4337 Tasting Notes
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – May 2023 Tea #2 – A rose tea
Why yes, I did bring a rose tea with me. I was reluctant to bring this with me on the trip, as I didn’t want to sip it down. I will only want to buy some more and quick… I don’t think the rose or black tea itself is very strong, but it is enjoyable. The pearl seems very lightweight in the hand, but after three steeps, the brew basket is completely full with huge unraveled leaves and two entire rosebuds, at least. Then I usually try to get three steeps of tea that usually taste exactly the same, if I REALLY let that third steep soak for a while. No bitterness here, so that third steep is worth it. (And also, reading my other tasting note: I can’t believe I tried putting this in a teabag before! yikes.)
2023 sipdowns: 48
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – May 2023 Tea #1 – A tea available almost anywhere
Scouring the gallon bag of teas I brought with me to see if I had any May prompts I can fill. This one will work. I imagine this could be found anywhere. It’s Twinings. I DO always forget this is supposed to include vanilla though. I don’t hate this for a teabag, but I certainly wouldn’t pay $5 for it like I did for my Grandmother’s Throat Coat tea, like I did yesterday. I really need to find the Throat Coat in bulk. She likes it and it keeps her hydrated! $5 for 16 teabags is bonkers though.
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – April 2023 Tea #9 – A tea from Africa
Ending the month with a sipdown! I really haven’t had many sipdowns for April. uh oh. I wonder if anyone had sipdown goals before someone coined the term ‘sipdowns’? Anyway, this is just the older bit I have left of this lovely tea. I had a different harvest the other day (also old) and the difference in flavors was definitely noticeable. Seemed like a different tea.
2023 sipdowns: 47
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – April 2023 Tea #8 -April 29 – National Sense of Smell Day: Drink your most aromatic tea!
I brought this one in the gallon bag of teas for the trip, specifically for the aromatic prompt for today. It sure is floral! One of my floral faves. Unfortunately, allergies today are preventing me from much sense of smell today anyway. But otherwise, it’s a lovely, perfect base for flavors of violet and rose. And a great balance of them too. Not a sipdown.
ashmanra – probably because you can only get this blend as four ounces unless you grab it in the author sampler? I tried it in the sampler and loved it, so then bought a tin of it.
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – April 2023 Tea #7 -Your oldest white tea
Does a flavored white tea count for the prompt? This is quite the oldest white tea I have. I did like it though, despite my lack of fondness for actual white chocolate. I’m amazed, looking at the ingredients list, that it is as simple as white tea, white chocolate flavor, and white chocolate chunks. I would definitely assume there was more to this blend than that. Maybe some hojicha, at the very least. So it definitely exceeded my very low expectations, and still does all of these years later (ten years! wow!) My original note says “best white chocolate inspired thing ever”. Again, LOOWWW expectations there.
2023 sipdowns: 46
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – April 2023 Tea #6 – A tea you serve to tea newbies
additional notes: yup, confirming this is good stuff. The ideal tuocha… for me anyway!! I have a mind to buy up a ton of this, but I will refrain. I would introduce PUERH newbies to this one…
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – April 2023 Tea #5 – A grassy tea
A Zen tea that I have never written a note for, and it looks like no one else did either. I think I bought this because it was on sale during their closing (or at least, their sale for not selling teas anymore, rather than only teaware.) It doesn’t get much grassier than gyokuro. It looks like fresh spring grass clippings. The flavor is okay, but obviously the nuance at this point is missing. I bet it was much better… many… years ago. Tastes a bit like matcha, a bit like sweet corn. I was intending to finish this tea for the prompt, but it’s such a rarity at this point, and I don’t have much Gyokuro otherwise, I think I won’t be in a rush to finish it. I wish I had gotten around to writing a note years ago…
Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – April 2023 Tea #4 -April 17 – Herbalist Day
oh, forgot to log the prompt for April 17. I usually have an herbal tea every day. Yesterday happened to be this. Is this specific tea a “herbal tea”? I don’t know, I guess I use the term loosely. Maybe Steepster broke because it is simply sick of YET ANOTHER tasting note for Jelly + Ice Cream from me? har har. Delicious, as usual.
Yay! Steepster is back! And I can log in!
SO I received this teabag YEARS ago in the mail from Twinings and WOW – I actually like it. I can taste apple, like a pie apple, and definitely some spice. I had this days ago now, so I’m not exactly sure how the black tea was. But I really like this for the apple and the spice and I would definitely drink it again. Wouldn’t mind buying it if it was very cheap. I’m so sad for neglecting this lone teabag! I had this early in the morning before leaving town. I’m back taking care of my Gram for a couple months, so steepster notes might be sparse again anyway. I am probably 70+ pages behind in reading everyone’s notes.