Celestial Seasonings

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Dude. If someone would have told me that this tea smells and tastes just like those Little Debbie individually wrapped iced gingerbread men, I would have tried it ages ago! Okay, I’ll be honest, it is a TEENSY bit bland, to call itself Gingerbread SPICE, but I’m enjoying it anyway, because it makes me think of those cookies. My box is also a bit on the old side, so it might be a little spicier if it was fresher (although some of the other comments seem to indicate maybe not).

In other sad news, I have had to cut ALL caffeine out of my diet because it gives my little girl really bad colic. So that means no black, mate, or oolong tea at the very least. I want to try green and white teas, but I just haven’t yet, partially because I’m scared (it’s REALLY bad colic) and partially because I just haven’t gotten a craving for one yet. It won’t last forever, but it makes me very sad. I just don’t get as excited about herbals, and rooibos and I are not on great terms at the moment. :(

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Not a great tea by any stretch of the imagination, but this is one that’s still usable in my cupboard because of the purpose it serves. When I’m sick with a nasty coughing cold, I make this (yes decaf, I’m sensitive to caffeine), add lemon (nice big chunk, squeezed), honey, and some rum, and my throat is happy. Sure, there are other decaf greens I could probably use, but I like this one for now.

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 45 sec

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Celestial Seasonings is usually a hit for me no matter the flavor but I do not care for this tea.

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I don’t drink much bagged tea anymore, and this is one of the few. I love spices, and I especially love them in teas. I’ve loved this tea for at least 6 years now.
I’m a chai lover, but in the evening, I’m not much of a caffeine lover. This is a good alternative. I like steeping this tea a little bit longer – usually 5-6 minutes, because when it comes to spices, I like them to “bite”. I love the “bitey” cinnamon and “bitey” cloves. I haven’t found a better caffeine free alternative, and find that the rooibis, teas are too weak.

5 min, 30 sec

i agree on the rooiboos strength, it also lends a ‘twang’ to the flavour which i often dislike. i prefer a honeybush herbal from that respect.

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Oh my gosh so I found this in the pantry at my cousins and I’ve never had Thai Chai before sooo I wanted to try it out!
So I did and it was good, but it needed milk. I looked in the fridge and THERE’S NO MILK TO BE FOUND. But… I did find a can of whipped cream… yeah I just put whipped cream in my tea.
Oh gosh. I’d rather have my milk, but I have to say, this isn’t too bad! I’ve never had whipped cream in tea before, and I don’t know anyone who puts whipped cream in their tea so I have no idea if this is totally normal.
So I saw it had coconut, and I absolutely DESPISE coconut. But I smelled the tea bags and I didn’t really smell any coconut so I thought I would be safe. Brewing the tea, OH HELLO COCONUT. Drinking the tea (without the whipped cream), the coconut wasn’t as strong as I thought it would be. Then adding the whipped cream, ahhh not too bad :)
Definitely one of the better tea bags I’ve had.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Another friendly gift, one I can appreciate much more than the box of Lipton from the same pal.
This tea is as soothing as the box advertises, and will definitely warm your insides and linger with a minty buttery flavor. It didn’t taste buttery at first, as for me the most prominent taste was mint and lemongrass (always a plus). Of course caffeine-free which I prefer after doing a sort of personal rehab with the mind-numbing stimulant; and being so helps this tea in being very naturally sweet.
Not one to keep around per-se, but the box certainly won’t go to waste.
Edit— Also would like to note I definitely appreciate the teamakers concern for the environment!

195 °F / 90 °C 8 min or more

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Cold-steeped of few tea-bags of this in a pitcher for about 24 hours. This is a tasty, sweet, and pleasantly tart brew. Yes, the hibisus is there, but it’s not overpowering. The citrus is nice and strong. I get a little bit of spice from this too: Maybe a little cinnamon? This very satisfying on a hot day. I would brew this again!

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Rating this on behalf of my bf:

“Got sleepy, would drink again, A+++++++”

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It feels weird to drink an orange flavored tea that is basically purple. It’s like my tongue is worried that my eyes are seeing purple.
This smells a lot like the orange sage blend from Teavana. It actually has a very similar orange flavor; almost spot on in fact. >:) Cheap version of that tea here I come! It’s not 100% on, but the orange is there. The tart is also something that I really like, so in my biased view, this is something I’d keep around.

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This smells mainly of hibiscus. I’m also one of the rare people on here who really loves the tart flavor. This somehow tastes more of cherry than anything else. There is a bit of raspberry in there too, but it is pretty artificial tasting. It reminds me a bit of the forest berries tea by Adagio without the black base. It isn’t terrible, just not the very best. I’d say I’d drink it just for something fruity.

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drank Bengal Spice by Celestial Seasonings
541 tasting notes

This smells so familiar somehow. It smells like my grandma’s home when I was younger, in a way. It smells like Christmas and horchata with my girlfriends. The teabags themselves don’t smell the most awesome, but brewed I think I’m going to enjoy this. I think that store teas get a bad rap. I actually enjoy most herbal store bought brands.
I think I’m in the “I enjoy roasted chicory club”. This is very calming. I was expecting more black pepper flavor for whatever reason, but it isn’t too evident. This is plenty sweet without adding anything, but reminds me of a chai base meant for milk. I really like this one!
More grocery store herbals for me!

