258 Tasting Notes
I really enjoyed this blend, it was another blend from my secret Santa exchange with Vallhallow ( Thank you again!). It was definitely a cakey, sweet, subtly spiced blend that has to be one of the best french toast blends I have had. I always try to grab french toast blends whenever I see them because french toast is one of my favorite flavors and this was a hit! Definitely going to grab some for my stash.
Flavors: Bread, Cake, Cinnamon, Malt, Maple, Syrupy, Vanilla
I actually really enjoyed this blend, it had the toastiness of a genmaicha in a black and rooibos blend. It was very subtle but with a bit of sweetener and milk, it was super yummy.
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Cake, Coconut, Cookie, Toffee, Vanilla
Such a yummy cookie blend, I got this blend in a Secret Santa exchange, and its definitely going to be an addition to the collection the next time I order some tea.
Flavors: Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Cookie, Oatmeal
Oooh, I used to love the Della Terra Oatmeal Raisin Cookie tea! I wonder if this is anything like it.
It was really good! It’s probably their tea I miss the most. I know some of their blends must have been created out-of-house because certain ones were available from other vendors, but I never managed to find this one and now I can’t remember who it was that sold them ): maybe I’ll have to try this to compare!
Nattie, Della Terra’s source was here: https://www.eastindiescoffeeandtea.com/
@tea-sipper : Oh my gosh, you are really saving my bacon today! Thank you!! I’ve just looked and currently their minimum order is a 2lb bag, so I might have to hold off for now and find another company selling their teas XD They do say they have an online store coming early next year though, so fingers crossed for that! (:
I have heard others say that if you order through e-mail, you do not have to buy two pounds of each tea, since they are mainly a wholesaler. However, thank you for mentioning you noticed they will have an online store soon!! I’m very excited for that, so I’m glad you had me visiting their site today. :D
This was a blend that a friend sent to me in a secret Santa exchange and I really like it! I think I’m going to have to place my first 52 Teas order… I generally love genmaicha so with the added buttery, creamy, toasted coconut I really liked this blend.
Flavors: Butter, Caramel, Coconut, Cream, Custard, Marshmallow, Toasty
A delightful rosey- currant blend. The florals are a bit stronger than the current but it is the star of the show so it’s expected. One of my favorites from Trader Nicks.
Flavors: Black Currant, Honey, Rose