353 Tasting Notes
Pass the Stash TTB #19
Holy carp this is amazing! It tastes like lime with some nuttiness. I don’t really get creaminess but I can see how others might. This is love in a cup.
And this is probably my last cup from this TTB. I’ve drunk so much tea today I’m surprised I don’t slosh when I move.
Flavors: Lime, Nutty
Pass the Stash TTB #18
This was middle of the road for me. I’ve had better coconut teas, and this one also doesn’t have a strong enough coconut flavor for me. There’s also a hint of fruit in the background but it doesn’t really come through to the front. Maybe if I added some sugar it would be better…
Okay, just added some sugar and that really did not help the fruit taste. However! The sugar really brought out a roasted coconut flavor that I am loving. I’m really enjoying this now.
Flavors: Coconut
Pass the Stash TTB #17
Almonds are my first love. And this tea is wonderfully almondy. Though there are some aftertastes that I am less than thrilled with (oh, hey, look there’s ginger in the ingredient list) but for the most part I’m enjoying this. I wish there was some added depth in flavor though – maybe something to add some creaminess or sweetness. Mmm.
Flavors: Almond
Pass the Stash TTB #16
I approached this with some trepidation since mango is one of those fruits that is hard to replicate in tea. But this one does a fair job of it. It’s probably the closest to fresh mango I’ve found in tea. It’s lovely.
But I don’t think I’m quite in the mood for it. The weather turned last night and I had to drag the silk comforter out of storage so I didn’t freeze while sleeping. My palate wants hearty and spicy, the cloyingly sweet of toffee instead of the light sweetness of tropical fruit.
It is still a fantastic tea. I just wish I had found it a few months earlier.
Flavors: Mango
Pass the Stash TTB #15
Once again, it would have behooved me to actually look up the ingredients instead of blindly grabbing this tea because I loved the name. Because as soon as I took a sip, I immediately wanted to spit it back out.
So, let’s talk about my hatred of ginger. All ginger. It is a vile, horrible, no-good spice that makes me want to hurl. It is the very rare tea that contains ginger that I can tolerate. This is not it. (Also, chais are evil because I want to like them but then the taste of ginger permeates through to my taste buds.)
Oh, hey, there’s ginger in this tea. Back into the box it goes.
Pass the Stash TTB #14
This was the last tea I drunk tonight, and it was the best of the three – though honestly that wasn’t saying much. As a holiday tea, this has all the spiciness that I come to expect. But it was missing depth and strength of flavor. The white tea leaf base was probably too light and the resulting tea was more watery than I would have liked.
There are other holiday teas I like better, though this one is drinkable. Maybe with a longer steeping time or more than one spoonful of tea it would be better.
Pass the Stash TTB #13
Meh. I’m not sure what this was supposed to taste like; I probably should have looked it up before steeping a cup. But I honestly didn’t taste anything but the rooibos. Even a little sugar didn’t help bring out other flavors. Now, I like rooibos but expected something more. Maybe if I had added more than my normal scoopful of tea, or had steeped it longer, or something. But I ended up dumping the mug and steeping something else.
Pass the Stash TTB #12
After I started drinking this, I was reminded that the last pistachio tea I tried I hadn’t liked. Remembering that, it is probably no surprise that this one wasn’t to my tastes either. It was too light for me, and I don’t like green tea bases as much as I like black for flavored teas.
I’m sure others would love it but wasn’t for me.
Pass the Stash TTB #11
I had been intrigued by various red velvet rooibos teas but never enough to buy it. So I was happy to try this in the TTB. Sadly I found it rather weak. I saw someone else who reviewed it used three bags per cup which seems like the flavor would be better – but honestly, if you make single-serve bags, flavor the things well enough that one bag is sufficient.
I get dark chocolate, but I wish it was stronger. Mainly, I get the sugar I added to the tea to get any flavor other than rooibos.
Glad I tried it, though I doubt I’ll ever buy any myself.
Pass the Stash TTB #10
I’m in utter love with this. LOVE. This tastes like buttered rum. Amazing. I really don’t know how David’s did it but it’s amazing. This is delicious.
Oddly enough, I had some rum last night at a Halloween party though I don’t normally drink it, so I have the flavor at the front of my memory right now. This tea mimics it very well.
Flavors: Rum