Mariage Frères

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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
3495 tasting notes

Sandy is just back from NZ, and had never tried this tea. We wanted a little tea time out in the lovely spring weather after Panera and I thought it would be perfect. I hadn’t had it in a while myself, and it was delightful! After drinking cup after cup of Keemun Mao Feng today this tea was a big change, but a very nice shake-up to the menu! And Sandy really seemed to like it!


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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
3495 tasting notes

Lovely, as always. I drank it first with no additions this morning, then had a cup to finish off breakfast with milk and sugar. A delightful tea!

205 °F / 96 °C

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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
3495 tasting notes

Delicious pot of tea with hubby this morning. I do find that this tea must be drunk up right away or the last cup is bitter from sediment. That is not a hard task as good as it is! As always on this one, milk and sugar.


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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
3495 tasting notes

When JacquelineM sent me a sample tin of this a while ago, hubby would pick up the tin and sniff appreciately now and then but he was too busy at work to have tea with me and taste it. I finally got him to try it a few days ago and he LOVES it. This is a big deal since up to now he would only drink varying forms of mild Ceylon teas!

He drank a WHOLE POT with his half of the toasted Everything Bagel for lunch. How fortunate that I am getting TWO tins of it for Christmas! :) I was a little deflated, however, when he said, “Mmmm, tastes like Crunchberries.” Not exactly a high falutin’ description of a premium tea, but he DOES love Crunchberries so I supposed it is high praise!


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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
3495 tasting notes

One of my students who has tea with me each week brought a tin of this as a Christmas gift! EEEEE! I made a pot of it today and hubby tried it for the first time and guess what? HE LIKED IT! He is a man who commits to few teas, so this is an important event! Delicious, of course.


I am so glad he LIKED it and you got the tea you were craving. Good tea experience all around!


That is a FANTASTIC present!!!!!

Meghann M

Such a terrific present, you are a lucky lady to have nice students. Glad that your husband liked it.

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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
3495 tasting notes

Almost finished the generous sample sent to me by JacquelineM! This is my second time having Marco Polo. Somehow I was distracted the first time I drank it, and thought it was good tea. This time…aaaahhh. I paid attention to the reviewers who said to add sugar and milk or cream to really bring out the fresh bowl of berries taste. What a lovely, delicate treat! We now have a little Tuesday tea party with a 6 year old student, her 4 year old sister, and her mom. They loved this!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Marco Polo by Mariage Frères
3495 tasting notes

A sample from JacquelineM – thank you, thank you!

Dry leaves – sniff sniff sniff. Every time he walks by the tin….my hubby is opening it and sniffing. It smells that good.

Steeping – Pouring the water over the leaves releases the strawberry aroma almost immediately. A very long five minutes ensues….

Drinking – First tried it plain, as I like to try all my new teas: very nice, light, and fruity. A genteel cup of tea, not tart at all but nicely berry flavored. I add milk before the sugar this time to see how it affects the cream aspect and don’t note a huge difference, but I only had skim and I know some people like to add real cream to this one. A dash of sugar, and let it cool for a minute and you really release the flavors. Aahhhhhh.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I picked this up myself but am terrified to open it and enjoy it. LOL One day I will break down and pull this treasure to pieces. Perhaps I will save it for retirement… only 8 years away. Lord.

Will post more later…

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This is one of those that stands out to me as special, so I don’t have it that much. Today I decided to go for it, and am having several cups. What a nice start to the day.

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I was in another town today (giving my last presentation until October!!) and stopped by a store I had never visited but had heard had a great tea selection. And wow, they did! I picked up several things from my shopping list as well as a few things that I hadn’t heard of. And I found this! A friend let me have a little of hers a few years ago. Back then I was interested in tea, but not near the degree that I am now. I’d been looking for it since, and had about come to the conclusion that I’d have to order it from France. So yay for A Southern Season in Chapel Hill, NC!

I was so excited that I didn’t want to underdo it, so I think I might have used too many leaves for this first cup. It’s still amazing, but not quite what I remember. A little sugar makes up for it, though. :)

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It’s nutty and flowery. Not quite sure what to make of it. I only had a 1tsp sample that came from overseas in a swap. There’s a bit of a bitter edge to it, but I may have oversteeped since the color was somewhat light (chestnut brown) so I went all the way to 5 min. Smelt very sweet, like caramel/vanilla and honey, but only the flowery taste seemed to come through. Added a bit of sugar and almond milk. Wouldn’t go out of my way to have it again.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

The dried blue flowers (probably mallow flowers) in both this and Teavana’s Earl Grey Creme seem to really put me off. They are so perfume-y that in the EG they turned my stomach and gave me a headache. There’s less in this cup, but enough to annoy me. No more mallow for me. Too bad it is often added but not mentioned as an ingredient in the tea description! (ex. Teavana)


Mallow supposedly has a lot of positive medicinal uses however. I just don’t like it :(

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drank Balthazar by Mariage Frères
80 tasting notes

I forgot how enjoyable this tea can be. Perfect for today… the end of a long trip and it just might off-set my driving cramps. (Earned from a 12 hour drive with no drinking or bathroom breaks. Don’t try it yourself… invest in Astronaut Diapers. LOL)



Also thought this was an amusing name for a tea. Wonder why they call it Balthazar?

