Mariage Frères
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I received this tea from White Antlers and have been enjoying it! I drank it by myself and got three steeps out of each sachet. Then I saw derk’s note. She said it reminded her of vanilla cola syrup and I have been making some flavored syrups to add to Perrier to make slightly-not-as-bad-for-you sodas.
I only had three sachets left and I just steeped them in a Stump pot in about 18 ounces of water, so it actually was not a super strongly flavored syrup. I added the sugar, stirred until it dissolved and chilled it. Tonight I served it with a chocolate cake that my daughter made. My husband enjoyed it and said it definitely reminded him of soda!
It was quite good and I am happy that we have enough to have more tomorrow! I am having fun experimenting with syrups and soda!
This is a sipdown! I can not believe I have had this tin for almost two years. That happens when you have way more tea than anyone can drink in a reasonable amount of time. I have swapped tea, gifted tea, served tea to crowds, and even loaded up boxes of tea and given it to friends, but I still have more tea than necessary.
This feels like a Christmas-y tea to me, partly because I associate almond flavor with Christmas and winter, and partly because this tea was given to me as a Christmas gift by my daughter’s then-fiance-now-husband. There is a nice fruit flavor with the almond and the base is smooth. This is perfectly drinkable without milk and sugar, though my guests today are people who always add both, and did this time, too. They all liked it very much, though.
One thing I like about the Mariage Freres tins is that you can peel off the clear sticker that has the name of the tea. I clean the tin, add a tea that needs a home, and type up a clear Avery label with the name and stick it on. You can hardly tell that it is a reused tin, and only when you are really close up! This tin has now become home to my Dammann Freres Puerh Gourmand. When we finish that – which will probably be soon – I will add another tea and type another label!
This was a lovely tea, and now I must get on to more sipdowns and then use great restraint on Black Friday!
Edited to add: I just cleaned out my online cupboard here when I finished this tin, but then I discovered five teas I hadn’t added. I went from 150 to 145 and back to 150 again. Ah well!
This was the final tea of tea party. By the time we get to our third tea, we have usually finished snacking or we are just nibbling the occasional cookie. It is unusual for us to have all black teas but this was an unusual tea day since we had soup and cake as well.
Since the final stands alone, I chose a flavored tea. I chose this one because A. It tastes great B. it is new and my guest had never had it and C. almond flavor reminds me of Christmas.
The aroma does not disappoint on this tea and the flavor does not let you down. We took it plain and enjoyed it but for those who like a dessert tea with milk and/or sugar, this would almost certainly be excellent that way. The tea base is prominent enough to hold up to additions. The aroma smells like Christmas to me, without smelling like a standard Christmas tea of cinnamon, clove, and orange.
Happy Christmas! Today is Christmas with my eldest daughter because she will be in Ireland for Christmas, so we let her open her presents and have her stocking and we are just spending some time together. In addition, we told her about a puppy that was saved from animal control by the no- kill shelter. She has a broken leg and has pins and wires and screws and a plate and they needed a home for her to recover in, and she really wanted to meet the puppy before she leaves so we picked her up tonight! She is resting in front of the fire with her new toy elephant and has eaten voraciously. Apparently someone forgot to tell the little pup that she is badly injured and must rest. If her leg doesn’t heal properly, it will have to be amputated, so we are praying the fix “takes.” Here she is:
I got to open my gift from my daughter’s fiancé and this was it! I know, I know! What a great guy! We decided to have some after supper tonight as a celebratory cup.
I made it in my new Krups which I positively love and we are using several times a day. The base is sooo smooth, the almond flavor is dominant without being overbearing, and it is sweet and light, even refreshing, on the palate. Good gracious, the French really know how to scent and flavor tea!
This is an elegant cup and I shall enjoy every bit of it!
Even my daughter who does not like black tea is drinking it. She likes it!
What a beautiful lil pup! My boss adopted a dog that was in the same situation, and sadly his leg had to be amputated. The great news is that Grendel is completely fine only having three legs. He is super sweet and even comes to spend the day in the office now and again — he runs everywhere with his three legs and jumps on my lap even! I’m hoping that the setting takes, but even in the worst case scenario, I bet she will rise to the occasion. If only we could all be more like dogs.
I have a little bit of this tea and I’ve been saving it for my Winter Break — just a few more days til ahhhhhhhh!
Puppy is a beauty! My best to her! (And happy holidays to all of you by the way).
I love Pleine Lune! It´s such a staple tea for me. My favorite way to have it (even if I usually like my tea plain) is with honey and a drop of milk – that way is one of the most conforting teas i ever had!
