Yogi Tea

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drank Breathe Deep by Yogi Tea
921 tasting notes

As you might recall, yesterday I took a walk in the frigid air to the store (for milk and hair dye, life’s necessities) and I believe I picked up a new friend when I was out. Yes, there is a squatter in my lungs, a friendly little cold or some sort of irritant, meaning this is a perfect opportunity to test an herbal tea while taking a break from my spriting. The Perler inspiration bug has bitten very hard.

Today we are looking at Breathe Deep by Yogi Teas is a blend of herbs to support respiratory health and includes Licorice Root, Eucalyptus, Basil Leaf, Ginger Root, Cardamon Seed, Cinnamon Bark, Thyme Leaf, Elecampane Root, Peppermint Leaf, Mullien Leaf, and Natural and Organic Flavors. Opening the wrapper you get a nice slam in the face of eucalyptus, hello cooling fumes for my lungs! Mixing that aroma with mint and licorice it makes for a sweet blend with a very strong cooling effect for my sinuses and lungs, it is very refreshing. If you are not a fan of the aroma of eucalyptus and mint, walk away now because it is crazy strong!

Steeping the tea has turned my bedroom into a lung soothing sauna, or a jar of Vapor Rub. The aroma is mostly mint and eucalyptus but there is also an undertone of green, herbal aroma with a hint of savory herbs. It is certainly a good aroma for breathing in when you are unwell.

Holy Mary Mother of Mudkips that is intensely sweet. I was not expecting that level of sweetness, it is the strange sweetness of licorice root that gives it an almost artificial taste, if you have ever chewed on licorice root you will immediately recognize that flavor. For once I actually wish a tea was less sweet, I really must be unwell…or it really is just that sweet. The mouthfeel is refreshing and cooling with a delightful tingling as it goes down. There is a medicinal aftertaste that is not very pleasant. I can certainly breathe easier, so it does its job, but the taste is not exactly pleasant. I am not sure if I actually need to drink this tea in the future, I think that breathing in the steam from the tea did most the easing of my lungs.

For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2013/11/yogi-tea-breathe-deep-tea-review.html


I don’t care at all for licorice sweetness, but maybe having this on hand to breathe might be a good plan for the winter…


I love licorice sweetness…but not THAT much! I certainly have a feeling I will be using this for steam breathing a lot this winter!


I think this tea is soothing and delicious. I certainly don’t have time for a full page write up and blog notes but I enjoy it and will purchase it again.


It is always good to find a tea you like.

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drank Calming by Yogi Tea
2145 tasting notes

Random Teabag Sipdown

There are a lot of flavors going on with this tea, which is pretty typical of any yogi blend. It was a little odd tasting and tasted very strongly of licorice and chamomile. The other flavors surprisingly enough didn’t really stand out.

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Calming by Yogi Tea
737 tasting notes

This stuff really doesn’t taste great… It smells like wet clay. And it tastes bitter and medicinal.

I’m only drinking it because I’ve heard good things about gotu kola. We’ll see if it “eases my mild tension,” like it promises to.

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drank Calming by Yogi Tea
737 tasting notes

Very typical Yogi blend. Sweet-tasting, thick mouthfeel, wheaty- aftertaste, verrrrry long list of ingredients, some of which have funky names, etc.

I was feeling a little panicky before I made it, and after I sipped on it for a bit, I felt better. Would I go so far as to give this tea all the credit? No. Did it maybe help take some of the edge of? Yes.

All in all, pretty good. I wouldn’t buy a box of this unless I had a coupon or it was on sale, though.

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I got this tea in a sample pack. The tea smells nice, but it’s a tad weak. I might try this tea again to get a better feel for it.

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Another “alien mystery bag” that supplied a pleasant surprise. Usually I avoid Yogi because of the ridiculously cloying licorice that shows up in most of their blends. No licorice in this one—and it does have a nice, light, fruit-juicy quality. Like Juicy Fruit fruit-juicy.

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drank Kava Stress Relief by Yogi Tea
814 tasting notes

idk why steepster is broken on my computer but will work on my phone. I haven’t been able to make regular posts in days. And posting from my phone is not fun and full of typos.

I drank this tea as still another agenda of drinking even the dreg teas of the house. At least once.
I do not like the flavor. And it surely didn’t relax me. Hah


I feel you on drinking the dregs. I’m coming up with craft projects for the paper wrappers around the tea bags to get myself to drink them. And even then it’s only kind of working.

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drank Caramel Apple Spice by Yogi Tea
32 tasting notes

I really want to like this tea, because it smells wonderful, but I just can’t bring myself to enjoy it, no matter how I prepare it. Whether served plain or with milk and sugar, the flavors seem somewhat bland and boring to me. There is nothing that special about this tea, but there really isn’t anything too horrible about it either. This is one of those teas that you just have to try for yourself.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Berry DeTox by Yogi Tea
814 tasting notes

ah another tea from the back of our cupboard.
it’s boring.
but you know what’s NOT boring…?
i hope you all voted today!! (when applicable)


i live in Virginia, where everyone has an eye on McAuliffe vs. Cuccinelli.


