2291 Tasting Notes


This is incredibly gingery tonight. Really delicious, especially since I gave into the talk about pancakes and ate too many pancakes for dinner.

With a touch of honey.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I was so jealous of everyone’s talk about pancakes… I had to do a major grocery shop at night, so there were no pancakes for me… pannnnncakes!


Honey on the pancakes or in the tea?


Tea. I had maple syrup on the pancakes.


Ooh I bet maple syrup would be good in the tea too!

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drank La Naissance by Fauchon
2291 tasting notes

Mmm, floral almondy cake tea of tastiness.

This one I’ve put into my cupboard so I remember it’s there. I think I can fit one other Fauchon tin, but I’m not sure… :)

I also had the great idea this morning (with no chance to try it) of making tea syrup with Peche et Thym. Ooohhh, that sounds so good. I need lemons as well for lemonade syrup. Then I could have Peche et Thym lemonade.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Warm Crepe by Bayswater Tea Co.
2291 tasting notes

So much better than the last tea! Oh, this is like warm, gently spiced vanilla cinnamon pancakes. I added some cream and a touch of maple syrup to make it even better.

Definitely needs to be a re-buy. Now if only Bayswater would update their terribly out of date website. :/

195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Sounds delicious :)


Yes! :)

Bear With Me

Adding to my list of things my sister needs to pick up for me. Hahaha


It’s going on my list too.


Lol. There are pink peppercorns in it fyi. But I really really like it.


Despite David’s Tea’s best efforts, I’m still not sick of pink peppercorns!


Oooooh! Sounds yummy!


oooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ahem


let me know when you’re going by there…i can send you money to pick a few things up for me :)


Sure thing Sil.


also…i should have the last of your tea today…which means maybe i can get through more of bonny’s teas and get that package out to you before the end of the month…ie. next week heh


Umm. Yay? I’m both excited and scared, tbh.


lol there’s a reason i don’t want your to go to basywater yet…though i do…but i don’t…but i do….but please don’t…but maybe you could? well wait no..

also the teas…they are calling out to me… been looking at white2tea…. i’m hoping the boxes tonight will curb that since i’ve got boxes of tea all over my house…


Well, Dex and I are planning on splitting some tea boxes. Some of the samples seem to only be 10g though. Not really enough to split 3 ways.

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drank Rootbeer Tea by Sweet Cherubim
2291 tasting notes

So… there’s fennel seeds, cinnamon, star anise, LOADS of licorice root, and some weird leaves and sticks I can’t identify by sight. There’s probably more in this tea, but I can’t tell without a microscope for sorting.

This would be really good without the intense, terrible, lingering sweetness from the licorice root. Oh geez that stuff is terrible. :/

MissB, thanks so much for sharing this tea and alerting me to the fact that Sweet Cherubim has some teas. :) I don’t think I’ll be getting this one again.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Licorice, Sugar, Sweet

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Maaaaaaalt. Malty Assam.

Steeped a little cool, and I’m drinking it without milk. This is really nice. I agree with stonefruits. It’s pretty sweet-honey tasting as well, but not nearly as much as other teas I’ve had. Just a bit.

I really like this tea. The other place I was getting stuff from Hattiali hasn’t been able to keep it in stock, it’s so popular. Hopefully my mom can pull through and pick some up for me though. :)

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Apricots and cream. So delicious.

I keep forgetting about these teas because the tins don’t really fit in my main cupboard (tins take up a lot of room!). But I was looking for something this morning and found this and decided to try it. So perfect. I’ve already had a coffee from one of those Vietnamese drip-through coffee makers. And now this creamy fruity deliciousness.

Yum. :)

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 15 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I’m starting to give up on Winners/Marshalls ever bringing them back.


Yeah. :/ Me too.


Kind of makes me wonder where they got them from in the first place.


Probably some place going out of business. Isn’t that kind of how Winners started? End of season stuff that didn’t sell, or liquidation stuff?


Yeah, I just wonder which (kind of) store would have ordered them in in the first place. Come on, Canadian businesses, bring it in!


LOL. Just maybe don’t go out of business or anything. Give Winners your older stock, we’re fine with that!


Mmm…apricot and cream!!!


But also loads of rose petals. :) Darn French teas!

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It’s like I’m drinking honey.


I just. No words.

(Edit: Here. Have some pictures.

http://instagram.com/p/zJXcvZR5Nq )

205 °F / 96 °C 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

Oooh, I love Yue Guan Bai and am always looking for good ones. Putting this on my to-try list.


O. M. G. I am buying a WHOLE CAKE JUST FOR ME. They only have ~10 left. O.o Hopefully they still have some next weekend.

Maddy Barone

That sounds so darned good! talks to self No more tea!


