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A HUGE thank you to Kristin for sending this to me! I’d avoided 52teas and other limited edition type teas because of their limited editioness. I’ve finally come around and am willing to enjoy teas while they last. :)

Oh. My. Lordy. I open the packet and it’s like Maraschinopalooza. I become worried. I smell hints of upside-downness, but to me it’s all about the cherry.

I was surprised that the instructions were to get the water to boiling. I’ve only ever done around 180 for other honeybushes. But I think, “what they hey” and go for it boiling. I’ll definitely try some at a lesser temp out of curiosity and make a note of what the differences are.

Oh yes. Me likey. The first few sips were “this is sort of like a pineapple/cherry chapstick.” But honeybush is like that for me: it always is reminiscent of the old school flavored chapsticks of my youth. However, that sensation faded. This is probably more like my imaginary Pineapple Upside-Down Cake would taste like (it’s been years and years since I’ve had the real thing). I kept drinking and drinking and drinking and now my first cup is gone! Must make more. I did start to get the Pez-like quality that Kristin mentioned, but I drank it all before it cooled too much, and for me Pez is a good thing :)

This is so intense that I won’t be able to do it every day, but if I want something bakey-sweet after dinner then this’ll fit the bill perfectly. TG

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

Oh, I love Pez… just not in my tea! :) So glad you like it and that it has a better home.


LOL! :) It shall be enjoyed. Just ocassionally – the sweetness is pretty aggressive. The thought of drinking it daily does seem icky to me just because of how very sweet it is. And I know that I’ve said it a million times, but thank you again!


Ohhh! I haven’t had time to try this one. Erin sent me some, I have to try it sometime!

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I’ve been cold brewing this in the fridge all day as part of the Decupboarding Day, and I’ve just now tried it for the first time. I don’t think I’ve done that with this tea before, I’m fairly new in general at this cold brewing business.

My mind? It is blown!

Steepsterites! Wow! Why did I never try this before?

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

I know what you mean. Cold brewing gives teas new life. Pretty cool huh

Ashley Bain

I have never tried cold brewing, I think I was just nervous about the results!

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Okay so it’s not a sample. It’s not even a decupboarding.

But it’s summerly and awesome and fruity fruity fruity with fruit on. And I haven’t had any of it in absolutely ages. Abandoned and forgotten, it has been kicking around at the bottom of the sample basket, but I dug it out today because I wanted something fruity and summerly.

I think I’ve got enough leaf left for one more round and then it’s over. In spite of having forgotten it for such a long time, I have really enjoyed this one.

Two out of three parts of my recent Amazon-avaganza loot arrived today and I’ve had watermelon for lunch. Lots of it, and nothing else. It’s just that sort of day. :)

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The recent new fruity things from 52teas reminded me that I still actually have this one. A whole half pouch! So I decided to make me a cup while taking care of some correspondance (Ow! Crampy cramp is cramping crampily! I am way too used to typing!).

I didn’t drink it. I NOMMED it.

The funny thing is that I really especially like that note of coconut right there on the swallow and finish. I don’t usually appreciate coconut in tea at all, but I think that’s because there is such a thing as too much coconut. It’s very toned down here to a secondary flavour, and that works much better for me.


When you say NOMMED, I imagined you just eating it out of the bag, hahaha.


I nearly did. :D

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52teas order arrived today. Well, it arrived thursday, actually, but I couldn’t pick it up until today because the post office is closed when I come home from work.

I’ve been looking forward to this order. Having this tropical blend again. I’ve said it many times before, but it was a total ambush. I just thought I’d give it a go because I was ordering a few other fruity blends at the time, and it turned out that of that order this one was actually my favourite. I definitely think this is my very favourite 52teas blend.

And now I have it again! I will savour this pouch. Or maybe just yum it all up in a couple of weeks. :)

And now while in preparations to have this one, the TeaSpring order arrives! With Tan Yang Te Ji in it! ARGH! Tea angst! What to have first???

I’m sticking to this one first though, mostly because I’ve already got half a post ready for it. (Yes, I do this. I start writing the post before I make the tea. That way I can concentrate about the tea while drinking it instead of writing all this boring intro stuff.)

Yummmm fruit in my mouth! The coconut is really standing out today and with the other fruits underneath. You take one little sip and the flavour expaaaaaaaaaaaaands.

