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Why, yes, I AM trying to catch up on tasting notes that I’ve skived off on over the past day or so, why do you ask?
This was today’s mid-morning/lunch tea. Still fantastic! I just love the complexity of the taste and the fun of teasing out which parts correspond to what word in the tea’s name. I used too much water on the second steeping and got a kind of washed out flavor, though :(
Had this this morning with chocolate chip pancakes and bacon in order to scientifically test the following question:
Will delicious breakfast tea detract/distract from delicious breakfast (or vice versa)?
Answer: No. Everything is just delicious together and it is awesome.
Mmm, such a nice morning tea when I’m not rushing around. I don’t really eat breakfast as such most days, and well, today I woke up at 11, so I may as well wait an hour and just have lunch. This tea screams “breakfast” so much, though, that I really feel as if I HAVE had some.
It’s a little more buttery today than the first time I tried it, which was freaking me out a bit at first, but I’ve gotten used it now. The raisin is stronger as well, I think. The only problem I have with this tea is that it does leave me feeling a bit thirsty – kind of like I need to rinse out the butter taste from my mouth, but I guess that’s just going to happen with a tea this substantial.
I had someone ask me how she should abbreviate the name to fit it on her blog. I told her I had no idea how you could shorten it. The tea is every bit of each of the words in its title.
hahah impossible to abreveate this, plus this title is too perfect, not many titles can describe an aroma, this one can.
You could abbreviate it by calling it: “Super Tasty Breakfasty Tea of Many Tastes”!
Wait, that’s not shorter at all.
I saved this to try last from my 52teas order, although I guess I shouldn’t really count the coconut cream pie as “trying it” since it not going so well was my own fault. I’m not sure why I saved it for last, contrariness probably since my first impulse was to tear it open first and I firmly believe that occasionally not letting my curiosity get what it wants is good for me.
Like most other people, I was pretty weirded out by the idea of this tea, but everyone’s expressions of horror when I told them about it only egged me on into getting it. (contrariness again!) Any tea that requires me to stop and think a moment to make sure I have the word order right cracks me up and therefore deserves a chance.
Opening it up, it mostly smelled like maple syrup, which was weird, because that is possibly the only non-breakfast related word that is NOT in the tea’s title. I’m gonna go ahead and chalk it up to the combination of the cinnamon and butter. I tried it and my first impression was just YUM. This is REALLY good! I like a tea that I can just immediately say that I like or not without actually analyzing the flavor. Of course, after the initial period of yum, I DID get down to analyzing. The maple syrup, as expected, resolved into a combination of cinnamon and buttery flavor, and there was a hint of smokiness that I am going to assume is the toast. I am somewhat at a loss as to the raisin bit, although…there’s something in the aftertaste that suggests a certain idiosyncratic fruitiness that I would, if pressed, associate with raisins. I am not that into raisins so I’m not particularly disappointed.
Second steeping: ok, those are DEFINITELY raisins. The impression is so strong that I keep trying to chew the tea. The cinnamon is still around, but the butter has receded a bit, as has the smoky toastness, although I think I agree with Cofftea that the texture of the tea itself is toasty on it’s own.
Man, I am just drinking this up. I REALLY like it. And it’s quite satisfying on its own, i.e. I am not left feeling the need to visit IHOP or something :D It also makes me really want to try the maple bacon from Man Teas.
Ah, I knew I could count on 52teas to get me all excited about tea again after tasting several duds. I think that any tea with the “natural essence of cake” as an ingredient is an instant winner, don’t you agree? Pineapple cake on the nose, with the cherry flavour coming through and lingering delightfully after each mouthful. Ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch cherry bomb!
So, when I moved, I moved a lot closer to the mountains, which means that I am now getting a lesson in how crazy California’s weather can be. Where I lived earlier, there were a few days in August where the cold in the evening had me turning on the heat (because I am a wuss, but still.) Up here, even though it is NOT really that much farther away, I am hot hot hot! Not as hot as I was in Japan, thank god, but hot enough that I am really really appreciating the ability to make iced tea.
