Featured & New Tasting Notes


This is your celebration

Celebrate good times, come on!
(Let’s celebrate)
Celebrate good times, come on!
(Let’s celebrate)

Yes that was Kool & The Gang and we are celebrating my 1000th Steeping note! Boy this has come around very quickly, 1000 notes of me mumbling about tea and life stories. Thank you to those who have made it possible. Damn the Oscar music has come on so I am being shown off stage.
And now we are back into the land of tea and Earl Grey. This was surprisingly strong when I opened the tin, the bergamot is absolutely gorgeous. Then I realised it was still sealed in the foil packet, this is one of if not the strongest Earl Grey teas I have had the pleasure of sniffing. What do we want? Strong Earl Grey. When do we want it? Now!

Not only was the scent divine but looking at the leaves and seeing the beautiful autumn tones of a Darjeeling pushed this tea over the edge. So far I am astonished I have not tried this before.

Sampling without sugar but with a splash of milk for my first taste. Plus I have some left over wedding cake on the side that my cousin was kind enough to drop off for my aunty to distribute. Earl grey and wedding cake…sounds like bliss already.

Fragrant, perfumed, strong, clean, waxy, sweet. Some of the words that came to mind as I took my first sip. It is a very strong Earl Grey but it’s not heavy, and the bergamot is somewhat perfumed amongst the floral-esque Darjeeling but at the same time it is waxy, sweet and pure. ie non chemical or artificial. The balance is nice, though both elements are strong you can taste them both, though the bergamot lingers longer in the after taste.

I love Earl Grey and have tried many over the years, including especially imported and expensive blends. Compared to my Earl Grey index this particular one has to be my favourite. I’m not sure if I will be disappointed in the next month or two as the tea is now out of it’s foil packet and though tinned may loose it’s strength (as has happened many times over with various teas) but honestly this Earl Grey is so good I would offer it to Captain Picard.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 5 OZ / 150 ML

Grats on 1000! Notes :)


Congratulations on your 1000th Steeping note! That’s quite a milestone! I’ve certainly enjoyed reading many of them and found them to be very informative and helpful. Great job! Next stop 2000!


1000 notes! Wow. I mut add my congratulations!




Wow, congrats on the 1000! That’s quite an accomplishment :)


That is a LOT of notes. Congratulations Kitty!


Beautiful, I always enjoy reading your notes, cheers to the next 1000!


(Lol, now I can’t stop signing Celebration, it’s such a good song but I’m totally destroying it!!)


Woohoo!! and I love that song too hahaha.


Bravo Kitty ! sounds like a kind of MBA in tea notes :)


Thank you everyone! When I first joined Steepster I had no idea I would reach anywhere near the 1000 mark let alone meet and befriend so many wonderful people. I am truly honoured to be here with you all.

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Sad sipdown, although I’m confident I’ll be getting more of this in the future. Melon-flavoured teas seem to be proliferating right about now, so I may foray into their depths this summer and ultimately come back to this one. I really like the base white tea here, and this tea has a remarkable amount of flavour for a white. I used two heaping tsp in my carry mug and just greedily chugged the last few drops. I do love it when a sip down can end on such a wonderful note. Lots of cantaloupe, lots of cream (helped of course by the dash of cream I added), and a perfect tea to have to remind you that spring is around the corner…or, well, in our case across the world and light-years away, but a girl can dream.

And now to find a hotel to stay in in Hollywood that won’t have me selling myself to afford it! my goodness!


see it’s funny…i prefer melon teas in winter as that breath of summer to keep me from going out of my mind :)


Hmmm yeah that makes sense, too! I honestly love melon teas so much that I could probably have them whenever :D


I had this today and was reminded how much I love this one. It was the first Butiki tea I ever tried, and I fell in love with it HARD.


Hey, this was the first Butiki tea I’d ever tried also, and I, too, fell head over heels for it.


Yay! I think it was a sample from Sil? I’m not sure though.


I wouldn’t be surprised! I first tried this by placing an order. What a good decision that was!

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Welcome to Day 1 of Little Terri’s Ultimate Sipdown Extravaganza!
My goal is to complete as many sipdowns as possible, while still enjoying the teas to the fullest, so it’s not like I plan to fly through 100 teas in a week, I’m just trying to drink up all of my small quantities that I’ve been tossing into a box. It might last a week, it might last a month, who knows? Feel free to join me as I free myself of various tea remnants from TTBS, TOMCs, & trades (mostly from Sil).

I don’t really have very many plain black teas to sipdown, so I’ve decided one of the parameters of this extravaganza is to enjoy a nice big pot or gongfu session with any black tea I choose, first thing in the morning. After that, let the sipdowns begin!

Today is was a pot of this blend, which I really enjoy. It’s rich & manly, & a great way to start the day!


Good goal! I should do this also :)


I should do that myself


cough i dunno WHAT you’re talking about…

(i’m hoping i can get through a bunch of my sipdowns tomorrow or the weekend as well!)

