Yogi Tea

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Man, I wish I liked this tea. Obviously, because I’ve bought this tea twice — first to try it and the last because I forgot “dang it, this is the one that tastes like how pencil sharpenings smell.” To me. Just an opinion of course, but I know some people have got to love it, and I really wanted to like this especially since its ingredient list seemed right on-target for the tastes I usually enjoy. Can anyone guess and help me pinpoint which one is the woody, pencil-lead scented ingredient — or perhaps it’s a combo or two or more herbs? I love all on the list — but looking into it, perhaps it’s the Alfalfa, Burdock or Irish Moss. It truly transports me back to the third grade and freshly sharpened no. 2 pencils.

Flavors: Wood

175 °F / 79 °C

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drank Ginger by Yogi Tea
2 tasting notes

I love ginger, so I was expecting to like this one. Strong taste of ginger, with a hint of peppermint and the sweetness of licorice. Nice bite of ginger in the aftertaste. Warms me up and improves circulation during days when I feel stagnant.

Flavors: Ginger, Licorice, Peppermint

8 min or more

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drank Ginger by Yogi Tea
7 tasting notes

My husband and I were positing the other day: WHY is it that I pour obscene amounts of hot sauce on my breakfast every morning?

Answer: Because I can’t drink caffeine.

Caffeine, even in tiny amounts, makes me feel just terrible. This, of course, runs counter the problem that I have in the mornings, which is that I am not awake, and the minute I come downstairs kids are clinging to every part of my body, and all I want is a quick pick me up.

So the heat of of the hot sauce kicks me in the head enough that I jolt up a bit and get my butt in gear.

But even before I douse my eggs every morning, I have a big mug of this Yogi Ginger Tea. Before I have the energy to make a complicated loose leaf preparation, this is the bag I reach for EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING. Why?

Because steeped, covered, for 10-12 minutes, this tea does what those hot sauces do, in straight drinkable form.

Peppery hot. This is by far my favorite ginger ever. I love the heat on this. There are a lot of complex flavors happening in ginger, but this tea primarily pulls from the peppery component, and it almost takes on a chili-pepper type flavor. Count this as one of the (very, very) few bagged teas I like better than a loose version. Is it maybe a little one-note? Yeah. But, I just don’t mind. It has the kind of heat that grows and warms my stomach, shakes the cold morning fog from my brain, and gets me moving for the day.

Flavors: Licorice, Pepper

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Surprisingly good tasting tea that really does relieve tension. It tastes most like Indian Sarsaparilla Root and Cinnamon. Stevia Leaf adds sweetness.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Sarsaparilla

8 min or more

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I like red raspberry tea for two reasons: One, because I don’t drink caffeine, and it’s great as an iced tea – tastes very similar to black tea.

Two, because it has some really great health benefits, particularly for women.

I tend to turn to Yogi teas when I am feeling lazy and don’t want to brew up my loose leaf. I am happy with the consistency of the quality of Yogi for the price. The flavor is not as full as I get with my loose leaf, but it definitely does the job.

I steep for 10 minutes.

8 min or more

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drank Lemon Ginger by Yogi Tea
2977 tasting notes

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This tastes like the teabag it is, but a pretty good teabag.
It also tastes like the decaf it is, but a pretty good decaf.
What I notice is a lightly roasted aroma with vegetal and seaweed notes. It’s light and refreshing and I drink this whenever I feel like I’ve consumed too much sugar or fat and need to cleanse out the system.

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The tea smells very smoky – I am not getting much of the lemon or the ginger taste because the smoky smell is so overpowering. Not only that, but it leaves my mouth incredibly dry! This is not a tea I will be purchasing again in the future.