Puerh-shop has one that tastes like liquid honey as well. I’m trying to convince myself I don’t need a full cake…


The nice thing is I can just pop into this store and pay Canadian. And… I will never help you convince yourself you don’t need a full cake. If you love it, buy it now. Do it! :)


Looks fantastic – so happy you found a great one :))


I will send you some, Dexter. It needs suuuuper short steeps. I started with 2 seconds. :) (I might be a little tea drunk. Whee!)


LOL tea drunk is good :))


Liquid honey?? whimper


LOL. Assuming I manage to get a cake, the plan is to send it out to try. Sil/Terri (b/c Sil always needs more for the boxes that go to Terri!), Dexter, DeleriumsFrogs, Kittenna… :) If I sent it out to everyone right now I wouldn’t have any left.


WANT!!! I had one at Tin Roof Teas. I need to buy a whole


:D I totally agree, ashmanra!


Pleasepleaseplease if you do get a cake, keep me in mind. I believe I’ve had a moonlight white pu’erh before too, and quite enjoyed it.


Yes yes. Of course!

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Not my favourite assam. This morning(-ish) it’s quite cardboardy, which isn’t really something I love, although it’s something common to assams. Some are more cardboardy than others, though. I should let my mom know, because she is my large-quantity tea dealer and I have 100g of this to get through!

I’m having it with milk. There’s a bright, pleasant hint of bitterness, even though I did add quite a bit of milk. And there’s quite a bit of caffeine in this one, which is good, as I really need to wake up and get moving.

I had the hardest time getting to sleep last night, and then slept through my alarm and friends texting me. Whoops! So instead of a last minute walk, we’re going to have a late brunch and then I’m going to do some required shopping on my way home.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Blech, cardboard assam.

Sorry you had a bad sleep last night. My mom resorted to giving me a sleeping pill last night since three hours to fall asleep is unacceptable.


This is better when I remember to steep it at 2 minutes. :D

Aww, moms. I take melatonin often but sometimes it doesn’t help as much as I hope.


Aww yeah, melatonin does nothing for me, and neither does 5-HTP. Had another nearly sleepless night. Trying hard not to resort to drugs haha.


It’s hard sometimes! Do you use flux? It tints your computer screen warm instead of blue, so it has less of an affect on your brain. Sadly I don’t think it works on phones, but it’s something to consider. I also have “white light” bulbs on timers in my house, and the lamps I turn on in the evening are all the yellow-ish ones.


Never heard of Flux before! I’ll have to look into that, thanks. That’s a smart idea regarding the lighting. I think my main problem is me though haha.


I have sleep troubles sometimes too. My methods tend to flit between chamomile tea, melatonin, and magnelevures (but there are other magnesium brands out there you can try as well)


Ohhhh, that’s what my vitamin collection is missing again. Magnesium. I’ll have to remember to pick some more up.


Hey maybe that will solve allll the sleep woes :D

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Labelled: Anhua Hei Cha 2009 Aged Black. From Dexter. Thank you!

Previous note here: http://steepster.com/OMGsrsly/posts/287175

This time I’m steeping it with the other half of the sample (so about 5g) in my little glass gongfu pot from davidstea – about 220ml water I think.

Today, it’s a LOT better, whoa. Reminds me of freshly sawn wood, in a good way. Fruity, as well. Now that I’ve re-read the notes, I’m torn. It’s honestly kind of like cherry or apple wood, but yet it still reminds me somewhat of plums. Not the big round ones, but the little purple oval ones. Soft and squishy.

2 short rinses, and the chunk had opened up completely. The second rinse didn’t taste great (bitter, even though the steep isn’t), so I steeped 35 seconds.


Yep, after the second steep, it’s really woody. Fruity wood. So neat, now that I’m steeping it better. :) IDK that I’d want a tonne of this tea, but I’m so glad I got a chance to try it, and enough to try it a couple different ways!

And I’m having it in another blingtastic teacup, which always makes everything fancier.


Thanks so much, Dexter. :D

Flavors: Cherry Wood, Stonefruit

205 °F / 96 °C 5 g 7 OZ / 220 ML

My fifth steep was 3 minutes. It’s a lot sweeter now, which I like, but I think it’s pretty much done.

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drank Royal BC Museum Tea by Silk Road
2291 tasting notes


This tea is tasty enough, but feels quite expensive for what you get. Especially if you don’t steep “Silk Road style” (1 tsp per 16 oz…).

So while I’ve really enjoyed it, and I might pick up another sample in the future, I probably wouldn’t get a 40-cup tin (It’s $16. Even though there are lots of local berries in this, that’s a lot.).

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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I mostly drink black tea.

Also: A map of tea places in Vancouver. I’ve been to some of them, but not a lot. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!


Vancouver, BC, Canada



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