
Tea type
Black Herbal Blend
Black Tea, Flavors, Pink Peppercorns, Rosemary
Astringent, Dry Grass, Tart, Vegetal, Cherry, Cocoa, Malt, Pine, Smooth, Sweet, Candy, Cranberry, Grass, Menthol, Wood, Dried Fruit, Musty, Evergreen, Fruity, Red Fruits, Rosemary, Savory, Earthy, Herbaceous, Herbs, Medicinal, Peppercorn
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 11 oz / 322 ml

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95 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The last bit of this tea. *is sad * Damn you Lupicia for not shipping your teas to Canada! *shakes fist * I would totally buy this tea if I was given the opportunity – some of these American...” Read full tasting note
  • “Very much a fresh cherry smell, even has that hint of tartness to it that fresh cherries do. Usually cherry flavored things make me think of cough syrup so it’s nice to find a cherry flavored...” Read full tasting note
  • “I debated between this tea and the Sakurambo Vert for quite a while. I know the Vert is probably a better tea objectively, but I already have some cherry greens but no cherry blacks so I thought...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank tea fairy Sil! :) I tried to savour this, this morning seeing as it was a sample, but it was so good it went down a little quicker than I expected. You know how some teas are perfect, &...” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

Black tea with fresh Japanese cherry flavor. Its sour-sweet aroma is taste-catching and its cute topping with the image of red ripened cherries is also eye-catching.

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95 Tasting Notes

226 tasting notes

I drank this last night, but then decided to wait till today to write it…wanted to drink a few wine coolers and binge watch Murder, She Wrote on Netflix.

I don’t usually read reviews of a tea before I drink it, but I was apprehensive about this one. In the past alot of cherry flavored tea tends to taste like cough medicine shudders (To this day I can’t abide the liquid form!) But luckily the reviews that I read did not display that particular taste.

1st smell out of the bag: sweet, almost cloyingly sweet.
1st smell as it was steeping: Not quite as sweet…almost had a complex smell.
1st taste: Very sweet and sour cherry like. Like if you ate a handful of the sweet and sour. There is however an odd aftertaste that I am not crazy about.

Aside from my dislike of anything that tastes like medicine, I am not a huge cherry fan. When it comes to fruit I prefer Strawberry, Peach or Grape (Which the majority of teas I’ve had with those flavors I tend to be disappointed.) But I love to be surprised by tea.
Who doesn’t?

I am not opposed to grabbing more of this.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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1305 tasting notes

Sipdown! This blend makes my head hurt sometimes, so it took a while to finish off. Tasty, though. The cherry flavor is sweet without being cloying or syrupy. It also takes rice milk really well. Not a restock for me but I would recommend it to anyone who likes black tea and cherries.

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986 tasting notes

This was one of the teas in my Lupicia Happy Bag that I was excited to try as soon as I smelled it…the scent is sweet and fruity and just a tiny bit tart, like some kind of delicious cherry candy. Unfortunately, the tartness is taking over my cup. There’s a pleasant, natural cherry flavor as I sip, but the aftertaste puckers up my mouth. I may need to try this one with a bit of sweetener.

Flavors: Cherry, Tart

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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1445 tasting notes

Cherry Blasters seasoned with peppercorn and rosemary is.. an interesting concept. Thank you, OMGsrsly (and MissB!), for this unique experience! I’m not sure if I like it, but it’s a lot of fun. Sometimes I get black cherry instead of Cherry Blasters, which is a pretty sweet occurrence.

I really, really want to read Firefight right now except textbook readings, presentations, responsibility, being an “adult”, and stuff. Brandon Sanderson is just SITTING there on my kobo..

Flavors: Candy, Cherry, Herbs, Peppercorn

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

yeah this one is odd…


Haha. You’re welcome, but it’s from MissB’s box! I just couldn’t do it. The cherry was so over the top. :)


Odd, indeed!

OMGsrsly, are the other Lupicia samples you gave me from MissB’s box too? I love how tea gets around in this community :)


Yes, I think so? Chaud les Marrons! is mine, but I think the rest were from MissB. (I don’t remember everything!)

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4332 tasting notes

Thank you for the sale a while back, Maria! I thought I’d try this one… though I wasn’t sure about the cherry. The black tea base, peppercorns, and rosemary keep it interesting. The peppercorn looks like tiny cherries! I thought the rosemary was actually pine needles. It does smell a little like cough drops to me and it isn’t really my thing. There isn’t a lack of cherry here! I’ve had worse cherry teas though. The peppercorn should make it sweeter but the cherry seems to drown everything else. I can’t taste the rosemary. Not terrible but nothing I would reach for… also not the best from Lupicia.
Steep #1 // few min after boiling // 3-4 min steep

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592 tasting notes

I had forgotten that I grabbed one sachet of this from the last round of the Tea & Cards TTB, so it was a pleasant discovery in my box of mixed miscellaneous teas. I generally love Lupicia’s teas because they seem to get the flavorings spot on without going overboard or too artificial tasting. Anyway, I have mixed feelings about this particular tea. On a positive note, it does not taste like children’s cherry flavored cough syrup as most cherry teas seem to taste to me. It actually has that tart and sweet combo that fresh real cherries have. After tasting so many fake cherry teas, I can really appreciate that part of this tea. However, there is also something peppery about this tea (probably because of the peppercorn), and I do not like pepper at all. I can barely tolerate it in my food much less my tea. In conclusion, I don’t think I will repurchase this just because of the pepper flavor, but I really wish I could get over that. For those who don’t mind (or even like) peppery flavors, I think this is a great cherry tea to have around.

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268 tasting notes

This tea was pleasant enough but nothing really special. If you are obsessed with cherries…..hmmm, never heard of anyone like that on Steepster ;-)….. you might like this a lot. The cherry taste is definitely tart cherries rather than candy-like or medicinal, which I think is always a danger with cherry flavored anything. That being said, although the cherry was nice, it didn’t blow me away and the base was pretty boring honestly.

Flavors: Cherry


I prefer tart cherries, which is hard to find in tea.


Lol…who could you possibly be talking about??

You absolutely right Sil, It’s actually the only flavoured cherry tea I like!


Well. Said.

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237 tasting notes

Hey. I reviewed this one before. I remember because TeaFairy commented that she loved the weirdness of it? Is someone deleting bad reviews?

Well I will rate it again. I found this very artificial and perfume-like. So there, whoever deleted my tasting note.


Nooo, they don’t do that do they?!


I remember your review of this tea! Witness for the plaintiff

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2970 tasting notes

The great things about sample sachets is that you can call it a sipdown after just one cup!
I’ve tried this before, ages ago, and I didn’t really care for it then, either.
I find no cherry flavor in this. In fact the whole thing tastes a bit raw to me. That’s the best I can explain it, it doesn’t taste cooked. Its a bit bitter, and I am not sorry to have it be a sipdown!

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391 tasting notes

A fruity smell, with nice tart cherry taste. I burnt my tongue :( drinking this. If I had more, seems like this would be good as an iced tea as well.


Yup, I need to either be more patient or train my tongue to be less sensitive to hot :) always happening.

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