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Steep Information:
Amount: 1 heaping tsp
Water: 1 Zarafina cup
Tool: Zarafina Green-Loose-Medium
Served: Hot
Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: like cucumber melon hand lotion (not in a bad way, I always think they smell good enough to eat)
Steeped Tea Smell: Mostly cucumber, hint of melon and hint of vegetal
Flavor: cucumbers and melon and green tea, not really blended but in a dance of layers
Body: Light
Aftertaste: slightly vegetal but a pleasant way not bitter or astringent
Liquor: translucent nearly clear yellow-green
Next time i want to try with sweetener or iced.
Resteep:Zarafina Green-Loose-Strong weak, bitter, still cucumber melon, next time will try medium
Images: http://amazonv.blogspot.com/2010/04/52teas-loose-leaf-green-tea-cucumber.html
Even though the instructions say to use boiling water I’ve heard that maté can get scalded and become bitter like green teas, so I kept the steeping temperature at 90ºC. The tea smelled so incredibly chocolatey when I opened the package, like one of those rich chocolate shakes you can sometimes still get at diners. I could see that cocoa nibs mixed in with the mate leaves aswell which is a good sign – I always like it when a company uses real ingredients instead of ‘flavouring’.
The first thing I can taste when I sip the tea is the mate; it has the roasted, nutty, and slightly vegetale flavour that is unique to that particular plant. But underneath there’s a creamy, malty flavour with a hint of sweetness that makes me think of Ovaltine a bit. The chocolate is there too but maybe not as a stong as I wished I was – although that might just mean that I need to steep it longer. The taste lingers subtly and pleasently in the mouth, not letting itself be dismissed.
This is a wonderful, unique blend that I really enjoyed drinking. Congrats to Frank for creating another winner.
Sing it with me now, Steepsterites!
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone, and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey, I’m gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust
Cupboard status down to 27! Boyfriend beginning to fear there won’t be any tea left. :D
Haha Dylan. It’s true.. that does sound a bit like a tea-famine. Though I am very happy you are achieving your goal of reducing your cupboard Angrboda =)
oh noes! I feel like I should rush out and send you a care package containing just a vanilla black tea. ;)
Oh no worries. As soon as all this wedding business, and particularly the honeymoon business, is over with, I shall stock up to a ridiculous degree. The further down I can get the current supply first, the more I’m allowed to get in later. :D
I wish there was a hope for me diminishing my stash that much in a reasonable amount of time! But I have wayyyyy too much for that to happen…
I found that there were more than I thought where there was only enough for one or two pots. I must admit though, I also weeded out those that I knew I would never drink or like. Either tossed them because of age or put them aside to give away with swaps. I had great success in getting rid of some Darjeeling that way. :)
And this was as low as we got. Am home now and have started repairs. First wave is from TeaSpring and from Sing Tehus in Copenhagen for testing purpose of their (considerably cheaper and easier to get Panyong. If it’s up to scratch the Tan Yang Te Ji will be a more special occasions and weekends tea)
Looks like once again me needing to make an announcement and this tea gets connected. It’s rather less dramatic this time though, as I just wanted to say that we are off to England this morning and will return shortly before New Years Eve. I’m very unlikely to be able to be in touch at all while away, but I’ll have tons of posts for you when I get back, ie. the entire 52teas Christmas box.
The choice of this particular tea is actually a backlog from yesterday. It has the boyfriend seal of approval although he was shocked to learn that it wasn’t a black. This has since led to some confusion around here as I have to pay attention to whether he requests ‘black fruity’ or ‘black and fruity’ which are not the same things at all. Anyway, we had this yesterday, last cup of tea at home before Christmas.
Happy Christmas all, and I’ll see you when I get home. You will definitely see me, the number of posts I’ve got lined up for then. :D
This would be the first cup of the return of an old favourite recently returned to my collection backlog.