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drank Chocolate Orange by DAVIDsTEA
652 tasting notes


I’ve been curious about pu-erhs lately, and this is the only one I’ve ever tried. Actually that’s not true, there was a Creme de Menthe one I used to enjoy also. Anyway, this one. It used to be a favorite of mine and I restocked it several times. I didn’t noticed the dirt or slight fishiness of it until I first joined Steepster and read reviews. Then when I smelled my tin of this I had myself convinced it was fishy fish fisherson all over the place.

I had enough left for one more cup, and decided to make it today.

I like the smell of it dry, not noticing the fishiness this time. Definitely a dirty smell though.
When brewed, it’s very dark, which I like in a tea for sure. And still smells like dirt.

But tastes like chocolate orange, with very earthy undertones. Not unpleasant! Actually the more I sip, the more I enjoy. The flavours go very well together, with this base.

I’d consider buying this again someday. In the meantime I will be trying some plain, quality Mandala pu-erh soon courtesy of MzPriss, which I am excited for, if not slightly trepidatious!

My next pu-erh related goal is to somehow get my hands on some of Lupicia’s Strawberry Chocolate pu-erh, which I hear is amazing, and there’s a Scottish Caramel pu-erh floating around by different brands (Tea Desire is supposed to be great), which I’d love to try before I buy.

I figure all of those things will allow me to determine how I feel about pu’erh right now!

If you’re looking for an easy in, this Chocolate Orange one works just fine as an intro, for me anyway!

Wow, my last note reviewed this as 19! It’s definitely not that, must have been at the height of my fishy dirt paranoia.

I have to bump it up. I don’t love it anymore but it’s much better than 19!


Does Lupicia not ship to Canada?! :( Teavana has a strawberry pu erh that is kinda tasty, but yeah, the Lupicia one is delicious!


From what I heard they don’t ship to Canada! Or else it’s one of those highway robbery situations


I really need to try pu-erh. I have yet to do so, and I have been VERY curious about the Lupicia’s Strawberry Chocolate pu-erh… it sounds amazing.


Always rinse,even flavored one. then its not that earthy.


Their shipping isn’t cheap but it’s also not as bad as some of the insane expensive companies like Adagio and Golden Moon – there is more info in the link I posted if anyone is interested. :))


Good to know!


I don’t know how long it takes to get to Canada from Texas, but maybe soon? I sent it last Saturday. I hope you enjoy it!


Probably next week :) can’t wait!!


Aint it funny how this puerh stuff can grow on you…..


Yes, it is!

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Continuing to whittle down the Butiki teas I don’t plan to restock, such as this one. I’ve forbidden myself from placing another Butiki order until I’ve cleared out this one, Irish Cream Cheesecake, and Traditional Plum Pudding (as well as tried my new Butiki samples from VariaTEA and the impending ones from 221Tea) from my cupboard. There are several I know I love that I plan on restocking, such as Pistachio Ice Cream, Cider Guayusa, and White Rhino and plenty more that I’ve yet to try but really want to but I’m not allowed to do that until I have room!

So this came with in the timolino today. I actually drank it in the evening not the morning Good Evening Sunshine, but shhhh it’s a secret. It feels wrong going against the tea’s name.

There was something off about it and I struggled to place what but suddenly it hit me while sipping at it: it needed honey! Thankfully and coincidentally we received a shipment of honey, jam, and PB to the store today so I just bought one of our bottles of honey, squeezed a little in, shook it around a bit, and continued sipping. With the new addition of honey, all felt right again.


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drank Nina's Japon by Nina's Paris
1598 tasting notes

I love this tea! It’s such a great tea for a really busy but awesome day.

Some of you know I work at a special makeup effects shop. Well they need to make a toddler for a tv show and I volunteered my child as a model to make the mold. So we set up a swimming pool, filled it with toys, and then spread warm goop all over her (arms, legs, whatever we could get a hold of) and then distracted the heck out of her so she wouldn’t move while it set. And it worked! Who know a 23 m.o. could be so still! :D I can’t wait to see how the molds turn out and how the finished toddler looks. :D

(So that’s why I haven’t been logging today. It’s been a long busy day)


Your job sounds super fun :-)


That is so hilarious! Glad she was able to be still. :)


It is! Some days definitely more than others! :D
I just got this picture of the first results: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=488591CF5D9E872AAHSUEl5REszhWP0&v=3&ithint=photo%2c.jpg


Wow, that is awesome! The little hands are so cute! I really wanted to go to special effects school in LA for a while, but I never ended up making it happen. So what worked to distract her so thoroughly? I’m about to fly with my little one and could use any suggestions to distract!


We had a few strategies – new toys, gumky candy, people to talk to her and distract her, and my tablet with Kung Fu Pands. I’m not sure that’d work for your flight, but I wish you the best of luck on your flight!


You work at a special makeup effects shop!? So cool!
Hubby and I are obsessed with watching Face Off, it’s so my dream job!


Just saw the pic, awesome! How did you get into a job like that?


