1962 Tasting Notes
Day 1 of my DF advent calendar! I was very pleased to see this as the first day, as it’s a flavor I’ve been wanting to try. I really enjoyed it! Very distinct orange blossom flavor, with caramel and apricot also being at the forefront.
Flavors: Apricot, Caramel, Orange Blossom
So, when I first tried this tea about a year ago, I really didn’t like it. I couldn’t quite understand the fuss. This is another one that came in a DT set that I got because I couldn’t wait for a couple of the new teas to be released separately. I was dreading making this, because I remembered disliking it before. But, I went ahead and got it over with. However, this time I actually love it! I mainly get graham cracker, with a bit of a white chocolate flavor, and a very subtle marshmallow. I added a tiny bit of oat milk and I’m very much enjoying it. I actually think I’ll be grabbing some at the Black Friday sale.
Flavors: Graham Cracker, Marshmallow, White Chocolate
Your reviews convinced me to try a bunch of the new teas, so I took advantage of the sale yesterday and am super looking forward to trying everything!
Oh, boy. I got this in one of the new DT holiday sets before Gingerbread Blondie or Forever Frosty released, so that I could try those. I try to avoid teas with stevia, because I detest it. But, this came in the set, so I figured what the heck. Opened the little tin and I was just hit in the face with the scent of stevia. Just chocolate and stevia. Brewed it, tasted it. Yup, as expected. Stevia city. I actually like the chocolate notes in this, but the stevia overpowers every other flavor and makes it undrinkable for me.
Mmmmmm. Enjoying this as an oat milk latte topped with whipped cream this morning and it is wonderful. With the oat milk, the ‘cookie’ notes become much more pronounced, and the spiciness is mellowed out. It’s warm, cozy, and festive. Like most of DavidsTea’s matcha, it’s pretty sweet, but I prefer my flavored teas on the sweet side, so I don’t mind it.
Since I am new to flavored matchas, I think they would be great as latte vs traditional. Going to try them that way. Makes more sense than drinking them super concentrated. I really enjoyed the Mermaid Matcha too btw. Thank you!
I’ve been wanting to try this blend for awhile, and was so happy to see it arrive in my SipsBy box. Boy, was I disappointed. I opened the bag and it just smelled like salted nuts. I was still hopeful. Maybe the flavors would really shine once brewed? Nope. Tastes like hot buttered popcorn. Just awful. Couldn’t finish the cup.
Flavors: Popcorn