Wild Monk Sheng Pu'er (2012)

Tea type
Pu'erh Tea
Not available
Tobacco, Fruity, Smoke, Sweet, Wood, Apricot, Bamboo, Wet Moss, Butter, Flowers, Molasses, Sage, Straw, Cinnamon, Earth, Licorice, Nuts, Sweet Potatoes, Yams, Creamy, Hay, Musty, Toasted, Wet Earth, Wet wood
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Sil
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 1 min, 30 sec 5 g 21 oz / 622 ml

Currently unavailable

We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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73 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I’m finally tasting the 2014 version! Thanks for the sample Garret Well, this is a delicious sheng. Not the same as 2012…no smoke at the beginning, a little more bold. Still VERY enjoyable though...” Read full tasting note
  • “On a good or a bad day, I have tea. Yes, it’s part of my life everyday. It’s something that brings me pleasure no matter how shitty my day is. I’ll take pleasure over happiness. Happiness isn’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “100! UH OH! This tea is amazing! Steeped in a glass gaiwan, it was beautiful to watch the cake chunk turn from dark leaf into fall colours. Great, complex notes that change every infusion: smokey,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Wow, Steepsters. Just wow. Garret very kindly sent me a sample of this, and I am completely floored. This is a 2012?! I’m not getting any bitterness from this, even at 205f. I’m certainly not...” Read full tasting note

From Mandala Tea

Brewing up the nature of all things,
breathing in the essence of this
wild mountain leaf,
we connect with the scent
of past loves, past lives;
Ancient smoke and yogi sweet.

If we listen intently,
the wise tea sage,
through its subtle yet direct teaching,
sits us down and tells us
of ways lost
and the new paths awaiting us
as we rediscover them.

-Garret inspired by our Wild Monk pu’er

This particular pu’er is very special in that it was picked from tea trees grown entirely in the wild, surrounded by all the native floral and fauna, exposed to nothing but clean air, high-altitude and sunshine. The tea grows quite dark, almost purple as it has adapted to the high levels in sunshine, protecting itself from the UV rays. For us humans that means we get a tea that is even higher in antioxidants.

This is a product of our April 2012 buying trip to China. We are so excited by this tea and have commissioned the pressing of 300 cakes of this leaf for long-term storage and aging. Customers are raving about this tea and we have had many repeat buys!

Almost no bitterness is present in the infused tea liquor, even when brewing at higher temps, though most of our customers are enjoying this at water temps of 175 to 190 degrees. This is delicious in the tea glass style of brewing, as well, but should definitely be enjoyed gongfu style at least once!

The dry leaf has a sweet, smoky aroma and even those who have not been fans of smoke are enjoying this tea. So sweet and full in the mouth with a tea energy that will leave you feeling fantastic! You will keep coming back for more!

We are so excited to be one of the first tea companies in the US to offer such a rare tea to our customers. It is much worthy of the rave reviews it is getting!

About Mandala Tea View company

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73 Tasting Notes

1113 tasting notes

I’m finally tasting the 2014 version! Thanks for the sample Garret

Well, this is a delicious sheng. Not the same as 2012…no smoke at the beginning, a little more bold. Still VERY enjoyable though with a great energy! I’m glad to report that it is a suitable replacement for the last harvest :)

I still plan to use the rest of my sample to do a side by side comparison! Then I should be able to write a better note! :D Fun!!

Terri HarpLady

I should get some of this while I still have some of the previous one, so I can compare them :) I’m way overdue for a Mandala order anyway, & thanks to online itunes sales, I actually have some money in my playpal account!


Great to know, Stephanie…I’m still sipping on my 2012, but those days are almost gone :-(


I ordered another 2012 cake that I may hoard forever and ever, lol.


I love them both. I love the 2012 version so dearly and was certainly anxious to see what the autumn 2013 mao cha would turn into once pressed. I dig it. Totally drinkable now. And yes… waaaaay less smoke, due to processing and time of year it was harvested. Lots to hold my interest in the new pressing, for sure. So excited that I could make another pressing happen.

It’s fun to get down with the Wild Monk no matter what vintage. Sometimes, it’s the only thing that makes sense, am I right?