Thanks! And it was mostly luck. I have a lot of history with Admin/Office Manager roles and my sister-in-law works at a shop that needed an Office Manager. So she gave me a recommendation and I was in after a short interview. I don’t do any of the hands-on stuff – I just order supplies, clean-up, make sure we get paid, and I had to create the website (http://www.mindwarpfx.com/)

I think if you’re trying to be a special fx technician you have to go to school for it? There a one-year course in Toronto, but I don’t know the name of the school. Seems like a lot of people do that, then get hired as an intern to get experience, and then it’s’ ALL about reputation and word of mouth to get recommended for other jobs.

It’s really cool what they do, but it’s not at all a lifestyle I’d like. With the Hannibal tv show we had 2 weeks at most to build everything for each episode and that lead to a lot of days where those guys worked 24 hour days, or only had 5 hours sleep total over several days. No thank you! And it’s all contract so you don’t have as much stability as you would elsewhere. But you get to create the best stuff so that is such a huge plus!


You got to see them work on stuff for Hannibal? Awesome!

Yeah I know the reality of it isn’t glamorous but it sure is cool :)
Sounds like you have a good view from your position!


It is always nice to get a reality check on “dream” jobs that never came to fruition, so thanks for that! I don’t think I’d like that schedule or the instability. I have been a body piercer by trade for a long time and the unstable income gets tiring after a while.


It is really cool. :) I even got to go check out the set for Hannibal, although most of it was locked up so I didn’t get any pictures. :| Hopefully we get Season3 and then i will. hahaha.

Yeah, it’s a tricky one. If you’re the type of person that just wants to work until the job is done, then it’s the perfect industry for you. I was very clear that I need to be 9-5 for my role and they were happy with that so it worked out extremely well!


(And I’m so freaking obsessed with Hannibal. Was before I started on the job! haha)


If I move to Toronto can you get me a job as your assistant?
Lol I will make you tea alllll day long ;)


Oh that looks so awesome! I have a friend who’s in specialFX, and it’s a long hard slog for new artists. She’s done a bunch of internships, worked on a few movies, but it’s so hard to find work. Especially if you move cities. It is ALL about networking.

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«This is my #1 favourite black tea» Dexter3657 wrote on this sample she so generously shared with me.

I won’t let this influence my note, but it’s always nice to know you’re drinking someone’s favourite tea :-)

Oh…it’s a nom-nom-nom tea. Sweet and malty, it’s what I call a comfortable tea. I’m sure it’s the type that does’t require much care in the brewing method and always comes out delish, no matter how bad you’ve treated it. I’m having it in the glass Gongfu pot. I forgot how long my first brew was, and it did not affect the taste. No astringency whatsoever.

It’s a Fujian and it wears that beautiful golden robe.

Yes, it’s fruity and nutty, with hints of baked potatoes. But it also has a saltiness and spiciness to it, almost brothy and savoury.

I like it cause it’s different and brings a different dimension to some other similar teas I have tried.

Thank you so much Dexter3657 for sharing one of your favourite with me :-)

Non tea related content:

It’s bird season, and as you know, I’m a fan, I feed them all over the yard. Since this morning, I have identified 17 different spicies. In a few weeks, I’ll have over 40 different species coming and going in the many feeders I fill with love every week…

I thought I’d mention them cause they are beautiful and really gave me joy today.
As I’m writing this, I’m watching a male Rose Breasted Grosbeak, just stunning!


That’s great about birds, thank you for sharing! Would you recommend any book for identifying birds?


You are welcome Kat_Maria!
I hardly use any books now, I converted to the iPad app iBird Pro, the best tool ever. You get so much more info, and you can hear the sound they make, that’s a big helper with species that are very similar to one another like Sparrows.

The book I would recommend is the one I used for years, North American Guide by Donald & Lillian Stokes. Very complete guide an easy to use with real illustrations of males, females and immatures. They sell it on Amazon:


Happy sighting :-)


The book looks really interesting! Thank you! I am more interested in a simple, physical book rather than an app or a website because the place where I see most unique birds is where I don’t get Internet access. This app sounds great, though!


Lol, yes, the fact that I live by the forest makes it easier for me. You can’t go wrong with the book. I still carry my book when I go on vacation or on lakes and rivers.

(but just so you know, the app doest require an internet connexion, it’s like an encyclopedia download, once it’s done it’s always available on your device, just the updates require a connexion, thought I should mention it :-))

Happy that you enjoyed this!!! Happy bird watching too – tea in the back yard watching the birds sounds like a really nice way to spend an afternoon to me.


This sounds great. I’m always a fan of teas that gracefully take abuse! (Would love to enjoy watching your feeders, too.)


Thanks Dexter, it was a lovely rainy day :-)

Gmathis, I abuse my tea constantly!

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Woot! Finally got my Whispering Pines order (darn borders…) So this of course is the first tea I tried. Dammit though, I oversteeped it while watching Person of Interest. Bah!

Regardless, this smells so strongly of chocolate out of the bag I looked around to see if I’d left some chocolate out accidentally. Nope, it’s from the tea! Amazing. Steeped (for 11 minutes, bah!) it’s still very chocolately with zero astringency, although I can still tell it would be much more delicate, light, yet full and rich had I done this justice. It smells amazing still even as it sits here, and I hope the scent floats out throughout the house.

