353 Tasting Notes
Pass the Stash TTB #8
I have’t been getting through the box as fast as I’d hoped. Stupid life. But I’m really glad I grabbed this tea just now because it is amazing. A bit of sugar and it’s liquid blueberry jam in my mouth. And we all know my love affair with blueberries. So good.
Definitely staying with me.
Flavors: Blueberry
Pass the Stash TTB #7
Something drew me to this tea as soon as I saw it. It just spoke to me.
I had a bad night last night. I got some bad news that left me feeling emotionally off-kilter. Sleep helped. But tea is also a healing balm.
This tea is lovely. It’s light, fruity without being perfumy, and just what I needed to pick me up. The mango is subtle and not overpowering, and melts into creaminess from the vanilla. There’s only a little bit left in the bag so I’ll be finishing it up before the box moves on.
Flavors: Cream, Mango
Pass the Stash TTB #6
This is lovely, absolutely lovely. I adore coconut, though it’s not a flavor I usually seek out myself. But when I do have some, I’m reminded how much I truly love it. It’s creamy and warm and adds a hint of decadence to ordinary tea.
Truly wonderful. This tin is staying with me.
Pass the Stash TTB #5
Looking for a non-caffeinated tea in the box tonight so I won’t lie awake until 4:30 AM like I did last night. Whoops.
I love blueberries so I’m always up for trying blueberry flavored anything. Unfortunately, I’m really not getting any blueberry notes from this tea. It’s very tart and I’m not enjoying this at all. I added a bunch of sugar and that didn’t even help.
Flavors: Tart
Pass the Stash TTB #4
I was really looking forward to this one. It smelled divine. Though once I drank it, I could not wrap my head around the flavor because it tasted exactly like lychee black tea. I’m not sure where the apple and “stone fruit” taste is supposed to come from because it’s lychee 100%. Which is not a bad thing; I love lychee tea. But it was not what I was expecting.
If I hadn’t tasted lychee tea first, I probably would have been blown away by this tea because it is lovely.
Flavors: Lychee
Pass the Stash TTB #3
I’ve had other 52teas blends to varying success. This one is better than middling, but not something I would have chosen for myself. I have a very mixed relationship with strawberries – I don’t like them. Fresh strawberries taste awful to me, and yes, I know this makes me strange; I’ve been told. But I love strawberry flavoring (because it doesn’t taste like strawberries!). I end up avoiding a lot of strawberry things because I’m not sure how they’d taste.
This tea had the strawberry flavoring with a undertone of cream. I had to add some sugar to really bring out the flavor. And it’s leaving an odd taste in my mouth. Not sure how I really feel about this.
I could see this being better chilled. Must ponder.
Pass the Stash TTB #2
I’m really not sure how I feel about this. The flavors are not mixing well and my mouth is so very confused. Also, I’m slightly nauseated by this tea.
I see others really like this but it’s just not for me. I ended up dumping the rest of the mug and brewing something else.
Pass the Stash TTB #1
First tea from the Pass the Stash TTB. It’s kind of meh for me. I’ve definitely had worse rooibos teas, but this isn’t really anything special to write home about. I don’t get much coconut, and just a very faint hint of macadamia. It’s drinkable, but that’s pretty much it.
The more I drink this tea, the more I like it. I just recently bought 5 oz of this because Teavana had it back in stock after a long time of it being gone. And I love it so much. My firs trating of 70 is now too low in my head, and I have to bump it up.
This tea is perfect. It reminds me of a Thai Iced Tea without the heavy cream and the overly sweet flavor. However, I do also have some Thai iced tea mix and I wonder how it would taste blended with this tea… I must experiment. I must.
I brewed up a jug of this, slightly sweetened with rock sugar, last night and stuck it in the fridge, and I’m enjoying a cup of this now. It’s lovely. Absolutely lovely. The spices blend together nicely and I get a hint of pineapple as well.