapakana.com/recipe-search/s/butter%20chicken/t/e . It has recipes from all over the Indian subcontinent. Jain recipes do not contain any root vegetables, South Indian curries are often sweeter and may include coconut. Rahjastani and Punjabi curries can be very hot. My favourite curry is probably Palak(Saag) Paneer ( spinach and a fresh cheese). Have fun exploring.
I use recipes from showmethecurry.com. They have YouTube videos, but the sound isn’t always that great. However, the recipes I’ve tried have been fantastic. I’m spoiled like CrowKettle, and I also have a fabulous Indian restaurant 1.5 blocks from my apartment…
Palak Paneer is one of my favourite curries too but I’ve heard it can be time consuming to make! All of these links to curry (and other food) recipes are definitely challenging my willpower here.. :/
I came across this lone bag of Egyptian Licorice while cleaning out my purse, & so of course I had to include it in the sipdown extravaganza!
I’ve loved this tea for a long time, & will probably restock at some point, because as far as an evening tea is concerned, this is among my most favorites, oozing with licorice, ginger, & a variety of other spices.
And here it is, Sipdown No. 100!
I’ve enjoyed Licorice teas for about 30 years, & I still do. Licorice root has blood sugar balancing qualities, & I love the sweet aftertaste.
And with that, little terri’s Sipdown Extravaganza! draws to a close, ending with 330 teas.
Yeah, I noticed that the board was frozen. Thus is life…
Thanks! It’s been fun, but I’m glad to get back to drinking the teas I love the MOST! :)
(faint sound of a large cheering crowd in the background)
Howard Cosell: “Courage takes many forms. There is physical courage, there is moral courage. Then there is a still higher type of courage—the courage to brave pain, to live with it, to never let others know of it and to still find joy in life; to wake up in the morning with an enthusiasm for the day ahead. Terri HarpLady demonstrated that very courage and I, for one, am in awe. This is Howard Cosell telling it like it is.”
Just finished up with a 2.5 hour rehearsal with cello & flute, all Beatles music for a gig we’ll play this thursday night. Earlier today I practiced a few hours for a gig accompanying the choir at one of the colleges I teach at. That concert is on Monday evening. I’m definitely all played out for today. Now to try to get in an hour of writing, & then sleep….sweet sleep….
This is one of my favorite non-caffeine teas, perfect for the evening. I love licorice, I love all the chai-like spices. It’s a naturally sweet treat.
I’m trying not to ingest any more caffeine tonight. I’ve been staying up til 2 & 3 am for several days, which is great for creativity, but not so good for getting things done in the real world.
I just realized my neighbors are all out in the street. Looks like we’re having a block party, & once again I didn’t read the email.
I sent the boys out with a bowl of homegrown cherry tomatoes to add to the food pile. I’m headed out there with my cup of tea. I don’t eat off buffets usually, too many things I’ll probably regret. But I’ll have this tea!
I’m not a very good neighbor, LOL. I’m not mean or anything, but I spend a lot of time oblivious to the world around me.
I live in st louis. Block parties are pretty popular here. Tonight is National Night out, or something like that, so lots of neighborhoods are throwing block parties. The Mayer came & brought a bunch of Maplewood T-shirts (technically, I live in Maplewood, which is the oldest suburb of St. Louis), the fire department brought their truck & gave the kids who were riding bikes new helmets. The cops stopped by. The block was blocked off so the kids could ride their bikes up & down the street. This is a nice neighborhood & everyone is pretty nice. It’s all old houses built just before the turn of the century (the old century, not the newest one, lol). So my house is 120 years old or so. I love it here. A nice quiet neighborhood.
I worked out in the garden for a few hours, photos on my FB https://www.facebook.com/terri.langerak
Then I came in & drank another cup of Zhu Right, 1T steeped 5 min.
God, I love that tea!
Now I’m relaxing with a cup of this licorice tea, which is such a tasty spicy brew. I needed this.