3 min, 0 sec

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drank Kava Stress Relief by Yogi Tea
630 tasting notes

This is actually pretty good. It has stevia in it, which I usually loathe, but it is barely there. The flavor is spicy, I can really taste the cinnamon, and not unpleasant. I bought it for the relaxation claims than the taste, to be honest, but the taste isn’t too bad. I wouldn’t repurchase for taste, but I did like how effective the relaxing effect was. With all the warnings about kava, I don’t intend on consuming this more than a couple times a week, but I am glad to know it works.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I wasn’t particularly enthralled by the first cup. But when I steeped my teabag for a second cup, I began to feel a tingling in my throat and tongue. Previously, I had only felt this with a tea that contained hazelnuts (a known allergen), but I looked at the ingredients on this one and this doesn’t seem to contain hazelnut. But it was the exact same feeling—not a good tingling, a “stop drinking right now” tingling. So now I have to figure out what exactly is causing this reaction in me.

Anyway, be cautious drinking this tea if you’ve experienced similar reactions to some teas in the past. This one might trigger it for you too.

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drank Kava Stress Relief by Yogi Tea
10 tasting notes

Nice and relaxing

Flavors: Cinnamon

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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drank Ginger by Yogi Tea
3 tasting notes

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drank Ginger by Yogi Tea
1 tasting notes

I like this tea a lot! It’s very flavorful, and if you put the tea bag in carbonated water after you’re done with it, it makes some pretty good ginger ale!

Flavors: Ginger

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Amy Herbal Mama

That is an absolutely brilliant idea! I will have to try that!

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drank Ginger by Yogi Tea
681 tasting notes

It is officially my birthday! This is the least excited I have ever been about it, I have been 20 for 20 minutes, and I am already missing being a teenager ): life seems so much bigger and scarier at 20. Oh well, in reality I’m only a day older. At least I get to have birthday tea!

I got this tea as a single serving from my first ever swap with Hapatite, and it’s probably its time. I drank this to get a sipdown, and because I wanted a relaxing herbal as it’s pretty late. I was a little wary about it, as the main focus is ginger and it is one of my most hated flavours. Reading through the ingredients, though, I was a bit more hopeful as there are a lot of other ingredients in it too, which I was hoping would dampen the ginger down a little. The bag smelled mainly of peppermint, which made me even more hopeful. The sachet it came in actually smells of that vapor rub stuff you use to clear your nose when you have a cold, which is not really something I want to be drinking…

Brewing, the ginger takes over, followed by the licorice root and a bit of mint coming through after that. I expected the taste to be pretty similar, but it’s actually not, which is kinda confusing as you’re drinking it. The ginger is definitely less prominent than expected, which is great for me but would probably disappoint a ginger fan who chose it for this reason. I found the predominant flavour was the pepper, which surprised me as it was the last on the ingredients list and I assumed it would be more of a ‘hint’. The ginger adds a nice heat to it, without being so strong a flavour that I can’t enjoy the cup. There is a little liquorice aftertaste and sweetness, and the peppermint rounds the whole thing out pretty nicely. On a whole, I’m glad to have tried it, but it’s not one of my favourites.

Sipdown! (1/144)


Happy Birthday!

carol who

Happy b-day :-)


Happy Birthday! Milestone birthdays can be hard…hope you found some serendipity moments in yours.


Happy birthday! I miss my twenties, enjoy yours!


Happy birthday! Don’t worry, so far 20s aren’t bad and I’m 23 haha, only thing that’s changed is I drink more tea as I age lol.


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday! I hope it’s a great one!


Happy Birthdaya!

Hannah F.

Happy birthday!


Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day :)

Roswell Strange

Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday! Enjoy your 20s. Explore, travel, work, have fun. Some of my most amazing friendships were formed in my twenties. I say this as someone in her 30s. :)


Hope you had a nice day!


Birthday wishes! <3


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday :-)


Happy birthday! I like drinking this tea when I have an upset stomach, not as much for the taste. Hope you like being 20, I’m almost done with the 20s!


Thank you thank you for all the birthday wishes everyone, they were so lovely to read, especially as I wasn’t particularly looking forward to this birthday. Thanks for the advice, too, MissLena and Veronica! Made me feel so much better.


