Noël à Londres

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Apple, Cinnamon, Clove, Honey, Pastries, Syrupy, Almond, Ginger, Nutty, Spices, Vanilla, Fruity, Malt, Smooth, Sweet, Wood, Orange
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec 3 g 13 oz / 394 ml

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26 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This tea smells strongly of cinnamon, fruit, and pastry. The fruit is almost more cherry like (perhaps from the almond) than apple, but the apple is present. This is another one where the flavour...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Ysaurealla for sending me so many amazing teas!!!! I mean REALLY THANK YOU! So many the box of teas smelled like something from heaven above! DELICIOUS! I have had three this far –...” Read full tasting note
  • “Well this one was in my shopping list but I am happy my mother gave me some to taste because now I know I don’t have to buy it. It is not a bad tea but it is just not enough fantastic to me to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Dammann Frères calendar day I-forget-which. Smells strongly of marzipan, and little else. I think it likely needs some sort of sweetener, but I just left it as-is. It’s okay, however I found it...” Read full tasting note

From Dammann Frères

Blend of black teas flavored with cinnamon, vanilla, apple, almond and ginger flavors. A tea with sweet scents evoking Christmas season.

Dominant note : Spicy / Woody
Secondary note(s) : Gourmet notes
Type(s) of tea : Black Tea
Main flavor : Ginger
Complementary flavor(s) : Cinnamon, Vanilla, Apple, Almond

About Dammann Frères View company

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26 Tasting Notes

437 tasting notes

This tea smells strongly of cinnamon, fruit, and pastry. The fruit is almost more cherry like (perhaps from the almond) than apple, but the apple is present. This is another one where the flavour is more intense when cool. The first sips hot leave an impression of almond liqueur, sweet tea, cinnamon, and a touch of pastry. As it cools a little the cinnamon intensifies, and a bit of apple appears to blend with the cherry touched almond. The aftertaste is of cinnamon pastry and sweet tea,with a hint of vanilla cream. The flavours are well blended together, but none is distinct enough that I could name this as an apple tea if asked. Overall, a nice mild sweet cinnamon tea.

100°C/5 min

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807 tasting notes

Thank you Ysaurealla for sending me so many amazing teas!!!! I mean REALLY THANK YOU! So many the box of teas smelled like something from heaven above!
I have had three this far – unfortunately will have to backlog the others when I get a chance.
This one is not my favorite of the ones I have had but it is good. Don’t get me wrong, this is just not in my flavor profile of choice. Not a huge fan of ginger teas. Although the ginger in this tea IS done quite nicely!
Its just not nearly as amazing as the other two I have had thus far!
Thank you again Ysaurealla I am loving what you have sent! :)


this one is not one of my favorite neither

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408 tasting notes

Well this one was in my shopping list but I am happy my mother gave me some to taste because now I know I don’t have to buy it.

It is not a bad tea but it is just not enough fantastic to me to decide buying it.
Almonds are there (but the sweet ones, not very strong on taste, exactly the same as the ones used in Charlotte au chocolat- so weak), weak cinnamon too on a just correct black tea base.
The ingredients seem to be all on the same level, no one to take an advantage on the other – sometimes this is a strength and we can say the tea is so well balanced- here is it just not the case.

It is just a nice cup…I am becoming terrible with tea…it’s no more enough for me, I want more and expect more especially from Dammann Frères.

Really not very impressed by their Christmas teas for the moment; but I only tasted 2 so I am keeping hope !


Tried another time, same opinion …

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec

all these noël teas sound great in theory, I am glad to have your opinion just in case I decide to order from DF. “good enough” is just not that worthwhile.

By any chance have you tried or smelled yet Noël à Paris? that one is sounding very appealing and surely they should try extra hard for a christmas at home blend!


I sniffed it only and didn’t buy it because I was upset with the fact DF didn’t want to sell 50 gr :) It was nice sniffing it but definitively need to taste it

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1501 tasting notes

Dammann Frères calendar day I-forget-which.

Smells strongly of marzipan, and little else. I think it likely needs some sort of sweetener, but I just left it as-is. It’s okay, however I found it really one dimensional.

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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871 tasting notes

Day 21!

I quite like this one. I was getting a bit worried because that last few Dammann teas I hadn’t really loved. But I am excited about this one.

I definitely taste the cinnamon which is nice. I am getting some almond. Not getting any apple though. I am getting a cake type flavour from the marigold petals.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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2201 tasting notes

Dammann advent calendar, day 21. Is the lead-up to Christmas all “Noël” teas? Maybe so!

Of course, the English Christmas tea is the prototypical Christmas tea, to me. Spices, almond, a bit of fruity (this time apple, not orange). And the steeped tea is like, holy crap cinnamon! And I think there has to be clove in this as well. The initial part of the sip is all spices, with perhaps a bit of smoothing vanilla. Then as I sit, a while after taking a sip, the almond flavor grows strongly in my mouth, like amaretto or almond extract. I wish this tea was a little more balanced—perhaps cinnamon and almond together at the same time, instead of separate—but it is still a tasty tea and I enjoyed drinking it this morning.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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814 tasting notes

well my dammann order arrived yesterday so here i am jumping in!
Day 21
i don’t love cinnamon in my tea, so i knew this wasn’t gonna be a fave, but i was still VERY surprised by how much i liked it. yay win!

if you love movies then watch this.
just do it.
like, now.

the university where i work is closed until January 2nd.
my goal is to watch 1 documentary and 1 film i haven’t seen from the list in the video link every day.
today i watched 2 documentaries, (A)sexual and Blackfish.
and i currently started the film Post Tenebras Lux.
though it might be too late for it and i might watch an episode from The Top of the Lake instead.

my documentary options feel a little aimless, so if anyone would like to recommend a few i’d love the guidance! :)


How was Blackfish, I have heard a lot about it.


So jealous. I have to work on Monday and Tuesday. :(


The Cove – although do watch it with a box of kleenex and perhaps a friend to yap with after. Met the guy who wrote it (yes, there are writers for documentaries)… really inspiring story. Mind you, it’s considered ‘old’ now, so you may have already watched it.

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863 tasting notes

Advent Calendar, day 21.

This smelled of apple cinnamon – so, heavenly – when dry. Unfortunately even with the steeping parameters I’ve used with all the other DF teas, this just tasted weak and thin. Even as it cooled nothing really changed. Maybe a nutty undertone to the tea if I REALLY concentrate on it, but still just too watery for my tastes.

This one is just a ‘meh’ for me.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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301 tasting notes

I’m enjoying my foray into the world of Dammann teas. This particular tea from their Christmas series fits what seems to be their favorite profile —– spice + caramel or vanilla + fruit + sweet + a light touch of floral. In this case, cinnamon and ginger and a tiny note of clove with almond and apple produce a soft well balanced sip. The spices blend nicely (cinnamon is the strongest)and the almond dominates the apple but it is definitely there. A pinch of sweetener serves to highlight the flavors. Not my favorite in the Christmas collection but a tea I look forward to drinking again sometime soon.

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

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3495 tasting notes

This is another Dammann tea that we ordered from Summit Tea Company. It still doesn’t taste quite as yummy as Coquelicot Gourmand but it was a very good tea. The prominent aroma was almond or amaretto, delicious! At the first sip I picked up a very faint citrus flavor as well. We took it sans additions, and I wonder if this one would benefit from a touch of sugar. Nice, but I wouldn’t make a special order to France for it.

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

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