I’ve been having horrible allergies all day. After chanting the merits of Nettles as an aid for allergies & getting several people to drink them, I’ve been slacking on my own Nettles consumption, & my allergies hit me with a vengeance today. Luckily nettles work fairly quickly, if you actually drink them, & I started drinking them again this afternoon. The tree & grass pollens are ridiculously high, and I played an outside wedding today, so I feel irritated from head to toe, eyes watering, can’t quit yawning. But I feel a lot better than I did earlier today. I’ll need to be consistent with my Nettles for awhile.
This evening I enjoyed a cup of this Egyptian Licorice tea, which I’ve been drinking for years. It’s naturally sweet & pleasantly spicy. I’ve written more extensive reviews of it, I think. It’s tasty!
Just spent the afternoon watching back to back episodes of the Walking Dead, a show I had not gotten into up until friday night when Tony wanted to check it out on Netflix. We’ve been watching it on & off all weekend, sitting around in our PJs, drinking tea. Tony fixed amazing steaks for dinner, we had asparagus, & now were settling down with cups of licorice root tea to watch The Game of Thrones. Between last season & the one that starts tonight, I read the entire series of books, so there’s a little confusion in my mind as to where the story is, but I’m sure I’ll get over it.
I really enjoy this tea. It’s spicey & good.
My husband and I love those shows! I’ve been curious about this tea too. Should just pick some up…it’s at whole foods. We’ve been lazy too. Been watching a lot of Star Trek Deep Space Nine!
I’ve always loved licorice root. It is definitely one of my most favorite herbs. 30 years ago I used licorice root sticks to quit smoking, & I’ve turned others onto them for the same reason. Basically, I’d buy the sticks, which are about the size of a long thin cigarette, & chew on the end of one, holding it like I would hold a cigarette. The flavor is naturally sweet & pleasant, at least to me. What’s amazing about licorice is you taste it after you swallow it, & the flavor lingers for quite awhile. I have drank licorice as a tea for a very long time, both plain & in combinations. I originally became interested in it in my 20’s when I read that it is a natural antidepressant, helps balance your blood sugar & helps for chronic fatigue syndrome, problems I suffered from for a long time. (Not anymore, I’m cured from that, fibro-whatever, arthritis, & everything else).
So I used to get a licorice tea from an herb shop in Kansas City, “House of Hezekiah”. I’ve also enjoyed this blend from Yogi teas for years. It’s sweetly spicey & gently warming. I haven’t drank a lot of licorice lately, & I think I need to add some back into my life. I’ve even been thinking of adding it to my garden this year, along with Elderberry, burdock, & a few others.
Its about time for me to update this log eh?
Before I get into it I shall post a disclaimer:
I am not a doctor, I don’t even have a CPR card. Any testimony or information posted here is of my personal experience and/or the information that I have personally researched. ASK YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE STARTING ANY KIND OF TREATMENT OR REGIMEN, YES EVEN IF IT IS AN HERBAL SUPPLUMENT. Whether your doctor agrees with your lifestyle choices or not they are your most reliable source for health risks and interactions associated with increased intake of ANYTHING in your diet. There is a plethora of drug interactions with SJW or any medication that can range from mildly irritating to life threatening. Take initiative and be the informed patient rather than the bewildered victim.
Alright, let’s start!
So I have been taking tthis consistent for a month now and so far, so good! The tea recommends that you steep 1 to 2 teabags in an 8oz cup 4 times a day, but I lack the patience, funds and time to do so. As a consequence, I make a teapot (32oz) aand use 2 teabags, as I am under the impression that teapots inprove steeping by about 100%. I then pour it into a bottle and measure out exactly 8 oz to drink in the morning (between 7 and 10) afternoon (between 3 and 5) and at night (between 9 and 12).
Rather than making me drowsy as warned, I find this blend notably relaxing more than anything. Thus far I have experienced no physical sideaffects and find myself able to focus more and get up and do what I have to. Behavior changes when I skip a dose are fairly quick and evident however. I am reminded of when I used birth control and how while my body was adjusting I would have outbursts of crazy lady for no reason during the first week of every pill cycle. So it is very beneficial for me to just keep several doses available in advance.