This batch is building on the older batch – when that first batch was at about 1/4 (and had been brewing for a couple of days) I added more water and a bit more leaves and left it. The result is much more black curranty, but still definitely has that white tea personality. Win!
So, the biggest obstacle to my enjoyment of homemade iced tea was the fact that due to my living situation, my fridge smelled like kimchee. (I can’t really blame my roommates for it, when 4 people share 1 refrigerator, some stuff is bound to get forgotten) BUT! Now I have a refrigerator ALL to myself (yay!) and am free to begin enjoying delicious black currant white tea iced tea. Which I have done.
I cold brewed this, letting it sit overnight. And I kind of fudged the amount because I was lazy and also my mum was yelling for me to hurry up because she was hungry. The result was still quite delicious, although it definitely could have used more leaves. The currant taste was quite faint but still presentso it was mostly tasty cold white tea with a smidge of black currant. I’m not complaining, though! If at first you don’t succeed, try try again and all that.
Although looking at the amount I have left in my pouch, I probably should have included another bag of this stuff with the 52teas order I just placed. SIGH. Ain’t it always the way.
Backlogging from last night:
I put the third steeping in the fridge to chill, but got impatient (not to mention thirsty) and ended up drinking it before it got really cold. This time, the white tea and the black currant had switched places. It’s still good this way, but I think I prefer it the other way around. Will have to wait on a true iced tea from this until next time, I think!
Edit: Turns out there was enough left in the pot to have like, a quarter of a cup, chilled this morning. OMG SO GOOD. The cool temperature really brings out the black currant nicely!
Second steeping: Just as good as the first! Added a minute to the steeping time and nom nom nom. I’d say that the white tea retreated somewhat with the second steeping, which is not what I would have expected, but there you go.
I’m gonna try to third steeping iced. We’ll see how it goes!
Now I’ve got ’En-er-ey the 8th I am I am" going through my head: “second verse, same as the first, little bit louder and a little bit worse”!
Prolly not. ;-) I don’t think it was original to Herman’s Hermits. Now that I think about it, not sure the last part about being worse is even part of the song. First part is, though.
…I got married to the widow next door, she’d been married seven times before, and everyone was a ‘enery…. guess what’s going to stick in my head all day!
Squeeeee! My 52teas order came in today, prompting squeals of joy, immediately followed by choice paralysis. Which do I try first!
I actually decided to go with this one first. (Decide? Not draw randomly? Moi? I know it’s weird, but I actually put some thought into it. Read on, true believers!) Reading people’s reviews of it is what basically put 52teas on the map for me, and made me realize that I would HAVE to order from them even though they do not do samples which is usually a huge turn off for me. >:|
I LOVE black currant, I have mentioned this before, but I’ve found black currant black teas to be largely disappointing. It just doesn’t fit properly, if that makes any sense. But white tea, white tea could be PERFECT. So, high hopes here!
I have to thank 52teas, because I don’t get to use the word redolent often, but when I opened the packet, that is the first thing I thought of. The leaves were redolent with the rich, overripe fragrance of currant. When I poured water over the tea, the fragrance intensified, but now I was smelling fresh currant. That’s right, this tea has power over TIME AND SPACE. Well, maybe just time.
So obviously, by the time I sit down to actually drink it, I am totally stoked. And you know what? This tea totally delivered. The black currant complements the white tea SO well, it’s like the two flavors were made to go together, and somehow even though the currant is very strong and present, it doesn’t overshadow the white tea. Instead, they work together to ROCK MY SOCKS OFF.
I have GOT to try this iced.
I brewed this tea up and allowed it to take a chill in the fridge – it makes a really good iced tea! Even my hubby (the non-tea-drinker) likes it! I did add some sweetener to it just to keep the flavors perky, but I don’t think that it’s overpoweringly sweet at all. Just very pleasantly sweet, and very tasty.
The aroma is one of the most remarkable aspects of this tea, it really SMELLS just like one of those old time soda fountain colas. The cherry flavor is strong, the vanilla flavor softens it nicely… and the tea flavor is neither overwhelmed by the flavors, nor does it overwhelm them.