And actually, slightly unfair to the tea because it’s a really good tea, today it’s just a decoy cup.
See, something interesting happened to me this afternoon, involving me getting proposed to.
If you can guess what I answered, you win a cookie.
(Edit: Oh my goshy-wosh, this is still every bit as excellent as I remembered!)
I hope I am the first to give you and your husband-to-be (do I win the cookie?! Of course I win the cookie!!!) the very best wishes!!!!
Proposals always make me think of the sage advice my mom gave me when we broke the news to her (and no, I’m not making this up): “Just remember, you’ll be washing this man’s dirty underwear for the rest of your life.”
Here’s to happy boxers, briefs, and other unmentionables. Be blessed!
Ha, actually his underwear goes in the kind of loads that he usually washes. :D I get to wash his handkerchiefs, though…
Congrats. We want details on how he did it though. You can’t just tell us you were proposed to and not tell us how. LOL
Well, he said, “will you marry me?” and whipped out this ring: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/hUyvZSFX3Kt1Pi3cbvN89Tt0rtk7VScRcTAqR2hWR8Q?feat=directlink
I said, “yes.”
And then after a little while he said, “I can’t believe you said yes so quickly! Are you sure you don’t want to think it over?”
So I offered to take it back and think about it if he would like, but he said that was against the rules.
All in all very straightforward without a lot of romantic nonsense and what not involved which is how I prefer it, as all that stuff with hearts and roses and whatnot mostly tend to make me a little uncomfortable.
And also, FYI, that’s just a place holder! If you consequently answer ‘a pony’ to all questions about whether you need something from the supermarket, apparently you get one of those. :p
The real ring will follow. We are going to go look at some next week and then I get to choose my own.
Congratulations! I actully love the pony ring. I know you will cherish that one, too, even when it is replaced with a real one.
The pony ring is too cute. Did you ever watch Gilmore Girls? It reminds me of that. One guy proposes to his girlfriend with an Elk’s Lodge ring from the pawn shop and after he gets approval from her mother and asks her again the mother says “Here is your grandmother’s ring. That one you put in drawer so it doesn’t scare the children”.
Oh my gooooosh!
Congrats so much! That pony ring is amazing, what an amazing time for the both of you! Many years of happiness!!
AAWWWW! If he gave you that pony ring, then he is a great guy! Many happy years to you…we are about to celebrate 25!
very awesome..my best to your future and your present may one inform the other and both wedded in growing laughter, love, and connection….
I saw this elsewhere and was running out the door so I didn’t get a chance to offer congratualtions. I’m thrilled for you two.
D’awwwww :) Every time I navigate to this page I read your post and feel all mushy because it’s sweet and makes me smile.
okay, bear with me as i try to type this. i’ll make it sjhort so you don’t have to deal with my lack of capoitalisation and typos for too long. typing is still tricky business obviouslyu and finger is sore especiually on contact but i’m getting by. i’m capable if washiong my own hair for exampke which was a relief to learn. also i reallu mioss posting!
but i wanted to tell you about this. i’ve used tjhe last of the sample that jacqueklienem sent me and resteeped it loads of times because that was easuer for me. been doing lots of bags and resteepalbel things lately. this is the third steep and since i poured the cuo and forgot about it i decided to put it in the firdge and see what happened.j
i’m not usually one for iced tea much, biut this actuallyu worked out quite nicely. now i’m reallu looking forward to my birthday order from 52teas to arrive,
and if you all gave up on trying ti decipher this i don’t blame yoiu.
You were quite coherent! My son broke his thumb when he was in 1st grade and I was amazed/amused by how quickly he learned to play video games thumbless. Blackberry and black currant is a nice flavor to ice down.
ricky, taht was over a week ago but thank you. frank gave me a coupon code for free international shjipping
gmathis, thanks. i’m used to using all ten fingers when typing, and not being able to do tjat is really confiusing for me. it’s slower and i don’t have the oatience for it or for fixing all the typos. i’ve suddenly realised how much of the stuff i do in my spare time involves typing. i’ve been told that my typing has improved though since thurday but i’m not sure i really agree with that. :p
happiiiiiii belatteddd birthdayyyyy 2 youuuuuuu :)
I know! Having all your fingers and toes are so important.