We have only a few tongs left of the Wild Monk 2012. One of them is mine :)

Grooviness to you all,

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359 tasting notes

On a good or a bad day, I have tea. Yes, it’s part of my life everyday. It’s something that brings me pleasure no matter how shitty my day is. I’ll take pleasure over happiness. Happiness isn’t reliable, you can’t expect to be happy everyday even if you want to. But you can experience the pleasure of having tea everyday :-)

Tea pleasure is reliable and measurable. This one is proof to my theory. It’s not a concept, but a moment in time that exists and is seizable, a simple pleasure in its purest form.

It is with such a pride that I broke a piece of my first sheng cake today. I know I have already reviewed this tea not long ago. This is just a quick addition.

It is stunning… a mossy-earthy-smoky feel and fresh minty grassy notes that make it so enjoyable… if that’s even possible, it tastes better than the first time I had it!

Dexter3657, I must thank you again for sending a sample in the first place.

(See previous note)


Very philosophical! ;-)


i love this tea.


Sherapop, I guess this tea is making a philosopher out of me :-)

Sil, how much exactly do you love this tea????


I love it too :)


I love it! probably more than i love what starts at 32:01


Very beautiful philosophical note. I love it!


Thanks Kamyria :-)

Sil: hahaha!!! Of course only YOU could come up with an answer like that…you made me work there, little missy, had to find the exact spot! Good thing I looove me some Parrell <3


(Oops, I meant “Pharrell”)


those stupid things dancing kills me… i’ve been laughing for days…


Yes, and lucky me, now they will be in my head just like the swedish chef has been for I don’t know how many days now, thanks to you!!!
(Are you messing with me? What just happened to Heffalump???)


wall-e wanted to play…


I love this note. You describe the importance of pleasure so perfectly. Thank you!!

Terri HarpLady

Beautiful review, fun video. I love you guys, you make me smile :)


Fab review. So very, vry true.


Are we not a crazy bunch? I think so and may lead the pack!


Aww, you guys are so awesome, thank you :-)

Haha! Mrmopar, yes we are…where else can you find at the same spot references to philosophy, sheng, Heffalump, Wall-e and weird tall yellow dancing mascots????

Terri HarpLady

and don’t forget profanity! LOL


Oh Terri, how could I forget about the most enjoyable part???


Nothing to add but a smile. Good way to start my morning.

Charles Thomas Draper

I’m ordering it right now based on your review and my love of Sheng


Charles, I don’t have your knowledge with Sheng, but I don’t think you are taking much of a risk by ordering this one, let us know how you enjoy it later :-)

Charles Thomas Draper

I will. Thank you. :)


hi Fairy, you are a good writer…very poetique:)


Thanks ligongsf, drinking this tea is very inspirational :-)

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1271 tasting notes

100! UH OH!

This tea is amazing! Steeped in a glass gaiwan, it was beautiful to watch the cake chunk turn from dark leaf into fall colours.

Great, complex notes that change every infusion: smokey, hickory, creamy, apricot, persimmon, apple, and grassy sweet hay. I love the persimmon notes, but the smokeyness was very enjoyable too!
No bitterness or crazy pu’er funk! I got a slight astringency in later infusions, but that was cool. Very tempted to try this tea iced, but I treasure this cake.. maybe when I buy another one!

Wild Monk was a memorable experience for me, more inspiring of a tea session than crazy pu’er party time, which I get from ripe pu’er. I’m more of a green/white tea drinker so this raw cake just danced perfectly with me!

Full review and pictures of me butchering my first pu’er cake at my blog, The Oolong Owl http://oolongowl.wordpress.com/2013/05/13/mandala-wild-monk-raw-puer-2012-tea-review-and-experience/

Tea lesson: Buy a pu’er knife or things get really messy.

185 °F / 85 °C

uh oh!! 100 bam! (added to list)


oooh, I love Mandala!


i am a green tea drinker, too. but white seems very banal…your take?

Oolong Owl

@ligongsf this pu’er has that body of a green or white (vs. richness of a black or ripe pu’er). I’d say a raw pu’er is the type of pu’er to try if you drink greens and whites. Wild Monk has a edge as it is complex in flavor and can be resteeped many many times (10 plus) over a white.