Flavors: Chocolate

200 °F / 93 °C 8 min or more 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

I want to go back and watch Person of Interest from the beginning (I hate starting a series mid stream). Do you like it a lot?

Sami Kelsh

Oh man, this sounds SO good.


Person of Interest is one of my favorite shows, however I am biased; the showrunner is the (lesser known) brother who co-wrote both Memento, and had a part with the production of Inception as well. I see it as a television version of that style of film, and then when they added a female lead that just happens to be one of my favorite actresses, I was overjoyed. It’s really solid writing, and they’ve thought through the very complex storyline five years through… it shows.


Hmmm maybe I should give it another shot lol I watched the first season and just found it too repetitive


Woohoo Person of Interest! Possibly my favorite show on television. LOVE Jonathan Nolan too, MissB! Killer writing… I love dramatic shows that still have lighthearted moments occasionally and lots of witty one-liners. And yes, the storyline is awesome and has never felt tired (side note: omg ends of seasons are so stressful!).

I personally love the “number-of-the-week” format (with larger storylines interwoven) but I suppose it’s not for everyone. :)


Hmm… I’m looking for a new series, I might have to check it out. I just recently finished Fringe and hate that it’s over! It was so hard to watch the final episode!

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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
513 tasting notes

I’m still alive, guys!

Although I don’t think I would have been saying that so enthusiastically even a few days ago. I woke up last Monday morning with a mildly sore throat. You know, the “it would feel nice to have a warm drink this morning” type. Well, not even a few hours later, I was shivering, had a raging fever, and could barely swallow without literally crying in pain. Two days later, a doctor thought I had strep, so gave me antibiotics. Four days later, they still weren’t working at all, and the pain in my throat and ears was so awful that even breathing hurt. Then, I began puking violently. You know the kind where you’re on the floor clutching and lurching, thinking for sure you’re going to rupture something because of the force of your heaving? yeah that kind. Anyway, I went to the ER a few times to get hydrated. We’re thinking the antibiotics on an empty stomach for four days wasn’t such a good idea, either that or it was the wrong antibiotic. I was also blessedly given some really effective pain medication, even though they refused to give me anything for the pain the first time around. They were like “yeah, take Advil.” and I was like “I really think I need something stronger.” and they were like “Well we can’t give you narcotics!” and I was like seriously, wtf? there has got to be something between Advil and morphine you guys can give me. Sure enough there was, but advocating on your behalf when you’re sick is annoying.

Anyway, needless to say I didn’t have much tea at all. I sipped half-heartedly at this cup this morning, because it’s a very soothing and gentle tea, but my heart just wasn’t in it. It’s kind of disappointing, because I also just got my rivertea order in the mail and it all smells amazing. Oh well, I’ll hold off on drinking new tea until I’m feeling up to it.

It’s good to be back though!

Hesper June

Whoa! That sounds like a truly horrific few days!
I am so glad you are on the mend.
Hope you will be feeling in tip top shape soon.

Christina / BooksandTea

Yikes! I echo Hesper’s comment. It’s good that you’re (slowly) getting better. I hope you continue to take it easy.


Oh I’m so glad you’re starting to feel better! That’s awful. I know what you mean about the “advil or morphine” as pain management options. So ridiculous. There are lots of options!


Thanks, guys. I can’t wait until I feel fully like myself again. And omgsrsly, that really was very annoying. Give me a break-not everyone in pain is pretending, and not every painkiller is habit-forming.


What an awful sounding few days. I’m glad you’re getting better. Take good care of yourself, Keychange. I recommend libral amounts of tea.


That sounds horrible! I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better now.

carol who

Ya know, I thought we hadn’t heard/read anything from you for a few days. I was thinking you might be sick. I’m glad you are beginning to be on the mend. Get lost of rest and the always good advice from this group… drink tea :)


I am so glad you’re better and I am so sorry you had to go through all that! I am sending lots of hugs your way!


Thanks guys! let’s hope this never happens to anyone ever! LOL


Poor thing, feel better!


Hope you feel all better soon!


You guys are all so sweet.

Sami Kelsh

Big hugs to you, sweetie! What a couple of days you’ve had. I hope you continue to mend swiftly!


Thank you! so far so good :)


Yikes, hope you’re feeling better!!


Thanks. I’m getting there, I hope :D


Feel better soon and take care of yourself :-)


So much love, thank you.


That’s because you’re very loveable missy :-)


Glad to hear you are still alive and feeling better.


So glad to see you here and hope you’re back to your normal self soon! It’s too bad when so many people abuse the medical system that they won’t give meds to those who actually need them. Hope you’re feeling back to tea time soon!


Glad to hear you’re feeling better. That sounds so awful. :|

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Thanks so much to Marzipan for a sample of this tea!