Perfectly comprehensible! I’m going to get this stuff as soon as possible – definitely gonna make it iced at some point!
JacquelineM sent me a sample of this, and I have to say I’m a little bit scared of it. If it’s not awesome, I think I might in fact cry. When asked, I requested a sample because this sounds like it might be in the same fruity category as the Unmentionable Raspberry Oolong of Awesomeness from AC Perch’s, and the base for this one is a favourite too. I’ve been terribly curious about it, but hadn’t got around to buying some myself. So I figured I’d ask for a sample and if I liked it, I could buy some for myself.
Okay. Then, in came 52teas the other day and gave me a free shipping coupon code for my birthday. I’m not actually allowed to buy more tea until I’ve got through some of the stuff I’ve got, but since he was so nice and stuff, it would rude of me to not take advantage of it, right? Right. So I ordered some fruity stuff, this one included.
So now I feel a little bad for asking for a sample and buying it before even getting the sample. And what if I don’t like it? Then I can sit here and wait for an order containing something I already know I don’t like!
ARGH! This is very confusing!
Anyway, there’s only one way to settle all these fears and that’s by making a cup, so that’s what I’ve done. (Also, having just liberated a tin from a mediocre chai concoction, I need something like this to un-sticky-fy my mouth.)
The leaves smell very sweet and fruity. Like ice cream! I feel calmer about the whole thing now. After steeping the aroma is more tea than fruit. I can clearly pick up the base tea here, with the black currant tartiness being a little more controlled. It does indeed remind me a lot of the raspberry oolong.
Oh yes. Oh my Ceiling Cat. Oh YES! This is the stuff. Oh yes oh yes oh yes.
It’s like taking a handful of berries in your mouth and then when you eat them they all have different degrees of ripeness. Some are tartier and some are sweeter and what you get is a sort of mix of this.
That’s what I’m getting on this here. One sip contains the nutty base of the white tea and some sweetness and some tartness and some inbetweenness and everything at the same time. It’s sweet and summerly and I feel almost guilty for having it now when it’s not yet really summer.
It’s totally worth all the initial emo-ing about it. I own this AND the raspberry oolong. I feel pretty darn rich!
This is a delicious, subtle blend that works well with the white tea. I love black currant, and while white tea is usually off my list because of the caffeine, it’s minimal enough here that I’m sucking it up to finally try this blend. I must say, I’m tempted to steep this a bit longer next time in order to get the black currant taste to pop more (if that would even be the result)- I do feel like it’s a bit too pale for me to get super excited about in this steeping. It smells quite strong, but the taste is mild mild mild. I have faith though! I shall try this blend again, because that black currant, it tempts me….
No notes yet. Add one?
I believe in you! You’ll get there eventually! Apparently I responded thirty minutes after his email.
This takes me back to when I tried to win albums by calling radio stations and being the #whatever caller. Of course in those days, it was a challenge because there was no speed dial. Actually, we were the only family on the block that still had a phone with a dial, so when I actually managed to win, I felt especially smug about it. Lol.
I remember those days, Morgana! I remember being the proud winner of a Bobby VInton 45 RPM—not the classic “Blue Velvet” but one “Mr. Lonely”.
I have won the 52teas contest once a few months ago, I confess.
You just think you won’t miss it. Just wait, after a few cups of this you will be oddly addicted to it and need it every day.
Haha I use to play those radio station games too! I never won! :(
Perhaps when it gets a bit warmer Kristin =P. I’ve had three cups and I don’t miss it yet. I do miss Pina Colada every once in a while. Should I add a dash of sugar to bring out the flavors of this tea a little more?