Explosion? Oh yes. ♥

Tan Yang Te Ji will have to wait a little while longer. Now that I’ve actually made the cup, that’s not quite as difficult anymore. Because this is awesomely awesome, and I’m shifting the rating up a good bit more, based on the way I hugged the pouch (yes really) when I unpacked it.


I will admit to hugging Thomas Sampson!

Southern Boy Teas

It just makes my day that we can make someone happy all the way in Denmark. Glad you are enjoying your tea.

I’m having a really good day myself. Had a meeting yesterday with the General Manager and Sales Manager from a regional coffee and tea service provider who are interested in distributing our teas (in 3 and 4 ounce filter packs for commercial iced tea brewers) to restaurants and convenience stores throughout Kansas and a large part of Oklahoma. I’m super jazzed about it.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

That’s great Frank, wish the best of luck!

Meghann M

I hug my Pineapple Lychee tin. Good luck Frank! May be worth the drive to Kansas to try your teas in a restaurant setting! I hope it works out.


Grats, Frank!

This sounds really good!

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This + fruit flavoured foam candy = epic win of fruity nomness.

(even if said foam candy has accidentally been squashed during transport home into one enormous foam candy cake… that’s just not okay)

I can’t believe this is nearly gone. I can’t get over how much I like this. I was expecting to like it, but I didn’t think I’d like it this much.


argh, another to add to my 52teas wish list (aka when will I be #10?1 Not 9, 11, or 9 again!)


Hey you’re doing better than me. I was number 23…

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I’m surprised at how much I’m liking this. I bought it thinking it mught be nice but I wasn’t expecting this level of niceness. My history with tropical flavours in tea is a bit shaky. But this stuff is disappearing at an alarming rate. It’s not too sweet and it’s not too artificial, it’s just right.

I strongly urge you to try this one out because mine is disappearing at an alarming rate!


It looks like your finger’s doing better: Hooray!!!!! :D


I’m getting the stitches out on mionday, and i’m really looking forward to that. I have got a lot better and quicker at tyuping though. :)

Kathryn Ann

I also really really like this tea!


I’ve only had one white tea and it was BADLY brewed at Barnes and Noble and all I could taste was the paper cup it was in! I have been wanting a tropical tea for our horrendously hot summer here. I’ll look into this one!


Never trust tea that comes in a paper cup. The cup absorbs the flavour and releases cardboard flavour to the water. I would definitely recommend you gave this one a go, and I can also recommend the black currant white from 52teas too. And if you find you still don’t like it much, there’s only 1 oz in the pouch, so you don’t end up with a huge amount of tea you don’t like. :)



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It was bad enough letting Doulton’s teas sit there and wait for me to regain full control of the keyboard again. But then the order from 52teas arrived today, and things only got more difficult. And then I opened one, just to smell it, and one thing led to another and so on… ahem.

So I’m giving it a go and as you can see I’m trying really hard to be patient here and type sloooowly and properly.

The reason I’m starting with this one is very simpkly that it was the one that I ripped the top off to smell. It had a stronger aroma than I had expected. I thought something sweetly fruity like fresh fruit. What it actually was was more like dried fruit, a bit soapy. Of course. It’s dried fruit in it. Not sure how this always manages to surprise me but it’s the same every single time.

After brewing the soapy note goes away. The primary notes in the aroma here are pure fruit, especially passion fruit, weirdly, and coconut with a bit if banana in the background. The passion fruit is odd because it not apparently supposed to be tjehre. It’s just reminding me so strongly of the passion fruit black I used to have from Adagio. I’m not picking up any pine apple and I don’t know what papaya smells like.

Tastewise there’s a lot of coconut overall in the flavour, but right there on the front we have pineapple loud and clear. Here we definitely have the fruity sweet that I was searching for in the aroma of the dry leaves, and lots of it. The beautiful thing about it is that the white tea itself is coming through quite well also. It’s a tea, not a sort of hot cordial. As it cools a bit, the banana is coming out more strongly too.

I bought this because of the success the bkack currant bai mu dan was for me and I wanted to continue explorijng the fruitier choices. This is definitely a winner for me, and if you liked the black currant bai mu dan, I suggest you give this one a go too. I think it would work quite nicely as a dessert with all the fruityness.