I actually have one of the Butiki Educational Traveling Tea boxes right now as well, but today is my last day of work for the week, so I’m planning to spend some time with the box when I’m home and can do a proper comparison tasting :D

Anyway, this is a wonderful, assertive, exciting breakfast tea! I would consider purchasing some in the future, if not for me then for my friend who absolutely loves Irish Breakfast teas! YUM!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

I’m glad you like it, I love this one. Every day when I make myself try something else, I am guiltily looking at MIB because it knows (and I know) that I want it instead.

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I met Marzipan in real life today, and she gave me some of her special 52 teas blend! THANKS! :D

I’ve never had one of Franks white tea blends, this is exciting! I am drinking this unsweetened right now but I think I’ll probably add a little sugar to my next cup to up the jammy qualities. It has a nice raspberry flavor! The white tea is somewhat bland, but I think some sugar would really make this one pop. I’ll give it a rating next time when I taste it that way, but so far I do like this one.

Thanks again Marzipan!


so cool that you guys met IRL!


I know! I was so excited! My first Steepster meetup! We figured out that we live in neighboring cities :) Wish I could meet more of you guys!

Roswell Strange

I’ve met three Steepster people before, although two were brief. Kittenna, Janelle, and Lala (I had tea with Lala). It was very cool! It’s especially neat to me since I don’t live in Major city, so I was very surprised to find people in my area :) @Keychange, if you ever get the chance I totally recommend doing it!




Had a great time!


I’m jealous too! Sounds so fun!

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Back in December, Roswell Strange sent a package to my Thornhill address so that my sister could get it and bring it to me in Florida. That didn’t pan out and yesterday, as I was unpacking and organizing my room, I found the package hidden on my dresser. So, as per the suggestion if multiple steepsterites, I set this up to cold brew. I have no idea how long it steeped for but I believe it was about 11/12 hours.

This is definitely better as a cold brew than hot but still isn’t what I hoped it would be. The base is strong with a bit of vanilla sweetness. At the end of the sip, the carrot cake flavors come through, albeit subtly, and just sit on the tongue. Good, but not something I am heartbroken I won’t be able to get again. Nonetheless, thank you Roswell Strange for the chance to try this again!

Roswell Strange

So your giant box of tea showed up today! I’m curious what’s in the unmarked Nina’s Tin? In smells like an EG to me…


It is EG. I don’t care if you sell it or trash it or swap it or drink it, I just thought the tin was cute and wanted to share. Btw you should feel honored because green is my fav color and I parted with it just for you :P.

Roswell Strange

I do feel honored :) Although you single handedly pushed me over 200! Albeit only briefly :P


My bad. I just figured once I was sending a box, might as well fill it :P. And don’t worry, I am sure when your box arrives, I will hit the 200+ mark as well given I went from 140 to 192 in a day :O

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No gongfu session this morning, as I have things to do. So I’m changing it up a bit, starting with a cup of this assam. I’m drinking a 5 minute resteep of the leaves right now, & although it doesn’t carry the full richness of the original cup, it’s still smooth & better than anything I would get in a teabag. Not bitter in the least, nor astringent, just memories of malt, dark chocolate, & a lingering tanginess like plums.

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drank Bolder Breakfast by The Tea Spot
1719 tasting notes

Morning cup. First off I just noticed this is Bolder Breakfast not Boulder Breakfast like I spelled it on my blog a while back. Had to fix it. Second, I didn’t feel like searching to post, so I typed bolder breakfast into the search. There seems to be at least 3 different listings for the same tea. Such is Steepster in the morning. My blurry head tastes chocolate, something mildly spicy, and pu’er. That’s all I got until I wake up. I recall it being awesome from last time.

Sami Kelsh

Mmm, I like awesome.


I put some of this in a small tin and I wrote up the label as Boulder Breakfast. The Tea Spot does have a tea called Boulder Blues, but this one is just Bolder.


I remember checking out their website and since they operate out of Boulder it was a short jump to mistaken identity and yeah, seeing Boulder Blues helped steer me off course.

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Oh goodness! I adore this tea. The dry leaves look like soft little pillows. Adorable. The infused tea is delicious. The taste is very slightly like steamed veggies. There is also a salty buttery note and a fruity finish. I feel like I am explaining this tea so poorly because the description sounds weird, but the taste is amazing. I’ve never tasted anything like it before, but I am loving it. It also resteeps incredibly well. With the second steep there was more fruit. With the third and fourth steeps there was a nice mix of salted butter and fruit. Good stuff!

Thank you Angel and Teavivre for the chance to sample this tea. Between this tea and the Dragonwell you have made a green tea lover out of me!

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

Sounds good! :D


This does sound yummy.

Hesper June

Soft little pillows? Cute!


i love bi luo chun, yum!


It is a great tea. My next order with Teavivre is going to be huge!

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I’m so glad this tea exists! I have such a horrid allergy/sinus headache. This tea is absolutely perfect for when I need something strong yet flavorful. Loving the burned chocolate, bergamot, and bread notes right now. Now if only this headache would go away. I’m trying to drown it out in caffeine and Excedrin.