That’s better than living in Toronto, where people WORLDWIDE know about your mayor. /0\


shhhh don’t talk about him


Yep. One issue on the ballot; our kind election ladies were snacking and working puzzles :)

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Almost like a coffee.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Peach DeTox by Yogi Tea
32 tasting notes

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drank Mayan Cocoa Spice by Yogi Tea
218 tasting notes

Watered down cocoa with mild spices – doesn’t taste as bad as it sounds. Kind of a sleep-inducing potion, nice on this freezing evening.

I am trying to finish most of my bagged tea… to be free of it!

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drank Chai Black by Yogi Tea
814 tasting notes

it’s true, the scent you get when you tear open this tea bag’s packaging is pretty good. and the taste is pretty okay too.definitely not sucky considering it probably came from a grocery store.

i had a kinda zany morning. and i’m definitely too hyper to be around people. i’m gonna put on some modern classical and try to hideout.

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drank Chai Redbush by Yogi Tea
26 tasting notes

Being a big fan of Clove, I find this Chai blend very tasty and relaxing. As others have written here, the Clove tends to overpower a bit, but that is the reason I bought this tea, so I’m very happy. In fact, I sometimes add a drop of Clove Oil to boost the scent a bit.

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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This is a good bedtime tea. It works better than Valerian and catnip, at least for me. The L-Theanine helps me both fall asleep and stay asleep, which is key. It actually tastes pretty OK, too, for a Yogi tea. It’s like an herbaceous chai. I don’t really get a lot of caramel notes— I mostly taste cinnamon. There is stevia in it, unfortunately, but it’s not cloying at all.
TL; DR: It’s a warming, pleasantly different take on the standard chamomile-lavender-licorice-lemon balm-mint brews that you find when you’re looking for a bedtime tea. And it does what it promises to.

Flavors: Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Herbaceous, Sweet

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This is the best bedtime tea I’ve ever had, in terms of how well it works. I only use it when I’m really really super restless, like last night.

The tea just makes me feel a little more relaxed and open to clearing my mind. I drank it before I did some yoga, meditation, and prayer, and it definitely helped get my mind in the right place for those things.

Yogi teas all taste basically the same to me, so I’m not making a plug for its flavor. It tastes like a sweet, apple-y, herbal bouquet of so-so-ness. No caramel that I can detect, despite what the ingredient list claims. But it really does deliver on its promise of “supporting a good night’s sleep.”

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I agree with everyone else- this tea tastes nothing like caramel. It smells and tastes a lot like apple pie to me. Is that weird? I think it’s the nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and cloves that do it. It is very tasty, but don’t expect caramel. Normally I am not a fan of rooibos, because I think it’s bland and yucky, but this blend has enough other stuff in it that lack of flavor is not a problem at all.

That being said, the list of ingredients in this tea is downright short compared to some of Yogi’s other blends. So that didn’t bug me too much. What made me hesitate was the fact that I had no idea what L-Theanine Suntheanine was, until a quick Google search revealed that it’s an amino acid. (I also discovered shortly thereafter that the box itself tells you that it’s “a naturally occurring amino acid found in green tea” and that it “promotes relaxation by calming the mind.”)

So it TASTED good, but did it serve its intended purpose of making me sleepy and relaxed before bed? Yes! I’ve had plenty of Yogi’s Bedtime blend, which contains Valerian, and I gotta say, this blend worked better for me. This is nice stuff. I woke up a little groggy, but I think that’s because I slept more deeply than usual after drinking this tea.

Highly recommend this tea! Especially for fans of pie.

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drank DeTox by Yogi Tea
737 tasting notes

Funny thing about Yogi- they’ll make a tantalizingly delicious blend full of herbs that are horrendously bad for you (looking at YOU, Kava Stress Relief!) And then make a terrible-tasting blend full of herbs that are good for you.

Like this one. Which I am only drinking because of this afternoon’s kava scare.

Here’s to a happy liver and unhappy taste buds tonight. Bottoms up.

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drank DeTox by Yogi Tea
737 tasting notes

Dandelions! Who knew?

This one has a little more of a bite to it before it sinks into Yogi’s usual slightly sweet, aggressively herbal aftertaste. The spice can be easily accredited to the cinnamon, ginger, and black pepper.

I have no idea what Burdock, Long Pepper Berry, Phellodendron, Coptis Root, or Winter Melon are, or what they do, but I’ve been drinking this tea for a while, and I seem to be fine, so I’m going to assume that they’re at least harmless, if nothing else.

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drank DeTox by Yogi Tea
737 tasting notes

Drank a mug of this with lunch. It’s my third cup of it, and I still love it. I feel better after I drink it at any rate, so even if it’s just a placebo effect, it still makes me happy.

I am unused to thinking of dandelions as things to be ingested. I think of them more as evil weeds that choke out lawns and gardens and proliferate at an alarming rate. However, they are yummy in this tisane! They’re present without being obnoxious, and they give it a sweet, lightly floral flavor, which balances the spice out nicely. Most importantly, it doesn’t feel like I’m drinking a ground-up pest species (which in fact, I am).

Good to know that dandelions have a more productive purpose, instead of just annoying the crap out of rural and suburban homeowners.

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