4337 Tasting Notes
I’m back with my tea collection at home again! For a couple months anyway. I went to steep this one up today and thought.. “heeeyyyy, hmmmmm, this starts with ‘A’, maybe I should do another alphabet challenge to get a lightning round of sipdowns in”. So why not?! This is a very decent apricot tea. I am just not sure I NEED an apricot tea in my cupboard. But this was a very awesome sample anyway.
2023 sipdowns: 56
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – July 2023 Tea #3 – A breakfast tea
One sample down, one more to go (but it’s from a different harvest year, so this one counts as a REAL sipdown.) Keemun is certainly a breakfast tea, imo. This sample is I-don’t-even-know HOW many years older that 2018 (when I started writing the years on my Teavivre samples) but the flavor is still very much there. This is definitely a quality keemun. Plenty of flavor, and not very subtle, which is usually what I might expect from an ancient “superfine” sample.
2023 sipdowns: 55
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – July 2023 Tea #1 – A tea that makes you smile
A Frank blend! This tea definitely makes me smile. One whiff of the blend, yet even now, years later, the name is hella accurate. What a lemon meringue blend! It smells just like meringue. And I don’t think lemon blends have been appreciated enough from 52Teas — both with Frank’s blends and Anne’s blends. This is a sad sipdown (with a smile) as all these last crumblies in the pouch give a huge deal of flavor. And a perfect tea for this scorcher of a day. (I think it’s everywhere in the US today.)
2023 sipdowns: 54
That is astounding that it has so much flavor after all this time! I am trying to polish off a years old tea and all but the base tea flavor is gone. Very happy for you! Enjoy that smile!
I agree about lemon blends in general! I mean — Lemon Chiffon (of course haha) and B&B Moondrop Dreams as well. :)
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – June 2023 Tea #5 – June 29 – International Day of the Tropics: drink a tropical tea!
Nope, nevermind tomorrow — I snuck in a tropical tea tonight. And could the name of this tea BE more accurate for this prompt?!? I just happened to have this one along on the trip. It’s aging. Not fantastically. but that is understandable, and could be worse at this point.
Oh no I forgot the tropical tea prompt today! Maybe tomorrow. I think this was from SkySamurai a while ago. Thank you! A sample holding two servings. A tasty jasmine tea good for two steeps. It’s pretty good! The green tea allows the jasmine to shine. But really nothing comes close to Teavivre jasmine. Though this sample is many years old now, so this is PRETTY good for being this old. I was glad I brought it on this trip and it’s one less tea to take back home in a couple days.
2023 sipdowns: 53
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – June 2023 Tea #4 – A minty tea
Well, it’s a mint tea but not a true sipdown. Nothing new to say on this cupboard classic — mint and chocolate.
This tasting note is too short, so give a listen to this ear gold: https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=32X-ZeKy75Y&list=OLAK5uy_lu-GhGktpJDOJrnT5jj144gb61LrE8Mzg
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – June 2023 Tea #3 – A true sipdown tea
I feel like I haven’t had an actual sipdown in months! uh oh. But here is one. A TRUE sipdown! Amazing! Not a bad oolong, but at this point I have no idea the age, so it is probably no fault of the oolong that it isn’t spectacular. It steeps up well enough for the day, anyway! It’ll do when you’re craving an oolong.
2023 sipdowns: 52
I received this YEAAARRRS ago. But somehow have only tried it now? It really does seem like this one would be all flash, no substance, with that shiny foil and odd shape. BUT NO! It’s delicious! There really aren’t any negative qualities about this. It’s a decent amount of leaf when it unravels, as the shape somehow seems tightly packed. I can’t really be specific about flavors at the moment, but it was tasty enough to me. If it’s rich enough, I will usually call that a win for a ripe! Four great steeps. Why do I doubt Mandala? (at least how much I will enjoy their puerh?) They pick good stuff to sell!
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – June 2023 Tea #2 – June 9 – National Earl Day
Yep, I’m drinking this again! It’s the only Earl I have around at the moment for Earl day. I think it might be the caffeine tea I have been drinking the most of. What an honor for this tea! I’m still not sick of it. It’s very strong with two teabags. I feel like it wakes me up (not many teas do, at this point.) (Criminey, it’s already June 9…)