Yogi Tea

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This mixture has very good energizing and digestive properties, and it is excellent for relieving stress fatigues and calming nerves during particularly strenuous periods . I like to enjoy this tea early in the morning to start a good day, or at night, especially after a particularly hard to digest dinner. I love this tea both hot and cold, and I usually do not use any sweetener to not change its particular flavor.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Fennel, Ginger, Herbs, Licorice

Boiling 8 min or more

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drank Chai Rooibos by Yogi Tea
2816 tasting notes

This is an ok rooibos chai but not really a favorite. I’ve come to realize I like chais that contain both fennel and pepper because I like the spicy kick that comes with that. this chai is on the sweeter side, with cardamom, cinnamon, ginger and clove. It also contains stevia, which is a bit on the strong side for me. When I sweeten with stevia, I use a bottle dropper and one or two drops because it just gets so overwhelming if you use too much. After I drink this I get the “too much” kind of taste in my mouth.

Anyway I am sure I will finish the box, but can’t tea makers just let you add your own stevia or sugar to tea after you’ve brewed it?

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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drank Relaxed Mind by Yogi Tea
2 tasting notes

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drank Relaxed Mind by Yogi Tea
2 tasting notes

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drank Green Tea Pomegranate by Yogi Tea
66 tasting notes

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drank Green Goji Berry by Yogi Tea
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drank Green Tea Energy by Yogi Tea
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drank Pure Green by Yogi Tea
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drank Lemon Ginger by Yogi Tea
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drank Ginkgo IQ by Yogi Tea
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drank Throat Comfort by Yogi Tea
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drank Classic India Spice by Yogi Tea
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drank DeTox by Yogi Tea
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drank DeTox by Yogi Tea
54 tasting notes

Quietly it sits
The kick is the aftertaste
Mouth full of flavor

This tea is not unpleasant. The initial taste is a mouthful of spices in hot water, but then the licorice/sarsaparilla hits you.

Flavors: Licorice, Pepper, Sarsaparilla, Spices, Sweet

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drank Lemon Ginger by Yogi Tea
894 tasting notes

This was nice. An old friend brought this to me as a reconnecting gift (along with cookies), and it was a lovely tea to share with my partner. He doesn’t usually had many opinions about tea, but he was very excited about this one.

This is pleasantly gingery with a bit of bite. The lemon is there too, not overly tart. And then an intense sweetness from licorice, which I wasn’t expecting, but was tasty.

Flavors: Ginger, Lemon, Licorice, Spicy, Sweet

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

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Fantastic warming fall tea. It smells and tastes like apple and pumpkin pie mixed with cinnamon and sugary goodness. Gives me tons of get up and go.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Spices

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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Gave this one another shot. The first time I tried it, it tasted like overboiled green beans and made me gag.

Today, for some weird reason, it tastes much better. Probably because I gave it a longer steep time.

Green teas, even humble bagged ones, make me nervous. Your sense of timing has to be perfect to make them right. This one seems to be 25% actual green tea and 75% other unknown, funky herbs (Yogi is fond of adding things like that to their stuff), so I think allowing a longer steep time to let the flavors of said herbs develop can only help it.

Today, I’m getting a bready, sweet taste. No bitterness or grassiness or vegetal qualities to it, mercifully.

Will not be purchasing again; however, it does make for a nice tea to drink at work. Mostly because it helps me avoid the near occasion of sin, in the shape of vending machine snack bags of Cheetos.

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Oh, God, this is gross. It tastes like overripe green beans that have been boiled in canned chickpea juice.

I’m only drinking it because it will help irradicate the free radicals that I’m probably full of from stress. But it’s like taking medicine- not enjoyable.

Next time I will try making this at a slightly higher temp- this one is lukewarm- and adding some honey to see if that helps any.

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