The biggest notable difference to me is that I have regained the ability to just get up and do things. It’s easier to get out of bed and I don’t wake up miserable without any particular reason. When I actiively think of the taste it’s annoying. I like licorice root, but tasting it 3 times a day for god know how long is not my idea of a good time. If I get too sick of it, I may switch over to a pill. It’s not bad cold, but I find my experience drinking the tea is better if it is warm and overall the taste is rather unobtrusive.
My boyfriend notes that I seem significantly less unhappy as well as commenting that I “don’t seem so quick to give up on everything all the time.”
Would I recommend this stuff to anyone for depression? No. What I would recommend is speaking to your doctor about taking it after you’ve done your own research and find out if SJW is the right antidepressant for you.
So far so good! I’m really pleased I deccided to go this route rather than a standard SSRI (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor) with all their horrible irrepairable side affects and my lack of health insurance.
P.S: I’m not rating this mix because I don’t think a number rating is the important tidbit to gather from this drink, nor would I know how to.
Glad to hear that this is helping you! I don’t suffer from depression to my knowledge, but i’ve lately had some pretty severe problems with self-motivation, and need to figure out how to fix that. This is perhaps not the solution for me, but something to keep in mind!
Yeah everyone needs a push every once in a while, I’m certain you’ll figure it out. Sometimes it cab be as simple as introducing mmore B vitamins to your life.
I want to be a nurse, so I guess it’s about time that I start saying this:
ASK YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE STARTING ANY HERBAL SUPPLEMENT. TAKE CARE TO READ THE SIDE EFFECTS AND DRUG INTERACTIONS (there’s alot of them) including decreasing the effectiveness of estrogen-based birth control, most pharmaceutical anti-depressant, painkillers and anything else that increases your production of serotonin.
That said, I’ll get into the review!
This is day 1 cup 1 of this tea for me. I do believe the Vicodin is out of my system, but to my dismay my last medication I have to use requires chemical birthcontrol if I plan on being intimate, which is a major drug interaction with SJW. After talking at lengths with my boyfriend, we’ve decided that it is more important to give this medication a try for my mental health than play bump bump…and so another 3 months of abstinence has been added to the 7 months of abstinence we’ve already had. This is going to be the best 1 year of dating mark ever.
Upon investigation, I am not entirely sure of the numbers in this blend. There is only 27mg of SJW extract actually in this tea and then 843 mg of the leaf and flower of which I am unsure what the ratio of whole plant to extract would be, but the normal prescription dose in other countries(the US does not take holistic care seriously)is 300mg/day, waaaay more than this tea asks you to drink.
I prepared this in a 32oz teapot with only 2 teabags and it came out BLACK. The directions stated to use 1 teabag for 8oz of hot water. I suspect that this blend is either going to be ass kicking strong or nowhere near as potent as I need it.
The flavor is of licorice and mint, I am reminded of straight licorice root and those licorice gumdrops, Crows. When I would want an awesome candy that no one else wants to eat, I always went for Crows. Not feeling drowsy yet, but I am still not gonna drive for the rest of the day, maybe the week, until I figure out what exactly this stuff does to me. I’ll log again at the end of the week and I’ll rate again in 30 days.
I believe that the majority of herbal teas are suitable for the majority of people despite their medications. Sure it’s best to double check that there are no warning labels on the packet but the only ones I have seen that have had those were from a Chinese remedy shop. The main thing to watch out for with herbal teas are allergic reactions.
Look at chocolate teas for instance, Cocoa and chocolate contain the tetrahydroisoquinoline alkaloid salsolinol up to a concentration of 25 microg/g. Salsolinol is a dopaminergic active compound which binds to the D(2) receptor family, especially to the D(3) receptor with a K(i) of 0.48+/-0.021 micromol/l. It inhibits the formation of cyclic AMP and the release of beta-endorphin and ACTH in a pituitary cell system. It’s proven to increase women’s testosterone levels which is why a lot of women crave chocolate when they are menstruating.
I wouldn’t worry too much about your herbal tea causing you any problems as long as you don’t drink them in excess. :)