Cinnamon Roll Honeybush

Tea type
Honeybush Tea
Organic Cinnamon Chips, Organic Flavours, Organic Honeybush, Organic Vanilla Beans
Cinnamon, Honey, Pepper, Spices, Vanilla, Wood, Black Pepper, Butter, Frosting, Sweet, Cream
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec 2 g 12 oz / 356 ml

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186 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thanks again Emilie for the generous sample so I could play around with it. I also got this in my grab bag, so I am happy. This was a cold brewing. DaisyChubb was right, the cream cheese icing...” Read full tasting note
  • “SIPDOWN! oh yeah baby! One of the first 52 teas i ordered and i’m finally finished the bag. While i thoroughly enjoyed this one, i find that i like the balance the strawberry pie gives to the...” Read full tasting note
  • “My initial thought when opening this package (first one I’m reviewing from the grab bag sale), was that it seems to have the same sort of spicing as Strawberry Pie honeybush! That’s exciting, since...” Read full tasting note
  • “Started this last night/this morning, and just finishing it now. Whatever was bugging my stomach last night has now moved lower on down, and while I feel better, I’m still a bit off. Going to take...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

The original blend was created using organic honeybush, cinnamon chips and organic flavors.

We can do that – but we thought, we can do more! We minced up some vanilla bean and added it to the mix to add just a hint more vanilla flavor to the blend. You’re going to love the difference this makes!

Here’s the original description, we thought it applies here too: We took our caffeine-free African honeybush and blended it with organic cinnamon chips and natural flavors (including the essences of butter, brown sugar and cream cheese frosting to name a few). This is the real deal: You’ll swear someone just baked a batch of ooey-gooey cinnamon rolls.

Ingredients: Organic Honeybush, organic cinnamon chips, organic vanilla bean and all-natural, organic flavors.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

186 Tasting Notes

1184 tasting notes

Thanks again Emilie for the generous sample so I could play around with it. I also got this in my grab bag, so I am happy.

This was a cold brewing. DaisyChubb was right, the cream cheese icing comes through more in the cold brew. It tastes noticeably different than a hot brew. It also has less cinnamon roll taste. This is very different than most of my other iced tea, as I like fruity iced teas. A welcomed different iced tea!

Daisy Chubb

Ah glad you thought so too! Such a good unique tea


Ya, it is crazy how different it tastes hot brew vs. cold brew

Will Work For Tea

I just put some of this in the fridge because of your review – can’t wait! :D

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15575 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! oh yeah baby! One of the first 52 teas i ordered and i’m finally finished the bag. While i thoroughly enjoyed this one, i find that i like the balance the strawberry pie gives to the cinnamon so that will likely be the staple in my cupboard instead of this one, though this is pretty darn delicious!


You are on a sipdown ROLL Sil! hahaha see what I did there :P


lol goof. Only on a sipdown roll because two weeks ago i made a plan to get through the stuff that i only have a little of. Once i get through the next few then i’m pretty much SOL on any easy sipdowns. Esp with all the tea inbound.


ah. still, yay for sipdowns! and… well I got my pun (not cinnabun heh!) so I’m happy :D


Except most of the Della Terra will be easy sipdowns, as you’ll only have 0.25 oz. to begin with! :D :D


Or 0.5oz.

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6119 tasting notes

My initial thought when opening this package (first one I’m reviewing from the grab bag sale), was that it seems to have the same sort of spicing as Strawberry Pie honeybush! That’s exciting, since I quite like that one. It keeps that same sort of cinnamony smells throughout the infusion too, which made me quite happy although slightly worried that it was going to taste like Strawberry Pie minus the strawberry. Luckily, I am wrong.

The flavour of this one is absolutely delicious, and rather unexpected! Yes, there’s the same cinnamon of SP, but I definitely tasted some delicious cream cheese icing on top of a warm doughy cinnamon bun. Divine. And the best part? I’m not having to imagine a single one of these flavours. This literally tastes like a liquified cinnamon bun. How on earth did the bun flavour get in here?!

Anyways, wow. Incredibly high marks for this one! I don’t think I’ve ever tasted a blend quite so amazingly true to its name! The only problem I’m having is that instead of satisfying a craving, this has created a massive one. All I want to do is eat a giant warm cinnamon bun right now. I may in fact look up recipes tomorrow because of it.

ETA: Second infusion mostly just tastes of cinnamon, not really at all like cinnamon bun. That’s ok, though, I need more teas that only last through one infusion! :D

Boiling 8 min or more

This sounds fantastic!


