I’m trying not to ingest any more caffeine tonight. I’ve been staying up til 2 & 3 am for several days, which is great for creativity, but not so good for getting things done in the real world.
I just realized my neighbors are all out in the street. Looks like we’re having a block party, & once again I didn’t read the email.
I sent the boys out with a bowl of homegrown cherry tomatoes to add to the food pile. I’m headed out there with my cup of tea. I don’t eat off buffets usually, too many things I’ll probably regret. But I’ll have this tea!
I’m not a very good neighbor, LOL. I’m not mean or anything, but I spend a lot of time oblivious to the world around me.
I live in st louis. Block parties are pretty popular here. Tonight is National Night out, or something like that, so lots of neighborhoods are throwing block parties. The Mayer came & brought a bunch of Maplewood T-shirts (technically, I live in Maplewood, which is the oldest suburb of St. Louis), the fire department brought their truck & gave the kids who were riding bikes new helmets. The cops stopped by. The block was blocked off so the kids could ride their bikes up & down the street. This is a nice neighborhood & everyone is pretty nice. It’s all old houses built just before the turn of the century (the old century, not the newest one, lol). So my house is 120 years old or so. I love it here. A nice quiet neighborhood.
I’m not a very good neighbor, LOL. I’m not mean or anything, but I spend a lot of time oblivious to the world around me.
You guys have block party’s? That’s awesome!
You must live somewhere cool :)
I live in st louis. Block parties are pretty popular here. Tonight is National Night out, or something like that, so lots of neighborhoods are throwing block parties. The Mayer came & brought a bunch of Maplewood T-shirts (technically, I live in Maplewood, which is the oldest suburb of St. Louis), the fire department brought their truck & gave the kids who were riding bikes new helmets. The cops stopped by. The block was blocked off so the kids could ride their bikes up & down the street. This is a nice neighborhood & everyone is pretty nice. It’s all old houses built just before the turn of the century (the old century, not the newest one, lol). So my house is 120 years old or so. I love it here. A nice quiet neighborhood.
That sounds really cool!
Next year when we have our block party (first tues in oct), you guys can all come! :)
Oh wow.. I wanna see a pic of your house, Terri.. lol Is that weird ? If it is, I didn’t ask.. ;)
I’ll try to post one on my facebook, LOL
There are lots of pics of my gardens, etc, but none of the actual house. It’s not fancy, it’s just old ;)