I’d also recommend Mandala Tea’s White Night – its a white tea, but is quite unique but also complex in flavor.


thanks, Owl…I guess Mandala only sells online? I plan to stop by DavidsTea, Teavana, and Chinatown tea shops tomorrow in San Francisco to taste around. not sure of their teas, though

Oolong Owl

Mandala is online http://shopmandalatea.com/ they have a store in MN. I’d say the teas I mentioned, you aren’t going to find comparable ones at DavidsTea and Teavana, they have more blends and their straight teas are okay quality (or really overpriced in Teavana’s case). You got a fantastic chinatown, I’d ask around in the discussion page for recommendations on specific stores.

Have you tried Lupicia? They have a store in San Fran if you want to be able to instore sample some teas.


Pu’er is a really intense experience for me. And its production seems really complex:http://www.articles3k.com/article/198/135670/Talks_about_Black_ShouRipe_Puerh/

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148 tasting notes

Wow, Steepsters. Just wow. Garret very kindly sent me a sample of this, and I am completely floored. This is a 2012?! I’m not getting any bitterness from this, even at 205f. I’m certainly not a puerh expert, in fact I think I barely qualify as a “newb”, but I would be very excited to try this tea again in 5 years (and 10, and 15…). It’s subtly sweet, smoky, and almost creamy. Slightly reminiscent of a vegetal green but the smoky element really sets this apart.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 15 sec

Do you know where the tea comes from? Lincang and Yiwu produce ‘ready-to-drink’ Puerhs that match your description. Sounds nice!


JC – I bought the material made in to this cake when I was touring dehong area in April 2012. Was enamored with it and for days I kept coming back to the samples of it and got continuous confirmation to do a pressing of it. It just made me feel good. Lincang was also an area where I spent several days and got the material for the “hear of the old tree” pressing that I did. I’m working on another pressing which will be a blend of several leaves from various places I visited in April. I’ve tweaked the combo of leaves over the last couple of weeks and the pressing should happen in the next week or so!


“heart” not “hear” of the old tree.


Thanks for the answer Garret! That makes sense. Those areas produce very nice and ‘ready-to-drink’ Puerh. That new pressing sounds interesting!


JC… I don’t know if you are into ripe teas at all, but I am totally pumped about a ripe blend that I completed since my April trip. It is a combination of 4 leaves from Yong De (love it there) all picked and processed in 2011. The pressing finally happened and I am so pleased that pressed over 400 cakes of it. Also got 150 pounds to have as loose leaf here in the shop. I’ll have the loose leaf up online in the next week or so. The cakes are not ready to ship out of China yet so we will not see the bulk of them for some time. But… I had 10 of the cakes airmailed to me and they arrived yesterday. Fantastic! The clarity of the liquor and the lack of post-fermentation smell is boggling my mind. I am so happy about it that I am seeing if I can possible squeak anymore of the same batches of leaves to make one more pressing.


Sheesh, I get too excited, hit send and find out I should proofread… I meant to say “see if I can possibly squeak out anymore of the same…”


Edit Version
Hahahaha! I was just thinking about Yong De, all that area (refering to Dehong/Lincang and vicinity) seems to produce a Burgundy ripe tea that is incredibly clean looking. I wonder if that is the reason why usually has some ‘juiciness’ to them.

I don’t have much experience with Puerh… yet. lol I’ve been drinking both ripe and raw for about 3-4 years now and I’m just amazed on how with some experience you can begin to understand the traits the tea will/might have just by knowing where it comes from. The way around as well. Puerh is a world of its own in my opinion.


Same here I had to edit my comment and if I read it again I will find many other things to edit. New found and true loves are like that, they get in your brain.


In your brain, for sure, and more importantly, the heart :)

Yes… pu’er is a world unto its own… raw pu’er – one world. ripe pu’er – another world. I keep diving deeper and deeper in to each, a daily pilgrimage… you know what I mean, I can tell!


You are very right indeed. Honestly, tea in general, but specially puerh has sparked all sorts of interest in me. As well as pursuit for knowledge. Puerh, in my experience so far, is very humbling. You slowly start to form an idea of what ‘composes’ the traits of a ripe/raw and then comes along a new one you haven’t tried yet to shatter (in the greatest of way possible) that ideal. It is like the teacher that presents you with a challenge and keeps you forever interested in a lesson.


Thanks to Claire for getting JC and I together in a conversation :)
Late night tea session here in MN, complimented by the musings of a fellow lover of the leaf! Tea keeps bringing great folks together!!!


