2291 Tasting Notes

I succumbed and bought regular cream today.

And now I’m drinking this tea with a dollop of cream. So good. Like plum pastries.

Om nom nom.

(I have 2 kilos of pork roast in the fridge and no idea what to do with it, because somehow through my horrible file messes and breaking computers, I’ve lost some of my favourite recipes! (They might be on my computer at work…) Any crockpot style suggestions? :) )

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

This one is sooo good.

Bear With Me

Pork. Bbq sauce.
pork. Honey garlic marinade (2 parts honey, 3 parts water [I sometimes do 2 parts water, 1 part broth of some sort, actually], ALL THE GARLIC!!!)

Bear With Me

OR, replace some of the water with tea. Srsly.


I’ve done a recipe for chili ginger ribs, but with the roasts in the crockpot instead of the oven. :D It’s gonna be SO GOOD.

Bear With Me

Sooooo jealous!!!!


Haha. Teleport yourself over here in the morning for some pulled pork and.. pulled pork. Yeah, my fridge is a little empty right now.

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Had earlier (much earlier) this morning, with some sugar. I prefer it with milky stuff, but couldn’t be bothered to open another packet of coconut milk.

I had to get up suuuuper early (for me!) because the water was being shut off and I really wanted to shower at home instead of at work. Haha. Amazingly, I was successful, but it’s time for a coffee break. Tea just isn’t doing it for me right now!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

I like this one best with milk too.

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I’m working on cleaning and reorganizing everything in my tiny apartment, I started about a week ago and am tackling tiny projects each day.

Last night I found a bag of what I thought was palm sugar (at like 1:30 am) and put it in the kitchen to have with my tea today. Except. It wasn’t palm sugar. It felt weird as I put a couple pinches into my tea, and I realized it was bamboo flavoured salt.

That was a no. That was a BIG no.

So I made another cup, and added some real, regular sugar to it. And some coconut milk. And I’m still drinking it.

Tea good. Tea with a lot of salt, though? That’s bad.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Mistaking salt (or msg) for sugar is one of my biggest tea/cooking nightmares :P ..whereas coconut milk and this tea together sounds great.


Yeah, the coconut milk is good in tea. :) I get the Aroy-D tetra packed coconut milk for tea, because it seems to integrate better.

Maddy Barone

Oh, dear. Reminds me of the long ago Downton Abbey episode where Mrs. Patmore made dessert for a dinner party with salt instead of sugar. :(


That sounds like something I would do! There’s a reason why the salt and sugar go in very distinct and separate places in my kitchen…

leaf in hot water

i did that with coffee before…soooo gross!


At least I realized before I drank any!

The Cookie Lady

I once baked about 200 caramel shortbread heart-shaped cookies to take to school for Valentine’s Day. I baked them the night before and was planning to put the finishing touches on them in the morning. I was running late, so I just arranged them on a huge platter and tossed sprinkles and granulated sugar all over the top. Or did I? Turns out I sprinkled a whole bunch of salt over the top instead of sugar. Luckily, they still tasted pretty good as long as you gave the cookie a quick shake-off before eating them :)


Well, salted caramel… that might work! :)

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My first jinjunmei! Thank you, Dexter! :D

I’ve had three steeps so far, and I think I’m going to have to stop because my tummy is super upset with me. I may have had mac and cheese at lunch, and I maybe shouldn’t be eating dairy…

Dry leaf smells delicious and malty and grainy, almost like toasted grains.

Steeped, it smells almost fruity with the toasted grains. Maybe a little sour? Not sure, something might be off with me today because the other tea struck me as sour as well.

30s: Very strong, malty, grainy, a bit toasted. Fruits in the background. I’m not sure if I like this, it’s so in-your-face, and not in a delightful wake-me-up way, either.

1min: Still quite strong, malty, grainy. This is better for sure, as it’s mellowed out. Still not my favourite.

1min 30s: Ahh, this is more like it. Grainy toasty tea with some stone fruits peeking through. Still not my favourite, but totally drinkable. It feels almost creamy as well, but that doesn’t bring the other flavours together – the creaminess is distinct from the grains and fruits. It’s not what I was expecting.

Thanks for sharing, Dex, but I don’t think this particular one is for me! (At least it’s not dirt tea… :D )

195 °F / 90 °C 1 tsp 7 OZ / 207 ML

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I’ve been taking notes…


10s rinse.
10s steep: OMG. Smokey. Weird note I can’t describe. Little sour.
- leaves smell kinda like wet cigarettes
Flash rinse
10s steep: Ugh, still that icky note I don’t like. Very smokey.
10s steep: Nope.
6s steep: Little better maybe, but still too smokey.
6s steep: Less smokey but still that icky taste.
6s steep: More smoke again, a little sweet, a little lingering bitterness.
(Will add later…)
6s steep: Bright, lingering bitterness. Smoke seems to be dissipating, although the leaves still smell icky.

Next day:

Flash rinse.
5s steep: Smells like a woodshop that someone’s also been smoking in. Reminds me of my Grampa, actually, which is weird. Today it’s not super objectionable, but it’s just not a flavour I want to be drinking.
(I’m trying to get as much out of this as possible, since the 5g cost $7.50. That’s a lot for a tea I don’t like, so steeping for educational purposes it is.)
10s steep: It’s a lot more drinkable now, but I think it’s starting to head out. I’ll probably do a few more steeps.

In conclusion, I don’t necessarily think this is a terrible tea. However, it’s not for me. Not at all. I really don’t like that heavy smokey sour flavour and the smokey woodshop smell.

