A friend of mine had to unexpectedly fly into DC in order to renew her passport, and I let her crash on my couch. In thanks, she brought me yummy things from Seattle, including a tiny packet of this. They were in filter bags, and not loose like I normally like my tea, but I don’t look gift tea in the mouth (unless it’s Bigelow in which case I will judge you so hard with all the tea snobbery I can bring to bear).
I made a cup of this today. I needed a pick-me-up since I was up until 2 working on a job application that I started around 10. (As an aside, why in the world does a job application need to be 30 pages, PLUS another page of logic questions, PLUS another 20ish pages of personality questions???)
I really liked this tea. It tastes nicely fruity but not overbearingly so. No sugar needed, either, to bring out the flavor like with some other teas. I was a tad worried since “artificial flavoring” is right there on the ingredient list and if it tastes too artificial, I won’t like it. Thankfully, it didn’t. It’s a nice tea. Sweet and fruity. On the light side of black teas. I think this would make an awesome iced tea.