I drink to that! (A late night session in DC). Chá Dào

Terri HarpLady

I hope you all don’t mind my evesdropping, this has been an interesting conversation! I’m still new to Pu’er myself, but am loving it. Thanks for the review Claire, this sounds like one I’d like to sample as well. Garrett, the tea you’re describing sounds exciting, and I’m checking out your website!


Hi Terri! Eavesdropping… always an interesting word to me. And I’m glad you eavesdropped in! I’m glad you are getting interested in pu’er tea. I drink anything of camellia sinensis (if it’s good, that is), but pu’er is definitely my 75% of the time drink. Thanks for checking out the site, too… lots of changes coming for Mandala Tea as we move our headquarters to another city in a few short weeks, bring on a new biz partner and gear up for website changes, more travels to China for finding more raw material for or private label pressings and work hard to help others discover the joy of all things tea! I see you are a musician! Me, too! I have played drums and percussion and also voice for many years. Music and tea make for incredible companions!

Terri HarpLady

Hi Garret! Nice to meet you! Music is my life, and Tea has been a big part of that life. Between gigs, students, & CD sales I manage to make a pretty good living, and have lots of free time to sip tea in the process. I even wrote a song, “TeaMind”, (I also sing), that’s on one of my CDs.
I’ve had some really interesting experiences with Pu’er, which initially freaked me out a little, but I’ve been reading a lot of things, and am developing an understanding of Chaqi. I’m not new to energy work & movement, but I had never experienced the kind of sensations I was having from Tea! I’m looking forward to sampling some of yours!


I wandered away from the PC for a few hours and came back to some great comments and conversation. I love this community!

I’ve been sipping on the wild monk for most of the night now and it’s still fantastic, very calming for me. Perfect end to a long and tiring week.


Some day i’ll need to get in to pu’ers…


Yeah, Claire, see what you started? You’re like a little tea socialite, getting people together like this :)

Sil… pu’er is great stuff, but it is not everyone’s cup of tea. I’ve got so many friends and customers who never really get into it. Pu’er tea is definitely interesting stuff, but it is no king/queen of tea. Tea is no monarchy, rather it is a democracy and each person elects their favorite each time they reach into their personal tea vault. I love that I get to hold several elections every day!

I just encourage everyone to practice joy, no matter what tea they are into. With joy in mind, any cup of nice, well-prepared tea can take us on a journey deep within, get us closer to our friends, closer to the perfect and inspire our future successes.

white, green, yellow, wulong, black, pu’er – all are merely different paths up the same mountain. Drink up and LOVE what you love :)

Best of health to each of you!


Ill have to but you when I get into them garret and see what you recommend from your store :)


I love Rayn’s little “reviews” of teas, and I forgot to add his from last night! He took a sip and said “hay…smoke”. One more sip and then “a burning barnyard”.

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15565 tasting notes

sipdown. WOW. that’s all i can say, is just wow. This was from the great canadian travelling tea box, though i’m fairly certain this was one that dexter put in. I have been drinking this all morning. Seriously. the smoke is just perfect..and it’s sweet and delicious and every time i forgot what i was drinking and absentmindedly took a sip, i was immediately floored and kept exclaiming Oh! This may actually be one of the first cakes i get around to purchasing from Garrett…even before noble mark or special dark. Because this? this was really good. (though with my luck it’s all sold out or something…keeps happening lol)


:D I love this one too!


So happy to hear that you are enjoying this one!!! I pressed alot of these and still have more than 200 left, though I might get greedy and hold onto a few tongs for myself :)

I did just score a huge amount of the mao cha from the same producer. It is autumn 2013 crop. Really good. A little less on the smoke, but perfect, nonetheless. Likely, we will do a 2014 pressing of the spring mao cha!!


sweet! that means there may actually be come left by the time i get all my orders sorted out haha


Would you say there’s tobacco or leather flavours with this one too, Sil?



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336 tasting notes

I’m afraid I’ve been completely sucked in the world of Pu’er.
I have never tried Sheng Pu’er before and Wild Monk Sheng Pu’er has been a marvelous introduction. To me it tastes like sweet, dried apples/hay/grass, no bitterness whatsoever. When it cools down I can detect some smokey notes. It’s a complex tea you really want to drink more and get to know it.. Pretty sure I will re-order.


