I drank this last night, but then decided to wait till today to write it…wanted to drink a few wine coolers and binge watch Murder, She Wrote on Netflix.
I don’t usually read reviews of a tea before I drink it, but I was apprehensive about this one. In the past alot of cherry flavored tea tends to taste like cough medicine shudders (To this day I can’t abide the liquid form!) But luckily the reviews that I read did not display that particular taste.
1st smell out of the bag: sweet, almost cloyingly sweet.
1st smell as it was steeping: Not quite as sweet…almost had a complex smell.
1st taste: Very sweet and sour cherry like. Like if you ate a handful of the sweet and sour. There is however an odd aftertaste that I am not crazy about.
Aside from my dislike of anything that tastes like medicine, I am not a huge cherry fan. When it comes to fruit I prefer Strawberry, Peach or Grape (Which the majority of teas I’ve had with those flavors I tend to be disappointed.) But I love to be surprised by tea.
Who doesn’t?
I am not opposed to grabbing more of this.