6444 Tasting Notes
So something weird happened with the translation of this tea and it came up as Christmas carcass which I think is wrong. Although I oversteeped this and while I won’t go as far as to call this a carcass, it is definitely a whole lot of hibby and Christmas shoved into a mug. Let’s call it Christmas hostage since it seems like all the Christmas flavors are being held captive and unhappy by the hibiscus. It wasn’t as bad as this may sound b/c it had the typical Christmas spice and some fruitiness but the hibiscus really took over.
This smelled amazing out of the package. Really, really good.
I was a bit worried about (1) the black/green combination and (2) the jasmine but I am actually really liking this one, especially when paired with my super intense gingerbread chocolate (like throat-burning ginger intense).
This tea provides a nice fruity compliment while still holding its own against the strong chocolate pairing. I do get some jasmine but the dominant note is more mango/passionfruit. People talk about this tea having citrus/blood orange and I really don’t get that as much as tropical fruits.
I don’t know if this is something I would go to a site to specifically buy, but I would add a bit to the cart if I needed to reach free shipping. It is quite nice.
When I started steeping this it smelled overly nutty and I was worried there would not be a good balance of flavors. However, after the 4 minutes of steeping, the nutty smell mellowed and it was much more well rounded. Tastewise, this definitely evokes the idea of carrot cake. A little sweet, a little nutty, nice spice. I was quite impressed actually. Though it is much better hot than when it cools.
Sipdown (211)
Last cup was all messed up from my cold and tasted quite terrible so I am so relieved that this cup is back to its normal deliciousness. Then sad because it’s done.
It really is a nice, soft lemon tea and the marshmallow root is an excellent addition. It gives it warmth and comfort and a touch of sweet that makes this the perfect cup to relax with in the evening while under a blanket and watching some TV or reading a book.
I have some other similar blends that are more easily accessible to me so while I do enjoy this one, I don’t know if I will be holding my breath for a reblend. However, it was very nice while I had it so thank you Sil for sharing!!
While making this tea, I might have pushed over the mug…and then didn’t process what happened right away so I kept pouring despite looking at the side of my fallen mug. Essentially I ended up watering my butcher’s block.
Anyways, I did manage to get the cup upright and the teabag in the cup and steeped a proper cup of tea. This is ok. I get floral and slight orange. A touch of earthy ginger. Ok, but nothing special.
First eggnog latte of the season! It’s yum b/c eggnog but I think my milk is not fresh enough for good frothing since it’s doing the weird no frothing thing again. The eggnog and this tea together though make up for that though as this is pure deliciousness.
I thought I was feeling better yesterday so I took no meds, no EmergenC, no saltwater gargle and woke up today a bit stuffy again. While I don’t so much care about that, I am very much ready for things to get back to normal. And by things, I mean my tastebuds b/c don’t they know I have advent teas to try?! So rude.
Anyways, thankfully this was the tea of the day b/c (1) I don’t care that much for green teas or EGs and (2) bergamot is a strong flavor so even with my weird taste buds and my stuffiness, I can still taste it a little.
It’s muted and nothing special. Likely that’s b/c of me and also this being an EG green tea, which is not something I would have loved even if I was 100% better and my tastebuds were normal. On the plus side though…no licorice taste here.
I found a little tin of this. I think it was another tea set aside for a swap that never came to be. As such, I am sipping on it now with honey because caffeine free and that means its hydrating and I don’t really care to taste it or not.
What I do get is sweet apple, bolstered by the honey of course….and rooibos. Woody rooibos. Not my favorite but serving its purpose as a hydrating tea and a way of getting more honey. I have had a lot of honey actually. I think I have powered through 1/2 a 1 kg bottle. Oops. Though it seems to be helping.