It’s weird… but it works.
I am going to rate this one this time, because I have roughly about a half a gallon left of this tea, and I don’t know that it will last… and I want to rate it before I’m out of it.
This afternoon I decided to treat myself to this. This is one of my favorites from 52 Teas – it reminds me so much of an old time soda shop cherry cola. (No, I’m not old enough to actually remember those old time soda shops, but, I used to work at a retirement home as an administrative assistant and they had an old time soda fountain for the residents. This soda reminds me of the cherry vanilla cola I’d have there on occasion)
Today, the smell of this tea is more reminiscent of that “old time soda” than the flavor. I need to remember to limit the brew time of this particular tea to 2 1/2 minutes or less. Any longer and the tea becomes a bit too astringent and that astringency interferes with the flavors. Then again, it could be my present lack of ability to taste.
I chose this tea because I remember the flavors being quite strong… and yes, even with my taste buds impaired, I can taste the cherry and even a touch of the vanilla. And as I said, the black tea base is a bit more astringent than I remember it being, which leaves the mouth feeling a little dry.
Overall, though, I really like this tea. I am going to save what I have left of it for iced tea. Right now, we are having winter-like weather, so it’s no time for iced tea! I am not going to issue a numeric rating for this tea at this time, because I don’t really think it’s fair based on my inability to discern subtle flavors.
Well one thing I was curious about was how long the red hot would last and after inspecting the leaves it is gone after one cup. have not made a second cup yet but if this tea is anything like the others from 52teas it will still hold enough flavor for a second cup. Pretty much like the original cinnamon tea I have purchased in the past from them. Not sure the cinnamon red hot candies make much of a difference
Thanks to RICKY for this sample. This was a fun tea. …Neapolitan ice cream was a favorite at my house when I was growing up so I really looked forward to trying this…Of course, the chocolate disappeared first, and vanilla was the last to go…
On to the tea: First, honeybush is preferable to rooibos. The strawberry flavor predominates. I added sugar and then a bit of milk. Somehow, although I could not detect any individual vanilla and chocolate flavors, this tasted like melted neapolitan ice cream when all 3 flavors blend….
Misto style! 5 1/3g leaf steeped in 4oz just below boiling water for 10 min then added 4oz Fat Free Smart Balance Milk.
The misto is by far the darkest I’ve made. Ok… I wonder how milky dirt is gonna taste… I’m a little nervous. Yum! It’s actually very good. There is virtually no dirt flavor and the milk brings out the chocolate vs. having it neat. The heat is there, but doesn’t burn. All flavors are a bit muted compared to Mayan Chocolate Chai, probably due to the lack of spices. Definitely worth reblending… but w/ the addition of spices. I definitely wouldn’t steep this for less than 10 min, maybe even 11 if you’re making a misto.
This came today! Can someone please explain how an order placed on 4/26 and one placed on 5/6 can come on the same day?
The raw leaf smells much like Mayan Chocolate Chai only with a faint fecality to it from the pu erh (which I’m assuming is shu) base.
I’m quite surprised by the steeping parameters on this… up to 10 min?! Ok, well I have tea I wanna get thru today so I think I’ll get as much as I can out of this cuppa before moving on.
1tsp/6oz just below boiling water for 10 min.
Whoa… this is BLACK like this text color black. By far the darkest tea I’ve ever seen. The aroma has the earthiness of pu erh, but the smoothness of chocolate and the spicyness of the cayenne. It even has complex qualities that are coffeeish.
When I take a sip the 1st thing that hits me is the cayenne followed, surprisingly, by the pu erh base. I expected more chocolate. There is an occassional chocolate sip, but most of the time the chocolate just comes in as smoothness. It tastes kinda flat and I think could benefit from chai spices.
No notes yet. Add one?
I don’t offer many people tea because of the very thing that you mentioned. Unless people are actually “in to” tea, they aren’t going to understand or appreciate what you’re offering them. To so many people out there: “tea” = Lipton’s. That’s what they grew up on… that’s what I grew up on. So, they don’t have the palate for something else. I’m not going to suggest that tea lovers possess a more “sophisticated” palate or any other such nonsense, because I don’t think that’s the case. I think it’s just that “we” (that is, tea enthusiasts) happen to be more in tune to the nuances of tea because we happen to love it.
