1780 Tasting Notes
Advent Day 21
I didn’t think I was going to like this one! I saw hibiscus in the ingredients and groaned, but figured I’d be a good sport and try it anyway. It has an apple cider scent. The taste is a mix between apple pie and apple cider. The hibiscus was actually used in an appropriate amount to make the flavor of the apple slightly tart! It looses a little something as it cools and has a slightly dry mouthfeel in the finish. Another one I wish I could try cold steeped. I would be willing to drink this again, which is a rare sentiment for something that has hibiscus!
Advent Day 20
I kept thinking this was red fruit as I absent mindedly sipped while messing up a baking recipe. Migraine meds were kicking in at the same time and I was distantly puzzled why it felt like a sunburn on the roof of my mouth each time I took a sip of tea. It was the triptans. When I looked at the wrapper for this tea and saw peach I had an immediate “duh” moment. Of course it’s peach! It’s totally peach. It’s similar to Lupicia’s peach flavors that I have had in green teas, but it’s on a black base so there is more depth. It looses a little magic once totally cooled, but is still a lovely cup.
Advent Day 20
Busy morning, little time to reflect on tea. I have been enjoying this cup when I pass by it and can steal a sip. My cup is cold now, but I get chocolate in the scent, taste and finish with just the slightest hints of chili. Almost a whisper. The chai spice notes are in there too. Chocolate turns to scratch and sniff sticker flavor far into the finish. I’m liking this, but I do appreciate when the chili in chili teas have a little more of a kick. This one could certainly grow on me!
I’m a sucker for almond in my tea, so I bought just about every tea that Co&Co had. This one has cherries in it and the candied scent comes through in the cup. It smells like maraschino cherries. There is a tinge of bitter in the front of the sip, then some spices. The finish starts out slow and then shifts to cherry. Cherry and almond flavoring have a weird overlap in my brain, so it’s hard to pick out the almond. This tea is weird. There are parts of the sip I enjoy and parts I don’t. There are moments I’m finding very artificial notes. Adding milk tones it down a bit. Adding sugar makes the cherry jump out a little. I’m not sure about this one. More experimenting is called for!
Someone else in the house just made a cup of this and had me take a few sips. I hate it. I get some green tea and lemongrass, but there was a weird flatness accompanied by something bitter and something unknown. It was gross. The cup was dumped, the tea removed from the cupboard and my mouth washed out. Not into it.
Advent Day 19
My cup has cooled now. I think this tea was a little more exciting when hot. It has a light lime flavor and a good amount of mint. Not a knock you out level of mint, but enough that you know it is there. I’m feeling like there is something that is trying to hint at being sweet. A little bit of green tea under it all. Mojitos are a summer drink to me and making it into a warm drink for the winter is messing with my understanding of the universe a bit. I think I would like it better cold steeped in the summer.
Advent Day 18
I’m tasting some bergamot in here, but there is something else that is making it brighter. It is almost a candy citrus taste. It’s smooth and easy to drink. I think if I had a few more cups of this I’d be tempted to buy it. This is a tea that could easily grow on me.