Hapatite, I can imagine it would definitely help an upset stomach, fortunately I don’t get sick too often (:

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drank Ginger by Yogi Tea
16 tasting notes

Backlog. Got this sample from my MIL.

This was very strong ginger tea. To be fair I brewed it really strong (10 min) but it was too spicy for me. And I think it could use some different flavors added in. I am not a plain ginger fan. If you like plain ginger then this would be a great tea for you!

Flavors: Ginger

8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Throat Comfort by Yogi Tea
2816 tasting notes

Took a walk down to the farmer’s market today, maybe getting loaded up on fruits and vegetables will be good for my immune system??

Anyway I decided I was going to pick this up on the way home and drink some today. Here’s the ingredients list:
Licorice Root
Fennel Seed
Wild Cherry Bark
Cinnamon Bark
Orange Peel
Slippery Elm Bark
Cardamom Seed
Ginger Root
Mullein Leaf
Clove Bud
Black Pepper

This is like a cornucopia of spices, but not exactly pleasant tasting. It seems like a spicy licorice soup if you ask me. Aside from the licorice there’s also black pepper and ginger that seem really strong. It’s a bit like a chai but not nearly as palatable. I would not recommend this solely on the basis of the flavor, but it is a medicinal tea after all. Hopefully it will do the trick and help dispel my germs. I used two teabags for a large mug of tea.


My goodness, if that list of ingredients doesn’t make you feel better, I don’t know what will!
Feel better :-)


If it wasn’t for that nasty licorice :) Unfortunately, I think that’s the key throat-soothing ingredient.


I don’t hate licorice as much as other people seem to. It does always overwhelm everything else in a tea though.


I hate everything licorice-like, so that includes fennel and anise as well. Some types of cinnamon too.


But yeah, it’s a key factor in the sore throat stuff.

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I hate this tea.
I don’t know if I’ve ever had a tea this terrible before. I cannot even bring myself to take more than a few sips. It just tastes weird. Sweet, kind of bitter, and has this sharp odd flavor I can’t pinpoint. I don’t know what to do with the rest of this box, but the trashcan is looking a bit inviting.


I’m just sad because I was so excited to try this! I’ve only had one other Yogi tea that I didn’t really care for. But it sure wasn’t unpalatable!

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Loved the floral taste of this tea. It reminded me of oolong, but I haven’t had much oolong so thats not a reliable comparison. Unfortunately, I won’t be buying this since it’s only in teabag form, which isn’t cost effective for me. If anyone knows of a loose leaf herbal with a similar taste, please let me know!

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Reminds me of Juicy Fruit chewing gum.

Jackfruit or papaya or something something. With spearmint.

It’s decaf and it’s ‘green tea’ and it’s nighttime right now so like, yeah, I enjoyed this.

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drank Peach DeTox by Yogi Tea
294 tasting notes

Made a big pitcher of this iced the other day, because I’m feeling like I need a detox. I wont be making that mistake again, cold, I tasted a licorice after taste that I didn’t notice before. Confused, because I don’t remember tasting that before. And sure enough, licorice root is one of the last ingredients. I don’t know if it’s because I cold steeped it overnight which gave the licorice root more time to infuse, or if its just more prominent cold. Either way, I drowned my cup real fast, and dumped the rest. I won’t be doing it like that again. I only have 3 bags left, which I’ll eventually drink because hot it just tastes cinnamon and spicy. But I won’t repurchase

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drank Peach DeTox by Yogi Tea
294 tasting notes

This tea has a nice cinnamon, spiciness to it. I didn’t taste any peach. I was pleasantly surprised, I didnt think I would like this too much, I figured it would taste really medicinal. I’m really glad it doesn’t, because I plan on drinking a cup a day for the next 2 weeks. I might try it with a dash of milk tomorrow.

7 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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