1780 Tasting Notes

drank Pêché Mignon by THEODOR
1780 tasting notes

Having this today as a latte with vanilla flax milk. I need to up my latte game! I’m getting a super bright peaches and cream. It’s juicy and vibrant. There was a little piece of what I’m guessing must be pineapple in my steeping basket. The flavor is consistent from start to finish. I don’t think I could ask for anything else from a peach tea. This cup went down surprisingly fast!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Peanut Butter Cup by The NecessiTeas
1780 tasting notes

I read several tasting notes mentioning how nice this was as a latte and I intended to do that, then forgot as I was steeping. Next time. As it is, it’s a nice cup! The sip is a little light with some peanut notes and then the chocolate peanut butter notes come out in the finish. Enjoying this as I watch bits of The Princess Bride with the tiny roommates.

Thanks for the sample, AmandaStory!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Princess Bride, top of my all-time favorite movies! The tea sounds delish. ^^


I love it too! I noticed last night that it doesn’t age as well as I hoped for children. There are a few things that need calling out for the sake of tiny roommates, but not enough to not let them watch it multiple times and hope that they pick up all the classic catch phrases!

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Waiting impatiently for my cup to cool a little! It has a very earthy dirt like scent to it that makes me wonder if some puerh is in the mix. Cinnamon is prominent in the scent as well. The flavor when I sip is similar. I get a little bit of the nutmeg and maybe clove that is the pumpkin spice trio, but nothing that says pumpkin. The cinnamon is a little bitey, but not in an overwhelming way. There is almost a cookie note to the scent one I get further into the cup. The finish is all spices. It’s a nice enough cup but not something I’m taken by right away. It has a little sugar in the mix already so maybe some cream would liven it up? I’ll have to play around with this.
This was a tea I was eyeing on the website that sold out before I could make a purchase. Thanks AmandaStory for the chance to try it!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank My Peeps by The NecessiTeas
1780 tasting notes

Got a sample of this (and several other teas) today from AmandaStory! Thanks!
This has such a rich caramel scent to it! It’s very pretty visually before steeping with little colored sugar crystals sprinkled in the mix. It tastes sweet with a very light caramel flavor that becomes more prominent in the finish. There is something slightly tart in there that starts mid sip and lingers. I’m enjoying this cup and am super happy to have something new to try in the evening!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Té de Frutas by Lupicia
1780 tasting notes

Technical difficulties with this tea. I put it into my David’s “Favorite Tumbler” and I think the metal must have expanded with the heat because I can’t get the plastic lid back off to let the tea cool faster. It’s an issue that has been happening often with this tumbler. The only other cup I have in my room to pour the tea into is a glow in the dark silicone cup and I can’t tell if it’s effecting the taste of my tea. The flavors are falling flat. I can get a little lychee, but it’s pretty flavorless aside from that. :/ I give up.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Masala Chai by Zhi Tea
1780 tasting notes

I love this tea, but I tried to steep it on the stovetop today, following the directions of the Chico chai I finished up recently and it didn’t work out so well. I got a cup of chai, but it wasn’t amazing and warming like it is when I steep it for 3m in a cup. I won’t be trying stovetop with it again!

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I’ve been finding myself craving the subtle smoke found in several Arthur Dove blends. Today I reached for Ghost Town. Smokey scent with a lighter creamier smoke in the sip that linger pleasantly into the finish.
Wish I had time to enjoy this cup, but I’m gulping this down on my way out the door to buy more oxygen for my casting torch. It’s still really good, even speed drunk.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

You and Ros have been so tempting with these Arthur Dove teas!


Ros is the one who made me aware of this company. NO REGRETS! Well, except that one hibiscus blend, but even that one was well done. ;)

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Super strong banana scent in this one. Taste wise I’m not so sure about it. There is a slight bitterness I’m getting. The sip is a little bland and it isn’t until the finish that the banana comes out. I can just pick out the oatmeal part. I’m guessing this is another freshly blended tea that needs to sit a while and let the flavors marinate. I’ll have to circle back to it in a month.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

The name of this one sounds so good! I don’t think I’ve had a tea with an oatmeal taste before.