And yes, it would seem that I am actually capable of typing withiout all those typos. But it also took som,e 25 minutes to write this. sigh stupid finger!


I think I’ll miss the typos…they made me smile! Somebody sent me an e-mail piece once that demonstrated as long as the first and last letter of a word is in place, no badly how the mddile lttrees are srcmblaed, one can still decode the meaning.

This sounds yummy, especially the pineapple part, for hot weather.


i¨’ll just go on beiong sloppy then. :=) althoigh manageing to tyåe the above nmade me feek a bit guiilty for not having the patiuence to do it all the time. :)

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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

I was dying to hear how the meet up went! Thank you so much for posting some details of the event, and I’m delighted that y’all had a great time :)


It is a more subtle cup, for what it’s worth…which is probably why I like it, given my tastes! I wasn’t sure about the first cup, but the subtle sweetness sort of grew on me…the flavors seem well-paired. I think it does have a sort of mild astringency akin to the astringency you get with dried apples, but not the sort that comes along with bitter tea, like assam, if that makes sense — at least, that’s what I get from my batch.


AmazonV: Thanks for the pics and the writeup! I have to admit that I’m sort of disappointed that the overlords weren’t wearing capes or something more “overlordish.” ;)


Hehe! And yes, thank you AmazonV for the write up!


I wish I was able to go! Bad timing w my tree problem. It looked so fun, informative and delicious!


@Rabs, yeah it was a small group, but it was cozy. Basically we tried five samplers and had some other teas on the side.

@sophistre, hmmm, I feel like many of Frank’s teas grow on you. The flavors are always so subtle but as you drink it, you get more accustomed to it and the flavors seem to show up more. If I had a choice between an orange or an apple I’d go for the orange. I don’t hate apples, but it wouldn’t be my first choice as a fruit. I think I can see what you mentioned about the apple tartness.

@AmazonV Thanks! =]

@JacquelineM Oh no! Poor tree! I was surprised you weren’t there since you always go to radiance! It was such a nice day too.

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drank PBJ Rooibos by 52teas
267 tasting notes

This is SUCH a good idea for a tea blend that I think it needs to be redone. Because my bag is essentially just a plain rooibos tea. Even looking in the bag all I see is plain rooibos. When I sniff it I don’t really get anything but rooibos. And when I brew it there’s nothing else there. I LIKE plain rooibos, but as I’m fond of saying- I can buy it plain when that’s what I want. Totally bummed out that I didn’t get a peanut buttery taste out of this.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

That is so sad. :( No PB chips?


I found one in the bag, but it didn’t do anything for the cup it was in. I’m not sure the PB chips ever make that much of a difference for me.

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drank Coconut Cream Pie by 52teas
8 tasting notes

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on Steepster, but I have been here wondering about. Most teas I’ve been drinking have just been my normal everyday Greens and Blacks, nothing special or worth writing about.

But today, I am drinking the Coconut Cream Pie tea sent to me by Ricky (thanks again.) Drinking this tea is odd for me considering I don’t really enjoy Coconut, but why not try it, right? The aroma does not have a strong Coconut smell to it and the taste is very light to me as well. The Coconut is easy to deal with if your not into that taste, and I just realized what I don’t enjoy about Coconut was the pulp and with this tea containing no pulp (not that you actually drink) makes this great! If your debating whether or not you’ll like this because of the Coconut…just try it! It’s quite tasty.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Champagne Mojito Green by 52teas
3010 tasting notes

Minty? Got it. Dry lime? Hiding, but I think it’s there. Champagne? I’m a teetotaler so I’ll just have to take 52teas’ word for that one. Thinking this would be really nice chilled, if not iced. Thanks, Lori, for this one—-hoping this cup will chase the cobwebs out of my head; half of a 1500-word article to write this afternoon.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This is a pretty weird one- sniffing the dry tea in packet I’d have not known how to identify it if it weren’t for the label. I admired the pineapple pieces in the mix, although I’m not sure why- I hate pineapple, supposedly. When I brewed this, my first impression was that it reminded me of the raisin toast 52teas blend, which isn’t a bad thing. The cherry tones in this just really resembled the raisins in the other. The second brew definitely had a bit of a kind of pineapplely fruitiness to it, unless it was just wishful thinking on my part. I do like this tea, but I’d never on my own identify what it was supposed to be. I wish the cherry came out more.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

It’s funny that you say it’s like the raisin toast. I think they both taste like Pez!