Terri HarpLady

Welcome to the roasted chicory club! :D


Wohoo! :3 Our numbers are growing!

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I actually really love this one! I got a second box because I went through the first one so quickly. It reminds me a bit of these little hard candies that we were given while reading James and the Giant Peach during 4th grade. The peach flavor is more on par in this than any other peach tea I’ve had; which is surprising. Very much recommended for people who like herbals or want a good late night tea.

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So I’m in love with my new tea kettle! :3 It boils water so fast. What in the world was I doing not using one of these?!
This tea is actually really good. I bet it’d be great cold. It tastes like peach and it is somehow not really artificial tasting. It reminds me of peach rings. I’m loving these herbal blends.

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I’m going to be reducing the amount of caffinated tea I’m drinking, so herbals it is! My husband picked out a tea kettle for me today. It’s cute!
This actually tastes almost exactly like Adagio’s Berry blues tea. I really liked it. It mainly tastes like tart, fresh berries with some hibiscus. Pretty great for me!

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Was feel nauseous this evening so I decided to give this tea a shot. It is helping somewhat to soothe the discomfort. AS for the taste, the mint is definitely the first thing I taste. Added a little honey to help sweeten it and also to soothe my sore throat. So far, it appears to be helping. :)

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 30 sec

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I’ve been doing a lot of drinking without logging lately. There’s too much going on. :( And I fear my obsession is waning. Though I do still crave a tasty cup and tons of variety. Maybe I just don’t have time to sit down and really appreciate a cup anymore.

Anyways, lets try and get backs the boat! I had a cup of this a few days ago. Sweet vanilla nuttiness! It was like a liquid cookie! Tasted best with a splash of cream. A great dessert tea! Thanks for sharing Josie Jade!

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This is one of those teas that fall in the what in the world were they thinking category for me. It managed to be both sweet and bitter at the same time and the final product really doesn’t taste at all like tea. It had such an awful artificial taste to it that I ended up dumping it out.

My mother laughingly called me a tea snob after I turned my nose up at it, but then she took a drink and spit it in the sink. Hey, at least I swallowed mine.


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Boiling 8 min or more

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I was thinking one day, while on my break at work, “Man! I need some new tea!” Even though my tea cabinet is full of several kinds, and variations of teas.So, I went to Price Cutter, thinking, they’re not gonna have what I want. I was browsing, and a red box caught my eye. I picked it up and looked it over. I put it up to my nose and the aroma had me hooked. I got back to work and opened the box,my mouth starting watering the instant I smelled it again. A coworker asked for a couple of bags, and we would compare tea notes the next day. I eagerly went home, and started the tea pot. The wait was killing me! Finally it had steeped to perfection! I added a couple of teaspoons of sugar, and I was hooked! I now have like 3 boxes of this stuff! I love it as much as I love my chais! Sooooo gooooood!!!

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I’m dying.

This is my tea to drink on those days where you have no sleep. It tastes gross but usually gets me moving at least. Not sure how today’s going to go.

Well my day started at 12:30 am with my carbon monoxide detector going off. I thought for the first minute someone had broken into the house and it was the house alarm going, I lay frozen in bed. Once I figured it out, I got up to investigate. The darn alarm was malfunctioning and kept going off like there was a gas leak but it was reading well below normal levels of carbon monoxide. Resetting it only worked for about 2 minutes. I tried removing it from the power source but it didn’t like that and started screaming at me so I had to rip the back of the detector off and remove the battery. After thoroughly inspecting my house, I opened all the windows and went to bed. But then I couldn’t sleep, I was imagining I had nausea and headaches for the rest of the night/morning.

I even drank a red bull at 6am on my commute to work, but it isn’t working. I find this tea tastes gross. Very roasted mate. Super strong and bitter aftertaste. No fancy flavourings to cover up the taste. But I am hoping it does the trick because I have a long day ahead of me. I need some thunder today.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

That sounds awful :( I have to say it reminded me of the Friends episode where Phoebe tries to remove her fire alarm that won’t stop beeping haha. I hope your day gets better!


@Courtney I couldn’t help but think of the same thing…

Hope you manage to get through your day Lala. :( And tonight you’ll just pass out I bet. I’ll be a bit dead today too. I’m used to a fairly early schedule, and sure enough my last few work days in a row I got up at 6AM. Today I was AWAKE at 6AM with no hope for more sleep, and I close tonight … which means I don’t get home until midnight. Sigh.


I suppose an outsider looking in would think it was hilarious. And in a few days I will probably think it was hilarious. But today I am still tired and irritated. I’m totally a Debbie Downer today.


Oh no, I definitely don’t think it’s hilarious. Losing nearly the entire night of sleep isn’t funny. If I lose even just an hour or two, I feel like a corpse the next day. :/


Ha ha. I was meaning to say that it is funny, thinking of the friends episode, although not funny at the time it is happening to you. My brain just isn’t functioning properly. Day almost over. In zombie mode.

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This was my first exposure to yerba mate tea. On second thought I could have tried a better tasting mate tea. Morning thunger has a smokey, bold flavour to it. I don’t particularly drink it for the taste. If you are tired it does get your thunder rolling in the morning :)

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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My second one. It’s tart. But it still has a nice flavor. It reminds me of hot koolaid.

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So I needed something sweet at work and bought the fruit sampler. This one reminds me of peaches and sugar cookies. It has a nice bakey note to it.

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