In other news, we have been pretty darn busy. In case you missed it we added the following new teas:
Kenya Obsidian-wonderful Kenyan black tea
Baked Ali Shan-Lightly oxidized and lightly roasted
Fu Shou Shan-Lightly oxidized, very high elevation, very flavorful
Taiwanese Bi Luo Chun-very fresh, flavorful
Hong Yun Black-tastes like PTA & Mi Xian Black crossed paths
Lattakajoon Assam-Chocolatey Assam
Organic Sourenee Black Blossom-Like a chocolatey cross between Darjeeling & Assam
1994 Aged Bai Hao-Like a honey drizzled on top of baker’s chocolate. Another lovely leafhopper bitten tea
Blackberry Lime Guayusa-Steph’s idea for our Custom Blend Contest
1989 Suncha Blend-Mostly shou but some sheng. Very flavorful and smooth

Still to go-
Kenyan Silver Needle-Incredibly buttery, creamy, flavorful!
2009 Banchang-heavy Apricoty notes. This puerh has quite a story behind it. Rare.
Blueberry Purple-back soon!

Added back-
Birthday Cake
Crimson Horrizon

Whew! We certainly have been busy in the last 3 week!!!!!

Also, if anyone is interested we are only asking for shipping charges for these lovely wooden display cases: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1470625936506048&set=a.1383480678553908.1073741827.100006759666084&type=1&theater


I’m so sorry, Excedrin doesn’t help me w/headaches:(. I’m on Zurtec for abt 2 months. If I skip for any reason it’s a nightmare, I feel suffocated. So excited about your new teas. Feel better;)


I’m all over that Banchang as soon as you add it! Sounds way up my alley! And I will have to order more blackberry lime, too :D


And I hope your headache goes away soon :/

Butiki Teas

boychik-Thanks! :) Excedrin Migrane is the only thing that helps but only sometimes. I’ve been going to an allergist since I was 8. Have had to take some kind of allergy pill every day. I’m usually ok except when the seasons change. Then all hell breaks loose.

Steph-Thanks! :) The Banchang is delicious. There is a bit of a story behind it but I just don’t have enough room in the description. I might do a separate blog post for it. In the region of that jungle that it comes from, over 78,555 tea trees are more than 100 years old, and 9,412 are over 800 years old. It is a super interesting tea and pretty rare!


I get awful headaches when bad weather is rolling through.

Butiki Teas

Sorry to hear that Marzipan.


I wondered if that might be the same with you, but just read your post above.


Wow I would love try all of those teas! They sound great!

Butiki Teas

Thanks, Tea Sipper! :)

Tea Pet

I’m so sorry about the allergies!!! I was super close to an allergy induced asthma attack today in the office. Gods, Spring sucks. Have you tried taking Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen at the same time? That sometimes helps me with my migraines and sinus headaches. Aside from that, I have a prescription medicine that immediately helps! I can PM you the name. Please feel better!

Side note: That Bai Hao…. ::drools::

Autistic Goblin

If it’s allergies why aren’t you taking a antihistimine? like reactine or benadryl? as for teas that help I would say anything with licorice root, or dandelion root. They open up the airways and make it easier to breathe. Mint works really well on headaches if you rub the leaves on your temples the oil helps. Or just drink a mint tea. Hope your allergies leave you alone soon!

Butiki Teas

Thanks, Tea Pet! Spring is brutal. I’ll have to try that trick. For now, I’m trying to avoid prescription meds. My doctor prescribed some but the side effects are making me hold off on trying them.

Helena-I’m just taking Allegra daily. I might give licorice root a shot. Thamks for the suggestions!


It’s too bad licorice tastes like licorice. :(


I hate licorice and all licorice flavored things, but I can do licorice root as part of herbal blends! Just adds a sublte sweetness, I find.


oooh a kenyan silver needle sounds super intriguing.


Hope today is better for you! <3

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First off, I invited http://steepster.com/lyssakitteh to Steepster today, and she could use some friends if you can follow her!

Second, holy fritos I can’t believe how many samples Just Organic sent me. I had offered to sample/review two of their teas, and they sent TWELVE samples. What a nice surprise!

You know I like my Earl Greys, so this was the first one I pulled out of the pile. They included enough or a good sized cup (maybe a teaspoon and a half, which is perfect). I like it a lot. It’s heavy on bergamot, but that’s…my cuppa tea (had to get it in here somewhere). As another reviewer said, there’s nothing fancy in here like mallow flowers, just black tea and oil of bergamot. It’s really working for me on this nasty, rainy afternoon.

Really impressed with Just Organic so far!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 11 OZ / 325 ML

They were so generous with their samples. :)
I can’t wait to try this one.


ooo! I am so looking forward to trying their samples. This makes me excited for what might be in my mailbox when I arrive home from work today!


How does one acquire these samples? :D


I can’t wait to get the samples! Ooo I hope they come today!