JacquelineM: I am almost holding my breath because this little girl wants to PLAY! She is rather hyper and is supposed to be kept calm with as much movement restriction as possible! And this is how she acts while medicated! Whatever would she be like unmedicated??? :)
cteresa: that sounds delectable! I will try it that way, too!
Time to try a new black tea! That always makes me happy. First time having the fancy Mariage Freres, thank you momo! Mariage Frerraaaaarre ;p
The dry leaf smells slightly fruity on top of a strong black base.
Tried to make a half pot. Good with sugar. Its just a plain, good, nice tea.
I want their new teas and awesome tins, especially the chocolate one and the macaron one. Why on earth they have to be close to $40 per 4 oz is beyond me. Unless I’m calculating the currency exchange wrong which is possible.
The tins are around $20 – $24 and you can get them here: I got one at Williams Sonoma last year for around the same price.
Depends on your currency and where you are, but indeed 40 dollars (if american!) for 100 grams (I guess? though 100 grams is closer to 3 ounces) is unbelievably expensive!
The regular price in France is 13 euros for the tin of 100 grams – that should be dunno, 16, 17 dollars. In my other EU country I can get this from 16 to 20 euros, depending on seller is really filling their pockets! 40 dollars, yikes, I love this but it´s not worth that much.
The non-tinned version it´s 8.5 euros per 100 grams directly from them, and I can buy it for about that price or 9 euros per 100 grams – that would be dunno 10,11 dollars per 100 grams, which I already think steep for flavoured tea (but worth it. But then again Mariage Fréres has a talent for pricing things precisely at the upper limit of what i would consider paying!)
Oh wow, $16 or $17 sounds much better. I was also factoring in shipping as well but yeah, its so expensive to get it from them!
Thankfully the link Amy oh posted sells the classic ones cheaper which is awesome but I still want the new ones.
Ah if you were talking about special edition tins then the price really is like that! Their price there is 25 euros, here I would get it for at least 30 euros and 40 dollars seems not too extortionate then! I never get those limited special edition tins of theirs so not really sure if worthwhile (well so far I have thought it unlikely to me!). I have tried some of the special tins tea before (maharajas and some other) and it was not better than the classical teas. I think the special editions are more geared at being bought as gifts or for tin collectors rather than tea lovers.
I admit I love and lust after those tins always and this new line seems appealing. Be careful of one detail, these tins are paper lined – meaning they can not be washed or steamed and reused as easily and will show damage soon. I live tins and admit to have considered it, but paper lined tins are a no-go for me (TWG for example)
Oh really? I had no idea they were paper lined, thank you for pointing that out! They make it look like a real tin in the photo. That certainly changes things, I feel better for not needing to have it so much now :)
A lot of the special teas are in real tins, I have had them in my hand and drools oh wow (though not 30, 40 euros worth of wow). But these “cakes and desserts” tins are paper lined “It has been lovingly wrapped in a colourful, paper-covered canister with decorative silver motifs harking back to the blissful days of yore.”. It is probably very nice thick and somewhat resistant paper, I suppose like TWG tins if you know them (drools more), but I do not think that no paper will resist 5 years of use, and certainly not being machine washed or steamed fiercely which is what i do to tins to reuse them! I avoid those gorgeous washi paper japanese tins precisely because of that as well.
I have some washi tins and they are perfect on the inside and the paper on the outside holds up pretty nicely as well but I haven’t had them for long.
I don’t know about TWG but wooaaa I just looked them up and found this
TWG has got the nicest, nicest tins. And they have this little inner stopper even, which I really like. I have been flirting like mad with their tins. BUT here their tins cost 20+ euros, 21, 22, 23 something like that, a bit more than Mariage Freres´ classic teas which I know and trust already. And the beautiful tins are printed, paper sort of glued strongly but is just paper, not sure if they would resist being washed or even just normal wear and tear. Real tins are different.
And the TWG teas themselves smell delicious but not that amazing and the reviews of their teas I have read are a bit “meh” so have avoided even thinking of getting one. I can get 3 *100 grams of loose Mariage Freres or Theodor tea or from other sellers I know and trust by the cost of one TWG tin, no way. Speaking of tins, one day I will buy a Kusmi tea for the tin, as soon as I find one of their teas I like enough! I found one which was nice enough, but LOL I do not like the tin for that one.
That happens to me all the time! When a tea company has an awesome tin but you really don’t want the tea that’s in it. and the tea that you DO like is in a tin you don’t like. I hate when happens haha
It happens to me a lot – or you like the tin, the tea seems interesting but is way too expensive. The pains of loving tea tins! With Kusmi, I will love one of their teas (with a pretty tin) yet.
