4337 Tasting Notes
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – June 2023 Tea #1 -A favorite bagged tea
Wow, I always forget how fantastic this raspberry flavor is until I’m drinking it. It’s also always interesting to me when teas change flavor depending on the location where you drink them. Water changes, elevation changes… SO MANY VARIABLES to how a tea changes flavor. Gratefully, not a sipdown yet.
additional notes: SO! This is one of the blends I love from Maya Tea and I wanted to order more during the sale. I did notice that the site now does not include coconut shreds in the ingredients list. I was a little worried it would be an entirely different blend without them. But I don’t think so! Maybe there is an element missing, but I think it is better for the longevity of the blend to leave the coconut shreds out of the tea. Otherwise, it still pretty much tastes like the blend I originally loved. Awesome. The banana isn’t candy banana, which I love.
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – May 2023 Tea #10 – A flavored oolong
Last day of May, last prompt! I had two flavored oolongs with me so this one was sipped twice this month. I definitely wouldn’t say this was ever DARK chocolate. But it’s an interesting mix of flavors. A real mystery most of the time.
2023 sipdowns: 51
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – May 2023 Tea #9 -A tea with a three word name
OKAY.. this tea definitely disappeared from Steepster. Searched Steepster, then my Steepster cupboard in case someone changed the name. Nowhere. Then went to S&V’s site to see if my review was there. Yes, yes it is. And I would not have written an S&V review without first adding it to steepster. So I readded this tea to the database! I don’t like that entire teas are disappearing! Anyway… Threw this in a mug for a prompt/May sipdown. I like it, but I would like it more without the added sugar.
2023 sipdowns: 50
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – May 2023 Tea #8 – A flavored black tea
This tasting note will probably just fly away into the Steepster abyss, but here we go. Finished this old old amount of ToL for the prompt for a flavored black tea. Amazing amount of flavor even still. But that’s the old flavoring for ya (less “natural” flavors now, so probably just not.the.same. with the new batches.) This last cup was a delight! Sidenote, I have not had a sipdown in A WHILE. uh oh. Way behind on sipdowns now. And then I just couldn’t resist the super cheap teas for the Maya Tea sale. Mainly because I love their raspberry black.
2023 sipdowns: 49
I had an old school TOL tin that just kept giving and giving…sorry to hear the formulation has changed.
I feel your pain on the sipdowns. I think my cupboard went up by sixteen or more this month, and only about half that many sipdowns. I have to try harder next month!
It’s hard to pass up 25% off, isn’t it. I will have lots of raspberry and apricot tea to sip on this summer :)
oh darn Michelle – I should have asked you before I ordered since I still owe you some teas at some point. Will have eight ounces of raspberry (it was only $11! what the heck!) so I could have shared some of that with you if you hadn’t ordered it yourself. :D
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – May 2023 Tea #7 – May 20 – National Pick Strawberries Day
No. No I did not forget to have a strawberry tea yesterday. I only forgot to post about it. AND it’s the tea I seem to fill a prompt for in almost every month of the sipdown challenge…. Jelly & Ice Cream! That must be because I have a ton of it, despite the coconut. It IS my favorite strawberry tea. AND the only berry tea I brought in my gallon bag for the trip, so there you go. Glad Steepster is healthy again.
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – May 2023 Tea #6 – An Earl Grey plus tea
As this is the only Earl I brought with me, it will have to do for this prompt. I’m still drinking it possibly more often than any other tea I have. That is saying something! But of course, if I know I have a lot of a tea in the cupboard, I’m probably not trying to hoard it away. Then I’m free to drink it more often than other teas. But it’s a nice robust, strong bergamot. Definitely not a sipdown.
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – May 2023 Tea #5 – May 11 – National Eat What You Want Day
The most distinct thing I can describe of the mini tuocha I steeped today, it looks like there is a brown sunflower on the wrapper. I thought I had found that using two of this tiny tuochas really works best with this particular tuocha, and I really wanted to use two of them, so that is what I did (points to the prompt for today). Rich deliciousness. Not a sipdown. However, it looks like this one isn’t even on Steepster. So I was mistaking this tuocha for the Lao Cang. Oh well, you can’t really go overboard with ripe puerh but I will have to try a single tuocha at some point, rather than two.
edited to add: Some actual FLAVOR notes since I haven’t written any for this specific tuocha yet. It has a nice unoffensive flavor! Deep, rich, no negative qualities, a little biscuity. I do not regret accidentally steeping two of these at the same time! Rating: 92. But again, I have to try a single tuocha, since I have a sneaking suspicion I love overleafing the ripe!
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – May 2023 Tea #4- A limited edition or seasonal tea
It’s spring but I brought a couple holiday teas with me anyway. Like a single teabag of this gem. So I will count it for this prompt. Though I don’t think I’m finished with them yet! But I’m glad about that, as it’s definitely a grocery store tea I would love to keep in stock. Maybe it’s Bigelow’s answer to Celestial Seasonings – Nutcracker Sweet. I’d keep both around.
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – May 2023 Tea #3 – May 8 – National Coconut Cream Pie Day
WISH I had some coconut cream pie today, but nope. This tea took over though. It’s a good one! Not a sipdown yet, but I feel like I drink it a lot.
Same! This prompt made me wish for a coconut cream pie with taaaaaall meringue. I can taste it even now!
Somehow, the best slice of coconut cream I ever had… was while I was visiting my dad in the hospital.