353 Tasting Notes
ATR sent me a sample of this with my last order. I like it. It’s sweet without being cloyingly so, and the tea flavor comes through. It’s a little tart, but barely noticeable unless I’m looking for it.
I think this would make a nice iced tea, but I’m enjoying this hot right now. I’m not sure I like this enough to buy more, but it’s very pleasant for a snowed in winter’s day.
I was a bit hesitant to buy this because I loathe ginger, but the thought of creme brulee won me over. And I can definitely taste creme brulee in this tea. It’s obviously a chai, but a creamy version. And happily, I can’t really taste the ginger.
Though I am still not a huge chai fan, and probably won’t buy this again. I can see chai lovers loving this, though.
I was really looking forward to this. I had ordered samplers of the the regular Cacao and the Mint Cacao herbal teas at the same time and loved both of them. Unfortunately, I was less enamoured with this tea. I can’t pinpoint exactly why but the flavor just did not do it for me. Rather than blending perfectly into a sweeter and creamier Cacao tea, it just tasted like a hot mess in my mouth. Nothing fit together, it tasted odd overall, and I ended up dumping my mug down the sink.
I guess 2 out of 3 isn’t bad, but I had high hopes for this one.
This is the first tea I’m trying from my first Steepster Select box. Exciting! I’m not a huge green tea fan, but I was intrigued by the description: “Deep savory notes of nori and cut grass balanced by a hazelnut finish.” And I can definitely taste nori, but I can’t taste the hazelnut finish.
But I like this. It’s more robust than other green teas I’ve had. The flavor is definitely “chewy” as noted in the steepster description. Which is a weird way to describe a tea, but the flavor definitely lingers in my mouth and gives my mouth a full feeling.
I can definitely see this being easily oversteeped. I oversteeped it by about 10 seconds as I was fumbling with the microwave timer, and I’m tasting a little bitterness in the tea. It’s not unpleasant, but it can easily become so.
MMMMM. Delicious. This is a dark hot chocolate… without the milk, and cream. It’s pretty good. I may have to try this steamed with some almond milk cause that sounds delicious in my head.
I’m so glad for whoever mentioned this company on the Steepster board. I picked up a few sample sized packs, and look forward to trying them all now!
How mad am I that they are discontinuing this tea? It seems as soon as I find a tea I like, it’s gone, but if I hate the tea it’s on the shelf forever.
This is a very banana-tasting tea, as advertised. And there is just a hint of chocolate. It’s quite a nice caffeine-free dessert tea.
This is one discombobulated tea. I’m not sure what I’m tasting. Tart, more than anything. Definitely not cherry, or pineapple, or any other candied fruit bits that were in the infuser. Blech. Maybe I’ll add some sugar and stick it in the fridge. Many of Teavana’s fruit teas seem to do better as an iced tea.
I threw a sample of this in with my last order. I am very pleasantly surprised by this tea.
The first sip was cloyingly sweet, but after that the tea soon mellowed out and there’s only a faint sweetness cutting the earthiness of the pu’erh. If I don’t take a sip for a few minutes, it sweetens back up.
I quite like this. I’m not normally a pu’erh fan but I like this.
Finally sitting down with a mug of this after a number of failed attempts to start a new sweater (counting, why you so hard tonight???), and I’m waiting for a number of new Steam games to download. So, of course, I reach for the kettle and browsed through the cupboard for something that wasn’t too heavy or caffeinated for 9:45 on a Sunday night.
This tea is lovely. It’s light and fruity and I think would taste awesome iced. Definitely taste mango and papaya mingled together. There’s a slight perfumy quality of the tea I don’t quite like, but it’s faint enough I can overlook it. I think this would be better as a summer or spring tea, rather than a mid-winter tea. But I’m enjoying it.
This is another tea from ching ching CHA, the tea house in Georgetown. I’ve been very impressed with all the teas I’ve tried from them and may have to stop by again to pick up some more. The quality of this white fruit tea is quite high and the price, as I recall, relatively quite low (I believe it was about $7 for the 2 oz. bag?).