Labelled: Anhua Hei Cha 2009 Aged Black. From Dexter. Thank you!
Previous note here:
This time I’m steeping it with the other half of the sample (so about 5g) in my little glass gongfu pot from davidstea – about 220ml water I think.
Today, it’s a LOT better, whoa. Reminds me of freshly sawn wood, in a good way. Fruity, as well. Now that I’ve re-read the notes, I’m torn. It’s honestly kind of like cherry or apple wood, but yet it still reminds me somewhat of plums. Not the big round ones, but the little purple oval ones. Soft and squishy.
2 short rinses, and the chunk had opened up completely. The second rinse didn’t taste great (bitter, even though the steep isn’t), so I steeped 35 seconds.
Yep, after the second steep, it’s really woody. Fruity wood. So neat, now that I’m steeping it better. :) IDK that I’d want a tonne of this tea, but I’m so glad I got a chance to try it, and enough to try it a couple different ways!
And I’m having it in another blingtastic teacup, which always makes everything fancier.
Thanks so much, Dexter. :D
Flavors: Cherry Wood, Stonefruit
My fifth steep was 3 minutes. It’s a lot sweeter now, which I like, but I think it’s pretty much done.