It really is!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

I second that sentiment!

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1501 tasting notes

Started this last night/this morning, and just finishing it now. Whatever was bugging my stomach last night has now moved lower on down, and while I feel better, I’m still a bit off. Going to take it easy today, knit, drink a lot of tea, and hopefully get a bit of writing done to boot. This tea? Amazing, as always. One of the few 52 Teas I’ve purchased more than one bag of.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I hope you feel better soon, MissB!


You just reminded me that I have a sample of this! I’m going to try it now! Feel better!


Thank you both. :)


I hope you had a good day, and you’re feeling better.

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2816 tasting notes

I still have some of this left, but I ended up mixing it with some plain honeybush I bought in bulk at the Scarlet Sage herb company. I think it’s a bit nicer when it’s a little less strong, also I added some soymilk to it which was nice. I decided to quit alcohol at the same time my ex-BF and I broke up, I wasn’t drinking that much anyway but I figured I didn’t need anything that would be making me feel depressed… so far, so good. Drinking a lot more herbal teas and the like currently. I like my new routine even if I am something of a goody two-shoes right now. The Buddha would have approved. Nighty-night, Steepster!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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357 tasting notes

Dry, this honeybush tisane smells so strongly of cinnamon that it could quite possibly take down a pterodactyl. I opened up the package and was almost knocked over by the cinnamon aroma rushing into my nostrils. As I steadied myself and wiped the tears from my eyes I thought, whoa, this must be cinnamon’s response to pepper spray. I brewed it up with some feelings of trepidation.

I braced myself as I took my first sip, expecting my poor taste buds to be accosted by the fiery onslaught of cinnamon.


Imagine my surprise… it wasn’t overpoweringly cinnamon flavored… it was good!

I must say that I can’t taste the baked roll portion of this tea, but the cinnamon does play nicely with the honeybush. At least I’m assuming it’s the honeybush that I taste. This is my first Honeybush tea ever, (well, as far as I know). How ‘bout I describe it to you, and you can correct me if my assumption is wrong: So, accompanying the cinnamon there’s a lovely honey scent akin to homemade beeswax candles, sans wax, of course. Logic is telling me to assume that’s the *honey*bush. I wonder if the baked roll taste might come out more as this tea ages? I will have to see, well, assuming I can hold off on drinking it all in the next little while. Hmmm, speaking of which, I could really use another cup.


Are a lot of the 52 teas dessert teas? That’s just the impression I get from the reviews. Sounds tasty!


52teas makes all kinds of uniquely flavored teas, which include a good variety of dessert teas. Their selection truly extends beyond the ordinary. For example they have a good variety of iced tea (bubblegum, cotton candy and monkey fart, to name a few), a couple different types of bacon tea, and even a doggy tea for Fido :P You may have already checked out the site, but just in case you haven’t, and you’re curious, here’s a link to what’s currently in stock


Thanks! I looked at their subscription plans before (just dreaming…) but I didn’t see that page. I was a bit put off bc a) it looked like 90% dessert teas, and I already have too many of those and b) I didn’t like the idea that I could find the perfect tea and then NEVER have it again. :P Guess I’m not big on the better to have loved and lost than never loved at all adage. :P Or I’m a coward. But anyways I see there are regular blends in stock too so that gives me hope. Maybe I’ll give it a shot once I have some spending money!


:| Now I’m tempted by their sampler. This is bad! I shouldn’t look at tea websites at 2AM. #willpowerdecreasingbythehour


I’ve only tried 4 teas from 52teas, but so far I’m happy with them. I ordered the 12 teas of Christmas because I thought it might be a neat way to get a taste for what I might like. I’m sure I’ll probably experience some of that “loved and lost” disappointment, but I’m too curious to pass it up. lol-2a.m decreasing willpower


I would recommend the sampler :)


@Kittena – It’s reassuring to have your recommendation for the sampler. Now I’ll be even more excited when mine arrives in the mail. yay!