Never heard that one before. Sucked in…ha ha ha! I had a pot of lightly steeped Shu today then I let the second steep go about 5 minutes and it still was mello…so I guess I got Sucked in too!


I am so happy that you are enjoying this, my friend! When I was visiting the place where this was grown and drinking it, I was captivated right away… I bought many, many pounds of the leaf to commission a pressing and the grower sent me back to America with a nice sized bag of the mao cha so that I could keep drinking it whilst waiting for the shipment to arrive – I am pleased with this tea and look forward (while not wishing time away) to what will become of this cake over the years.

While several of our customers are already brewing this with a full boil, others have responded well to brewing it at green tea temp or a little above with favorable results. fun to try both ways.

I was at a meditation retreat these last few days and I was using the leaf in my tea thermos and loving it.

Thank you for your review of the tea. I am grateful!

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1379 tasting notes

Thank you Dexter3657 for this sample.

Yixing teapot – 370ml of which I will only be filling half way as it’s for one so roughly 175ml-200ml
Tea weight – 6g
Water temp – 95°C
Steeping times – 15 second increments

It smells sweet like honeysuckle with delicate hints of wood, smoke and hay. Surprisingly sweet and smooth for a Sheng.

In flavour this is creamy, delicate, sweet, smoky and musky. The smoke is like velvet, it’s soft but rich and it lingers in the after taste. Further steeps reveal sweet wood and floral flavours but it remains thoroughly smoky and light.

A very delicious Pu Erh and easily one of my new favourites. I wish Mandala shipped to UK. :(

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 15 sec

I need to try more shengs. Sounds tasty!


Well I can heartily recommend this Sheng, a bargain at $17 for a 100g cake. It tastes as smooth as some of the $100 Sheng I have had the privilege of trying.


Good to know! I’m planning on placing a Mandala order soon anyway! :D


HI! We can totally ship to the UK! Already do. It’s just not an option on the site. Our international customers can email me at [email protected] and let me know what they want. Then we figure out the shipping options, send a paypal invoice and get the teas on their wonderful journey!

Thank you for the review(s) everyone. Each of you are why I keep doing this. I’m so appreciative and humbled. Next China trip in just a few short months. I get to buy more mao cha’s for more private label pressings!

May you all have a glorious and love-filled day!



Don’t you just love Garret!


Agreed Garret is a great seller!


Gee wiz… y’all are wonderful :) I am blessed!


We’re stalking ya!

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1040 tasting notes

Lots of yixing teapot discussions going on lately. Today I decided that I haven’t been using mine and really should be. I did season it a while ago, but figure with lack of use it could use another bath.
Wild Monk is of course my favorite sheng, and seasoning yixing is an investment in the future so you should use good tea.
My teapot is now happily soaking in it’s bath, and it’s not possible to make Wild Monk and not drink some. I was using the – one pot for the bowl, one pot for my cup method.
This stuff is fantastic, it just makes me happy to be playing with my teapots while drinking such an amazing tea.




So Mandala pot for Mandala tea, totally makes sense. I’m glad you are having a good time;)


LOL I think all my pots will get seasoned with Mandala Tea – I’m a huge fan. My favorite shou is Noble Mark, and my favorite dark oolong is their Big Red Robe – if you are going to invest in yixing might as well season them with the best…


Woohoo! Sheng Gang!! I’m on Hot Cowboy sheng right now!!


(I was also drinking this out of one of my new Noble cups from Davids – it’s officially – enjoy your teaware day in my house)
Yay for good sheng tea!!!


And Dexter, I am so happy to know you are spending good quality time with the monk and your little mandala pot today :-)


Dexter: do you use one pot for all your pu’erh or do you use a separate one for sheng and shou? Does it make a big difference or is it a personal preference? Thanks. :)


I will have a separate pot for shou and one for sheng (once my project seasoning gets fully going). IMHO they are different teas, it would be like drinking black tea from your dark oolong pot. I’m even considering doing yet another pot for Special Dark because of how different it is to other shou.
What YOU chose to do is up to you. I think they are cute, and I like them, I would have more if I could afford it. You just have to find the pieces that work for you, and then adapt them into your tea drinking routine. (I don’t really drink green oolong – therefore I don’t need a pot for them).
I’m not sure that answered your question…


LOL. It did. I ended up buying two yixing gaiwans, and I could see myself buying more because they are so darn adorable. I’ll use one for sheng and one for shou!