Following your friend! :)

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Sorry for my lack of posts over the weekend. As some of you may have read I attended my cousins wedding on Saturday and it was an all day event, the ceremony was beautiful and it was nice having the family together. Unfortunately as occurs at most weddings there were a few drunken incidents…embarrassingly my husband came off the worst. He ran face first into a tree which resulted with a bad black eye, cut up nose and fat lip. Worst of all I didn’t even get to see it :/ Would have been a sight!

Long story short my weekend was recovery for both of us, I do love my red wine. This Darjeeling Earl Grey tea is the only thing I can stomach right now and we’ve had copious amounts over the last few days. A splash of milk and sprinkle of sugar really brings out the bergamot in this blend and smooths it nicely into a silky liquid easily gulp-able.

Oh well, at least my cousin and family will have some amusing stories from the wedding…albeit this one at the expense of my very silly husband.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 8 OZ / 250 ML
Christina / BooksandTea

How did he manage that?!


The after party was outside in a large marquee and all around were fields and beautiful gardens. I told my husband to get some fresh air while I get him some water and he ran off saying he’s fine, well my mum and uncle followed him to bring him back and it’s then that he ran into the tree. I asked him once he sobered up the next day why he ran and he said it was to prove that he was sober enough to keep drinking. Evidently not the case. At least it’s a wedding we will never forget.

Terri HarpLady

This sort of thing explains why I quit drinking 30 years ago, LOL

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Cold steeped this in milk overnight a la Courtney!

I do think I prefer it this way to just shaking it with cold milk and drinking it immediately. Seemed more evenly mixed. Plus it was less work first thing in the morning, which is always good.

Good breakfast!


you do mix it before sticking to fridge, right?


Yes! “A la Courtney” haha.


So do you just shake it and leave it in the fridge overnight?


Right boychik I whisked it real good with my cute tiny french whisk before putting it in the fridge. Then right before drinking it I kinda shook it around a little bit :)

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i just finished the last of this, finally. i am sad to see this go =0(

lovely as a latte, lovely clear… entirely unique, bright and fresh….. hmmm i have 3 14 week classes that have to be accomplished in 7 weeks apiece. (the rationalization begins…..)


Oh god…if I ever get more of this as samples or whatever….you’re getting it all.


i don’t know why i love it so much, lol. bright and bambooey. =0)no BLERGamot.


Go to bed! Lol


yeah- it’s about that time. thinking of you, btw- ordered in some matcha, chucking it into smoothies every day. dropped 12 pounds! =0)


Awesome! Go you!

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drank Ginger Lime by Bayswater Tea Co.
15565 tasting notes

always on the search for more ginger teas – especially non caffinated ones, i picked this up while at bayswater. I was originally going to get the ginger pineapple, but when i smelled this one, i knew it was the way to go. This is like lime gelato from david’s tea but less sugar and more spicy kick! Again, i could handle more ginger but on the whole, this is a really tasty one. it’s got just enough ginger to satisfy me and accompanies the lime really nicely. So glad i opted for this one over the pineapple since i think that wouldn’t have been as nice.


I smelled this one and ended up passing, just because I had too many.


I’m adding teas to my shopping list, even though I am not allowed to go tea shopping for many many months at this point. :)


I went a little crazy, but those are the only two shops i’m going to. 12 new teas and $80 down. Eep. OMGsrsly, I noticed Pekoe Tea en route to Bayswater – have you been?


MissB has gone to Pekoe tea – she sent me a few. Of the ones i’ve tried, i’d be more inclined to do bayswater. Only 12 teas…sheesh…try harder! :)


omg – happy to send you some as well to try. I still have the bolder breakfast set aside for you too


Courtney, Pekoe carries Steeps teas, and some from other suppliers. They measure into tins. Some are good, some are terrible, and the service really depends on the staff as it is more of a cafe.


Sil… :P

I’m too overwhelmed with life right now to deal with more teas. :) I haven’t had any today again… I made more coffee this morning.


OMG…next time you’re at steam tell him your vacationing friends were sad they got no samples and had to get 100g….


Gah, I know 100g was so much! For Maple Seduction it’s fine, but I didn’t really want 100 of the other two haha. Good to know about Pekoe too.

Try harder :P I’m not up in the hundreds of teas like you Sil, and I need to keep it that way haha!


courtney..i could change all that for you bwahahaha


..also i’m LESS than 100 from where you’re at…totally not bad :P


Good job! Hehe, I have zero cupboard space as it is, and my teas have now taken up another drawer. I think the issue is, all the teas in my Steepster cupboard are actually decent amount.


I totally will, Sil! That sucks so much.

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drank 1989 Suncha Blend by Butiki Teas
1113 tasting notes

Bear with me guys, this will be a long tasting note!

I was lucky enough to be one of the first to try this fine new puerh offering from Butiki. Not sure I’ve ever had a blend of sheng/shu before! Also this tea is from when I was 8 years old. WOW!

I took time today to steep it gongfu style, and took notes on each steeping! Puerhs can be so subjective, really, so take my notes with a grain of salt. 1 tablespoon of tea, 4oz gaiwan.