You can try salt, if you want. I do add a little salt to some teas, like the bacon tea and the white chocolate cashew. This brings out some of those notes a bit. I would first try it with just a little sugar, and see what that does for you, and then if you’re feeling a bit adventurous, try a tiny pinch of salt. I haven’t tried salt in this particular tea… but, I have tried sugar. And it worked well.
Whee, 100 tasting notes. I sort of felt like I ought to have a really rarified tea for my 100th, but then I had one of those mornings where everything that happens seems custom-designed to frustrate and annoy. I couldn’t help but to reach for something sweet.
I’ve been awfully lazy about tasting notes lately. In point of fact, I have none for this tea, but my pouch of it is very nearly empty now, which saddens me. I didn’t expect to like it as much as I have.
There’s not too much that I can add here that other people haven’t already. The shavings of coconut are large; the vanilla is very subtle. The black tea holds up well to both. While it’s a decent tea without any additives, making it like a chai on the stovetop — sans sweeteners, but with a very generous spoonfull or two of sweetened condensed milk added along with regular milk — makes for a completely decadent treat.
I wouldn’t say that it’s a substitute for pie, of course…or even that it tastes exactly like coconut cream pie, when consumed hot…but the results are so delicious that this hardly matters, in my opinion. Thinking about it, I wonder if the viscosity and sweetness when served iced would make the difference?
Regardless…this was just the cup of tea that I needed for drowning a very cranky start to the day. It’s not an ‘every day’ tea for me…but it’s quite nice to have it on hand, and I think I can probably find a regular spot for it in my cabinet.
100, woot! Totally agree with this review; not a substitute for pie but a good treat nonetheless. I think of it more as a coconut flavored steamer than andthing too pie-y or even tea-y for that matter. I tried it iced and it’s pretty much the same thing…just colder. Definitely a nice dessert drink though.
This tea is nothing special plain, but adding a touch of milk made me swoon! Lets add it to my list, shall we?
List of things that make Amber swoon:
1. Frank Sinatra
2. A perfectly lead lindy hop move
3. A devilishly handsome man in uniform
4. Raisin flavoured tea
Raisin is fast becoming my favourite flavour, which is odd considering I don’t care much for raisins themselves. Both the aroma and flavour are heavenly, I wish I could carry this scent around with me all day! And sipping this at work just makes me long to be at home, curled up in a blanket with a pot of this and at least five Fred & Ginger movies…
You think we could incorporate that into our advertising? “Making young women swoon since 2008!” “Ranked only slightly below Frank Sinatra in the power to create weak knees!”
OH! A perfectly lead lindy hop move made in the arms of a devilishly handsome man in uniform which later leads to a perfectly lovely raisin flavored tea for one being shared to the accompaniment of Frank Sinatra’s golden voice in the background with said man with the moves. Okay – this tea sounds awesome.
@52teas Most definitely! You could corner the Sinatra fangirl market :D
@~lauren The combination of all 4 would possibly result in Death By Swooning haha
I ordered this last week (along with the Neapolitan Honeybush) after reading so many positive reviews about it here. Since I love Genmaicha, and I loved the Malted ChocoMate blend, I figured I’d give it a try.
And the order came so quickly! Fast – Free – Shipping! Awesome!
WOW! This is amazing. I think I may even like this better than Genmaicha with Matcha. The malted flavor works so well with the toasted rice. It’s a little toastier, a little sweeter, a little richer, a little nuttier. And a whole lot delicious.
I was really excited to try this week’s blend. I bought it to make it iced, but it’s a bit dreary here today so this was prepared hot. I feel the need to mention how impressed I was with 52tea’s speedy (and free) shipping. I ordered this late Monday evening and got it today (Thursday).