I ordered it myself too, hehehe :D

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158 tasting notes

Wowww. So my first shipment from 52 Teas arrived today and after happy dancing at the mailbox for a few I quickly ran inside and started ripping open the package as fast as I could. I was like a little kid on Christmas morning.
This was the first one I tried because I could actually smell it through the packaging. I was so happy that Frank miscounted and that there was more of this blend left because I knew I’d be in love. I was pretty brokenhearted to see it’d run out before I got to try it; I’m a big honeybush fan especially since I have an overactive heartbeat and can’t indulge in too much caffeine, I’m also a big cinnamon fan.
I grew up smelling the aroma of home baked cinnamon rolls. It was my dad’s favorite (Rip Daddy) and he’d always ask my mom to make them. I used to help spread the butter on the dough. The smell of this tea takes me right back there. Also reminds me of dancing on the kitchen floor with him on his toes. He loved to cook, and he loved to eat, we spent a lot of time in the kitchen. :)
The dry leaves smell mouthwatering. They reminded me a bit of fig newtons, too, for some reason. But lots of ooey gooey cinnamon roll.
Steeped 1 heaping teaspoon per 8 ounces at 195 degrees for 5 minutes. Tried my first sip without any sweetener and… wow, this. is. amazing. Perfect balance. That was my first thought. This is perfect. Frank knows what he’s doing. It was great on it’s own but it was so tempting that I had to add a dash of cream and brown sugar.
I was in heaven. I’m still in heaven, I’m on my second cup. My boyfriend had just walked in on his break and I handed a cup to him and his eye brows shot up. He was very impressed. So impressed he told me to go order some more right away before it runs out. Very well done, Frank. You’ve got some new converts.

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec
Southern Boy Teas

I am so glad you are enjoying it. I had some of this iced the other day and though it seems like it would be best enjoyed hot, it is REALLY yummy iced too.


What a great story :)

Ashley Bain

I was just telling my boyfriend how great I think this would be iced. Same with the Decaf Extra Bold Masala Chai that I just tried. Mmm how I love cinnamon.

Thanks Jenn :) I love how scents and flavors can kick off nostalgia. That makes this tea even more special to me.


We are going to try this tonight, so I am reading some of the reviews.

I second what Jenn said: What a great story (and a great review)!

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863 tasting notes

Today is pretty much the most awesome tea day I’ve had in a long time. Mostly because I am FINALLY getting around to trying this hot. (I’m a Pitta and in the southern US, so I seriously cannot even do hot liquids if it isn’t cool enough outside. So on the minus side that means no hot tea for…7 months-ish? But on the plus side I REALLY appreciate hot tea season for the brief time I have it. And I do prefer cold tea, so I’m not deprived!)

The first time I tasted this was after cold brewing, where the liquor was MUCH lighter. It was great cold brewed – the flavor was dead on. So I knew this would be great hot.

It is definitely even better than the cold brew! I used my traditional honeybush steeping parameters for this (boiling/10 minute steep/3 tsp. leaf to 16 oz. water in the Breville) and the resulting drink is SO sweet and pastry smelling. I got the icing, and the dough and the cinnamon all when it was unsweetened, and then added some brown sugar and the flavor sky rocketed to decadent.

SO. NOM. Bumping up the rating a bit…

Boiling 8 min or more

Well, I guess it’s about time for me to try this one. Better find it in my stash!


Yay! I can’t wait to see how you like it!

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545 tasting notes

Backlogging. 2 days ago. Late Monday night.

Omg, another tea that I’ve drank through most of the pouch and haven’t logged yet due to The Great Unlogged Period. This one is spot on. Exactly like a cinnamon roll and very yummy. Frank, you did good!

For this cup I got distracted doing things and didn’t quite finish it. But what I had was still v comforting.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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1186 tasting notes

Man I haven’t been logging notes lately, with all the house craziness haha, it’s all getting there though, removed conditions tonight so just a bit left to do! So excited to move in!!

Anyways, this is a sad sipdown I am logging tonight. This was my favorite honeybush of the Bestsellers sampler I think, Coconut Cheesecake came close but this is just so good at all times. I almost made it in my travel mug today but I didn’t want to risk ruining the last cup. I steeped for 10 minutes tonight and it is delicious, very cakey cinnamon smelling tonight, I can smell the icing, and the flavor definitely has cream cheese icing in it, along with the breadiness of cinnamon buns and of course the cinnamon. One of the few teas I really enjoy where the main flavor is supposed to be cinnamon! A yummy one, would buy this again! See previous notes :)

ETA – 750 notes! How did that happen in a little over a year haha, lots of good teas I guess :)


Congrats on 750!


Yay for 750! I just passed 600 and it has only been four months.


Thanks :)
Haha wow you’ve logged tons of notes in 4 months variatea congrats on 600!!


Haha. I might be a tad obsessed.


Lol no worries, I think we all are on here :)


Yay, that’s great!


Are there any accolades that are only achieved once you reach a certain amount of notes?


Not that I know of haha, it’s mostly just surprising that I have drank that much tea, and a nice milestone on my tea journey :)



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