353 Tasting Notes
A friend of mine had to unexpectedly fly into DC in order to renew her passport, and I let her crash on my couch. In thanks, she brought me yummy things from Seattle, including a tiny packet of this. They were in filter bags, and not loose like I normally like my tea, but I don’t look gift tea in the mouth (unless it’s Bigelow in which case I will judge you so hard with all the tea snobbery I can bring to bear).
I made a cup of this today. I needed a pick-me-up since I was up until 2 working on a job application that I started around 10. (As an aside, why in the world does a job application need to be 30 pages, PLUS another page of logic questions, PLUS another 20ish pages of personality questions???)
I really liked this tea. It tastes nicely fruity but not overbearingly so. No sugar needed, either, to bring out the flavor like with some other teas. I was a tad worried since “artificial flavoring” is right there on the ingredient list and if it tastes too artificial, I won’t like it. Thankfully, it didn’t. It’s a nice tea. Sweet and fruity. On the light side of black teas. I think this would make an awesome iced tea.
This tea smells really, really strong. I drove home after buying some of this, and I swore there was fruit gum sitting on the heater vent. It was REALLY strong.
But like most fruit black teas, the flavor is not as strong as the smell. I can definitely taste the acai berry, and it’s a pleasant fruit tea. I really like the taste, but I find the smell overwhelming and almost nauseating.
I will definitely need to repackage the 2 oz I bought into something a bit more airtight than the ziploc baggie the store used.
Flavors: Berries
I found this at Safeway, and picked it up. I hadn’t seen a lavender earl grey before – two of my favorite things! And the price was pretty good for organic loose tea – it was under $8 for the 3.5 oz tin.
I brewed a mug tonight. The bergamot flavor was not as strong as I’d like, but I definitely tasted lavender. Maybe they had to tone down the earl grey in order for the lavender to come through. I think this would have been better if there was some vanilla or cream flavor too. That would be delicious. I may have to experiment later with some earl grey cream I have sitting in the cupboard.
I’m not sure I’ll buy thing again, but I’ll happily try some of the other flavors the company has for sale. It’s pretty decent quality loose tea for a very decent price. And at the supermarket!
I was expecting this tea to taste more like lychee, given how strong the lychee teas I have are. This tea tastes like a jasmine tea with a very subtle undertone of lychee. It’s very nice, but I’m not sure I’ll buy this again. It didn’t wow me, and the jasmine has a perfumy taste I’m not too keen on.
This came in my Steepster select box. This is a green oolong, and therefore lighter than I normally like my oolongs. However, it’s very pleasant and has that soothing quality I associate with oolongs. It starts off light, but then finishes darker. Delicious.
Thanks, Nicole, for the sample bag of this. It’s been floating around my bag for months and I finally remembered it and pulled it out tonight. The restaurant, when I requested tea, brought me Bigelow Green. Blech.
This is very nice – much nicer than other bagged tea I’ve tried that weren’t full leaf. The tea was full tasting, and mellow, and had a hint of spice in the aftertaste. This would be a good purse tea – stick some in my purse and pull it out when I’m in a restaurant.
As a hot tea, I’m not really a fan. I left the mug on the table and let it chill to room temperature (which is pretty cold right now), and liked it much better cold. I think I’ll use the rest of my 1 oz. pack for iced tea, but doubt I’ll be reordering.
I won a bag of this from Della Terra from a facebook contest, and I was really excited to try this.
I made up a jug of this last night with a 2:1 ratio of tea to sugar.
This is delicious! The cherry flavor is strong, and slightly tart. It tastes almost like kool-aid without all the artificial flavor. I’ll definitely be drinking more of this. I need to stick the rest of the bag into an air-tight container so I can enjoy this tea when the weather gets warm.
I brewed a pitcher of this last night and stuck it in the fridge over night. Despite the below freezing temperatures (thanks, Polar Vortex!) I’ve been hankering for some iced tea. I used up the last of my stash of this and I don’t think I’ll be reordering.
This tea still doesn’t taste quite right to me. I like it better chilled, but not by much. I do like that the predominant flavor is black tea. I don’t like that I get a perfumy taste in my mouth when drinking this.