My Hot Cowboy isn;t here yet – but it has been mailed because Garret is awesome. Wild Monk is also my favorite sheng Dexter and that’s what I’m gonna season my sheng pot with. Although I really love love love the Wild Mountain Green.

I agree with Dexter that Special Dark needs its own pot because it IS different.

And Sars – I think you really need separate ones for sheng and shou


Dexter I love enjoy the teaware day :)


Thanks, HoneyBelle. I got a plain yixing gaiwan and one in a pretty lotus shape. I’ll keep my sheng and shou separate. :)


I hollered at LTF about the lotus gaiwan. We both have a lotus problem


I have a Mandala pot also.


mrmopar which one do you have?


I have one from a different site that I seasoned with Mandala tea.

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493 tasting notes

I was in a mood for sheng today. If somebody told me that I would become puerh obsessed last June I would think that person is crazy. Yes, I see puerh cakes in my dreams and I also place orders in dreams and real life. A lot.
Back to the tea.
5g 150 ml gaiwan 195F
Rinse/ 5/5/7/7/10/15 sec
Nice sweet like bell peppers, juicy and some tobacco.
Later I decided to increase temp to 200F. I like it even more. No bitterness, dried persimmon, some spice and very smooth. It has some orangish tint compare to other young sheng I tried ( those are yellowish-greenish usually)
Im so happy I picked another cake to hoard before it disappears.

5 g 5 OZ / 150 ML

This is a really excellent Sheng!!!


Best sheng I’ve had so far…except maybe Butiki’s new one!


Yay! This makes me happy! The 2014 version is a delight, too. At first, I was resistant to it, I’ll admit… thinking it could not live up to what I had expected as far as energy and zing from the spring-picked 2012 leaf from the same farm. But I was wrong. Did another session with it on Sunday and was grinning from ear to ear by the 5th infusion, ready for yoga, ready for anything.


Good stuff for sure!


Lol, is there little clouds and little sheep with your little pu’erh cakes in your dreams?


TheTeaFairy, in my dreams I’m stacking bricks and cakes. And I wake up because its not enough space. Haha ( actually its not funny , I ran out of space)


I’m scared of pu’er.


DT – what scares you about pu’er???


donkeytiara, i think you are a black tea lover, so shou maybe more palatable to you than sheng. You shouldnt be scared, just try. rinsing tea and short steeps(like seconds) are essential. you dont even need a gaiwan or Yixing. You can brew it in a steeping basket.


I’ve tried a mild pu’er (I don’t know if they get any milder than Lupicia’s Chocolate & Strawberry Pu’er) :) and it just kind of had this “barn floor” taste to it….. it seems like they are like very complex wines, but do they all have that “barn floor” taste to them?


Special Dark by Mandala has no barn or fishy taste or smell. its one of my favorite.
You tried A&D Yunnan Golden tips and you like it, so now you should find shou with golden tips. This one i liked a lot
I also like Haiwan recipe with dried fruit notes and leather.


I feel the same, donkeytiara. I’ve only tried one pu’er which was from verdant and although it wasn’t “barnyardy” it was very earthy and seaweedy, and not something I am used to or really like. The mandala special dark always seems like a favorite – I have a mandala order planned in my head with this one on the list.


donkeytiara good puerh rarely has the off taste to it. A blended puerh like you have had will never compare to a full on one with nothing in it. A shot of Special Dark would probably change your mind. Dayi and Haiwan and BoYou brands are good shous also.


mrmopar, I agree with you!

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134 tasting notes

Amazing! Sat down to tea with this sheng pu’er tea this morning, entranced by the wonderful smoky scent of the dry tea cake. Carefully pried loose leaves from the tightly compressed leaves, loaded up my small glass gaiwan, and gave the leaves a quick rinse and watched the leaves unfurl. Sublime. Through several quick steeps, I became completely lost in the flavors and aroma: smokey, creamy, sweetgrass, dried fruit and just a hint of camphor in the background. No bitterness or woodsy flavors, just a clean green lightness reminiscent of a walk in a sunny hillside pasture.

It is remarkable how quickly this pu’er has developed such beautiful complexity. It reminds me very much of some of the better Pasha Mountain teas that I have been fortunate to taste. The leaves holdup well through many steepings, taking you on a fascinating journey of flavors.

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 30 sec

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