I have some of this tea, but I haven’t yet tried it. I do look forward to trying it though, as I LOVE pineapple upside down cake!
Good luck on the move! I hope it all runs smoothly!
Nice review ooh I enjoy pineapple in tea. I should of bought some but it sold out my fault for putting off buying some lol.
my friends know i am nuts about tea, and will be forced to guest tea blog if they don’t take lipton! this keeps it to lipton for the people who don’t care, and very excited people who do care
@Erin thanks! I just realized I’ve been going through your tea a lot lately, haha.
@Rabs Oh it’s going to take another month or half a month before I’m finally settled. Who knew moving could be so hectic.
@LiberTEAS I think we just need to find the tea that really stands out so we can convert them! I’ve been trying to think of a good tea that could make a lipton lover, go woah, this is amazing!
@silvermage2000 Didn’t they just restock recently!?!? Frank does make some good honeybush teas. The raspberry danish isn’t bad either, a bit lighter. I have to really sit down with that one before I write up a log.
@AmazonV Haha, you know… now that I think about it… perhaps some lapsang souchong is necessary for those lipton lovers.
I think this is fantastic. Green is good, but the banana really shines through. Peach is subtle, but given the choice, I’d opt for more banana anyway. I just ordered more, and this bag was just opened. Great hot or iced, but I think the fruits come out more as the tea cools. Excellent with honey or without.
I like 52teas a lot; I like the concept and I like some of their wild and crazy blends that turn out to be not the least bit crazy when you drink them. I have subscribed for almost 6 months and will probably continue my subscription, although I worry that they have a silo full of rooibos someplace.
I like the classic PBJ combo and I generally like what 52teas does with peanut flavors. But this “tea,” as others have noted, was a disappointment. I could not find the flavor. I hope that 52teas will start a subscription program where one can simply opt out of rooibos. I have so many of their rooibos packets dismally waiting for the love they will never find at my house. How did rooibos get to be a tea anyhow? Would the world of wine permit cranberry juice or Kool-Aid to be counted among its vintages?
Oh, 52teas! Please lavish your love and your ingenuity on the black and green tea blends that I love so much.
I love the image of them having a silo full of rooibos! And I think I know where in Wichita they’re storing it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Keeper_of_the_Plains
One must also be aware that when the article says “Arkansas Rivers” the way a Wichitan (having been one myself) pronounces the river (versus the state) is Are-Kansas River (not Arkinsaw). Believe it or not! ;)
We are looking to go to Wichita for a family gathering around 4th of July…this may bear further investigation! No doubt they’ll be closed, but maybe I can at least drive by Zoomdweebies and look longingly in the window.
I finished off my cold brewed iced tea pitcher of this tonight. This puppy’s been in the fridge for…at least two days, and this extra time has (not surprisingly) given it more depth. It’s still very cherry, but it also has more cake to it. Pineapple is still elusive — I get a tiny bit in the aftertaste peeking out from behind the cherry. It’s a good way to end my day :) NE
Wow, this sounds really good. I really need to break down and place an order with 52teas. I’ve been putting it off hoping some things will sell out because right now my potential order is very hefty.
Lol! I’m gonna be the tea devil on your shoulder this morning: you’ll be so happy when you get your first 52teas order (at least I was). Frank is also awesome and so good at customer service and their teas are just insane. :D
I finally cold brewed this tea and I’m a wee bit disappointed. It flattens out and tastes like a bit of cherry added to a rooibos. I’d guess that hot brewed is the way to go with this blend. I’d give the cold brewed version a 70. It’s still yummy, but no TG for this tea. NE
I totally agree with you. I sorta tried to say that in the note, but now I realize how it reads. It’s supposed to be “I guess hot brewed iced tea is the way to go with this blend.” Yes, I’m goober ;)
mmm that sounds delicious