Drink drink drink. With milk, of course.
So sweet and also earthy. A nice choice to calm down after having to call tech support for my no-longer-under-warranty computer (Also, Dell’s website is not super accessible on a phone or ipad.. And when you call for parts for personal use, the phone line tells you to go to the website and disconnects!! If my computer worked, I wouldn’t be calling thanks people.)
PLUS DeleriumsFrogs was super SUPER sweet and sent me a present! Aww, tea frens! ♥ I got the wee crackley porcelain cup and a teensy wood tray from Zen Tea.
That was an excellent end to a terrible morning. Now I need to go get ready for work because I have equipment booked in a couple hours that I need to go prep for.
I’m feeling lots of love today. (A friend happened to have the part in his computing graveyard, so I’m getting a replacement for the price of a coffee. Ha! Take that, Dell!)
Take that, Dell, indeed! So glad you’re able to track down a part for your computer, and that your cup came! :)))
Take that, Dell, indeed! So glad you’re able to track down a part for your computer, and that your cup came! :)))
Yay!!! I was hoping to upgrade the motherboard and CPU as well, but it looks like Dell cases are WEIRD and I can’t actually do that. :/ 32-bit chipsets are so old school.