353 Tasting Notes
I received this in a package along with some truly amazing yarn and spinning fiber from somebody on ravelry. I immediately laughed at the name of this tea, and then oohed over the ingredients list because it sounded delicious.
I steeped a cup of this to go with lunch and it is divine. Smooth, slightly sweet and tart and fruity but not overly so. The cherries definitely come out. It smells like it would be very tart (from the cherries, I guess) but it is just the right amount. There’s a full-feeling to the flavor from the roses, a not-quite perfumy taste. I imagine if I had added sugar it would be more fruity but I really like it as-is now.
However, the sadness. I cannot find anywhere to buy more of this amazing tea. StevenBe is a yarn store in Minneapolis and they have an online store where they sell two teas they’ve commissioned from Bingley’s – neither are Pop Your Cherry Blossom. Alas. (However, both those teas sound amazing and I may have to place an order with them.) I have a message out to the raveler but no response yet. I really hope this wasn’t a one-off and I can buy more of this.
I think it would divine iced, as well.
Flavors: Cherry, Rose, Tart
This may be my favorite iced tea ever. I had walked into Teavana to pick up some Chai Yen Thai because it was back in stock, and they had this on sample. So I took a sample. And then took another sample. And then walked to the counter I had just left after purchasing the Chai Yen Thai and pointed to the jug. “What is that and how much is it and I want it.”
I made a jug of it and it’s sitting in my fridge, and I’ve been drinking it all day. It is lovely. Sweet, fruity, with a hint of mint in the aftertaste. It’s perfect for summer.
Note: Does not resteep well. All the flavor is gone after the first steeping.
Flavors: Blackberry, Fruity, Mint, Sweet
I feel like I had tried this before but apparently if I had, I had not rated it. Maybe I was scared of the chocolate.
This was… interesting. It is definitely not a favorite tea, and one I would not be ordering again. The taste is very odd and hard for me to define. There is chocolate, yes, and something vaguely honey-ish, and definitely black tea. But it all melds together into something that while drinkable, is not something I exactly enjoy.
I’ll finish my pouch of it, but won’t be buying more.
I was in Indiana this past weekend visiting some friends and I knew I wasn’t in DC anymore, Toto, when I walked into the supermarket and asked a clerk where the tea was.
He looked at me. “What kind of tea?”
I’m sure I gave him a “are you stupid or just sh*tting me” look in return.
“Do you mean the kind in bags that goes in hot water?” he clarified, complete with hand motions miming lifting a tea bag in and out of a mug of water.
After he directed me to the tea aisle, I realized he was differentiating between tea and iced tea – the kind you make with a powder and was nowhere to be found near the bagged teas.
My mind. It is boggled.
Anyway, among the boxes of bagged tea, there were a few lone tins of loose tea by Twinings. I was thrilled to find them, even though quality-wise, I knew they weren’t that great. I needed caffeine. So I snagged a tin of the Ceylon Orange Pekoe, which was what got me through several semesters of 8 AM classes in college, albeit in bagged form.
Ceylon Orange Pekoe is nothing special. It’s just a plain black tea. There is no subtlety to the flavor, and no fruit taste I can discern. But it was tea. And it was caffeinated. And it helped me get through the hours in Indiana with my friend’s crazy family until it was socially acceptable to move to alcohol.
I had such culture shock this weekend. Between the tea, being served mushrooms in BBQ sauce, and the smoked American cheese masquerading as “gouda”…
So this tea really confused me, and I almost think it was mispackaged. I was at a friend’s house and he offered me tea, and I chose this because Earl Grey is that inoffensive tea that even if awful is still drinkable.
Only, when steeped… there was no bergamot flavor. At all.
And the tea quality is pretty damn awful in these filter bags so there I was drinking bad black tea that didn’t have bergamot to cover up how bad it actually was.
At least I squashed Steven at Boggle.
A friend gave me this tea and I’ve been working my way through it. It’s not as subtle as I normally like my tea – it really only has one level of flavor, which is strong and dark. The chocolate is there but it mixes with the black tea. It’s an okay tea but not one I will be in a hurry to buy after I finish my supply. It is caffeinated though, which is all I really need in the mornings some days.
This may be better as a latte with milk and whipped cream on top.
So it’s summer in the DC region and the humidity outside is around 70%, causing it to feel infinitely hotter than it actually says on the thermometer. Also, you feel like you’re melting.
Enter iced tea. I ordered a sample pack of this sometime last year and had never opened it. But it’s been hot. Hotter than hot. Not quite Qatar-hot, but then Qatar isn’t known for feeling like a sponge… Anyway, it’s been hot, and I have been living off iced tea. And I had just finished my last jug and was looking for something else to brew. This caught my eye and I tore open the pack.
About a 2:1 ratio of tea to sugar. Hot brewed and then stuck in the fridge once it had cooled. It’s absolutely delicious. I will have to buy more of this. Definitely. I love it. The blueberry flavor is definitely there, though it tastes more like flavor than actual blueberries (this is a common complaint on fruit teas). Light, refreshing. YUM.
Flavors: Blueberry
Have you made it over to ching ching CHA yet? I got some papaya mango white tea from them that is wonderful iced.
I haven’t! I’ve been meaning to go to Georgetown for awhile, but it’s such a pain to get to, especially when it’s so hot. And all the tourists… Is it worth a crowded metro ride and a long walk? =)
I picked up a sample of this in my last Harney order, and was pleasantly surprised. I’m not normally a fan of green teas, finding them too light and insubstantial for my tastes. This was heartier than most other green teas, and tasted fuller in the mouth. I really liked this.