200 °F / 93 °C 5 g 4 OZ / 120 ML

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Last bit of this sample from Dexter, and it feels like it will never end. 2 rinses, and then 4 steeps into a thermos to take with me today.

It’s strong, it’s a bit “fishy” and really earthy/forest loamy. I do like it, but it’s not excellent.

It feels like it’s not going to steep out though. I have a feeling I’ll be steeping it a bazillion times when I get home.

Thanks so much, Dexter! :)

Steeping this more the next day. It’s almost spicy. 3 steeps fit into a thermos, and honestly since I’m not really worried about “wasting” this tea by not checking out each steep, this is the easiest and best way to do it. It’s still a bit musty, but it’s getting almost creamy, and has a bit of a peppery bite. I flash-rinsed it twice before brewing since it was out on the counter overnight.


…the only downside to puerh when you’re trying to get your cupboard under control hahahaha


Omg I know. I didn’t actually make more last night so I’ll be filling a thermos again today for when I go out.


Steeping more today!

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A sample from MissB. :) Thank you!

It’s a rather nondescript black tea, tbh. Nothing particularly special to me. Dry it smells malty and like stone fruits. Steeped it’s a somewhat sweet, malty, stonefruity black tea. As it sits it starts to get a bit bitter/astringent in a way I don’t care for.

While it is a nice tea that doesn’t need additives, I wouldn’t seek it out as there are other flavour profikes and also stronger morning teas that I prefer.

I steeped this short, and I’m glad I did. I think that steeping 3-5 minutes would be way too much, and the astringency would drown out the malt and fruit flavours.

2 tsp, 16 oz, 2 minutes, 195F

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Strawberry coconut latte today! Whee!

This tea is actually really nice. I should take it out of my “out” pile and start drinking it more.

(So maybe this isn’t a sipdown!)

In other news, there’s a tea event happening March 15 in Vancouver! I’m hoping to do the black tea tasting with a friend. We’re waiting till tomorrow to buy tickets though…

Anyone else interested? I’m trying to support tea ventures in Vancouver, but these places really aren’t that great about getting word out. :/ I’ve linked the tickets page and the FB event page below.

The extra tastings are:
Black tea education: 11:30 am-12:15 pm
Semi oxidized tea education: 12:30 am – 1: 45 pm
Green tea education: 2:00 am – 3:15 pm



195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Again…I totally wish I was a Vancouver friend of yours… This seems really fun!


I’m not a Vancouver friend – but really trying to get the pieces of my world to fall into place so that I can do this…. (cat sitter – if I can find a cat sitter, I’m 90% in….)


Aww! I wish you could come too, DeliriumsFrogs. And Dexter, if you can come that would be so cool. :) I do understand about cat-sitting though. I need to find a good person so I can go visit my Gramma again.


My across the hall neighbor is my first choice – she’s awesome and it’s easy for her to just pop in. I have a really good friend who would do it, but she’s on the other end of the city – harder for her.


(and holy crap are hockey tickets expensive in your world…..!!!!!)


Yeah, I don’t do hockey much anymore. Mostly because of the cost, but also due to the stupid riot mentality of fans here. :/

My nice neighbour is taking care of my bad neighbour’s dog already, so I don’t really want to ask her to take care of my cat as well. And as far as other people who aren’t terribly allergic, my friend isn’t around as much now and the kid won’t leave the house to come care for my cat. Last time it looks like she forgot to feed him one day. :/


I would totally come but the last couple weeks of March will be really busy for me. Hell, I was going to go to Van for a concert a few days before that but I’m not comfortable with the idea of going to the Rickshaw. :/


It’s a lot nicer to walk with someone in that part of town. Especially late after a concert. I get it.


Yeah, it sounds too risky, even if I were to call and wait for a cab.

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Yum! This is another sample from Dexter. So tasty, it’s exactly what I wanted. Perhaps I should have rinsed again but this works.

Three steps in my not-a-timolino, pouring it into my new pretty cup. I’ll do three more steeps when I’m done this one and take it to bed to accompany my reading.

I wanted to do a full gongfu of it tonight but my desk is a mess of computer so I’m drinking it standing in the kitchen while making and eating sushi. I’d link pics but I just have my phone. Maybe I can figure links out and put them in the comments. :)


8 steeps total tonight! I might grandpa style the remainder tomorrow, just because. It got super creamy.

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drank Caramel Pu Erh by Tea Desire
2291 tasting notes

Drink drink drink. With milk, of course.

So sweet and also earthy. A nice choice to calm down after having to call tech support for my no-longer-under-warranty computer (Also, Dell’s website is not super accessible on a phone or ipad.. And when you call for parts for personal use, the phone line tells you to go to the website and disconnects!! If my computer worked, I wouldn’t be calling thanks people.)

PLUS DeleriumsFrogs was super SUPER sweet and sent me a present! Aww, tea frens! ♥ I got the wee crackley porcelain cup and a teensy wood tray from Zen Tea.

That was an excellent end to a terrible morning. Now I need to go get ready for work because I have equipment booked in a couple hours that I need to go prep for.

I’m feeling lots of love today. (A friend happened to have the part in his computing graveyard, so I’m getting a replacement for the price of a coffee. Ha! Take that, Dell!)

3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Take that, Dell, indeed! So glad you’re able to track down a part for your computer, and that your cup came! :)))


Yay!!! I was hoping to upgrade the motherboard and CPU as well, but it looks like Dell cases are WEIRD and I can’t actually do that. :/ 32-bit chipsets are so old school.

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I mostly drink black tea.

Also: A map of tea places in Vancouver. I’ve been to some of them, but not a lot. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!


Vancouver, BC, Canada



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