I was also impressed with the huge pineapple chunks that were present through out my bag. It looks like I’m going to have enough chunks to have 1-2 in every cup! This was the sight upon opening up the bag: http://www.flickr.com/photos/47736372@N04/4544378422/
The dry leaves smell a lot like pineapple and cake. Once steeped, I can smell cherries as well. I threw in a bit of sweetener and prepared myself to be delighted.
This one’s a winner, folks! The taste is consistent with the smell: Right away, you get pineapple. You can even taste cake somehow, although I’m not exactly sure how Frank managed that one (way to go, Frank!). It’s a certain smooth, slightly sweet and buttery taste that is hard to describe adequately. The cherries are in the aftertaste and they linger in your mouth for quite some time. In case you were concerned (because I know I was), the cherry taste here is not the medicinal, children’s Tylenol cherry taste I was expecting. It really tastes like true maraschino cherries.
This is very good. It tastes like true pineapple upside-down cake. I half expected to lick my lips and find cake crumbs clinging there. It is delicious hot, but I can’t wait to try it iced!
I have no idea WHY I rated this one so low…I originally rated it an 80…and YES…that’s LOW for this one in my honest opinion…so I am UPPING it significantly!
I really do enjoy this one and now it’s gone! That’s right!!! SIPDOWN #3 for today!
This is remarkably smooth. There is a good amount of pineapple/cherry-type flavors in it…much like a tropical fruit salad. I’m not usually overly fond of Pina Colada flavored things…I don’t hate them but I usually don’t love them either – there is certainly something special about this one! Sweet and fruity but smooth and tropical…and honestly, one of my fave flavored honeybushes to date!
This is pretty decent!
Nice amount of Coconut Chunks and a hefty scent. Everything is very smooth and I would certainly try this one again!
No notes yet. Add one?
1. congrats on winning! 2. i’m voting for you! 3. your platform – small samples! save space (in cupboards)! more variety to taste! small is good! YAY!!!
Thanks! Haha, we definitely need more small samples. I have so much tea…. my cardboard box is overflowing! I need to give some away, but I haven’t had time to dig through and figure out what needs to go.
Kristin started a discussion on sample sizes http://steepster.com/discuss/564-online-tea-shops-with-sample-sizes so I’ve been looking at that discussion to see which companies offer great sample sized teas. But it’s only making me want more tea (a bit contrary to what I’m trying to accomplish by buying smaller quantities/sizes). LOL!
Congrats on the winning, I am still trying and keep coming in like 11, 12, 14, someday I’ll win it!! And I totally agree with the sampler packs, there are a few I would love to try but do not want a full 2 ounces, just in case ;)
I have to dig up the list I made which had tea companies / sampler sizes / prices.
Morsels don’t seem to melt when you bake them and I’m sure the temperature in an oven is higher than 212F, but then again no water is involved =]
Thanks Morgana!
Haha, going to win again!
I’ve been #9 and number 11 or 12 recently. So close, and yet so far. I agree about samplers, especially for 52teas since they have such unique flavors. There are so many that I want to try, but am afraid to buy a whole pkg of! If I’m ever in Wichita, Kansas, I’m definitely visiting Zoomdweebies tea bar!
Congrats on winning! Also, I agree about the sample idea. I just put in an order from 52teas but I’m not sure what I’m going to like.
Cofftea – I ordered the Pineapple Upside-Down Cake Honeybush, Cucumber Melon Green Tea, and Apple Honey Black Tea. I’m so excited! All 3 of those sound like they would be really good iced, which is what I’m looking for right now.
I’m tempted to get the Pineapple, but I have too much tea! I need to finish some a lot before I move on. It’s pretty bad when my cupboard box is overflowing.
Ricky, I’ll gladly send you a sample of the Pineapple when I get my order. Even if I end up loving it, it would take me forever to get through 2 oz on my own!
Thanks for reminding me to try cucumber melon iced- it was really good hot, I prefer it hot over the white cucumber from Adagio.