Ha, whatever the taste is in there (I can totally see pez), they do taste really similar!

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drank Gingerbread Rooibos by 52teas
267 tasting notes

I adore rooibos and adore gingerbread. So this blend kinda lept out at me, despite it being so humid in Houston right now that I feel like I’m in a sauna every time I step outside- I keep sticking to things. This one doesn’t taste like ginger tea- which is what every other gingerbread blend I’ve ever tried ends up as. It really does taste like gingerBREAD. However, it’s fairly subtle without any sweetener or cream, albeit tasty, and it had actual chunks of gingersnap in it. I definitely wouldn’t compare this one to a chai, which is what I’d been expecting, and I don’t taste the rooibos particularly strongly either. I think I like it, but I’ll definitely be updating my evaluation as I go through the bag. Not sure the gingersnap pieces actually contribute any flavor when left to dissolve with the tea leaves, but they were a nice visual touch.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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I’m trying this again today and I’m trying really hard to have an open mind… and the imagination of a child. It’s not working. This tea isn’t doing it for me. I taste rooibos followed by a candy cherry aftertaste. Maybe, if I think about it hard enough, there is some cake flavor. Maybe. I am not getting any pineapple. I probably won’t be finishing this bag. Very disappointed in this one.

Update – and I am getting the Pez candy flavor as it cools.


It’s always so interesting to read someone’s tealog when it was the exact opposite of mine! I personally liked this a lot; it was one of the few rooibos teas in which I couldn’t taste the rooibos. I wish humans had the ability to swap taste buds with eachother!


I know. I think you liked the Cinnamon Raisin Toast one too, right? I also hated that one. But I loved their Black Current Bai Mu Dan and the Neapolitan Honeybush.

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Not sure what I think of this one yet so I am withholding my rating for now. I’m not tasting much pineapple in this cup. If my bag has large pineapple chunks like Erin’s, they are hiding. I did manage to get a small pineapple chunk in this cup. Definitely getting some cherry as an aftertaste. But this one might taste a bit like pez candy too (like Buttered Cinnamon Raisin Toast).

195 °F / 90 °C 8 min or more

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It seems I have been living in the engineering building. I really need to figure out a way to bring tea with me, cause I crave it so bad all day long!

I decided to brew some of this. I’ve always had a tough time steeping greens correctly since they’re not really that forgiving with water temperature and I have no way of regulating temperature.

The smell is very sweet, and the color is a pale yellow green. Hmm, I’m thinking I didn’t get all the flavor out of this cup. It tastes kind of watery, then again I did sort of make it in a rush since I wanted tea so bad! I definitely taste some melon flavor, and the green tea flavor is sort of there as well. I know it’s a sencha taste, but I always thought sencha was more bitter and stronger than what I’m tasting? I’m not a green tea expert though. The more I drink, the more flavor comes out, and I’m really liking it. It’s a pretty subtle tasting tea, at least this cup was, and I’m liking it. I think I’ll hold off on a rating for the next time I drink it.

ETA. Okay, after finishing my cup I really liked this tea a lot. It had some sweety flavor from the melon but at the same time I really did feel like I was drinking a salad from the cucumber and green tea flavors mixed. Very nice flavor and tea :)

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drank Cucumber Melon Green Tea by 52teas
176 tasting notes

I’m increasing my rating on this one because it really hit the spot today. Maybe I’ve finally gotten my steeping parameters right, but this just really tasted good today! It’s good hot out of the teapot, and in my opinion it only gets better as it starts to cool off. My favorite was when it was just barely lukewarm. I’ll be coming to this one more regularly now, that’s for sure.


This tea just makes me say one thing… “Aaaahhhh..” Well that and “YAY!” lol.

Southern Boy Teas

Psst. I broke down and ordered some cucumber flavoring, so we can reblend this one when I get it in. Maybe some other cucumber blends?


Frank, I just heard Cofftea squeal from here.


HAHA! Before I saw your comment Jamie, I literally went “OH MY GOSH!” out loud in my empty house! I listed a bunch of cucumber blends somewhere. Just do a discussion search for cucumber. I remember cucumber wasabi matcha being one. Cucumber melon matcha would be amazing as well. I make a smoothie I love. 1/2 cup sliced cucumber, 1/4 cup musk melon, 1/4 cup honeydew and a tsp of matcha.