AQ2T used to have some blends with oatmeal in them, but it isn’t a flavor or ingredient I feel like we come across often in tea.

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drank Mayan Hot Cocoa by The NecessiTeas
1780 tasting notes

Whoa! This is all cinnamon! I get what the blender was going for, but the balance between cinnamon and chocolate is not there. This reminds me a lot of a local brunch place, Hobee’s, that has a super strong cinnamon tea. So much cinnamon in fact that it gives me a stomach ache and hopefully this tea doesn’t follow in that path as well. There is a sweetness here and it’s hard to tell if it’s just from the cinnamon or from the marshmallows and other ingredients. When I think Mayan hot cocoa chili peppers come to mind. I get a little bit of spice, but it could just be from the cinnamon. If I wait long enough I’ll get some chocolate in the finish, but there really isn’t much. Maybe if I put it in the back of the cupboard the cinnamon will mellow out over time and let the chocolate out to play. As is, it’s a cinnamon tea and I’m really not into it. :(

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Silent Kettle

I’ve always been so curious about this company, but they are always sold out of the teas I am interested in lol! I feel like I should place an order once I start running out of teas.

Tiffany :)

I have an older tin of this tea and have been using it mixed with David’s Tea Nutty Granola Crunch. TBH I can’t recall if I’ve ever sipped it by itself. LOL!

Mastress Alita

My best friend lives in the Bay Area, and I always want to go to Hobee’s when I visit, hahaha! (I like their breakfasts). First time I had their “red hot cinnamon” tea it was a really good batch, last time I was there it was brewed way too strong for my liking.


I was feeling curious about this company too, Silent Kettle. I finally made one purchase and liked the tea enough. Got an email that there was a shop restock and had a really frustrating experience with items being sold out from in my cart as I decided between two other teas, so I skipped ordering and it’s taken me a while to try their site again. I get the feeling it’s a side hobby/business for the owner, so finding items in stock is pretty hit or miss.

Hmmmm… maybe I should try mixing this with a chocolatey tea!

I was raised on Hobee’s for brunch. I love their coffee cake, veggie scrambles and shakes. I hope they survive the pandemic. :/

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drank Purple Chocolate by JusTea
1780 tasting notes

It’s the first day of National Black History Month! I looked through my teas and couldn’t find a single tea that was from a black owned company! :( Second best thing is this tea, which is picked by Kenyan farmers. Jamilla is the farmer who is featured on my tin.

I’ve gone through half this tin in two years. It’s a good tea, but I usually want more from chocolate than just chocolate alone so I feel like I really have to be in an extra chocolatey mood to appreciate it. It’s very raw dark chocolate like. It has that sour tang that dark chocolate gets. Maybe it’s the addition sugar that usually mellows that out? It’s more of a raw than a refined chocolate taste. It reminds me both of the smell of walking into a shop that actually grinds their own beans to make chocolate and the biproduct of the process, the shells, that get sold in giant bags for gardening purposes. I’ve bought a bag of that ground cover before and it goes through stages of smelling really good and chocolatey like this tea and going a bit sour when it starts to decompose and stay damp under a few layers. I can’t pick out the tea in this under the chocolate domination. I’d love to see this company expand on the use of cacao shells with chocolate orange or chocolate mint combos, much like Tikal used to do. So few companies experimenting with cacao shells!

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My name is Dustin and I like tea.

I’m an added flavor kind of tea fan, but have had a growing appreciation for plain. I want my tea to remind me of cookies and cakes with coconut and almond slices with a hint of chocolate drizzled on top. I want dancing ponies and flying monkeys shooting off fireworks! And no hibiscus. Hibiscus is the devil.





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