So…all of the reviews on this are HIGH here at steepster…even from some people that tend to score lower…so…let’s see what I think…here are my two cents worth…
It’s gently scented with the Black Currant and is a greenish-yellowish-mild brown color post infusion.
This is very light on the tongue. I can both sip and gulp the tea and enjoy it. It seems to be the perfect flavoring to tea ratio. It’s mildly fruity and juicy. It sweet and NOT bitter. I have found with some Currant flavored teas they tend to be bitter…not this one.
After drinking this I am convinced that Black Currant was MADE to be paired with WHITE TEA.
Way to go 52 Teas! Nicely Done!
Another surprise from Meghann M, thanks, girl!
I must say…this one isn’t my favorites from 52 Teas thus far. BUT…here’s my official review…
It’s not bad, but I don’t think I would buy for myself. It seems a bit soapy or artificially flavored or something…I can’t really put my finger on it. I think I would probably like the Citrus flavored black BUT the mixed spice is what is throwing me for a loop. It’s too much for my liking. HOWEVER, if you are all about spice and such – you’d probably like it.
Frank & 52 Teas – you know I love ya…but…
I’m not feelin’ this one.
I can certainly finish what’s in my cup and what I might try and do next time is infuse less loose leaf for a lesser time and maybe I will like it a bit toned down.
Don’t hate me, Frank, and for the LOVE OF the tea gods, don’t sick Chelsea on me! LOL – j/k
LOL. No worries. I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that not everybody is going to love every blend we make. Heck, I don’t even love all of our blends equally. If you drink iced tea, you might try this one iced. (I would probably recommend that with most of our teas, since I’m an iced tea nut, but this one was crafted with iced tea in mind).
LOL – I knew I would be able to get you to comment on this one!!! :P
Yeah…it’s just like WINE…not every WINE is for everyone! There are lots of OTHER 52 Teas I LOVE…
Speaking of Chelsea… FRANK… I want more of her Chocolate Covered Banana rooibos. Please… oh… btw did you read my review of it on the Tea Review Blog? It published the other night…….
Would Chelsea be able to do ANYTHING else instead of the banana!? LOL Like Strawberry or Blueberry or Garlic (Just kidding) ANYTHING OTHER THAN BANANA!!!! I hate banana! :P
Banana is not my favorite fruit either (I don’t hate it though)… nor am I a big fan of rooibos (don’t hate them, just don’t always love them), but, the chocolate covered banana rooibos is aMAZing. And, I have hidden what I have left from myself so that I don’t grab for it and finish it without the promise that I will be able to get more. What’s Chelsea’s email address? I will email her and ask her to whine to Frank………
Not sure…but I bet if it was ever posted somewhere she HAS to have a following after Frank has harassed her in some of the tea back-stories in the past! LOL
LOL. Chelsea is actually on Steepster as FreckleKisses or some such silliness, but she hasn’t done much with Steepster. She is already whining a little. Our brick and mortar customers want it back too. They seem to miss asking Chelsea for “a hot naked Chelsea”—naked meaning not a latte, frappuTEAno, tea soda, tea spritzer, teashake or tea sundae. They all seemed to get a big kick out of ordering the naked tea, though I don’t think any of them actually purchased any pouches of it. (We serve a bunch of college aged kids. They will order a thousand $2 cups of tea before they will purchase an $8 pouch.)
Anyway, yes I did see your review and all of the others you have been posting on teareviewblog.com Thanks so much for your kind words. I’ll see what we can do about getting some more Chelsea’s blend going.
This is my second tea from 52teas and the second time I’ve had to refrain from just typing expletives in capslock in conjunction with accusing them of witchcraft (I believe I just did the latter in my last tasting note). The flavours really are all there! I managed to pick out the chocolate and strawberry in the aroma of the dry leaves, with the vanilla coming in with both the aroma and taste of the resulting brew. I thought this would be nice with milk, but its already pretty creamy on its own.
Neapolitan ice-cream tea? This guy has nailed it!