So, the biggest obstacle to my enjoyment of homemade iced tea was the fact that due to my living situation, my fridge smelled like kimchee. (I can’t really blame my roommates for it, when 4 people share 1 refrigerator, some stuff is bound to get forgotten) BUT! Now I have a refrigerator ALL to myself (yay!) and am free to begin enjoying delicious black currant white tea iced tea. Which I have done.
I cold brewed this, letting it sit overnight. And I kind of fudged the amount because I was lazy and also my mum was yelling for me to hurry up because she was hungry. The result was still quite delicious, although it definitely could have used more leaves. The currant taste was quite faint but still presentso it was mostly tasty cold white tea with a smidge of black currant. I’m not complaining, though! If at first you don’t succeed, try try again and all that.
Although looking at the amount I have left in my pouch, I probably should have included another bag of this stuff with the 52teas order I just placed. SIGH. Ain’t it always the way.
::solo fridge happy dance::