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

Think I’ll be trying this one.

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drank Cucumber Melon Green Tea by 52teas
176 tasting notes

I’m finally trying this iced, and I like it a lot! I’ve bumped up the rating tad. I wish I could taste more melon in this; the main flavor I’m getting is cucumber. It’s a very natural cucumber flavor though, and the hint of sweetness at the end is wonderful! I can’t tell if the sweetness is from the melon or from the sweetener I added, but whatever it is, it isn’t artificial. This is very very refreshing!


The sweetener might be covering up the melon… you might want to do a side by side taste test next to it unsweetened iced to find out for sure. I tried sweetening Mayan Chocolate Chai once and it dumbed down the chocolate so I can see where it might dumb down a delicate flavor like melon.

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drank Cucumber Melon Green Tea by 52teas
176 tasting notes

I bought this specifically for the purpose of having it iced (which Cofftea says is delicious) but I don’t have time to make this iced right now.

The dry leaf smelled like cucumbers and melons (imagine that!) and there were chunks of cucumbers mixed in. Once steeped, it smells more vegetal and the cucumber smell is more prominent than the melon.

This is pretty vegetal from the cucumber. It has the tiniest hint of sweetness from the melon, which is a very nice touch at the end. I can tell that this would taste delicious iced and sweetened. I think I made the water too hot (I really need to get a variable temperature kettle) so I’m not really getting the full oomph from this. However, even with having prepared it wrong, it still tastes good! That’s always a good sign! Next I’ll try this iced.


Quick cold tea: normal amount of leaf for desired amount of tea, just enough hot water at desired temp to cover the leaves, normal steeping time, add cold water. The bigger batch you make, the colder it will be because more cold water will be added.


That sounds much easier than the way I’ve been doing it. I always heard to do half the amount of water, double the leaves. Doing it that way meant that I was using half hot water, half cold, which would still take eons to cool down in the fridge. Thanks for the tip!


I do it this way so I don’t have to use ice. If you use ice then double the leaves, but if you’re ok w/ just putting it in the fridge then you can save a lot of money and leaf!


Or instead of doubling the leaf you can make tea ice cubes which is kinda fun cuz then you can mix ‘n’ match flavors.

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I’ve been meaning to try this one for a while. I love apples, so I’m always on the lookout for teas that actually taste like the real thing. I tossed in some sweetener to hopefully bring out the apple flavor a bit more.

I was impressed with the chunks of real apple in the pouch. I believe Frank when he says that there’s real honey in here, because the dry tea leaves were sticking to the dried apple chunks. Gooey chunks, yum!

Up front, I taste tart and bitter tea. The apple is in the aftertaste, sadly. I really don’t care for this. The rush of sour bitterness makes me want to gag. I hope I just prepared this wrong, because it sounded so perfect for me, although I followed the steeping directions properly. This cup is going down the drain before I lose my lunch.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

This same thing happened to me today with a tea that I normally like. It made me dizzy and nauseous and it’s not old I just bought it a couple months a ago!

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drank Mandarin Matcha by 52teas
359 tasting notes

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205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

R.I.P. Mandarin Matcha ::bows head for a moment of silence::


Yay! Sorry about the address, I have it correct in the address book…hmmm, oh well, I’m glad it got there and of course that you enjoyed it!!


No worries about the address. The mail man delivers so many packages that he knows my name and dropped the package in my mailbox so I didn’t have to hunt for it =]


Haha, good :)

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Breville 1,000ml 170, 2 min
~4tsp, that’s the end of this :(
so delicious! (hot or iced), more cucumber when iced

170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 0 sec

BEST. ICED. TEA. EVER! And in the Breville yet! Frank, why aren’t you reblending this ?!?!?! :,(


Yeah a reblend would be nice! I would definitley want to get this one :-D hehe I like cucumber in my water instead of lemon so I would imagine cucumber green tea would be AMAZING!

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militiajim made some iced, and i had a cup for breakfast, much more cucumber when iced
no idea how much, but it was brewing overnight in the fridge


I’ve never cold brewed this, but I do like it better cold. It’s probably an 80 hot and a 97 cold for me:)

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