Just when I thought I was getting all organized, I found a big flaw in my system. If you are going to put tea in baggies and then into tins, not only do you need to label the tins, but you also have to label the bags. I grabbed a bag out of a tin on my way to work today, and then didn’t know what I had grabbed. I had a bag of tea at work, and I knew it was a Teavivre black, but I didn’t know which one it was. Anyway, came home, found the empty tin and it was this one.
This is a nice Yunnan black, it was pretty much what I would expect from a Yunnan black, but I’m not sure it was really anything special. Nice, pleasant, fine for work – nothing really to complain about, but nothing really to get excited about. I have a lot of this one, really need to be working it into my rotation more often.
I need to start drinking mine regularly too. So hard when I have a bunch of blacks that I like better! >.<
Yep – but I should be taking the “like don’t love” blacks to work because I don’t really appreciate them at work, and drink the LOVE ones at home when I have tine to really focus on them.
It depends on what you like. I quite often cold steep Yunnan black with a some fruit tisane to make my own cherry black, or blueberry black (etc) iced tea. I don’t like the ones that are REALLY chocolaty cold steeped – but this one would be ok for my tastes and purposes.
Dexter, I think I may adopt your system. I don’t really appreciate the teas I drink at work either. I can’t savor them like I do at home.
Did you ever decide if you are going to make a trip to Minneapolis? Just curious :)
I need to start drinking mine regularly too. So hard when I have a bunch of blacks that I like better! >.<
Yep – but I should be taking the “like don’t love” blacks to work because I don’t really appreciate them at work, and drink the LOVE ones at home when I have tine to really focus on them.
I think I’m going to try some of them iced. Are Yunnan and Keemun teas good that way?
It depends on what you like. I quite often cold steep Yunnan black with a some fruit tisane to make my own cherry black, or blueberry black (etc) iced tea. I don’t like the ones that are REALLY chocolaty cold steeped – but this one would be ok for my tastes and purposes.
Dexter, I think I may adopt your system. I don’t really appreciate the teas I drink at work either. I can’t savor them like I do at home.
Did you ever decide if you are going to make a trip to Minneapolis? Just curious :)
Ah I’ve done the baggy thing, I’m sure I’ll remember but I never do
Yes, dexter! That’s exactly it. Drink OK teas at work, drink really nice teas at home. This means I need to drink more teas at home!