I was in another town today (giving my last presentation until October!!) and stopped by a store I had never visited but had heard had a great tea selection. And wow, they did! I picked up several things from my shopping list as well as a few things that I hadn’t heard of. And I found this! A friend let me have a little of hers a few years ago. Back then I was interested in tea, but not near the degree that I am now. I’d been looking for it since, and had about come to the conclusion that I’d have to order it from France. So yay for A Southern Season in Chapel Hill, NC!

I was so excited that I didn’t want to underdo it, so I think I might have used too many leaves for this first cup. It’s still amazing, but not quite what I remember. A little sugar makes up for it, though. :)

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I’ve been into tea, at some level, since college with a first tin of loose tea brought back by my parents from Oxford. My love of tea increased with a visit to Boston and a chance cup at Tealuxe. Since then I’ve only gotten more interested in tea and have developed more of an appreciation for it.

tea rating guide
(updated 12/2010)

100: a perfect cuppa. these are the teas I’ll keep in my cupboard and tend to be one per type of tea.

90-99: will definitely get more of this tea

80-89: likely to get more and perhaps it will become a favorite with time

70-79: very good, depending on my mood or the season

60-69: wouldn’t actively try to get this tea, but also wouldn’t avoid it in a tea shop or restaurant

50-59: run-of-the-mill tea for me

40-49: decent, would hit the spot in some moods, but probably wouldn’t purchase it for my cupboard

30-39: okay, will try again, maybe

20-29: meh. I’d try this tea again if no other were available

10-19: drinkable, but a forced cup

0-9: didn’t even finish the cup


Seattle, WA



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