Celestial Seasonings

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Celestial Seasonings – bring this tea back!


My all time favorite! This tea is the absolute best! Too bad we have to settle for inferior flavors now.

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I think personally I’m not a big fan of plum and cinnamon and the tea was very sweet. Overall not a terrible blend, but not a great one either.

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Like most mint teas, they need a hint of some other subtle flavors to really bring out the strength of the mint. This one does a good job at being complex and quite tasty!

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Quite delicious, especially with a hint of honey. The hibiscus, lemongrass and orange peel really help give this lemon tea a complexity.

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This tea just tastes so strange to me. I’ve tried quite a few different chamomile blends now because it helps with my heartburn, so i don’t think it’s the strong chamomile flavor that i find off-putting. The honey/vanilla flavor tastes really artificial to me. And i was worried that the tea would taste citrusy when i first opened the box and smelled an orange-y aroma, but thankfully that isn’t the case. This tea isn’t altogether unpleasant, but my hunt for a favorite chamomile continues. I think the next step will be to try pure, whole chamomile.

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This has been in my cupboard for quite some time and I think the flavors might have altered a bit. It smells pretty much like what I imagine a sugar plum might smell like. The taste is also the same. I read that people have been tasting the spice portion, but I get no cinnamon whatsoever. I’m thinking it might have to do with the tea being so old. A hint of cinnamon would have been a nice touch, but to me it tastes like some sort of dark fruit dipped in sugar. Very pleasant. :)

6 min, 0 sec

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This is one of my favorite chai teas, although keep in mind that I am not an overly discerning tea drinker and do not own gadgets to brew loose leaf tea (I drink a lot of coffee). Perhaps when I delve into the loose leaf teas, my opinion might change. That being said, this tea is awesome. It is sweet and the coconut flavor definitely comes through. I used this frequently to wean myself off my expensive Starbucks drinks. I always drink it as a latte. I brew it as usual, then add some sugar and steamed milk with froth and it is absolutely heavenly. I love coconut so I was very pleased that the flavor came through nicely with a delicate coconuty sweetness, which the milk brings out even more. The chai taste was not overpowering. Overall a very mellow, sweet, delicious dessert tea. I plan to try it over ice next and perhaps, as the box suggests, with sweetened condensed milk, which I hope will taste awful because I don’t need a habit that involves copious amounts of sweetened condensed milk.

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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This blend is growing on me. I like that the spearmint isn’t too overpowering. This tastes like a milder version of Tazo® Calm™. Nope, no honey for this one. This is good as it is. Clears a minor headache and induces calm energy.

Boiling 8 min or more

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A rather bitter, unpleasant experience, tasting sharply of cinnamon.

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This tastes delicious with honey. Honey & lemon, what’s not to love? Actually, the lemon zest helped to keep me awake, especially after a heavy lunch. More effective than caffeinated teas in my opinion.

Boiling 6 min, 30 sec

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A mild refreshing perk-me-up tea with clean crisp whiffs of peppermint. Drinking this adds a coat of soothing mint to my throat. Comforting. I’ve read somewhere that it relieves indigestion and migraines. Good functional tea I guess, but I’m not too fond of mint teas.. yet. Perhaps I’ll steep this along with one of my other favourites the next time.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I’m beginning to like this. It’s like drinking dessert but less the calories. Very calming too, thanks to the chamomile.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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The first few whiffs brings a strong sweet vanilla scent; milky and creamy. As I steep the teabag for longer, the herbal chamomile blends in nicely with the vanilla. Steep longer for more of the chamomile goodness. I added honey to complement the sweet scent of vanilla.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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Am I allowed to write about Matcha Pocky on here? Cause I found some in China Town yesterday and I’m eating some now and they are delicious. Even the biscuit part has matcha in it! Anything made with matcha is just so pretty. That green. :)

Anyways, I’m having this Sweet Harvest Pumpkin thanks to Josie Jade. I’m just tearing through that box of samples from her today. :) Plus I really have a craving for buttermilk pumpkin soup, but I don’t have any pumpkin. :( I do have buttermilk though. I think I’ll make a pudding with it later today.

I saw a lot of negative reviews about this due to the stevia. I actually don’t much mind stevia. It’s not as tasty as sugar or honey, but it’s better than Equal or Splenda. So I added a splash or almond milk to this since spiced teas really do taste better milked up. This particular tea tastes like the inside of a pumpkin pie. A bit of that delicious orange squash flavor. Lightly spiced with cinnamon and ginger. brown sugar? Not too bad. It’s a bit thin though. Next time, I might have to use two bags per cup.

EDIT: Husband just came by and made off with my cup of this. haha I think I’ll leave the rest of these tea bags to him. :)


Oooh I should have bought some when I saw them at the drug store. Guess I’ll have to go back.


If there were real truth in labeling, the name should be “Extremely Cloying Harvest Pumpkin.” Doubt it’d sell quite as well, though ;)
(I’m OK with it as long as I dilute or 1/2 and 1/2 with plain black.)


I think I ended up throwing mine away!

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I enjoy this as a nice summer refreshing drink. At times I forgoed the ice and just had it steep with cold water…

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Basic chamomile in a bag. It does the job.

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Drank this Friday night to wind down. Definitely more zesty than soothing.

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Eli picked this for me at the grocery store. I was really leery of it at first. “Spice” is iffy for me (depending largely on how much cinnamon is involved), and I am not usually fond of fruity tea. So it sat untouched for a while.

Then, very late one night, I was all keyed up and wanted a nice cup of something relaxing and caffeine-free, to help me chill the heck out and go to sleep. My cupboard at the time did not have much in the way of herbal teas—and the others were ones I already knew I didn’t like a lot, or had flavors too zippy to be relaxing.

So I tried Mandarin Orange Spice. And I loved it. My concerns were unfounded. It wasn’t annoyingly fruity—it’s even made me willing to try other citrusy teas in the future. The spices were not overbearing—I’m not even sure if there’s any cinnamon. It was very nicely balanced between the fruit and the spice, and had a cheerful, uplifting flavor.

Unfortunately, “cheerful” and “uplifting” don’t really help me wind down and sleep—or maybe sleep was just not going to happen that night. But this was a lovely friendly tea to sip while I sat up reading until dawn.

Since then it’s been one of my favorites to drink in the afternoon/evening, just not right before bed.

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