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drank Balthazar by Mariage Frères
80 tasting notes

Not your typical in your face flavored black tea by Mariage Freres. Floral and charming and a beautifully done black tea which I will have to spend more time on… or with? :)

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A good, solid black tea blend. Unlike English or Irish breakfast blends, though, this seemed a bit two-dimensional to me. I did not detect the flavors of chocolate and malt.

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drank Sultane by Mariage Frères
80 tasting notes

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drank Sultane by Mariage Frères
80 tasting notes

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It’s ok this tea. I love the way it smells, really, really awesome. But it is too much perfume for me. It is too heavily scented.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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This is a tea for the holidays! It is heavy in flavor and screams for a dash of milk. I taste orange, cinnamon and perhaps clove… who knows! It possesses many if not all the spices I use as a base in my oatmeal cookies. But it has the familiarity of a cinnamon and spice air spray by Glade and this to some might be quite the turn on. Who knows?

At any rate, after a return from sea and seeking comfort in a cup of tea at home… I should have stuck to the tried and true. However being me, I tried a new path… or tea. I shall try this again when the grumbles of recent travels have calmed and I am sure to provide some insightful remarks.

I can safely say that despite its wild taste of holiday festivus, it is a pleasant tea not bitter or grumpy. Very unlike its taster… I am sure it will forgive me. :)
Until my second cup then…


Well, it started off sounding like you enjoyed it. I mean same ingredients you use in your cookies! Welcome back!


Thanks! I am glad to be back… but a bit exhausted. It is great when you can just go home every night. And I found out my brother has a new daughter. Happy. But she isn’t doing too well. Sad. But he’s being brave and kind… just great really. I hope she pulls through.

So, sip your tea and send a silent prayer that she pulls through the whatevers the hospitals are trying to identify… that is, if you are into the prayer thing.


Your brother having a new daughter calls for congrats, but then I read the next line and that’s so sad =(. I’m sure everything will be alright. Hopes for the best.


It’s heart breaking because I want to fix it, whatever it is, but can’t. I want to say the right things and don’t. So I am sending him and his family some tea and sympathy.


Thank you for your thoughts

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drank Jamaïque by Mariage Frères
328 tasting notes

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drank Montagne d'Or by Mariage Frères
17 tasting notes

YA! So hard for me to even imagine that a tea other then Marco Polo could rock my world so much, this one comes close. It’s like sitting in a peach orchard having a picnic, on a sweet summer day with not a care in the world discussing how beautiful the world is, feeling how beautiful life is. it is very perfect this tea. the alchemy of the flavoring, hits that perfect note. Also I have noticed that mariage freres tea that comes in the tin is so much more fresh and alive, then their tea not in the tin. And the ingredients are just such high quality – unmistakingly high. (that word is not spelled right, but I don’t know how to spell it)

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 15 sec

I am sold. I have to try this. :)

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When I saw a photo of the tea, I had to get it. Ins’t it Beautiful?! This tea is really nice, it feels like a soft bang in the morning, sweet but firm. I like it! I don’t know how to describe it well yet, as I am new to drinking tea, but I can say this: I like this tea, but not as much as Marco Polo.


Do you order Mariage Freres online? Don’t they have amazing shipping? I am sure they charge me and arm and a leg to send me there goods but they are on my doorstep within the week. Glad you liked my pic too. Silly tea didn’t like sitting still! :)


I have ordered from two different places in the states. I have contemplated ordering direct and maybe will next time, but the web-site was hard to navigate.
Which is you most favorite tea from Mariage Freres? Also the violet tea from Russia sounds really great. I think I herd about that one from you?


Well definite favorite, I can’t say yet. I am still sampling but its a tie between Jamaique because of its fragrance or The de Paques which I love to drink. It is perfect with this orange cake I make. I have quite a collection of Mariage Freres to explore so I’ll keep you posted.


I am glad to hear you have quite a collection! I have been wanting to talk to someone who has tasted them before I order them. Maybe I will have tried all 10,000 before I die! On my walk today I contemplate the alchemical magic of Marco Polo as opposed to the “just didn’t work” “Birthday” tea. How scents blend together to make something magical or something not so magical is just so neat!


I completely agree. It’s nice to be able to find moments to explore and enjoy new things.

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