2979 Tasting Notes
Finishing off my misc. tea bags and this is on e that has been sitting around for years. The tea base is pretty good, but mild. I don’t taste any ginger but lots of peppermint. I would have thought it was only peppermint and a generic green tea. Not bad, and better with a splash of soy milk.
Flavors: Mint, Peppermint
This is one of my all-time favourite teas. I did not buy a box this year because I still have a few teabags. To my delight, my new job had some teabags of this sitting in the communal tedabag area.
Not only did I land my new dream job with awesome pay, but they also pay us for a 30 minute tea and coffee break where we talk about science things. It’s incredible! AND I get to drink my favourite tea.
I have been drinking this nearly every day and have now used all of the tea bags, however I really enjoy this tea brewed hot (either plain, or with vanilla soy milk).
Flavors: Cocoa, Dark Chocolate, Floral, Lavender, Mint, Peppermint, Vanilla
My teabag is labelled “Lemon ginger” and does not specify herbal revive as the produce line. But it is by Twinnings and was purchased several years ago directly from the Twinnings store in London. I’m not 100% sure this is the exact same blend as the listing.
I put this in a large water bottle (~750 mL) with cold filtered water and just left the teabag in for several refills of water. It can flavour about 2L of water, which is very impressive. It tastes a bit like a lemonade but without the sweetness. I did not find it overly sour, since it was coldbrewed. I’ve had this brewed hot and it steeps too sour and tart. But cold it makes a lovely iced tea (even if you don’t have any ice). The ginger could be a bit stronger but overall it is balanced. I can also taste what I think is lemongrass. It might just be the lemon zest with other herbs but either way it is very tasty.
Flavors: Citrus, Ginger, Herbs, Lemon
This tea is actually really solid when enjoyed with a very short steep.
First steep – 125 mL boiling water, 20 second steep
Second steep – 125 mL hot water, 45 second steep
Both steeps were actually really tasty on such a cold January morning. The sour and tart notes are minimized by the short steep. The sweetness of the cinnamon was nice with the chamomile flavour.
Flavors: Apple, Cinnamon, Dried Fruit, Hibiscus, Sweet
I sure miss when DT used to let you choose some free samples with your order. Lucily, I get them in the mail on the rare occasion.
This is quite sour, without any sweetness to balance out the hibiscus. I would expect the blackberry leaves to help but I couldn’t taste them. It brews a bit weak, but I could see pople enjoying it as a coldbrew if they brewed it over 2+ days or using 2x the amount of tea. I can taste some nice fruity notes and citrus.
Flavors: Citrus, Fruity, Lemon
A sipdown from last week of a sampler I think I received in an advent swap. My cupboard is so out of order ’m not sure any more!
Anyway, this is an average black tea. The strawberry flavour is chemically and fake like a candy. However, it is also creamy which is a very nice addition. Not bad by any means, but not excellent either. I appreciate that it is decaf. Slight malt but nothing else remarkable about the base.
Flavors: Chemical, Creamy, Strawberry
I got a horrible stomach ache from drinking this. I think it might have stevia in it, but my package does not list stevia on the ingredients. I wonder if there could be blackberry leaf as a sweetener? It tastes very sweet, anyway. I get painful stomach aches every time I consume stevia, which is why I’m suspicious but I don’t think DT would make such a big labelling error.
Some nice herbs (basil and pepper) and vegetal notes. I taste the hibiscus but it is overwhelmed by the sweetness. There are some minor fruity notes from theh ibiscus and also something that tastes like berry and dried cranberries.
Flavors: Basil, Berry, Herbs, Pepper, Stevia, Sweet