Steep 1- Only about 15 second steep. I didn’t rinse it, this puerh is so old and precious I didn’t want to waste a drop! The wet leaves immediately smelled a tiny bit smokey, with faint damp earth, pine and cedar notes. I can tell there is some sheng in here.

Steep 2- 20 seconds. The smoke is already almost completely gone. It is richer, and almost creamy now. The shu elements are starting to emerge and take over.

Steep 3- 20 seconds. The leaves are really “opening up” now. There is a distinct pleasant woody flavor. Maybe like if tea could be made from a freshly carved branch of oak? The taste is round, and very open. Mild and gentle sweetness.

Steep 3- 1 min. This very much makes me think about the forest, but there is zero dirt or moss. It is like the essence of a tree. I’m drinking a tree! :D

Steep 4- I think the leaves are getting tired, but there is a wonderful energy about this tea and I don’t want it to quit. I think after this steep I’ll leave them in some boiling water for several minutes and walk away and see if anything happens, haha…

Anyway, to sum up- This is wonderfully woody! Not a single off flavor or dirty vibe. Very sweet and good! I’d consider purchasing more for special occasions.

3 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

I don’t think I tried anything older than 2005. Wow, I’m so curious. I have to try it, TeaTiff send it to me in that surprise package fr Butiki. I just don’t have that special time to fully appreciate this rare tea.

Terri HarpLady

I have some of this, waiting to be sampled :)

Butiki Teas

Stephanie-Real interesting to see your notes on this! I can definitely see the “essence of tree” notes! I was contemplating adding a smoke note to the description but it ultimately left it out since it was hardly noticeable on the first steep and with some rinses I wasn’t even getting a smoke note and I didn’t want to turn people away from trying this puerh. Glad you enjoyed it! :)


grrrrr terri imma stamp my feet at you!

Terri HarpLady

Sil, I’ll start a new box for you…


oh no… no no…i’ll just place an order with stacy. haha that will get me less teas lol


Stacy for 100 ml gaiwan should I use 5 g, 7g ???

Butiki Teas

boychik-How long are you planning on steeping it? If you want to do longer steeps 30 seconds, 2-3 grams should be sufficient.

Butiki Teas

For shorter steeps, I would do about 5-6 grams.

Butiki Teas

I never measure anything when I gongfu brew. Mostly just eyeball the amount of room the tea is taking up in my gaiwan.


Short steeps. I think I’m bad when measure my tea. Since I don’t have a lot and I want it to be perfect that’s why I’m asking. My thinking in general that there is no bad tea, I just didn’t make it the right way…


Wow, great note!

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I picked up an oz of this in my Butiki orer, & it’s tasty! I’m never had a Macaron, but this tastes like a light pastry with lemon & vanilla creaminess. Works for me!




I like this one a lot.

Terri HarpLady

Neener neener neener


i justcleaned up my cupboard and found homes for all the recently purchased teas….. i REALLY shouldn’t buy anymore until i get a few more down…i have no more room since i’m trying to stay out of the kitchen lol

Terri HarpLady

Just don’t send any of them MY way!


I’m getting some Tuesday! Stephanie didn’t like it so she is giving hers to me.


How does this one compare to L’Hiver?

Terri HarpLady

hmmm…I think I still have a little of L’Hiver left, so I’ll try to compare them.



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drank Fujian Beauty by Tealux
871 tasting notes

Dexter3657 was so kind to have sent me some wonderful surprise samples of teas that I like as well as teas that were on my wishlist. Thanks so much!

This Fujian black is AMAZING!. The smell of the dry leaf is very thick and malty, almost as if there was a bread-y quality to it. The brewed tea smells very similar to the dry tea but with the addition of scents of wild honey. The brewed tea tastes like any Fujian black should. It is thick, with a thick malt. Some notes of wild honey. It is bold but I am getting no astringency. It is very smooth. I think Fujian blacks are my favorite. This one does not disappoint.

As a sidenote for anyone that was following my ridiculous tasting notes/stories yesterday, my company came down, got ridiculous drunk and threw up all over the bathroom, and spilled Burger King poutine all over my couch. Is now sleeping so I have to be dreadfully quiet because I am scared to wake “the hangover”. Yesterday I angrily proclaimed that I was not going to be the one that was cleaning the bathroom, and all I got was giggles in return. So much for my recluse weekend. Next time, turn off phone, close windows and blinds, lock doors, don’t respond to any attempts of contact, and hope no one calls the police because they are scared something happened to me.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Ugh. That sounds the worst. :( so sorry


Ugh, how awful. I think somebody is going to need a severe talking to, hangover or no hangover.

Terri HarpLady

That sucks. In the famous words of my mom, “with friends like that, who needs enemies?”


Sadly it is a member of my family, but that being said I do agree Terri. More like with family like that, who needs enemies? :P


I have to go read your story now!


Oh dear. That’s the worst. Family – you gotta love em but you don’t have to like em!


Yikes, sounds like a miserable night. Just show them the mess in the bathroom and reinforce that you are not cleaning it haha, hopefully they help out a bit!


Wow, that’s terrible! Hope you get some peaceful alone time soon!

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