I never have enough tins and I think tea keeps so much better in tins than in anything else ( opaque ziplocs are not bad either but not pretty) so I have been improvising tins. I reuse tins which are OK for tea or ugly tea tins by wrapping pretty paper around them and putting a label on them, it´s fun if not too durable. And buy empty caddies now and then. If you are into flowery girly stuff, Greengate tea tins are so so lustworthy.
a dear friend brought this tea back from Paris for me. it has a decent strength with a subtle cardamom flavour. it still needs a wee bit of milk & sugar. next time i’d steep it less than 4 minutes & probably add more than two skimpy spoonfulls. still very delicious.
I’m such a fool! See, I placed an order with Mariage Freres recently. I ordered two of my staples (which I’ll be reviewing next) in huge quantities and then I figured I might as well throw in 100g of a new-to-me tea. I saw Marco Polo, remembered that it was MF’s most famous blend and that it got a good rating on Steepster and I was sold.
Ruby – when will you learn to look at the description first? I can be so completely stupid sometimes. I like spicy, nutty black teas. I hate fruity teas with a passion. This is a sweet, strawberry cake tea. If you know me at all, you know that’s when the tiniest violin comes in. I detest berries in any form except their original form. I hate them in yoghurt, in tea, in juice. Love them whole, though.
I won’t be rating this because it’s entirely my mistake. If a strawberry cake appeals to you, this would probably be heaven. It’s very flavoured, as are all Mariage Freres teas. As it is, I’m stuck with my 100g which I drink when I need to focus on something entirely different, like marking papers or watching a film.
Oh, Marco Polo, if only I knew then what I know now! bursts into tears
I dunno. I was trying a sample which had been sitting oxidizing for days (till i felt like trying it) from a tin opened maybe 2 years ago (?more?). It´s not a fair trial. Keep that in mind. But since there seems to be very little about this tea that i can find on google, here goes my 2 cents.
Official description mentions hazelnut and vanilla and citrus. I spotted the citrus, bergamot-ish indeed to my nose, vanilla yeah now that you mention it, but I did not get any hazelnut (old tea, remember. a fresh tin might be another matter). It seems like it has some Darjeeling on it. And it reminds me a bit (bergamot, vanilla) of Thé au Tibet. But it really is not fresh tea so it is unfair to compare.
Tea of the late afternoon…..
And day #18 of 24. Thank you Dinosara for sharing this one with me!
The tea itself does have a nutty essence. I mostly get almond, some pecan, and I thought hazelnut. However, upon reading Dinosara’s review, she found the last nut to be walnut in her research. Usually I can taste walnut a mile away because it never sits well with me (sensitivity/allergy to raw walnuts and hazelnuts so I always notice the taste of them to avoid them), but it is definitely not present in the tea as far as I can tell. (Luckily, an infusion of the nuts I cannot eat raw does not affect me too badly, and if they are roasted or cooked, I am fine.) All that being said, the almond in this blend is nice. I don’t think it is the end all be all for almond tea, but I am very thankful to have had the opportunity to try it. One day, I will find an almond one that I love. One thing I do find interesting is that the tea base Marriage uses in their flavored teas is good, but I guess I just expected more.
Usual teapot method.
Hello. I am a tea hoarder. I have had this little packet for eight years, based on my first review. And do you know what? Even sloppily stored, woodged down to the bottom of a bits-and-pieces basket, it is still delicious. I can’t find it in current stock or existence, but previous notes indicate that it was a Darjeeling/Yunnan blend; not flavored that I can tell, but it steeps up to a dark and satiny ebony, and has come caramel-pecan-chestnut personality. Second steep was 90% strength of the original, and lovely with some milk.
This seems to be my weekend for nostalgia. Assembling ingredients to attempt my mom’s and sister’s fresh apple fruitcake recipe. Browsing “The Complete Christmas Book” (copyright 1958) that my mom read to me from when I was a sprout. An eight-year-old tea seems about right.
It sounds like a lovely weekend! I, too, have discovered teas that are embarassingly old…don’t feel bad.
Happy to see that drinking old teas are still okay. As I have big hoard of them – I see they still can be tasty.
This packet is getting old but has held up nicely. With a light temperature and steep time, it is rich and caramelly and soothing on such a wickedly raw day. Already got word that we get a rare snow day tomorrow (generally, even when school is closed, administrative staff is expected). I may have to have another cup then.
A bottom-of-the-basket surprise I had forgotten about; Darjeelings get short shrift at my house.
This Darjeeling/Yunnan combo is smooth with a little “pep” from the Yunnan, with a creamy, carmelly personality. Really nice, especially when you keep an eye on time and temp. (Lightish on both.)
So glad this tea is making other households happy! Your syrup idea sounds brilliant ashmanra!